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Mini Event

Mini Event - Jail break v1
For 7 Prizes - Recommend Setup - Boys 3/2/2, Sam lv4, DK lv2 with 500 customers
Alternative setup: Boys 3/3/3, Barb lv4, Casino lv2 with 600 Customers
This one is easy, but requires a lot of tapping at first.
The way I do this one is Tap your way to open Roc Vodka. Tap your way to automate RV, and upgrade Jroc to lv2 while doing this. Get the boys to 2/2/1 Skip mystic fingers (you can/need to open it, and get customer bonuses, just don’t automate). Upgrade Barb to lv2 (tap to automate casino). Get the recommended setup and you’re good.
submitted by chasey9550 to tpbgm [link] [comments]

Basic Rotes for the Euthanatos - Mind

Ok... it took a while but here is the next sphere for the euthanatos. I´m sorry I´m taking this long to release these posts, but life has been truly demanding these weeks. If you guys have the courage to get through this wall of text please say what you think about the work so far.

Please, send some feedback if you can.

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Past Lists:
Basic Rotes for the Traditions
O - Dissecting reflections - While many traditions recognize the idea of a soul and relate it to a person's individuality and psychic identity, the chackravanti for their part, hold a very different concept from the ghostly images we often see depicted in stories and myths. That which is truly immortal in ourselves is the atma, which is boundless, infinite and unquantifiable awareness. The mind is actually a material object shaped by karma, a vase full of resplandencent water in which all individuality is just reflected light of the universal consciousness. Lives pass away, worlds arise and dissolve, passions come and go, what remains is the gaze of eternity, from which we all descend.
Through meditation, spiritual communion and immersion on the secrets of life, death, the gods and rebirth, the euthanatos experience all sort of spiritual influences over their minds, bodies and souls. They sediment the realization that even minds are external phenomena, things that we observed, analyse and judge, momentary vessels bound to the wheel as any other physical forms, worn and discarded by the atma in its procession through eternity.
During instructions on this rote, mantras and prayers are taught as aids for mages to retreat from their own minds. In this wordless state of pure awareness, the true source of emotions, memories and thoughts become clear as either bubbling from within or intruding through the actions and influences of exterior forces. Through this spell the traces of mundane persuasion, emotional manipulation and trickery becomes as clear as more overtly supernatural commands and the gross organic motions provoked by drugs, sleep deprivation, physical discomfort, neurological problems or pathologies can be distinguished from pulses arising from deep within the subtle mind. By extending his perceptions to other beings, painting their third eye with sacred tinctures or leading them into song, ritual and yoga, the mage can penetrate the subtle shell that safeguard another consciousness and extend his senses, finding similar clues about influences working inside.
O - Constricting Knots - Fate and karma bind the heart in supernaturally powerful knots, as regret, grief, trauma and longing constrain the shape and movement of the mind, ordaining the obsessive return of specific thoughts, memories and impressions. The connection thanatoic mages have with the wheel makes them especially sensitive to the vibrations, tunes and pulse tormented souls leave in the environment.
After strengthening his personal connection to the forces of fate and karma through exercises of worship, funerary work or spiritual practice, the mage may choose to keep his senses open to the presence of people around him. While walking among those present in a funeral or vigil, it is easily to discern who is most perturbed, regretful or tormented by the passing, while reading the laws of a contract, vows of a pledge or duties associated with a role it is easy to spot the tell tale sign of discomfort and doubt at unfulfilled obligations or unwilling bondages. While watching over a crowd the mage can also discern which souls are most troubled, deranged and who may warrant a deeper investigation, maybe hiding skeletons in their closet. More merciful observations also reveal what people may need a comforting word or even timely intervention in order not to drown on their own grief, sadness or unhealth obsessions.
OO - Whispers of Silence - One of the similarities between the chackravanti, Sahajyia and the akashayana is that a core part of their style lies in the development and cultivation of faculties that outsiders often conflate with all sorts of psychic powers described both in myth and science fiction. These traditions often use meditation, mantras and physical practices such as yoga and martial arts as common gateways to such powers but each group gives emphasis to different elements of those practices. The akashics often immerse themselves in the motion and presence of their exercises learning to cultivate and hold specific transcendental mindset that can hardly be explained by words alone, only experienced through trainning and repetition, Sahajiya pursue the opening of perceptions arising from the energies and states of consciousness developed in such rituals while euthanatos see diligent work, both physical as well as spiritual, as building a stable path of development, strenghtening the spirit in a similar way physical exercise builds the physical body.
This specific rote makes use of the sharpened spiritual senses developed by the mage to capture the faint energetic vibrations provoked by the motions of the mind. Through meditation and yoga the chackravanti infuses vitality in the invisible organism upon which his spiritual senses are build, by painting the third eye with the appropriate spices, herbs and tinctures he both cleanses and attunes it to the proper essence of thought and through mantras and breathing he removes all distraction that could interfere with his supernatural perception. While walking among other meditations, the guru judges if they are holding the proper mental patterns or silently humming the correct mantras, by peering deep into the eyes of a suspect, the investigator listen to all words that aren’t said in a conversation, by diving in crowded markets the peregrim tastes bits and pieces of each person’s thoughts looking for particularly troubled, violent or enlightened scents that may warrant further attention. Both in memorial services as in crime scenes killers are often captured as they can’t help but coming to gloat on bewildered investigators and during high stakes games in casinos both legal and illegal, lakshmits can’t help but smile at how easy it is to bluff their way into the fortunes necessary to fund the tradition.
OO - Gravitas - The heart of each creature pulses with energies and emotions proportional to their level of spiritual evolution. While on a sensible level, all humans may seem similar, the vibrancy, tension and pull of their subtle organisms reveal differences in spiritual evolution as deep as those of the size, gravity and between the planets and stars that dot the night sky. Through their dedication to the maintenance of the universe, euthanatos transform themselves accumulating the kind of enlightened karma that is said to allows souls crossing the wheel to ditch the human condition and rebirth in the exalted form of gods and goddesses. This spiritual merit, can be used to exert enormous emotional pull, plunging the hearts of sleepers into the mage’s metaphysical gravity, synchronizing their moods, feelings and dispositions with the divine motion the mage cultivates inside himself.
By praying for the deceased, the mage can calm the hearts of the grieving, by singing mantras in a temple, worshipers are reminded of the depth of eternity, with whispered threats backed by sacrificial knives, fools can be made to feel deep, unrelenting dread and regret. The focus of this rote is often a jewelry, symbols or idols of the gods of the wheel as well as the morbid attires and distinct signs that set euthanatos as tenders of the dead and gatekeepers of eternity. Whatever the emotions the mage exhudes they all lead to states of deep contemplation. humility, quietude or regret preventing the heart from entertaining the petty problems of daily life, leaning toward appreciation of that which truly matters on a greater picture of the cosmos.
OOO - Dreadful Reminder - There are no perfect crimes or unseen secrets. Our own thoughts, memories and hearts are the eyes of the gods and goddesses of fate, in our roots, we all connect to the eternal motions of the wheel - a single soul split in a million shards, trying to experience a multitude of different lives while longing for the cyclic end of times when everything reconnects and returns to one.
While the life span of universes is long, each heartbeat counts, forever lost once spent. The clock is always ticking and the possibilities of life reduce bit by bit each day. This rote teaches the mage to hold that pervasive fatality through mantras, offerings to the gods and hands dusted with bone ashes or blood tinctures. By touching a sleeper or holding his gaze while performing a dreadful mudra or mantra, the mage infuses his spirit with heavy, sinking energy that resurfaces the deepest regrets or painful losses, makes eyes flood with bitter tears and cracks voices up with supernatural disquiet.
If used on wake victims, this rote may lead to sobbing confessions, catatonic introspection or, if the euthanatos cover his skin with ashes or paints the visage of the black goddess over his face, make the victim see the source of his torments and regrets in the person of the mage.The subject loses notion of time and place, disoriented as if deeply intoxicated, he may think he is relieving the context of a past trauma and may attack, try to make amends, confess or apologize.
If used on a sleeping person, this rote warps dreams into nightmarish reenactments of past trauma, favoring the situations in which the subject regrets having taking part. Shaking and sweating, the person vocalizes in his sleep and may be led to answer questions the mage asks as the words reshape themselves in the lips of the figures present in the dreams.
OOO - Spiritual Agony - Spiritual development is the feeding of a flame that burns brighter and hotter while sustained by karmic fuel. The presence of illuminated beings is bright light that expands just beyond the material spectrum, capable of blinding and burning the senses of lesser beings that refuse to cultivate their spirit or end up becoming too accustomed to dwell into darkness. When channeling the wheel or expressing their inner divinities, chackravanti ignite the invisible bodies like furnaces, blazing like few things on the material world ever could.
This rote is a two part process in which the mage “heats up” his own enlightened soul and, through mantras, curses, and energy projection using asanas and mudras, he stirs into torpid motion the invisible senses of a target. Confronted by a sudden flash of invisible brilliance, the unprepared soul shakes, burns and twists in spiritual agony. Such discomfort manifests as a strange headache that rapidly intensifies into a feverish migraine and a disorientation that becomes a complete inability to string coherent thought, speech or remember anything other than the pain and the present moment. Continuous exposure to this magick rapidly takes out a victim, making its consciousness retreat in itself not to confront the light. This is a technique often used to contain or take out a victim without showing signs of actual physical violence.
OOOO - Hanging by their words - A healer is just a man that set himself to study organisms like his own so he can know health, disease and the divide between, a general is but a soldier that learns to guide a much larger army them himself by predicting the rules and motions of war and the skilled boatsman drinks from the river’s water but knows to respect its currents and depth. The role of a mage, to the euthanatoi, can be understood in the shadows of those figures. While sleepers live and die blind to meaning, fight battles they don’t understand and drown in the currents of fate, the awakened have conditions to learn the eternal laws of karma, become the avatar that turn the great wheel itself and can channel the forces of fate as long as they obey and respect their position related to them.
This rote manifests this perspective as the mage adorns himself with the symbolic garments of the great judges of the underworld, the furies or the sisters of wyrd and lends his eyes, ears and voice to the greater forces of fate, justice and cosmic order. Empowered by and moving along the chains of fate, the euthanatos can force people to comply to oaths previously taken, duties they once accepted and traditional roles that they willingly and knowingly fulfilled.
Under matrimonial vows, partners confess their deepest secrets and desires to each other, In a court of law no lies can be ever uttered, police officers can’t help but uphold not only the letter but also the spirit of the law and are compelled to put their own lives on the line in the defense of the citizens they swore to serve and protect, physicians can do no harm and the self proclaimed followers of a god and adherents of a religion cannot act against their creed, deny service to their temples or participation in adoration of their deities. Promises made in the euthanatos presence can be enforced through mystical might as free will become powerless against the forces itself has put in motion. While the mage is a channel for oppressive spiritual pressure, he is just an instrument to that which people bring upon themselves. If the cause is proper and just, he may try and set traps to ensnare the uncautious, but they must always fall themselves into foolish promises for their will to be subsumed by this spell.
OOOO - Rivers of rebirth - The chackravanti consider physical things many elements other mystics see as intrinsic or deeply tied to the most rarefied parts of the spirit. Among those things is memory itself. Seen as another vessel for the atma or a stains on the outer fabric of the soul, memories are dissolved and washed away in the process of rebirth either in the fires of the Wheel or the cold waters of lethe. By divesting themselves from the heavy substance of past lives, people prepare to reenter the world with a lighter karmic burden, flexible and amenable to building a better platform on which to stand for further cycles of rebirth.
This rote allows the Euthanatos to bring into the living world the spiritual mechanisms that lifts the weight of memory. The enactment of prayers, mantras and the retelling of epics over the consecration of jars of pristine water, specially prepared baths, scented curtains of fine silk or white cloth drenched in perfume create appropriate physical vessels to extremely fine and powerful spiritual emanations. By submerging, bathing or guiding a person through such filters, the mage can make a person forget their whole lives and begin anew, reborn while still in the flesh and better suited to rebuild themselves a better karmic vehicle in this life. A limited, more controlled, version of this process can be enacted by making a people confess their traumas and regrets during the execution of the ritual. By using a lighter touch the mage erases only those elements brought to the forefront of the mind, living all the rest intact. The finest, most delicate version of this rote uses small cloths, special perfumes and exquisite bottles to either douse a victim or with which to imbibes a piece of cloth used to suffocate a target. This very limited exposure only takes away the immediate moment from memory and, if the victim is guided into telling pieces and bits about themselves, those facts are only temporarily removed slowly manifesting back in the recesses of the mind as days pass by.
OOOOO - The Shadow Arbiter - Thanatoic Masters learn how to turn the same processes that nurture their inner gods and goddesses to seed the spirit of other beings. Fed and deeply connected to the strands of fate, these embryos develop into powerful psychic entities, always watching and judging their hosts so they properly fulfill all oaths, duties and vows they might take.
This rote is traditionally done through mantras, brandings and sacrifices made at the feet of statues of cthonic deities or in ancient temples dedicated to the Gods of the Wheel. On their knees, the target host must utter their oaths, promises and vows to the cold uncaring visages of stone and become haunted by their images that burn itself deep inside their minds. From that point onward, whenever they are alone, look to mirrors or fall asleep, the impassive eyes of eternity hover over them and the silhouette of bloodthirst gods dance just outside their field of vision. If they are pious and truthful, such presence recedes to the background, but if they foment even the briefest thought about betraying their duties, terrible and violent images jump to the forefront of their minds, they drop into bouts of insanity and may feel all sort of phantom pains and tortuous delusions.
When brought to the presence of the chackravanti, the hosts of these entities can be made to fall in deep torpor, allowing the entities to take hold of their body to express their judgement and report events that may have happened. In such terrible occasions, the entity and the chackavanti may agree to sentences, missions and attonement plans that are informed through nightmares at the proper times and are enforced through the painful leash of madness.
This is a rote often used to ensure victims make amends for large karmic debts they might hold. It is an alternative to the good death to those beings that are considered too tainted to be safely released into the wheel before working to lift at least some of their karmic debts. While a nightmarish experience, to host such small avatars of the gods, is seen as a sacred honor as it exposes a person to holy emanations that are said to help in growth and healing of maladies of the soul.
OOOOO - Unlocking the Vessel - Mastering the intricate locks that bind the ethereal organism to the gross physical body is the traditional feat that sets masters apart from lesser thanatoic mages. This work is done by carefully using material reagents, pigments and natural essences in an environment properly harmonized through mantras, devotional services and powerful energetic cradles created by the most elevated spiritual faculties of an enlightened master. With a careful touch on the chackras and prana pathways, this rote expertly looses up the soul from its organic vessel without damaging the systems that are used to connect one another. Temporarily freed from its body, the subject of this spell can wander around as a immaterial ghostly figure only other astral travelers and psychics can properly perceive.
While in control over the spiritual gates of the body, the master can also choose to bring other souls into the vacant vessel and, with a proper setup, cross operations can be done, making souls temporarily switch bodies, flowing into each other through a artificial, common, spiritual circuit.
Once the influence of the spell fades, the souls are rapidly brought back to their vessels as long as their silver cord, a metaphysical link between the astral and material vessels, is kept intact. To cut such link, though, is an easy task for a thanatoic mage able of working this rote, and in some war chantries it is a common tactic to keep prisioner’s spírits away from their bodies and under constant treat of a final severance.
submitted by kaworo0 to WhiteWolfRPG [link] [comments]

Mini Event

Mini Event - My Pussy Is Better Than Yours
Recommended Setup - Boys 1/1/1, Sarah lv5, MYstic Fingers lv6 with 900 customers
There’s no need to stack on this one, upgrade as you go!
Try to hold off on opening Casino until you have all your Sarah and MF cards.
(If you open Casino it unlocks ???, ???, and Casino. This is 3 more cards that can show in the store and will decrease your chances of getting MF or Sarah in the store. Casino also does not give MF or Sarah cards, so there isn’t a need for it)
Dirty Burger gives Sarah cards Roc Vodka gives MF cards
You shouldn’t have to buy Sarah cards, but will end up buying MF cards.
submitted by chasey9550 to tpbgm [link] [comments]

Main Event (sorta) 11/3/20: Labia Lectures

Welcome to Monday ya greasy bastards. The Devs have thrown us yet another curve-ball with another main event following the the Thanksgiving event.
They have changed this event was last ran so we will need to re-verify the prize costs before we can settle on a successful strategy.
Strategy Updated: "Girls" 3, Dazzle 6, MVC 4, 450 Customers = 19.7AO /hr
Please watch for red text on the sheet and comment on it if you see any problems or can provide missing information.
To Open Mystic Fingers Girls 1/1/1, Victoria Lv1, CT Lv1 with 250 customers opens MF in mins.
To Open Dirty Burger Girls 2/2/1, Stacy Lv2, MF Lv1 with 400 customers opens DK in about 15 minutes.
To Open Denture King Girls 2/2/1, Crystal Lv3, DB Lv2 with 750 customers opens a task trunk that awards you with the cash to open MVC.
To Open Moneyvale Casino Girls 2/2/2, Galaxy Lv4, DK Lv3 with 650 customers should open Casino in minutes
Here is the Spreadsheet
A reminder: If you happen to be hanging around the old (and abandoned) subreddit, please politely and respectfully remind folks of this one. On occasion a few still do not realize it has migrated here.
Let us know if you see any problems, have fun and remember, Smokes, let's go.
submitted by drwho135 to tpbgm [link] [comments]


Rey and her companions drift back to their quarters to rest for the night. But when Rey retires to her room, she walks to a bookshelf—where the Sacred Jedi Texts are waiting right where she left them. When she opens the massive leatherbound tome and opens it to a page in the middle of the book, she hears footsteps behind her. Leia appears at her shoulder.
"I've read those books too, y'know," Leia says. "Copies, anyway. Some lessons stuck with me more than others."
"They're not just lessons," Rey says. "They're stories, too."
"Of course," Leia says. "Even the Jedi have their fairytales. They're hogwash, but I've read 'em all."
Rey fixes her with a long, hard stare.
"Then you know about the Labyrinth," Rey says.
As soon as she speaks that word, Leia's blood runs cold.
"Stop, Rey," Leia whispers. "You don't want to go down that road. Trust me."
"Why not? You said it yourself: it's just a fairytale."
Leia takes a deep breath.
"The Jedi and the Sith both had legends, once," she says. "Stories about what they coveted, and what they feared. The story of the Labyrinth is the only story that the Jedi and the Sith both told. Whatever was inside it, they were both afraid of it."
"But I know what was inside it," Rey says. "Power! Ultimate power. Power beyond anything that the Dark Side or the Light Side could offer."
"If you've studied that story, then tell it to me. Tell me the story the way you remember it."
"Everybody who's heard the legend tells it differently. But some details always stay the same. They say that the ruins of a city lie somewhere on a lifeless planet deep within the Unknown Regions. And beyond the walls of the city, there's a Labyrinth—a maze of winding passages surrounding a hollow chamber where three nameless immortals wait in shadowed silence, promising one of two gifts to anyone who reaches their abode: power or wisdom. To those who seek power, they promise the ability to make and unmake the universe with a thought. To those who seek wisdom, they promise the ability to know and understand all things.
But in all the countless millennia that they've waited there, only one traveler has ever reached the heart of the Labyrinth. That traveler chose wisdom. But in the moment that he did, he saw a vision of a future yet to come—a future where a mad conqueror led a mighty army on a great crusade through the galaxy, slaying all who refused to praise his name. Everywhere his armies marched, the blood of innocents flowed, and worlds turned to ash in their wake. That conqueror was another traveler, who would one day receive the gift of power. And although the first traveler had wisdom enough to see that awful future, he knew that wisdom alone could not prevent it from coming to pass. That was the curse of the Labyrinth: those who choose power over wisdom can never be worthy of it, while those who choose wisdom over power can never be strong enough to stop them.
When the traveler departed the Labyrinth, he took no comfort in his newfound wisdom. The day that a wayward soul came to that lifeless world to seek power, he knew that he would not be there to stop them. So instead, he built a door to seal the Labyrinth, and guarded its key until the day that he died. And for the rest of his days, he sought out and silenced all who knew the Labyrinth's location, hoping and praying that its awful secret would die with him. And as far as anyone can say, it did."
Leia's expression is grave as she remembers the first time that she heard the story.
"In the sacred Jedi texts, the story ends with an inscription," she says. "Do you remember it?"
Rey nods.
"Let the legends endure, until no voices remain to speak them. Of the city, ageless and broken. Of the Labyrinth and its heart of shadow. And of the solemn brotherhood of travelers and seekers, who take the city's name as their own."
"The solemn brotherhood of travelers and seekers, who take the city's name as their own..." Leia repeats.
"The city had a name," Rey says. "When it still stood, it was the city of Ren."
"And the people who went looking for it. They were called—"
"The Knights of Ren," Rey says. "That's why your son chose that name. And that's why his followers chose it too. They're looking for the city of Ren. They're looking for the Labyrinth."
Stunned, Leia is silent.
"No. That's impossible!" she says. "Everyone knows it's just a legend!"
"Some people say the same thing about the Force," Rey says. "Whether it's real or not, your son believes in it. And I think he'd kill to find it."
"Ben's smarter than that," Leia says, shaking her head. "He wouldn't throw away his life to chase some Jedi fairytale! And even if he did, everyone who knows that legend knows how it ends. The Labyrinth is sealed! There's only one door into it, and it's been locked for thousands of years!"
"You're right," Rey says. "No sane person would ever go looking for the Labyrinth. Not unless they knew how to open it. Not unless they had the key."
With slowly dawning horror, Leia realizes that Rey is right. If Kylo is looking for the Labyrinth, he must believe that he's found the key that can unlock it.
"For all our sakes, I hope you're wrong," Leia says.
Light-years away, the Knights of Ren gather on the First Order's flagship, and Kylo Ren strides toward the center of the room to hold court. All seven of Kylo's companions are present: Tarmin Ren, Mokkar Ren, Kadori Ren, Shakar Ren, Darro Ren, Yandoss Ren, and Vorjall Ren.
It's been two years since Kylo murdered his teacher and mentor—the mysterious man known only as "The Oracle"—after he tried to force him to kill the girl called "Rey". At the time, Kylo hoped that his act of kindness might persuade Rey to reconsider her loyalty to the Jedi Order. But when Rey refused to join Kylo's crusade against the forces of the New Republic, Kylo was forced to accept that she would always be his enemy.
Since the Oracle's death, the Knights of Ren have done their level best to continue their mission in his absence. But now, it's clear that the seven warriors have grown restless. They know that their quest for the Labyrinth can only end when they find the lost city of Ren. But without the Oracle to guide them, can they find it?
"We trust you with our lives, Kylo," Kadori says. "After you killed the Oracle, you told us that you had no choice. We believed you then, and we believe you now."
"The Oracle was wise," Darro says. "But he was mad. His quest took a heavy toll on his mind. We always knew that he might become a danger to us."
"But where do we go from here?" Tarmin asks. "We all remember why we came together. Without the Oracle, what chance do we have at finding the Labyrinth?"
Kylo silently paces up and down the room.
"We've come a long way," he finally says. "Finding the Labyrinth is the final step in a long journey. That journey started with bringing down the Republic and destroying the last of the Jedi. If the legends are true, the power at the heart of the Labyrinth will make us unstoppable. If we can seize it for ourselves, there's no one left to stand in our way."
"But without the Oracle, how will we find it?" Yandoss asks.
"The Oracle died, but his knowledge didn't," Kylo says. "If he can't guide you to the Labyrinth, I will."
With that, Kylo reveals an ornate wooden box with arcane symbols and characters etched along its surface. The box was last seen in the deceased Oracle's private quarters.
Once again, Kylo opens the box—and golden light streams upon his face. But this time, we see what's inside.
A heavy, finely crafted metal key sits beside a transparent multifaceted crystal, which glows and pulsates with strange golden light.
Kylo slowly picks up the glowing crystal. As he cradles it in his hands, his companions lean in.
"You know the legend," Kylo says. "Only one traveler ever found the Labyrinth. After the three immortals blessed him with the gift of wisdom, he built a door to seal it, and he guarded its key until the day that he died. They say he spent the rest of his life silencing anyone who knew the Labyrinth's location, hoping that its secrets would die with him. Some say that he succeeded. But some say that he failed.
The seekers of the city of Ren are many, and they don't give up easily. One band of seekers spent years looking for the sole traveler who made it to the heart of the Labyrinth. When they found him and captured him, he refused to give up its location—so they probed his memories. For ten thousand years, the Labyrinth's location has been kept locked within a Madraani memory crystal, a lost technology built to preserve the last memories of the dead. But knowing the location of the Labyrinth is useless without a key to open it. It took ten thousand years before the Oracle found both.
The Oracle learned the Labyrinth's location by using the crystal to access the last memories of the only traveler to reach its inner chamber. If I'm going to lead you to the heart of the Labyrinth, I'll have to do the same."
"Kylo, no!" Vorjall exclaims. "You know what happened when the Oracle used that crystal! It's corrupted, and unstable! It nearly destroyed his mind! He would never have struck his bargain with us if he had the strength to seek the Labyrinth himself!"
Kylo holds up a hand to silence him.
"I would never ask any of you to shoulder this burden," Kylo says. "I killed the Oracle. So I'll accept the burden of the knowledge that he carried with him. And if I can't finish the journey to the Labyrinth, I ask only that you finish it for me."
Kylo puts the crystal back into the box and shuts it tight.
"Tomorrow, we'll gather again," he says.
With that, the Knights of Ren rise and leave the room.
The next morning, Leia summons Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose to her private chambers for a meeting.
"I know you have unfinished business with my son," Leia tells Rey. "If you really want to settle it, I think I might know someone who can help you."
She gives them a disk containing a set of coordinates.
"He's an old friend with a few connections in the underworld. The kind of guy you want on your side when you're looking for somebody who doesn't want to be found. Last week, I got a message from him. He thinks he might have found something that could lead you to Ben."
Leia turns to Finn, Poe, and Rose.
"The rest of you: if you want to back out of this mission, I won't hold it against you. But this war began with Ben. Call it a hunch, but I think it's going to end with him too. It's your decision. You can go or stay."
One by one, the trio step forward.
"If you're gonna face Kylo Ren, I'm not letting you do it alone," Finn tells Rey.
"Me neither," Rose says.
"We're all in this together," Poe says.
Together, they board the Millennium Falcon, where BB-8 is waiting with C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca. Moments later, the ship ignites its engines and soars into space.
Just as Rey sets off with her companions, the Knights of Ren assemble in the First Order's flagship. As Kylo strides the the center of the room, he removes the Madraani memory crystal from its box and places it on a table in front of him.
"It's time," Kylo says.
As the Knights of Ren gather around him, he reaches out to the crystal—and it fills with a great pulsing light.
When the Falcon drops out of hyperspace, Rey and her companions find themselves at "The Farlander's Rest", a privately owned space station filled with swanky nightclubs and illegal gambling dens. When they disembark in the airlock and strike off to make their rendezvous with Leia's contact, they find themselves adrift in a sea of seedy characters from every corner of the galaxy: humans, aliens, droids, cyborgs, and even a few holographic performers.
It only takes a few minutes before they run afoul of a squad of security guards, who order the group to follow them to the office of "The Administrator", the wealthy entrepreneur who oversees the station and all of its businesses. Much to their surprise, it turns out that the Administrator is none other than Lando Calrissian, a legendary veteran of the Galactic Civil War who helped lead the Rebel Alliance to victory at the Battle of Endor.
As Lando explains: shortly after the rise of the New Republic, he grew nostalgic for his wild youth as a hotshot gambler, and chose to retire from his old post as a general in the New Republic's military. Since then, he has managed to make a tidy living operating casinos and nightclubs on the Outer Rim, which are often frequented by people who wish to avoid government scrutiny. As such, he and his employees regularly overhear valuable information, which they often sell to the highest bidder.
For years, Lando has served the Resistance by supervising a network of paid informants in the galactic underworld, and he's widely regarded as one of the galaxy's foremost information traffickers. Now, he believes that one of his informants has come across information that could allow the Resistance to uncover the Knights of Ren's secret plan.
Just a few short days ago, one of Lando's informants found an old hologram of Kylo and his companions, which was apparently captured just weeks after Kylo (then known as "Ben Solo") fled Luke Skywalker's training academy—making it the earliest record that anyone has of Kylo after his fall. The hologram was captured on the desolate planet of Tessrin, which is best known for being the former site of an infamous university that employed academics and scholars who researched esoteric mystic disciplines and "fringe sciences". But the former site of the University of Tessrin has been abandoned ever since it was destroyed in a freak accident, and most people have avoided the abandoned building ever since. According to persistent rumors, many of the university's most brilliant scholars were also widely known to be delusional or insane.
Although it's just a hunch, Lando strongly suspects that Kylo and his companions were looking for something left behind in the abandoned halls of the University. Whatever that "something" was, he believes that it could be connected to one of the
"Not many good things ever came out of that crazy place," Lando says. "It was a haven for people who knew the answers to questions most people were afraid to ask. When people went in, they came out wiser, or they lost their minds. Sometimes both."
Rey doesn't speak up, but her thoughts are clear: the scholars at the University are exactly the kind of people who would devote their lives to looking for the Labyrinth.
Taking Lando's advice, the group sets course for Tessrin to investigate the abandoned site of the University for clues.
submitted by themightyheptagon to test [link] [comments]

Analysis: Does Robin charge you too much for house upgrades and how I concluded she is a diety.

Analysis: Does Robin charge you too much for house upgrades and how I concluded she is a diety.
Ever since a Let’s Play got me into Stardew Valley, I’ve fallen in love with the world. It’s something special, a place to relax and get away from the world’s problems. Here, you can pay bills with the sweat of your own brow, make friends, fall in love, and can escape the drudgery of modern life. It’s magical in its own way.
I’ve played hundreds of hours over multiple save files. I’ve been wondering one thing just recently, however. I remember when I first asked Robin for house upgrades and the sheer bowel-emptying amount she asked for. Seriously? That much for a kitchen? Now that I haven’t left my house for the past several weeks, fear human contact, and have deep dived into the paranormal, I’m overthinking something constantly: with regards to modern housework, does Robin the carpenter over or under charge you for her work?
To figure this out, it’s going to require a fair bit of math and a lot of guesswork. I’m going to have to establish a lot of ground rules but I’m going to try and be as accurate to real world costs as I can. We need to learn four things:
  • What year does the game take place so we can calculate accurate inflation?
  • What is the square footage of the house and its upgrades?
  • What is the exchange value of gold, the game’s currency?
  • What is the cost of Robin’s labor?
Let’s tackle the first. To do this, I scoured around to look for modern conveniences. Primarily, I found these five:
  • Leah mentions she has a laptop
  • The carpentry shop sells Plasma screen TVs.
  • There is what appears to be an old Apple computer monitor in Harvey’s clinic and Maru’s room.
  • Sam has an electric guitar and what looks like a plasma screen computer monitor in his room.
  • In Mr. Qi’s casino, the slot machines do not have a lever. This is important because that gives us a firm earliest date of 1963.
Another interesting factoid is the number of Cathode-ray TVs you see in Stardew Valley. These are the precursors to plasma screens, which were in turn succeeded by LCD screen TVs. Additionally, a large number of your starter houses comes preequipped with Cathode-ray TVs. Granted, this may be because the farmhouse was abandoned for many years before you came along, but there exists another such TV in 1 River Road where we often see George watching his shows. I will concede that George and Evelyn are quite old and may not have the tech savvy nature of Sebastian to get something more modern, so that can’t be an accurate measurement. Plus, Alex’s mental acumen is a little... questionable.
As for crafting recipes, there really isn’t anything worth talking about. Magic items I won’t talk about because it has no real world comparison; that also throws out the wizard shop’s items. The furniture catalog has nothing of note to pinepoint a date, and nor does Pierre’s General Store, Joja Mart, Joja Warehouse, the Blacksmith, Stardrop Saloon, or Marnie’s ranch. Leah doesn’t mention anything about her laptop, so that is of little help.
So the casino gives us a low bound. Although manufacturing of the plasma screen TV stopped in the US in 2014, plasma screen TVs were losing their market shares around 2007 and factories were shutting down. As you can buy them like hotcakes and fill a shed with them, 2007 is our upper bound.
The price for plasma screens was quite pricey for residential homes. 1995 was the year 42 inch plasma screens became commercial, and some had home installation priced somewhere around US$15,000. Still not quite the size of the queen or king sized bed you and your spouse have (the size of the plasma screen in the game), but sixty inch plasma screen TVs were sold around the year 2000, and that is plenty big. Given the size of the screen in the game is roughly three tiles just like your bed, I think it’s safe to say this is around the size of our estimate. Our rough year range is now 1995 to 2007. Let’s split the difference and say the game takes place in 2001.
We have our year.
To calculate the size of our farmhouse, we need some baseline measurement. Luckily, the game is pixelated so we can be quite accurate in our measurements. Unluckily, we have no confirmed height of anything, so we have to intuit some things. Reddit user asparagus made this excellent size chart, so while I can just use that and save myself a lot of work, let us do some measurements of our own and then measure the farmhouse with both this method and asparagus’ method.
First, there is the height of plants, but those can vary widely. For instance, you can pot prickly pear cactuses in your farmhouse, but their height can vary anywhere between one and seven feet. Plant height is a no go. The average height of a minifridge is forty three inches (109 cm) tall, so unless you are a dwarf, that’s not right either. The fences are also a good starting point, as most agricultural fencing stands at four feet (1.2 m).
Here we don’t have to do much; all fences are forty eight pixels in height. Four feet equals out to forty eight inches (121.92 cm). It doesn’t get more perfect than that!
Trigger warning: incoming math.
Now comes the really tricky part: getting the dimensions of each iteration of your farmhouse, and squinting at my computer screen like a mole in order to count pixels; we must include walls as well as that is included in square footage. Our first iteration has pixel measurements of 704x496. Add in the doorway (136x64pixels), and then we’ll still convert for square feet. 704 * 496 + (136 * 64) = 318,452 pixels/sq, which (dividing by 12^2) converts to 2,211.47 ft/sq. Damn, we’re well on our way for most modern mansions.
I have to have messed something up (205.45 m/sq, btw). The average firebox (the inside of a fireplace where you burn wood) tends to be around 32x20 inches (81.28x50.8 cm). Ours is... 72x40. Twice as large. I also haven’t even begun to calculate the farmhouse’s height because Robin is beginning to scare me.
Alright, new plan, we’re going with asparagus. I married Haley and took her measurements. She is 104 pixels tall, and since she is 65 inches (165.1 cm) according to asparagus, that gives us a measurement of .625 inches/pixel (1.5875 cm/pixel).
Side note, I really want some Twizlers right now.
So instead of having pixels as at a 1:1 ratio, we have something a little more lenient, but things are looking a little... grim. We’ll have to convert each individual amount, so we have (704 * .625) * (496 * .625) + ((136 * 64) * .625^2) for 124,395.31 inches/sq, 863.86 ft/sq., 80.25 m/sq. But still, we haven’t even begun to calculate the actual volume of our farmhouse yet, so these numbers are going to explode.
I’m beginning to think Robin is Hestia. Yoba is not the only deity in this town.
Alright, calculating the rest of the floor spaces is a little boring so let’s speedrun this.
Wall height for the farmhouse is 140 pixels, so (140 * .625) * 124,395.31 inches/sq / 12^3 = 6,298.95 ft^3 (178.36 m^3) for the farmhouse, and 25,800.51 ft^3 (730.58 m^3) using my method.
Just... let’s move on.
Second iteration has me doing a fair bit more work.
Wall height is 135 pixels, and rightmost—wait, the walls are shorter? Weird. Anyway, the rightmost room has dimensions of 486 for width by 375 for depth (and the same cubby dimensions), giving us cuboid dimensions of 24,603,750 pixels^3, which converts to 14,238.28 ft^3 (403.18 m^3), and 3,476.14 ft^3 (82.83 m^3) using asparagus' method
Middle corridor has a dimensional width of 42 pixels by 87 depth, giving us a total of 285.47 ft^3 (8.08 m^3), and 69.69 ft^3 (1.97 m^3) using asparagus' method.
Leftmost room (the kitchen) has a width of 870 and depth of 375, with a doorway of 136x64. That gives us a cuboid area of 314,019.38 ft^3 (29,173.11 m^3), and 6,388.74 ft^3 (180.91 m^3) using asparagus' method.
That gives us a grand total for a tier two home of...
... 328,543.13 ft^3 (29,584.37 m^3) using my method and
... 9,934.58 ft^3 (281.31 m^3) using asparagus' method.
So Robin added at a minimum 3,635.63 cubic feet to your house in three days by herself. Even if you extend the days and months to roughly align with our own calendar, that would be a mere nine days. How much powdered starfruit did she snort in order to do that by herself? I 100% believe Emily is the town’s dealer. I didn’t even calculate the length of the farmhouse loft. It’s doable, and even though you can’t enter it in the game, a bigger farmhouse means a bigger loft judging by the look of it.
Anyway, I’m not going to calculate the loft area right now. I’m not going to calculate the other tiers of your farmhouse either, even though that was my intent when I started this analysis. The math is easy enough, but it gets boring to type, and no doubt to read. Plus, I’m a little stunned by Robin's carpentry acumen. C’mon Robin, stop upgrading my house. Exercise with the girls, dance with your husband, smoke some weed, I dunno, RELAX.
But in a strange way, it makes a weird sort of sense. Pretty much no one plays the game with auto-run turned off, but do so for a moment. See how fast you move. That is your normal pace, and auto-run is you, an Olympian god, sprinting around town every second of every day, helping the shit out of everyone whether they want it or not, snorting the same starfruit mixture you got from Robin to keep going, who may have gotten it from Linus (my money is still on Emily). We’ve become so accustomed to seeing the run animation as our default I almost didn’t realize it doesn’t translate to modern life. The boards in your house, I almost took those as your normal 2x4 planks of wood (which actually measure 1.5x3.5, the world lies to me). They are not. They are almost the width of your entire body, and your walking pace (sorry I can’t get an exact pixel measurement) covers roughly one and a half boards, a similar length to a normal human gait. The art style fooled even me until now, but your house is massive.
Let’s just answer our other two questions. What is the exchange rate? Calculating the exchange rate of a fictional world is always tricky as they have different concepts of rarities, but I’ll give it the ol’ college try. Once again, I can’t do anything with magic. Let’s first list some things of note:
  • Iridium is fairly easy to get around Stardew Valley once you are able, and that is a rare and valuable metal, with a current price of US$1,510 per troy ounce.
  • You can purchase a golden column to place on your farm, and gold has a current price of US$1,643 per troy ounce
  • Conversely, while the first two are rare and valuable metals, crops such as corn are valued at prices like 150g, a very unusually high amount if exchanged 1:1 to USA dollars.
  • Going back to plasma screen TVs, we can use its price history and then convert currencies to Stardew Valley gold.
Now you may be tempted to say we can’t translate iridium and gold’s prices to real world market values, and normally you may be right, but there are some extenuating circumstances in the game: the town is right next to two very large mines. It is even a plot point once you clear the glittering boulder that the water carries ore from deep inside the mountain. Yes, gold and iridium are valuable, but your location to ore veins is important; gold and iridium may be uncommon resources but you have access to very specific places where they are more common, otherwise known as the scarcity heuristic). This also explains two facts about iridium: discounting magic, iridium is quite rare in the game, just like real life. Secondly, Clint’s prices make a lot more sense not only because it’s endgame material, but because iridium is super dense and has a very high melting point, thus making it a very difficult material to work with.
But by far the biggest challenge of this question is figuring out whether or not items you produce factor in the cost of your labor or not. For instance, lace is made of simple materials that even in the days of Victorian England, it was easy to get. However because lace was so time consuming to make, it could command absurd prices. Thus, one of the first things we need to discover is whether or not the game takes into account cost of labor or not.
So I am going to take you all back to school and talk about someone who’s old and dead: Adam Smith. It was he who talked about the cost of labor in his book The Wealth of Nations, and because of that, I bring up this particular line:
“...From century to century, corn is a better measure than silver, because, from century to century, equal quantities of corn will command the same quantity of labour more nearly than equal quantities of silver.
Why did I mention corn above? This is why. Prices may vary, but agriculture has been around for thousands of years and the cost of a farmer’s labor equals about the same.
According to Dylan Baumann, Stardew Valley corn plants have a profit value of 535 gold per plant. Our corn plant profits are about as high as they can get without adding something new into the mix, and we don’t want that yet.
Let’s set some ground rules:
  • Cultivatable farm space on the standard farm equals out to 3,427 spaces, but we’ll round that down to 3,350 for iridium sprinklers, iridium watering can, and scarecrows, equaling maximum farming with no loss of crop.
  • We’ll keep Dylan’s ground rules, so no fertilizer.
  • No preserves, jams, wine, and juices.
  • No farming efficiencies and crop selling bonuses.
  • No use of the greenhouse to grow crops outside of the growing season.
If you plant the entire farm with corn and stop harvesting on Fall day 28 when the growing season ends, that lets you harvest a total of 11 ears of corn per plant. Multiply that by 3,350, we get a total of 36,850 ears of corn for your entire farm. Corn is measured in bushels, and a bushel of corn can be anywhere between 40 and 60 ears of corn, but we’ll say you really pack it in for 60, meaning your growing season for corn produces 36,850 / 60 corn for a total of 614.17 bushels per year.
The USDA has a 2001 labor value of corn at US$2.92 per acre (and that matches the Iowa labor statistic), and using 156 bushels per acre, that brings our labor cost per bushel at... US$00.02. That’s a real pittance. Considering bushels of corn retailed around $2.11 per bushel in 2001, that is an incredible markup of 184.85 times.
We’re almost done with the dreaded math, I swear.
Corn retails at 100g apiece in Stardew Valley(You get 50 gold from Pierre, so he has a 100% markup), meaning the labor cost should be around 184.85 times less that amount, meaning it takes about 0.54 gold to make one ear of corn.
Your average US farmers salary $55,000 and $100,000, and we’ll take the middle of $77,500 for our measurements. Dividing the farmer’s salary by the total ears of corn our farmer grows in Stardew Valley, we get a labor cost per ear of corn in US dollars of $2.10 per ear of corn. Now we multiply this by our markup ratio to get the IRL retail cost of corn in Stardew, getting US$237.08! Damn that better be some good eating! We divide that number by the Stardew Valley retail cost of corn, netting us a real world conversion of gold of, drumroll please, $2.37 US dollars per gold in 2001.
Now just for funzies, let us calculate the actual salary of your famer in Stardew Valley. Multiplying your 36,850 ears of corn by 50 gold (your selling price of gold, not the retail price of 100g), that nets you 1,842,500 gold per growing season. Multiply that by the dollagold conversion we just calculated and your real life gross income comes out to be US$436,672,500.
Give me all of the golden clocks, wizard.
Three questions down, one more to go. Currency conversion was rather tricky because it involved quite a lot of math, but this last question, what is the cost of Robin’s labor, that requires the most assumptions. There’s an easy answer and a hard answer.
Robin’s upgrades, except for the last, require you the farmer to give her resources in addition to gold. The simple answer is you are providing materials in order to keep the raw gold cost down. This means that the first house upgrade, 10,000 gold, is strictly her labor cost as the 450 wood is all the raw materials she needs to build. 3 days * 3 months (to adjust Stardew month lengths to our month lengths) comes out to Robin working an IRL equivalent to 9 days. Taking 10,000 gold / 9 days equals a cost of 1,111.111 gold per day, and considering Robin has snorted enough powdered starfruit to have 20 hour work days, that comes out to 55.56 gold per hour.
Just to be sure, let’s see if the math holds up for the last upgrade. That one requires a cost of 100,000 gold and comes preequipped with 33 casks. You do not provide the resources for the casks, meaning that comes included with the cost. Casks cannot be sold, but the materials required to make them are 20 wood and 1 hardwood, which Robin will provide for the same 100% markup (meaning 4 gold and 30 gold respectively). 4 gold * 30 gold * 33 casks comes out to 3,960 gold. Using the same calculations for the first house iteration, we get (100,000 gold - 3,960) / (3 days * 3 months) / 20 hours for a total of 533.56 gold per hour.
Not even close to our first estimate. We could just average them together for (533.56 + 55.56) / 2 = 294.56 gold, and that would be the easy answer. It would be nice to settle for the easy answer.
Let’s find the hard answer. We are going to calculate labor cost per square footage, and luckily most of the work has been done over the course of several google spreadsheets. To find the cost of materials and money per upgrade volume we get the formula (Upgrade volume - Base Volume) / 10,000 gold. This gives us a grand total of cubic material built per gold of...
...2,573.26 in^3/gold, 30.27 ft^3/gold, 2.89 m^3/gold using my method and
...628.24 in^3/gold, 0.36 ft^3/gold, 0.01 m^3/gold using asparagus’ method.
Let’s see if the math holds up for the basement upgrade and dammit I just realized I got to do more pixel measurements now. Hold on, be back in an hour.
Alright, I’m back. We don’t need to do any subtraction for the previous volume of the house considering the cellar is its own little area, but we still need to subtract the value of the materials used for the casks. The cellar comes out to a grand total of cubic materials built per gold of...
...386.91 in^3/gold, 0.22 ft^3/gold, 0.01 m^3/gold using my method and
...94.46 in^3/gold, 0.05 ft^3/gold, 0.0015 m^3/gold using asparagus’ method.
Huge discrepancy.
Before I get into my reasoning why, let us outline what we know first.
  • We’re pretty sure the game takes place in 2001.
  • We have the exact sizes of each house upgrade calculated with two different methods.
  • We have a certified exchange rate of US$2.37 at that point in time.
  • We have two different methods of calculating the cost of Robin’s labor.
  • The amount of work Robin does during her three(nine?) day job is absolutely obscene.
I come to one conclusion: Robin is a god that has settled down in the world of Stardew Valley.
Here me out. I have three pieces of evidence.
The first is when Robin is hired to take on a house upgrade job no one helps her, not even her husband Demetrius. Your house is right next to hers, so you’re not paying for travel. As we have shown by our calculations above and in the gDoc spreadsheet, that is a massive amount of work. It’s simply not possible for a human to accomplish such a monumental task. Robin claims she built her own home herself with this line from the game...
“Have I told you that I built our house from the ground up? It's definitely been the highlight of my career so far.”
...so we know her carpentry acumen is impressive enough for the job, but she has severely understated her skill. Homeadvisor pegs a house costing anywhere between US$150,000 to US$500,000 (US$102,005.53 to $340,018.44, adjusted for 2001 inflation), but even adjusted for inflation, Robin absolutely underbids the current housing market. Those inflation adjusted values, when converted to gold, come out to a range of 43,040.31g-143,467.70g. Granted, these prices are for a complete house, not adding onto a current house, but even if we half the value you are getting one hell of a discount.
The second piece is Robin’s language. The sheer passion for her work speaks wonders..
“Wood is a wonderful substance... it's versatile, cheap, strong, and each piece has its own unique character!”
...but perhaps she is just passionate about what she does. Many people are, but knowing what we do about how dirt cheap and blindingly fast she works let’s go into more detail about some things, specifically three lines. The first...
“Our little plan worked out well, don't you think? Pam and Penny seem really happy.”
...is said after Pam’s house undergoes an upgrade. “Our” plan? Sure, you are the one that buys the upgrade and Robin has to build it, but I can’t help but feel there is a double meaning behind this language. It is done out of the kindness of Robin’s heart and the materials have to come from somewhere, so she can’t do it for free, but it wasn’t about the money, as we have stated previously. It was about Penny.
Pam is a somewhat contentious person because of slobbish and slovenly nature. She is immediately and irrationally angered when Penny tries to pick the place up. She drinks heavily...
“\sigh*... My mother definitely has a problem with going to the saloon too much. But it's best not to dwell on bad things, right?”*
...doesn’t seem to understand not paying her tab has some consequences, and doesn’t realize what her habits have done to her daughter’s psyche.
Then you, the player come along. Pam is okay with the simple things in life, but you help Penny with her worries and insecurities, and then with you and Robin together, you give Penny everything she needs to help her shed those worries. She has a house that doesn have problems with rain, two friends who look out for her, her mom has a job, and most importantly she has peace of mind and in a world fraught with problems, that is truly priceless.
This is the second line...
“Hey! I heard some weird noises last night, and woke up this morning to find the quarry bridge completely repaired! It's a miracle of woodworking!”
...and it occurs once you offer items to the community center junimos to get the quarry bridge repaired.
It is also a bald-faced lie.
The junimos are good, don’t get me wrong, but we’ve seen what Robin can do with our own two eyes. She is absolutely incredible at her job, and while I may give it to her she has no idea what junimos are or what they are capable of, we have proof that the act of restoring the bridge in one night is not out of the realm of possibility for her. A miracle, yes, but I’m certain she can beat the junimos’ time.
Lastly, there is one quote from her that is just... it opens up some very interesting questions. When she says...
“My parents were bewildered when I told them I wanted to be a carpenter. They were pretty old-fashioned.”
...how old are her parents when they consider carpentry too new-fashioned for them? Carpentry is one of the world’s oldest professions. If they were old-fashioned, why were they bewildered?
This line is just so fascinating to me. Robin is incredibly skilled, but I cannot rationalize carpentry being too newfangled for parents to wrap their head around. Who were they? Where are they from? I know your secrets, Robin, I know your parents are gods, too.
The third and final piece is the contrasting pieces of the world at large. Just like ours, it’s a little depressing. Joja Corp runs dozens of what even Cyberpunk would consider a dataslave farm. The world is flooded with consumerism run amok, Orwellian surveillance, and rampant urbanization. The Ferngill Republic is in the middle of a war with the Gotoro Empire and Kent still suffers PTSD from being in a prisoner of war camp.
Stardew Valley isn’t just a town to retire in, it is a place of respite and healing. There are three confirmed magic users deeply tied to the town’s mystical roots. The bears speak and encourage you to manage the world around you. You are rewarded for restoring balance to the valley by being able to recycle things you don’t need. Your main resource in the game, gold, also doesn’t matter that much; if it ever slips into the negative, nothing bad ever happens. You must just work to raise it back up. There is no lose condition in the game.
In many respects it is similar to the Gaiaism philosophy that all living beings are connected, each relying and depending on each other in order to maintain a peaceful coexistence. You help Shane with his nihilism and depression, Sebastian with his ability to express and accept affection, Sam with his dreams, Kent with his problems, Leah with her ambitions, Haley with her generosity and narcissism, or even simple goals like Penny’s idea of a quiet domestic life.
Whether it is the addicted, lost, or scorned, everyone is welcome and everyone can have a home in Stardew Valley. No one embodies this more than Robin who just wants a simple life. Whether it is her own house or her own boat during the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, Robin builds it herself. The feel of wood grain, the smell of lacquer, the stickiness of stain, the thrum of the saw, and the bite of the axe. Robin doesn’t charge you nearly enough for your house upgrades because it is not about the money. Woodworking is what she loves and she lives in a place where barterism, kindness, family, and friendship substitute so many of life's modern problems and inconveniences.
Friendship increases in the game aren’t just a measurement of achievements, a means of getting more recipes, or more candles lit on a grave. You are making friends and getting to know these people for who they are and everyone’s life is bettered because of it. The amount of love I’ve seen for Linus is just staggering. Shane, in all of his melancholy and despite him not being a suitor in the original version of the game, is loved by so many. I know some despise Haley, but I love that I was able to show her what kindness can do for people.
You are in a gentle and loving place, and you are loved.
What a better place for a god to reside? A quiet town filled with peace and love, seeped in nature and the old magics of yore. A loving mate, a family to raise. Land to share with those that forage from its bounty. It’s all she needs.
Robin’s role in all of this? She desires neither worship nor admiration. She is just a friend. A god, certainly, but a friend first and foremost who is just settling down in a quiet town looking for a little peace.

Image by MagicallyClueless
submitted by doctorsirus to StardewValley [link] [comments]

Mini Event 10/26/20: My Pussy Is Better Than Yours

Recommended Setup - Boys 2/2/2, Phil lv4, Piss Factory lv5 with 1350 customers.
Mystic Fingers gives Phil, and Piss Factory cards. Casino gives J Roc , and Roc Vodka cards.
You’ll want to get Mystic Fingers open as quickly as possible. So you can start getting those Phil, and Piss Factory cards going.
There’s 2 ways to open Mystic Fingers. Boys 2/2/1, Jacob lv2, Dirty Burger lv1 with 550 customers opens Mystic Fingers in 2.5hrs Roc Vodka lv2 with 350 customers opens Mystic Fingers in minutes, but you’ll most likely need to earn the 100E to open Casino in order to get the Roc Vodka cards.
Two different ways of getting cards, use at your own discretion.
If you want Mystic Fingers to spit out Phil cards only, DO NOT open Piss Factory. Unlock Mystic Fingers, collect Phil from the task trunk, and get customer bonuses for Mystic Fingers. Since Piss Factory is still locked it will only give you Phil cards.
If you want Mystic Fingers to give you only Piss Factory cards unlock Piss Factory, unlock Mystic Fingers, do not collect Phil, and get the customer bonuses from Mystic Fingers. This way will only give you Piss Factory cards. (Warning: I have heard that people who do this have a hard time getting Phil cards and trouble automating Piss Factory)
Sheet is here, get to it boys.
submitted by drwho135 to tpbgm [link] [comments]

(Eastern) Mysticism is a fundamental part of the show: some long sunday evening thoughts

TL;DR: The Sopranos was ultimately about suffering and the search for Enlightenment.
So during my current rewatch I have been pondering about the fundmental role of mysticism, mainly Buddhism, in this thing of ours. I should say beforehand: despite the fancy title of this, I have no particular knowledge about buddhism bar the essentials (or any spiritual tradition for that matter) so I hope that people who can contribute more than I can feel encouraged to talk about it in this thread.
Also, I haven't seen season 6, where the most visible connection is, for a long time so I'm sure I have misremembered things. Nevertheless I feel like this perspective on the story and ending isn't nearly talked about enough (if at all) espcially when you consider that some of the main actors were and are buddhists. Also David Chase, altough I'm not sure if he is a buddhist, has talked in interviews about mystics and its relation to the show and the many mystical and paranormal experiences in The Sopranos shows that he is definitely open to it.
I've noticed that Eastern mysticism is a very recurrent theme in this show. There are multiple (Western) spiritual and philosohical traditions clearly visible in the story such as catholicism and existentialism, but I have always found all the references to eastern spirituality somewhat out of place for a late 90s mobster environment. From the top of my head from the first five seasons: Father Phil gives a book to Carmela about buddhism for her to read, Dr. Melfi mentions it regulary and seems quite aware of it, Richie Aprile's new perspective on life and his yoga, obviously Janice a.k.a fucking Parvati, Paulie and Sun Tazoo, Gloria was a buddhist, Tony uses multiple buddhist phrases (wrongly) from Gloria and Melfi, etc.
I think, which becomes especially clear in season 6, that the story of Tony is that of a man looking to get rid of his suffering (which is the inevitable consequence of being human according to the Buddha) by searching for lasting and real hapiness, freedom and peace (the infinte nature of Enlightenment, the 'goal' of buddhism and all mystical traditions). Apart from finding out that enlightenment is everyones true nature, by meditation and living according to its implication, most spiritual traditions usually state it is possible to get a glimpse of the infinite, or to 'see behind the veil' of the finite mind, in the living realm by near-death experiences and by the use of sacred (psychedelic) plants.
I would argue that Tony glimpses the infinite freedom and peace (Enlightenment) in season 6 on two occations, during his coma (near-death experience) and at the end of his peyote trip. In his coma dreams we see another direct reference to eastern spirituality: the buddhist monks and Tony's name, Kevin Finnity. In his dream, his subconcious is looking for Kevin Finnity, or if you remove the -Kev, in Finnity. In this scene, Tony says to the monks that he "came here [to the monks and monastry] to find Kevin Finnity." When he says how he has his wallet and his briefcase, but that he is not Him, the monks start to laugh. He is saying that he is not Infinnity, and that is funny to them, because the buddhist view is that everyones essence is that of the same and only enlightened and infinite Self. 'A man named Kevin Finnity walks into a monastry and says that he can't find Kevin Finnity' sounds like the beginning of a buddhist joke or Zen koan.
It is worth noting that after waking up from his coma, Tony feels very happy and free from his psychological burdens for a short period of time (I forgot exactly how long this was, maybe a few days or an episode?) He doesn't know why, but he seems joyful and aprreciative of the small things in life. However, the hapiness quickly slips out of his hands and the weight of his human life proves to be to much: he 'relapses' as old routines and psychological habits come back in his life and they are worse than before because of the added frustration of his unability to catch and preserve the hapiness and peace he felt in the wake of his coma. As a result, Tony is doing worse than ever.
Now to the peyote trip. Peyote has been a sacred plant since forever in shamanistic socieites and is seen as a way to communicate with God. The connection with the coma dream is established by the light of the lamp in the room where he does peyote, which is the same as the view he had in the hospital room. A bright and clear light represents in many traditions the light of the one Conciousness, or our God or Buddha-nature, or whatever words are used for THAT. Over the course of the season after the coma, we've seen Tony slowly and than quickly move away from the light. By taking Peyote, he enters back again. In the casino it is already established he ponders the nature of the Universe, by comparing the roulette table to the solar system. In the afterglow of the trip, the great scene in the dessert, he has a great insight; he GETS IT. Now we could argue what it is exactly he gets, but if the narrative I'm trying to create here holds any truth at all, it would make sense he has a revelation about the nature of himself and the universe. As you probably know, 'Ego Death' is a very common experience on psychedelics: the dissolution of seperation between subject ('me'; or Ego) and object (the 'outside' world). Everything simply 'is' and there is a true feeling of oneness with everything. Now, this experience is practically impossible to verbalise and conceptionalize to your peers; the best you could come up with is something like: ".....and the sun....... came up....." (OH YEAHH??)
No worries, I'm coming to some sort of end as I'm getting hungry, but in this season we have seen two moments where Tony found what he truly longs for the most: two 'spiritual' experience that lead him to feel happy and at peace, but that quickly deteriorates because he, nor anyone in his environment, understands them and he feels like he has no-one to talk about it. Thus, old habitual ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving and behaving come back- and of course worse than ever before.
We have seen the failed quest for enlightenment from Tony in this series. He longs, searches, finds, grasps and loses it over the course of the seasons. The only way he has been able to find it, is by diying. David Chase said the following when asked about the ending:
After a brief pause, Chase then said that he’d come across a quote from author Carlos Castaneda that came the closest to summing up everything that had been going through his head as he wrote the final sequence: “Warriors don’t venture into the unknown out of greed…to venture into that terifying loneliness of the unknown, one must have something greater than greed: love.” He then mentioned another quote from the finale that he felt was equally appropriate to the ending: Paulie Walnuts’ declaration that “even in the midst of death, we are in life. Or is that vice versa? Either way, you’re halfway up the ass.”
The cut to black is not a visualisation of death, but a representation of that what is written in the buddhist teachings as the essence of Tony, you, me and the entire universe: the Emptiness, Void, or primordal Awareness in which everything exist and ultimately out of which everything is made; including the cycles of life and death. The black screen is neither death or life: it points to that what contains both, our infinite awareness.
I've been yapping worse than six barbers here so I would be impressed if people actually read it, but wha ya gonna do huh
submitted by BasicFunkFormula to thesopranos [link] [comments]

A Guide to the Differences Between JRPGs Ports and Enhanced Versions (Part 1).

A new day, a new guide.
This is the hardest one of the guides I wanted to make, because the information is never easy to get, which is weird. So please forgive me if I missed some changes, and by all means tell me if I missed any of them or if any of them are incorrect.
Since this list is really long, this guide is going to come in parts, this part covers:

Important Notes:

  • This is made for Ports and Enhanced versions, so No Remakes. So this is about differences between the different versions of Chrono Trigger, and not about the differences between FF7 ps1 and FF7 Remake.
  • The differences are taken from all over the internet, either from official sources, wikis, youtube, and even forums.
  • I cover all the changes for a game, unless there is too many, in which case I will highlight the ones worth mentioning.

~ Valkyrie profile (PSX US.ver): vs Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP vs iOS & Andriod. ~

Valkyrie profile PSX:

Nearly identical to the Japan version but with minor fixes in the menu screen. In the Japanese version, Characters not in the party were unable to change or learn skills nor were they able change or remove equipment. The US version allowed out of party members to change and learn skills as well as change or remove equipment without being added to the party. Also in the Japanese version, Lenneth would unequip all her skills and equipment when switching between sword and bow. The US version 'remembers' the previous setting when switching weaponry and is automatically equipped with the skills and equip. Another improvement over the Japanese version is an improved item sorting option.
There are a few instances of censoring such as Badrach's smoking.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP:

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth lacks the improvement made in US version. Rather than re-rendering the textures of the dungeon maps, TOSE cropped and upscaled the pre-rendered images to fit the portable console's screen, resulting in severe blurring in some areas. This version also removes the anime opening movie in favor of 3D CGI, animated movie. Certain key story-sequences were animated in the same style as the opening movie and can be viewed at anytime in the Gallery option in the title screen once unlocked in the story. The animated scenes include:
  • Opening Movie
  • Lenneth's Awakening
  • Jelanda's Transformation
  • Alicia witnesses Barbarossa's execution
  • Lenneth's encounter with the Lord of the Undead
  • Lenneth and the Homunculi
  • A chance encounter between "Meril" and Lucian
  • Lenneth in Weeping Lily Meadow
  • Lucian's departure to Valhalla
  • Hrist's Awakening
  • The Sovereign's Rite
  • A Ending
Other big changes are:
  • An enhanced version of the original game's localization
  • Square Enix cleaned up the original game's English script and additional voice over dialogue for the CG movies was recorded by New Generation Pictures, rather than the original company, TAJ Productions.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth iOS & Andriod:

This is the PSP version being ported to iOS & Andriod, with the following changes:
  • Enhanced graphics such as character portraits. >* Enhanced Text.
  • Enhanced UI.
  • The option to skip cut-scenes.
  • In-app purchases to unlock collectibles
  • Ability to turn on auto-battle.

~ Chrono Trigger (SNES): PSX vs NDS vs iOS & Andriod vs PC. ~

Chrono Trigger PSX:

Anime cut scenes created by original character designer Akira Toriyama's Bird Studio and animated by Toei Animation.
A new Extra Mode Option was added that is divided into different categories of viewable extras, that are unlocked as you finish the game, and just as shown in the picture, they are:
  • Theater.
  • Art Gallery.
  • Music Box.
  • Tech Showcase.
  • Monster Data.
  • Boss Data.
  • Endings.
  • Treasure Map.

Chrono Trigger NDS:

This version includes everything new in the PSX version, and also has big and a long list of changes and additions, which I will try to condense them as much as possible:
  • Ability to play using the two screens and the touch screen, or in classic mode through a single screen.
  • Added the Arena of Ages: A monster arena where You pick basic monsters and raise them to fight computer and wireless opponents.
  • Added the Lost Sanctum: A sidequest during the main game. It consists of two dungeons in two different eras.
  • Added the Dimensional Vortex: A extra Dungeon, available after beating the game once and appears in three different eras. Each dungeon is different.
  • A lot of New Items.
  • New Enemies in the new dungeons, in the form of palette swaps of old enemies.
  • One New Ending after finishing the Dimensional Vortex completely.
  • New Translation that changes a lot of names form the original version to something more faithful to the Japanese version.

Chrono Trigger iOS & Android:

Both versions initially were based on the NDS version, but later on got an update to make them similar to the PC version.

Chrono Trigger PC:

Everything on the NDS version is present here except there is No Arena of Ages. What they did add however is:
  • Auto-Save feature.
  • Higher Resolution Graphics and update UI.
  • Support for mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Remastered sound and music.

~ Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX): vs Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP) vs PS4 (JP.ver). ~

Star Ocean: Second Evolution:

  • A New Translation that changes almost everything in the game.
  • New voice actors. >* New voiced acted scenes; All major story events now have voice acting.
  • New recruitable character: Welch Vineyard.
  • New Private Actions and 13 new Endings.
  • Unlocking the Galaxy and Universe modes now require defeating a specific number of enemies in a single playthrough rather than unlocking voices in the Voice Collection. >>>* Practically all Combat Skills have been refined, some being removed (such as Cancel, which is now automatically implemented).
  • The combat system has been slightly refined, now allowing all melee fighters to perform a 3-hit combo as their normal attack.
  • The Super Specialty "Bunny Call" no longer allows the player to "climb" on towns and some terrains. The player now will enter a town upon approaching while in Bunny Form, and can even activate private actions.
  • All items in the inventory screen are now depicted as 2D icons instead of the original 3D models.
  • Many bugs and glitches have been fixed (most notably the infamous random Cave of Trials screen freeze).
  • Ring of Lightspeed (called Slayer Ring in Second Story) now works on Dias Flac.
  • New character designs and portraits.
  • No magic combo mechanic.
  • Crafting animations are now replaced by a still 2D image.

Star Ocean: Second Evolution PS4 JP.ver:

This enhanced version was released only in Japan on the PS4, with enhanced graphics and BGM, and a DLC that helps you with the gameplay.

~ The Last Remnant (Xbox360): vs PC vs PS4 & Switch Remastered. ~

The Last Remnant PC:

This version is only available to purchase in the EU SquareEnix online store as of right now:
  • Turbo Mode is now available, and can be toggled on or off while giving orders to unions in battle. When on, battles play out at double the speed.
  • Crimson Flare, a new Arcana, is now available.
  • New formations, such as Eremurus Rain, are now available.
  • Enemies hit considerably harder.
  • Rare Monsters can have significantly higher HP than their XBOX 360 counterparts.
  • Arcana require substantially more AP.
  • Unique Arts now require AP.
  • Remnant Arts can only be performed by union leader, Weapon Arts now require high union morale.
  • Offensive Weapon Arts now increase morale when used.
  • Additionally, Arcana and offensive Special Arts now raise morale by a fixed amount.
  • Likewise, certain Enemy Arts now lower morale by a fixed amount.
  • Wards now affect the entire union.
  • Attributes required for formation upgrades are vastly different.
  • Healing no longer raises morale, and morale increased by Critical Hits has been dramatically reduced.
  • Union morale now fluctuates based on more conditions (IE: taking an action, successfully landing a hit, receiving damage, etc.). In the X360 version, union morale stayed somewhat static, usually changing when being healed, being KO'd/terminated, executing a successful Critical Trigger. It also did not drop to 0 whenever an offensive Special Art was executed, whereas it will do so on the PC.
  • Linking additional enemies together does not increase your Battle Rank further than having fought them separately.
  • Special commands, such as the use of David's Gae Bolg, are no longer interrupted by being raidlocked by a different union or having targeted enemy union defeated by an ally.
  • Allies now have the option to cure a friendly union's Curse status ailment via "Cure them even if it kills them!" command. This command is in the XBOX 360 version as well, but is only available when the union is Enthralled; it will not be available when the union is cursed.
  • Items are color-coded in the PC version, and a new preview feature lets you see what the item looks like in battle.
  • You can now toggle between viewing the stats of a weapon or shield and viewing a preview of what it looks like in battle.
  • Components and consumables are now categorized.
  • Items are now color-coded based on their rarity.
  • Creation or customization of some items require fewer components.
  • New items available via Blueprint 4.
  • Various weapon stats have changed.
  • Some very rare monster-specific drops can now be split from monsters (e.g., Godwood Timber, Spiritwood Timber).
  • The leader limit is no longer imposed. Unions can be composed entirely of leader units if the player desires.
  • Likewise, soldiers can now be set as union leaders.
  • The stat cap has been lifted for all characters to allow a maximum of 255 for each stat.
  • The Seven are now recruitable after completing Union of the Golden Chalice Task #70: For Our Lord.
  • Rush can now be removed from the active party.
  • Khrynia can learn the new Unique Art Dual Snowpetal.
  • Arts can be disabled, filtering which skills a unit may use in combat.
  • Leaders' requested components are displayed when viewing their stats.
  • Leaders' wield style can be changed depending on their equipped weapon.
  • Shields now prevent style changes mid-battle.
  • The following classes now prevent style changes: Guardian, Scout, Hunter, Wanderer, Thief, Alchemist, all Mystic classes, Vagrant, Mercenary, Aristocrat, Djin, Fortuneteller, Sage and General.
  • The experience required to advance Wield Style skills has been reduced, and the experience required to advance Weapon Type skills has been increased.
  • Three new classes are now available: Ataraxian, Cleric, and Ninja.
  • The Guardian, Fencer, and Warrior classes now require non-sovani wield styles, and are thus not available to Sovani.
  • The Gladiator class now requires Power Grip and Wards.
  • Hybrid classes (Item+Combat and Mystic+Combat) can now be achieved by units who do not start in one.
  • Some leaders now have a different weapon upgrade path, which caused some units to learn new Weapon Arts while others lost theirs.
  • Leaders can request weapons that do not coincide with their weapon upgrade path as long as they match their equipped weapon type and size.
  • Soldiers can now request weapon drops.
  • Some units have had their starting Unit BR level, stats, class, equipment, arts, and hiring wage changed.
  • The completion of At Hatred's End is no longer required in order to activate Things Unchangeable.
  • Duke of Ghor now has a … icon when you speak with him between the first, third, and fifth base battles.
  • The component requirements in The Assistant have lowered.
  • The DLC content is now unlocked differently; the majority of the extra content now requires the completion of certain guild tasks.
  • The Leader Extraordinaire guild tasks which required three units of a single class now only require one.
  • The Monsterslayer guild tasks require different enemies to be defeated.
New Game Plus and Hard Mode: After the epilogue and credits, you can now save your game. When you're taken back to the main menu, you can load this save to begin a new playthrough that carries over certain elements from your previous playthrough. You will also be given the option to start the new game in Hard Mode.
  • The PC version will warn you if you cannot leave an area without a fight.
  • Auto Save is now available, which automatically saves after having changed zones or having won a battle.
  • Battle Rank is now viewable outside of combat, in the party menu.
  • Battle Rank progression has been slowed considerably; it takes more encounters/enemy unions terminated to increase in rank.
  • Characters with … icons are now identified with markers on the map.
  • Enemies can no longer be respawned by saving and reloading an adjacent area.
  • New saving opportunities are now available, such as before the base's boss.
  • A warning message is now displayed if you attempt to save your game in an area which you cannot leave until you defeat a boss.
  • Mr Diggs's digging animations are now much quicker.
  • The loading screens that explained some of the game's mechanics have been disabled.
  • Many areas of the game have had their spawn tables altered or repopulated.
  • Starting battle music now coincides with starting morale in most battles.
  • "Turn the Tide" and "Beat the Odds" now play during the second half instead of after entering Elysion.
  • Union highlighting during the selection phase has been toned down (ie: ally unions don't look quite as blue).
  • Leaders in reserve no longer gain skills via the Rush only skill grind trick.
  • Soldiers now slowly improve their stats in reserves.
  • Camera in battle doesn't swing around as wildly anymore.
  • Mitra soldiers' idle stances now come in 2 varieties: the one shared by both male and female units and the one exclusive to larger male units, rather than just the "large male mitra" stance.

The Last Remnant Remastered PS4 & Switch:

Based on the PC version, also added:
  • Graphics now are in Unreal Engine 4
  • A new function to run faster on the overworld.
  • Extra save slots.
Yes I am salty about this if you can't tell, since they removed the PC version from steam.

~ Tales of Vesperia (Xbox360): vs PS3 vs Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition vs PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One. ~

Tales of Vesperia PS3:

  • Features full voice acting, nearly twice as much voice work as the original.
  • New Characters, including 2 new playable characters: Flynn (permanantly playable now), and Patty Fleur.
  • New subplots, skits, and main game quests, and sidequests.
  • New mini-games
  • New songs
  • Remodeled towns and new towns and dungeons.
  • New bosses.
  • The ability to replay boss fights.
  • New 8 Mystic Arts.
  • New artes, skills, and equipment.
  • New item: the "Artes Ball", which allows an additional eight artes shortcuts to be assigned to the previous eight slots combined with the L1 button, which allows for a maximum of 16 artes
  • New character costumes

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive editionvs PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One:

Based on the PS3 version, it has everything from it and all the DLC included for free, with higher resolution graphics depending on the system.

~ Tales of Symphonia (GC): vs PS2 (JP.ver only) vs PS3/PC. ~

Tales of Symphonia PS2 JP.ver only:

  • New animated sequences.
  • New Mystic Arts.
  • New Unison Arts.
  • New Arts for playable characters and enemies.
  • New Techniques.
  • The frame rate was lowered from 60 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
  • New customs.
  • The "Synopsis" option in the menu displays newer entries at the top
  • The Casino in the game is now actually fully playable with it's own mini-games, and chips to collecet and exchange for items.
  • The skits are graphically more dynamic. Portraits get larger or smaller quickly, swing from side to side, shake, and so on.
  • New Titles
  • More post-battle animations.
  • Niflheim dungeon extended and 6 new boss characters, fought in 2 new boss battles.
  • Bug Fixes
  • New events to help raise affection.
  • Includes new side quests, new camera angles on some cutscenes, new animated cutscenes not featured in the GameCube version

Tales of Symphonia PS3/PC:

  • More customs.
  • Improved character textures and improved some environments.
  • Dual-audio support: Japanese and English voiceovers, which neither the PS2 or GameCube versions had
  • Cutscenes support voice acting in both languages, but skits only have voice acting in Japanese. If you select English, you will just see the subtitles during skits. This is not a porting issue, as this is just how the GameCube version was.
  • While the original GameCube version ran at 60fps, the Japanese PS2 port which the PS3 Chronicles HD version is based off of ran at 30fps. The Steam version can run at 40FPS.
  • HD graphics

~ Skies of Arcadia (DC): vs Skies of Arcadia: Legends GC. ~

Skies of Arcadia: Legends GC:

  • New Ranks for the Swashbuckler Rating system.
  • Random encounters occur less frequently and load considerably faster than the Dreamcast version, and EXP offered per battle is adjusted to compensate.
  • Graphically, the game sports mild improvements to character models, most noticeably adding individual fingers to the designs. The modifier volume shadows and (weirdly enough) point-mipmapping from the original release are still present.
  • One of the new sidequests available is Bounty Hunting. Sailor's Guilds offer information about each person on the bounty list as they are unlocked through story progression. After reading about them, they can be found in a constant location.
  • There are a number of new discoveries to be found.
  • Two linked sidequests
  • "Pinta Quest" minigame was removed
  • DLC comes with the game.

~ Persona 3 (PS2): vs Persona 3 FES PS2 (English.ver) vs P3P PSP. ~

FES PS2 (English.ver):

  • A whole additional epilogue has been added, The Answer. This chapter is only available in one difficulty setting, which is supposed to be on par with Persona 3's Hard mode.
  • New Personas have been added
  • Secret videos of the protagonist's dorm mates have been added to flesh them out.
  • Koromaru can now be taken on walks.
  • Several of the Social Links have been modified slightly, such as Tanaka being available at a different time
  • Several new Quests have been added.
  • New costumes can be worn in battle.
  • A new event involving Chidori Yoshino was added.
  • Naganaki Shrine was completely overhauled.
  • A hard mode was added.
  • Save data from Persona 3 can be transferred into the game,


  • The Answer is not included in this verion.
  • Added a Female Main Character, so now you can choose between the Male and Female MCs.
  • The game lacks 3D environments and character models (outside of Tartarus), all anime cutscenes are gone, the graphics and audio quality were compressed,
  • The storyline of the female protagonist features many differences from that of the male protagonist, such as new social interactions as well as Social Links.
  • New voiced dialogue.
  • Players have the choice of selecting Elizabeth or a male-equivalent named Theodore to be Igor's assistant in the Velvet Room.
  • The ability to pick who the protagonist spends the last moments of the game with. This feature is only accessible on a New Cycle
  • The Desert of Doors from the Abyss of Time seen in The Answer will still appear, however, in an extra feature known as the Vision Quest. In this mode, the party can fight stronger incarnations of the Full Moon shadow bosses — save for Arcana Magician — and partake in special battles that test the party's abilities. When all of the battles have been successfully met, a second optional boss can be fought: Margaret, Igor's assistant in Persona 4 and guardian of the Desert of Doors in P3P.
  • There are now two overworld save points; Aside from the log book in the Iwatodai Dormitory, there is also one on the main character's desk at school.
  • In Paulownia Mall, the police station is now the only place where the protagonist can buy equipment and sell items. Aohige Pharmacy is now a buy-only store, and Be Blue V is just a part-time work site and hangout to improve the main character's condition
  • From previous versions, two difficulty modes have been added: Beginner and Maniac alongside Easy and Normal in Persona 3 and Hard in Persona 3 FES:
  • A new tactic, "Direct," has been added to the game, allowing control of the party members, unlike Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES.
  • The "Wait" command is replaced with the "Defense" command, and will decrease the damage and any knockdown effects of the next attack the user suffers.
  • The game grants "1 More" to a combatant who attacks multiple enemies not knocking all of them down; the original Persona 3 required all hit enemies to be knocked down for a 1 more.
  • Party members who have been knocked down no longer spend the turn by getting up and can act as soon as they stand.
  • Upon landing a critical hit or striking an enemy's weakness, party members can follow up with a co-op attack.
  • Fusion Spells from the original Persona 3 are now activated from items instead of equipping a persona and selecting it like other spells.
  • Allies can now take a fatal blow to the protagonist for them if they are able.
  • "Dizzy" has been added as a status effect.
  • Returning to the main lobby in Tartarus no longer automatically restores the party, and must now be done for a fee via the save point (this cost varies based on the date in-game and status effects currently inflicted on the party)
  • Floors can be directly returned to from the entrance of Tartarus instead of being restricted to the restore point like previous versions.
  • "Tired" status no longer is inflicted during Tartarus exploration, and is inflicted to all used party members after leaving (this will only drop to "Good" if the character used was at "Great" during exploration).
  • Unlike previous versions, money found by party members when split up will now be given to the protagonist.
  • Party members' equipment and status can now be accessed at any time from the pause menu, unlike in previous versions, which required the protagonist to speak to them while exploring Tartarus in order to change their equipment or view their status.
  • You can now control Party members directly.
  • The protagonists only have access to one weapon type (instead of having access to all weapon types like in P3 and FES); the male protagonist wields one-handed swords, and the female protagonist wields naginatas. As a result, the Skills "Fist Master," "Bow Master," "1hdSwdMaster" and similar skills have all been combined into a single skill called "Weapons Master." Its skill card is called "Phys Boost," and all Personas which had learned a "master" ability (like Cybele with Bow Master) now learn "Weapons Master."
  • Personas now have the ability to produce a Skill Card when raised to a specific level. Each card can be used on any Persona to teach them a skill.
  • The Inari Sushi in Naganaki Shrine no longer grants random bonuses for item gaining and Tartarus explorations. Instead, it offers to duplicate Skill Cards, which will take 5 days to complete

~ Persona 4 (PS2): vs Persona 4 Golden Vita vs Persona 4 Golden PC. ~

Persona 4 Golden Vita:

  • Two new Social Links.
  • A New Dungeon.
  • A New bad ending.
  • New Difficulty levels have been added: Safety/Easy/Normal/Hard/Risky.
  • Several new music tracks.
  • Additional voice-over dialogue.
  • Chie and Teddie have new voice actors in the English version.
  • New animated cutscenes.
  • More Personas, including new Ultimate Personas for the Investigation Team.
  • New areas can be visited.
  • New events.
  • The protagonist can now explore Inaba in the evening when Dojima is not home.
  • The protagonist and his friends now have motorized scooters to explore various areas.
  • Costumes are now available to buy at Croco Fur, in Okina City.
  • New Garden and Bug Catching features.
  • The ability to choose which skills can be inherited by the Persona the protagonist is fusing.
  • New scene skipping function
  • If the necessary criteria for at least the good ending are fulfilled, daily activities are expanded to February 14, 2012, giving more time for events and social links.
  • New epilogue has been added for the True Ending.
  • The list of Requests and the Fox' emas have been modified.
  • Rise can now assist the Investigation Team in All-Out-Attacks.
  • Added Tag Team attacks: two members can team up to perform a united attack.
  • Added Cavalry Attacks: Attacks from members of the Investigation Team that are not currently in the party.
  • Spell buffs and debuffs can now be used on the same character to prolong the effect
  • A new gallery menu has been added: "TV Listings." It displays bonus content unlocked through the main game at any time.
  • Floors and chests in dungeons can now reset by changing floors instead of leaving the dungeon and TV world, or visiting another dungeon.

Persona 4 Golden PC:

  • Bug fixes
  • The game will run at up to 4K resolution with 60FPS+ as opposed to the Vita's 476p resolution and 30FPS target
  • Includes dual audio language and multiple text language. The anime cutscenes now also include subtitles
  • In the Steam version, the player may customize their difficulty setting at any time, in contrast to the Vita version only letting you do so on New Game Plus.The player may select a preset difficulty setting, or individually alter the following parameters
  • The player may select a preset difficulty setting, or individually alter the following parameters.

~ .hack//G.U (PS2): vs .hack//G.U. Last Recode PS4/PC. ~

.hack//G.U. Last Recode PS4/PC:

  • A brand new episode titled Vol.4//Reconnection, which takes place a year and three months after the events of Redemption
  • HD graphical update for the whole game.
  • Ability to restart the battle from the beginning if Haseo dies.
  • Movement speed on foot has somewhat increased.
  • The item stack size has increased from 50 to 99. The maximum number of item stacks in the inventory has increased from 30 to 90
  • Item menu shortcuts and sort features
  • When using an item in the field, pressing the X button repeatedly will cause the item to be used again without navigating the menu a second time.
  • The maximum number of Chim Spheres and Virus Cores the player can possess has increased from 99 to 999
  • Platforms now include the Platform Recovery feature, recovering a large portion of the party's HP and SP. It can only be used once per visit to a field.
  • Saku and Bo no longer switch the active player based on their level being even or odd. They can instead be selected as separate options in the Party screen.
  • Decreased the probability of allies selling the items the player give them.
  • Voice clips for returning characters and NPCs between games have been updated to use the Volume 3 clips from the beginning, except where said clips are unavailable.
  • Attack power has been increased and hit stops during attacks have been reduced to speed up the battle tempo.
  • Learning weapons proficiency increased and acquired experience points increased.
  • Awakening scenes can be skipped using the Option/Start button.
  • Some of the really tough enemies have been made a bit easier
  • Skeith’s general shot bullet speed has increased during Avatar Battles.
  • Enhanced battle balance and game pacing to provide an optimal experience.
  • Avatar battles now show a stun gauge over the enemy's head. Red diamonds have been added around attacks meant to be deflected using scythe slashes that are in range.
  • Added suspend feature during Avatar battle gameplay.
  • In Volume 3, the player is given 22 "Promise" greeting cards, meaning it is possible to do the "Forever in Love" / "Best Wishes" events with all party members in a single playthrough.
  • A new Cheat Mode allowing players who want to just enjoy the story to start the game with a large amount of items, best equipment, maximum money and chim spheres, and maximum level and affection for the respective volume.
  • Save files from Cheat Mode plays can be converted to the next volumes.
  • The videos from “The End of the World” Terminal Disc included with the limited edition PS2 release of Volume 1 are included in the collection
  • A New Job Form for Haseo with a new weapon.
  • A New Form for Skeith.
  • Ovan joins the party.

~ Final Fantasy 12 (PS2): vs FF 12: International Zodiac Job System PS2 (JP.ver only) vs FF12 Zodiac Age PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One. ~

Final Fantasy 12: International Zodiac Job System PS2 (JP.ver only):

  • Addition of a "Zodiac Job System" featuring twelve jobs with individual License Boards corresponding to twelve zodiac signs
  • Addition of a 16:9 widescreen mode with menus and HUD at 4:3.
  • Addition of three new game modes: Trial Mode/New Game+ Strong Mode/New Game+ Weak Mode.
  • Pressing L1 will speed up gameplay. Conversations and events continue to play at normal speed.
  • Quickening doesn't consume MP. Now they use their own Mist gauge similarly to Limit Breaks from previous Final Fantasy titles.
  • UI Changes.
  • Playable characters' starting LP, consumables, gil, gambits, equipment, licenses, and base stats have been modified.
  • You have more control over Guests now, they also gain EXP/Item/Gold.
  • Many magick spells and technicks have been tweaked, renamed and recategorized.
  • Obtaining Quickenings no longer affects max MP and Mist charges do not diminish when MP is consumed (unless the player is affected by a reversed Elixir or Megalixir). The player's MP is also unaffected by the depletion of Mist charges. However, effects that recover the player's MP will also restore Mist charges. One Mist charge is granted each time the amount recovered totals the player's maximum MP. Effects that fully restore a player's MP recover all Mist charges.
  • You can now fully control Espers, they also require MP to cast magicks
  • Almost all attacks now break the 9999 damage limit from the original by default.
  • New items have been added, such as Cura Mote, Bubble Mote, Domaine Calvados, Baltoro Seed, Dark Energy and various Meteorites.
  • Bacchus's Wine now has 100% chance of inflicting Berserk (previously it was 50%).
  • Several equipment pieces were added, while some available in the original release were removed or tweaked.
  • New Weapons added.
  • Most shops had their assortments changed. Many weapons are now available from shops earlier because of the job system, and were thus made weaker.
  • Treasures respawn by moving just one area away as opposed to two. Treasures were moved around, changed the items they can give, or were removed altogether. The "forbidden chest" concept was removed, that in the original prevented the player from obtaining the Zodiac Spear in Necrohol of Nabudis if they opened a wrong treasure.
  • Dark Matter can no longer be acquired from the bazaar, and selling the ingredients needed to make it in the original will result in making the Dark Energy instead. The Dark Energy is an item that does not charge up with Knot of Rust or Devour Soul and always deals 50,000 damage to each enemy in range.
  • Treasure chests are now in different locations and contain different items.
  • There are more traps throughout the map.

Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One:

  • Remastered HD graphical upgrade.
  • English and Japanese voices (switch between them in the game configuration).
  • Original and newly re-recorded background music (switch between them in the game configuration).
  • Auto-save functionality added (game saves automatically when moving to each new screen, excepting boss arenas)
  • Improved high-speed mode and improved play time operability during high-speed mode
  • Ability to invert both the X and Y camera axes
  • The game balance has been overhauled to make it easier.
  • Each playable character can have two jobs at once.
  • Job Reset function added; talk to Montblanc in the Clan Hall to use.
  • The Effect Capacity system that limited spell-casting in the PlayStation 2 versions has been removed.
  • Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, and Cure only affect a single target again.
  • Espers' HP values have been doubled, but other stats kept the same as in Zodiac Job System.
  • The animation for summoning Espers is removed.
  • A glitch concerning Dyce's character model has been fixed.
  • New Game Plus and New Game Minus are now accessible from the beginning of the game.

~ Rune Factory 4 (3DS): vs Rune Factory 4 Special Switch. ~

Rune Factory 4 Special Switch:

  • HD Graphics.
  • Newlywed Mode.
  • Hell Difficulty.
  • Additional Movies.
  • Another Episode DLC.
  • Swimsuit Day DLC.
  • Many Town Events are now prioritized if requirements have been met. This includes Memories, which unlocks the last story arc and the events required for marriage.
  • The map has been moved to the main screen and can be removed and resized with the press of a button (the Switch has only one screen) or by using the touch screen icon.
  • The teleport spell has been mapped to a dedicated button. It can still be used from the touch screen.
  • You can now change the voice acting language between English and Japanese.
  • Many bug fixes.

This is just part 1, if you have any suggestions for titles to be in part 2, please post them here.

submitted by VashxShanks to JRPG [link] [comments]

D100(or more)Non-Violent Quests

Hey, so my old account got compromised and due to some issues I couldn’t fix it. So I’m reposting from where I left off. Feel free to suggest more than 100 since we were nearly there anyway.
  1. Convince a loan shark to forgive a mans debt
  2. Helping a poor lad win a race so that he can win the heart of his crush.
  3. Babysit for a friendly fey power-couple whose magically-gifted children love playing games like "the floor is made of lava," "don't let the balloon touch the ground," and "freeze tag."
  4. Light all the sacred shrine lanterns along a deserted mountain trail.
  5. Investigate the site of a meteor crash in the deep woods.
  6. Track down a cow that broke free from the herd and return it to the farmer (alive)
  7. convince someones child not to become a soldie adventurer.
  8. Convince someone's parents that they should allow their child to be a soldier or adventurer.
  9. Take a lesson from a BARD and make a performance.
  10. Use your spells to aide in a Play or performance.
  11. Look into strange happenings around town. (It's just restless kids/ teens playing pranks)
  12. Take some food/ supplies to the orphanage outside of town.
  13. Help gather food for the upcoming celebratory feast (fruit from the orchard, grain or vegetables from the fields, herbs and mushrooms from the forest, etc. Choose what makes most sense in your setting)
  14. Harvest honey from a certain beehive with the sweetest honey. The bees there are notoriously ornery.
  15. Gather rare medicinal herbs to help the local healer brew a salve for Little Timmy who's sick.
  16. The town's blacksmith has broken his arm. Figure out a way to keep the town supplied until he's back on his feet.
  17. An NPC's party is a total snooze fest. Liven it up. Let your players interpret that as they wish...
  18. Negotiate with the local kobold tribe over mining rights and dues.
  19. Spy on the populace for a local lord, to find the insurrectionists.
  20. Convince a proud weapon smith to make plow shares, instead of his legendary blades. (The blades end up sentient and cursed after so many battles.)
  21. Infiltrate a thieves guild, to unmask the new “Puppet Master.”
  22. Rebuild a home destroyed by bandits
  23. Help a local cleric move a sofa
  24. Re-light a signal fire on top of a mountain
  25. Participate in a talent show
  26. Challenge the village bullies to a game of basketball
  27. Deliver secret letters for two star crossed lovers from rival houses.
  28. Solve the murder mystery.
  29. Find the elven queen and get magical soil and seeds to heal the recently cleaned blighted forest.
  30. Win a tournament of carnival games.
  31. Win a pokecard/dice tournament.
  32. Deliver a love letter.
  33. Take a group to the school prom.
  34. Fix up a bunch of broken items in the shopkeeper’s place.
  35. Be a member of the jury for a very grey case
  36. Set up trade agreements between competing guilds to help alleviate the amount of sabotage in the business.
  37. Train a group of guards in how to anticipate the often unpredictable actions of adventurers.
  38. Host a support group for "I think my child might be turning evil"
  39. Resolve a miner’s strike for the local magistrate.
  40. Save a servant’s job by finding the missing silver and prove she didn’t pilfer it.
  41. Raise funds from the tight-fisted local aristocracy to build an orphanage for the children orphaned by the recent war, to which the local aristocracy was heavily called upon to financially support by the Baron/Duchess/Queen, etc.
  42. Perform a puppet show for the children of a fey court to keep them entertained and out of mischief while their parents/guardians attend court.
  43. Collect living magical beasts for the local Countess’s Mystical Menagerie.
  44. Take the Baroness’s teenage son on a “heroic adventure” as he is enamored with adventurers and longs for an epic quest, but is socially awkward, bad with weapons, clumsy, and so far unable to learn even cantrips. They are forbidden from placing him in front of any real threat. Do they put on a completely faux adventure or attempt to build his confidence and teach him skills?
  45. Prove the innocence of a man accused of theft of a noble's jewels
  46. Find a way to repair a large windmill that helps drive the town
  47. Put on a play for a group of orphans after the local actor troupe quit
  48. Interview witnesses of a possible murder
  49. Interview applicants for the job of henchman
  50. Get alchemical supplies for healing potions to a remote town dealing with a disease outbreak
  51. Deal with a noble's son bullying and throwing his weight around
  52. Plan security for a festival. They have to be careful, too tight and it's no fun. Too loose, and it can get out of hand. Include different areas where things can go wrong (party boats, shooting range, stuff for kids in the morning).
  53. A local orphanage is going to be shut down. The only way to keep it open is to win the cash prize at the local talent show/battle of the bands.
  54. A series of combat fake-outs where a siege turns out to be a festival, but the party needs to convince them to clear a path from the front gate. Then some marauders attack but it turns out they're just larping, but they are still bothering travelers, etc.
  55. Help Catsy Cline the tabaxi farmer do chores around her farm with lots of unusual creatures.
  56. Help a group of mourners put on a funeral. You'll need to play music and cater food.
  57. Try to beat the Fairy Godfather at a casino game to win a magic item.
  58. A woman's flock of prize chickens were spooked away by last night's storm. They look to be a different breed than most other chickens in the area. Help her round them up safe and sound and she'll give you a warm meal and a small reward.
  59. A young boy asks for help to find his runaway family dog. He gives you a shabby old blanket covered in fur and tells you it was her favorite. Under the smudges of mud and dead leaves, you notice finely embroidered clothes that suggest that he comes from a wealthy family.
  60. A performer who was supposed to make an appearance at the tavern the party is staying at hasn't shown up yet. Either find them or stall for time so the crowd doesn't get bored!
  61. A house party in the city has been getting lots of noise complaints. Break it up and send the drunk guests home.
  62. A little girl's direcat got stuck in a tree.
  63. A wizard's familiar is going on strike. Apparently it doesn't like dying so much.
  64. Find a very small lost item.
  65. Be bodyguards for someone who just wants them for the prestige. They are incredibly irritating but under no threat of violence.
  66. Retrieve a blink dog or semi intangible animal.
  67. Write a diplomatic letter for an inept ruler to prevent disaster.
  68. Help out local farmers before the first frost rolls in.
  69. Babysit a powerfully magical infant.
  70. Rescue a cat from a giant magical tree (its near the top)
  71. Find and bring back a child lost in a maze (the maze changes and uses illusions)
  72. Fill in for some performers who are unavailable (sick, hurt, left). Could be a play, stunts, music, etc. (lots of role playing, write an outline of challenges they'll encounter during it)
  73. Help someone find a loophole in a contact with a demon / fey
  74. Gather rare ingredients for a particular perfume, poison, or potion for an alchemist.
  75. Help the local blacksmith with their next armor piece.
  76. Baby sit a bunch of old time adventures with dementia. Their class abilities are still intact, they're just senile.
  77. Someone seeks help in solving a magical puzzle box they inherited from a family member.
  78. Plant some false information, either by rumour, or in letter form. Make sure the correct people learn this information. Bonuses for making them believe it comes from an enemy of theirs, not the player, and is supposed to be secret.
  79. Help a local chef win a cook off by gathering his necessary exotic ingredients (marketplace, dark market, going and getting them yourself from the wilderness)
  80. Go with a dragon studies professor to study a dragon's habits.
  81. A changling has a sword pulled on them by their friends after telling them they're a changling.
  82. Declog a sewer pipe in the sewers beneath the city. There is a homeless werebeaver living there that is unknowingly building a dam, causing the blockage, during full moons.
  83. Track down a cowardly sentient ooze with a magic item.
  84. Win a poetry competition in a cave of intelligent pacifist orcs
  85. Help a lone forest dweller unblock the mountain path from storm debris
  86. Help an astral dragon return to its home plane.
  87. Help with rebuilding an intricate shrine so the settlement it's built around can receive the blessing of its god(s) once more. Proper reconstruction probably requires it to be partly made of rare materials using exotic techniques.
  88. Help the festival planners in preventing an important festival competition/election/nomination from being rigged.
  89. Accompany a famous explorer(s) as they seek to catalog new sights with the aid of 'fresh yet experienced perspectives'.
  90. Rescue a merchant caravan trapped in a stormy mountain pass.
  91. Tutor a newborn demigodlike being in mortal matters, so that it can blend in with the mortal family it is raised with.
  92. Help the local government investigate and assess candidates for an office of high esteem, requiring specific traits e.g. unwavering loyalty, honesty, a propensity for pragmatism, etc.
  93. Bring a renowned artist to somewhere they've never been so they can become inspired once more.
  94. One of the locals owns a hyperactive blink dog as a pet. Recently they hurt their leg so need someone to take it for a walk. WCGW.
  95. Recover several missing sandbags and get them to the town before the coming storm.
  96. Be lab rats for a potion maker
  97. Cooking contest
  98. Help out with a concert by a traveling bard by doing behind the scenes stuff
  99. Be actors in a play
  100. Help extinguish a large fire
  101. Give a lecture on adventuring to some students
  102. Find a way to open a mysterious old door that's been locked for centuries.
  103. Retrieve a bunch of magical animals for a wizard
  104. Broker a peace treaty between two warring kingdoms.
  105. Help a lost child find their parents.
  106. Rehabilitate a criminal seeking redemption back into society.
  107. Fix the town's well
  108. Mend the relationship of two old friends who were partners in a vital business to the village
submitted by dndalt2 to d100 [link] [comments]

This week in MMOs - Week 34, 2020

This week in MMOS

Adventure Quest Worlds | Aion | Albion | ArcheAge | Ashes of Creation | Black Desert Online | Blade and Soul | Bless | Camelot Unchained | CorePunk | Crowfall | Destiny 2 | Dofus | Dungeon Fighter Online | Dungeon and Dragons Online | Elder Scrolls Online | EVE Online | Everquest | Everquest 2 | Final Fantasy XI | Final Fantasy XIV |Gloria Victis | Guild Wars 2 | ### Legends of Aria | Maplestory | Mabinogi | Neverwinter | Path of Exile | Pantheon Rise of the Fallen | Phantasy Star Online 2 | Project Gorgon | Realm of the Mad God | Rift | Old School RuneScape | Runescape | Skyforge | Star Trek Online | Star Wars The Old Republic | Star Citizen | Tera | Lord of the Rings Online | Tibia | Tree of Savior | Trove | Vindictus | Wakfu | Warframe | World of Warcraft |

AdventureQuest World

August 19th - Welcome Bugs ArchKnights Shoutout to the new bug catchers
August 21st - MindBreaker WyvernRider Set Exclusive set now on sale for $$$
August 21st - Return to the Nightmare Realm MindBreaker class no longer exclusive + weekend event


Aion North America
August 18th - August Store Update Cash shop update - transformation items
August 19th - Class Master Event Massive 24hour buff based on day/class and new event currency
August 19th - Patch Notes: Shadows Over Balaurea Update Class balancing and other minor changes
Aion Europe August 19th - UPDATE 7.6: NOW LIVE! 2 new ultimate transformations
August 21st - WHEEL OF DESTINY Lootbox has returned
August 21st - WEEKEND SPECIALS Minionite random box available

Albion Online

August 19th - The Offseason Crystal Tournament Starts Saturday First-ever offseason crystal tournament
August 19th - Rise of Avalon Patch 1 - Ver. 1.17.404 / REV 172780 - 19 August 2020 Corrupted/hellgate changes + bug fixes
August 21st - Guild Spotlight: Fire With Fire Interview with a guild


August 20th - Glide, Spin and Sneak through Erenor! Cash shop update
August 21st - 35% Bonus for All Credit Packs – ArcheAge: Unchained Credit discount for AA:Unchained

Ashes of Creation

August 21st - NEW ADVENTURE AWAITS Intrepid Studios parts ways with My.Com

Black Desert Online

August 19th - Pearl Shop Update: A Camp and a Keeper Cash shop update August 19th - Summer Gets Twice as Sweet! Summer event extension
August 19th - Patch Notes - 19th August 2020 Class balancing and other minor changes
August 19th - Mysteries of Summer: A Tale of a Fallen Kingdom II Mysterious summer event
August 21st - Mysteries of Summer: A Tale of a Fallen Kingdom II Guide Guide to the mysterious summer event
August 21st - Stay Healthy with the Black Spirit! Free stuff because corona...

Blade & Soul

August 17th - Hongsil’s Treasure Draw (August 2020) Lootbox is back
August 17th - Midsummer Events Extravaganza Preview End of summer events
August 17th - Summer Chill Event Preview Summer event to get swimsuits
August 18th - Midnight Reborn is Now Live! Content update
August 20th - Dawning Star Costume Crate Now Available! Lootbox for costumes and pets

Bless Unleashed

August 17th - SALVAGE AND SELL EVENT AUGUST 20 - 25 Marketplace event
August 18th - PS4 NEW PLAYER CLOSED BETA FAQ FAQ for PS4 CB Players
August 18th - SUMMER OUTFITS AND NEW MOUNT! Cash shop sale
August 20th - PS4 CLOSED BETA STARTS TODAY 8/20/2020 PS4 CB Launch
August 21st - SWEET BLUSH SHEEP PLUSH CONCEPT ART SPOTLIGHT! Insight into the sweet blush sheep plush design

Camelot Unchained

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Destiny 2

August 20th - DESTINY 2 HOTFIX Minor bug fixes
August 20th - THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE - 8/20/20 Destiny content vault updates



Dungeon Fighter Online

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Dungeon and Dragons Online

August 17th - DDO Screenshot of the Week #477 It’s a screenshot… honestly I don’t know what else you expected.
August 21st - The DDO Chronicle: Issue 393 Community news

Elder Scrolls Online


EVE Online

August 17th - DREADED COLLECTIVE - NEW UPDATE Triglavian ship changes
August 20th - METALIMINAL STORMS UPDATE NOW LIVE Random storms in nullsec space


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

EverQuest 2

August 18th - Norrath is heating up with GU 115: Reignite the Flames! New raids
August 20th - Solusek's Eye is upon You! New raid preview

Final Fantasy XI

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Final Fantasy XIV

August 17th - Leve Turn in Checkbox and Additional Housing Leve quest changes
August 20th - Adventurer Celebration Sale Ending Soon! Cash shop sale
August 20th - The Rising Returns! Anniversary event returns

Gloria Victis

August 20th - Weekly Update 236 – Share your Feedback! Quality of life changes and minor bug fixes

Guild Wars 2

August 18th - Calm Yourself with the Mystic Lotus Chair Cash shop sale
August 18th - Celebrating Guild Wars 2’s Eighth Anniversary Anniversary event

Legends of Aria

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


August 19th - Cash Shop Update for August 19 Cash shop update
August 19th- v.216 - Astral Blessings Update Preview Update preview and end of burning world
August 21st - What's Your MapleStory? - EvanelleOnyx Interview with player


August 17th - Notice of Service - Ukraine & Crimea Ukraine (sans Crimea) is now a serviceable region


August 17th - Avernus Hunt Key Bundle! New key bundle available
August 17th - Patch Notes: Version: NW.122.20200708b.16 The first part of the redeemed citadel is now available
August 19th - 2x Storm King's Thunder Currency! Get 2x storm king’s currency till the 27th
August 19th - 2x Glory! 2x PvP points
August 20th - 20% off Companions! Cash shop sale
August 20th - VIP Only - 50% off Improved Bag of Holding! Rank 3 VIP members 50% discount

Path of Exile

August 17th - Harvest Fan Art Competition Runners-Up Runner up submissions for art contest
August 18th - Patch 3.11.1f Deployment and Full Patch Notes Patch notes
August 19th - Harvest Statistics: Unique Items, Maps and the Most Deadly Areas Statistics..idk I don’t play PoE
August 20th - Path of Exile Is Coming to macOS in September! PoE coming to macOS
August 21st - Racing Gauntlet Community Event This Weekend - Huge Sale on Footprints, Portals and Character Effects Community event + cash shop sale

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

Phantasy Star Online 2

August 17th - CAMPAIGN: COMPLETE CLIENT ORDERS! (8/19) Party with others and get rewards
August 17th - CELEBRATING 1,000,000 ARKS! Event
August 18th - URGENT QUESTS & CONCERTS: AUGUST 2020 - PART 2 More Events and in game concert August 18th - NEW URGENT QUEST: DIGNITY OF STEEL UNLEASHED New urgent quests
August 18th - CAMPAIGN: QUEST TRIGGER DISTRIBUTION (8/19) Quest trigger handout + sale
August 18th - FUN SCRATCH TICKET: AUGUST 2020 - PART 2 New lootbox rotation
August 18th - AC SCRATCH TICKET: EARTH DEFENDERS (8/19) New lootbox
August 19th - NEW CONCERT: ARKS DANCE FESTIVAL! New concert schedule
August 20th - CASINO BOOSTS (8/23) Better chances to win at the casino
August 21st - PSO2 DAY: PREMIUM USER APPRECIATION DAY User appreciation event

Project Gorgon

August 17th - All About the Guides Program Insight into player moderators

Realm of the Mad God

August 19th - Patch Notes - Ancient Ruins & more Ancient ruins area
August 21st - Realm of the Mad God Exalt End of flash client support on September


August 19th - Call to Action: Budgie Madness Racing event
August 19th - Midweek Madness with 20% Credits Bonus! Get 20% more credits with any purchase

Old School RuneScape

August 17th - 10th Annual Golden Gnome Awards - Nominations Now Open! Award details
August 18th - A Porcine of Interest New quest and polls


August 17th - 10th Annual Golden Gnome Awards - Nominations Now Open! Award details
August 18th - This Week In RuneScape Weekly roundup


August 18th - Class packs are available for purchase! Unlock any class with cash
August 19th - Sale: Sun Worshipper Pack Cash shop outfit on sale
August 19th - Warm Breeze is here! Login event

Star Trek Online

August 17th - Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle New carriers on the C-Store
August 19th - PC Patch Notes for 8/20/20 Minor bug fixes
August 20th - 20% Ship Sale! Cash shop sale
August 21st - Carrier Bundle Wallpaper! Downloadable wallpaper

Star Wars: The Old Republic

August 19th - Steam-Inspired Login Reward and Shae Vizla Returns! Login rewards

Star Citizen

August 17th - This Week in Star Citizen Weekly recap
August 18th - August 2950 Subscriber Promotions Subscriber stuff
August 19th - KAIZEN: Interview with Imperator Candidate Mira Ngo Lore dump
August 19th - Star Citizen & Squadron 42 Roadmap Update Updates to the development roadmap
August 19th - Foundational Moments in Human History Lore dump
August 21st - TRANSMISSION Insights into the FPS weapons and systems
August 21st - Environment Art AMA Recap Recap of AMA

Tera: The Exiled Realm of Arborea

August 21st - TERA Battle Arena Spotlight 1 Hero spotlight for the upcoming battle arena

The Lord of the Rings Online

August 21st - The LOTRO Beacon: Issue 172 Community spotlight


August 21st - Character Auctions Release Date August 25th character auctions will be available

Tree of Savior

No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


August 20th - Summer of Dragons Sale Cash shop sale August 21st - Luxion is back with buddies until August 24 Luxion is back


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd


August 17th - DEVBLOG: THE NEW MINERAL TOWER Changes to mineral tower
August 18th - BETA 1.69: NOW ONLINE! Beta 1.69 is ready to be tested
August 20th - DRAGOTURKEY RUN New run available


No new updates from August 17th to 22nd

World of Warcraft

August 18th - Weekly Bonus Event: Arena Skirmishes PvP arena event
August 19th - Follow the Tides of Music From Battle for Azeroth Listen to the BFA OST
August 19th - Shadowlands Preview: A New Look for the WoW Companion App Preview of changes to the companion app
August 19th - Arena World Championship Circuit Viewer's Guide Watch the pvp world championship starting aug 22nd
August 20th - Engineer’s Workshop: Recreating the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort Development insights
August 22nd - Engineer’s Workshop: Enabling Ray-Traced Shadows in Shadowlands Development insights
August 22nd - Cataclysm: Mounts, Pets, and More How to get stuff from Cataclysm
August 22nd - Hotfixes: August 21, 2020 Bug fixes
submitted by Osirisoid to MMORPG [link] [comments]

Isla Volcán Del Diablo is live!

Isla Volcán Del Diablo is live!

Isla Volcán Del Diablo is a fantasy course based on the real-life island of Aogashima.

Located off the coast of Peru the mystical island’s last volcanic eruption was around 3,500 years ago. Undiscovered until 1528 by the Spanish explorer Diego de Almagro, who named the island ‘Isla Volcán Del Diablo’ after the impenetrable cliffs and sulphurous odour. After weeks of exploration several artefacts were identified as Incan, a settlement used as a place of ceremony and believed to be haunted by the fabled tales handed down over time.

In 2015 an audacious project was launched to build an all-inclusive casino resort and golf course. Five years later a 5-star resort and casino complex is now open for business. Guests can arrive by boat and take the 600 foot elevator to the resort level or fly the 110 miles by helicopter from the international airport of Lima.


The resort has two resort towers and a 275,000 square foot pool surrounded by tropical huts and lush gardens. Guests can relax by the pool where they can enjoy their welcome complimentary cocktail, while their bags are taken to their room.

Meals are served in the veranda bar located over the pool where happy our is a generous 2pm until 7pm to enjoy the sunset setting against the island’s dormant volcano.

For those guests looking for a little more privacy there is a stadium section with private villas, many with their own pools. All villas overlook the 18th hole and is modelled on the Bali National signature 17th hole.

All guests have access to the casino that is based on the top floor of tower 1 with breath-taking 360 degree views over the island and out to the pacific ocean.
An eighteen hole championship golf course takes in the natural contours of the island working it’s way up to the ridge line including the adventurous fourth hole taking in central caldera with a 239 foot drop to the green below.
3 tee boxes, Championship tees (blue), Members tees (white) and guests tees (red) with four pin positions depending on the competition on the day. Pin 1, standard locations, Pin 2, a challenge set, Pin 3, championship pins, Pin location 4, the greenskeeper was drinking that morning, play if you dare…

Course Description
Hole 1: Par 4 Championship: 390yds Members: 373yds Guests: 346yds
A gentle uphill dogleg right to start the round will get us underway. A long iron for the second shot to a generous 2 tier green guarded by two bunkers.

Hole 2: Par 5 Championship: 617yds Members: 607yds Guests: 590yds
A true test of 3 shots. This par 5 plays it’s full length into the prevailing wind. Split fairway requires a well-placed drive to give yourself a full second around the dogleg right into a left to right sloping fairway. Another generous two-tier raised green with a large bunker on the left and two on the right.

Hole 3: Par 4 Championship: 372yds Members: 365yds Guests: 358yds
A large fairway bunker guards the middle of this downhill tee shot. Take this into consideration for the mid iron approach to this uphill two-tier green with bunkers front right and back left.

Hole 4: Par 3 Championship: 143yds Members: 118yds Guests: 118yds
Some may be put off by the fantasy hole that is the par 3 4th. A simple chip shot is all that is required to get the ball dropping 239 feet (xxx metres) onto the green at the centre of this caldera. Even though the volcano isn’t active, there are still remnants of what once was with the bubbling lake. Be careful driving the buggy down into the centre of the volcano. After putting out take a well-earned drink at the canteen.

Hole 5: Par 4 Championship: 454yds Members: 431yds Guests: 407yds
Styled on the Jack Nicklaus designed Great Waters at Reynolds Lake Oconee’s 11th hole, the three-tier green structure is 170 feet deep which will make for club selection for the second shot very important!


Hole 6: Par 4 Championship: 426yds Members: 399yds Guests: 378yds
A straight hole down hill with a creek crossing at the landing zone split by a diagonal fairway bunker will place a premium on the drive. An uphill second to a three-tier green. No bunkers, but getting the ball on the correct tier is a must.

Hole 7: Par 5 Championship: 525yds Members: 513yds Guests: 496yds
Downhill tee shot will again place a premium on accuracy with yet another creek crossing. From there the dogleg right fairway winds its way uphill to a well-protected green with a false front, don’t be short!

Hole 8: Par 4 Championship: 421yds Members: 406yds Guests: 388yds
Driving up to the top ridge line you will be faced with a daunting tee shot protected by two fairway bunkers and a cliff drop of over 600 feet into the ocean below. A short iron into a large three‑tier green protected by a large front bunker and another back right.

Hole 9: Par 3 Championship: 191yds Members: 167yds Guests: 150yds
A dramatic 100 foot drop to the small right to left sloping green will require a well-crafted tee shot. Protected by bunkers left, back right and right across the front you will do well to walk off with a par.

Hole 10: Par 4 Championship: 374yds Members: 364yds Guests: 353yds
A straightaway downhill par 4 protected by a creek across the front of the green. Only the brave (or the wet) will take driver here, leaving a small chipshot onto a tight green with bunkers front right and behind. A good chance for a birdie.

Hole 11: Par 4 Championship: 382yds Members: 358yds Guests: 340yds
Slicers paradise! This drive will reward those that can hit a left to right slicing ball. Don’t get greedy or the fairway bunkers will come into play. The hole plays downhill off the tee to a tight green surrounded by pot bunkers.

Hole 12: Par 5 Championship: 550yds Members: 530yds Guests: 502yds
A risk reward hole that plays a lot longer than it looks, as it’s all uphill. The fairway has a double dogleg left and requires two very good shots before a mid-iron into a two-tier green surrounded by large bunkers.

Hole 13: Par 4 Championship: 459yds Members: 448yds Guests: 431yds
Another straight downhill par 4 requiring a well-placed tee shot to avoid the fairway bunkers. From there a long iron into a shallow green with plenty of area to miss right if required.

Hole 14: Par 4 Championship: 406yds Members: 387yds Guests: 359yds
Sulphur lake. The remnants of the volcano are evident here with a minor eruption only 3 years ago killing most of the trees surrounding this hole. After an uphill tee shot a short iron is all that is required to setup a birdie putt. What ever you do don’t go in the water after your ball…

Hole 15: Par 4 Championship: 386yds Members: 364yds Guests: 341yds
This long uphill par 4 will knock the wind out of your sails. The green sits over 100 feet above the tee boxes. The second shot is to a blind two-tier green with a large bunker protecting the front right complex. You are better off long unless it’s the diabolical pin 4.

Hole 16: Par 3 Championship: 162yds Members: 152yds Guests: 137yds
Signature hole. This simple par 3 will make or break your round. From the back tee the green sits 46 feet downhill and puts a premium on shot selection. A brave golfer will be pin high looking at a birdie, the foolish golfer will be long and a 600 foot drop to a watery grave. DON’T GO LEFT!

Hole 17: Par 4 Championship: 506yds Members: 479yds Guests: 452yds
A long downhill dogleg right means aiming a little further left to get the kick off the hill and set yourself up with a short iron into a green that slopes front to back. Take half a club less for your approach.
Hole 18: Par 3 Championship: 167yds Members: 142yds Guests: 119yds
A replica of the 17th hole at Bali National Golf Club this stadium hole sits in the middle of the luxury villas. A short par 3 to an island green and your round is complete.
Time to get back to the resort for a swim, you deserve it!

Enjoy your round!
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