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  1. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.
  2. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology.
  3. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
  4. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization.” Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.
1.(a) By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self- hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.
(b) When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights activists, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities and about anything that is said concerning minorities. The terms “oriental,” “handicapped” or “chick” for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory connotation. “Broad” and “chick” were merely the feminine equivalents of “guy,” “dude” or “fellow.” The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal rights activists have gone so far as to reject the word “pet” and insist on its replacement by “animal companion.” Leftish anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the world “primitive” by “nonliterate.” They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)
(c) Those who are most sensitive about “politically incorrect” terminology are not the average poor ghetto- dweller, illegal-immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any “oppressed” group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual males and females from middle- to upper-middle-class families.
(d) Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (Muslim ghetto-dwellers and other minorities), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, muslims,xtians etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)
(e) Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.
(f) Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate India, they hate the idea of a united Aryavrat, they hate males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the Hindutva driven nation, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate Hindutva because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist/communist-totalitarian countries or in primitive cultures(for example pre-oil boom Arabia), the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in the Post-Vedic Indian civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating India and the Hindutva. He hates a united Bharat and the idea of it because they are strong and successful in contrast to what his own conscious tells him.
(g) Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
(h) Art forms that appeal to modern leftish intellectuals tend to focus on sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an orgiastic tone, throwing off rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that was left was to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment.
(i) Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.
(j) The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.
(k) Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or ethno-segregationists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait.
(l) Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for Abrahamics/other minorities/lower caste people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to upper caste Hindus who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping Abrahamics/other minorities/lower caste people is not their real goal. Instead, communal tensions serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm Abrahamics/other minorities/lower caste people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the upper caste Hindu majority tends to intensify communal hatred.
(m) If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.
(n) We emphasize that the foregoing does not pretend to be an accurate description of everyone who might be considered a leftist. It is only a rough indication of a general tendency of leftism.
2.(a) Psychologists use the term “socialization” to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists are oversocialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel. Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem.
(b) The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a non-moral origin. We use the term “oversocialized” to describe such people. [2]
(c) Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society’s expectations. If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling ashamed of HIMSELF. Moreover the thought and the behavior of the oversocialized person are more restricted by society’s expectations than are those of the lightly socialized person. The majority of people engage in a significant amount of naughty behavior. They lie, they commit petty thefts, they break traffic laws, they goof off at work, they hate someone, they say spiteful things or they use some underhanded trick to get ahead of the other guy. The oversocialized person cannot do these things, or if he does do them he generates in himself a sense of shame and self-hatred. The oversocialized person cannot even experience, without guilt, thoughts or feelings that are contrary to the accepted morality; he cannot think “unclean” thoughts. And socialization is not just a matter of morality; we are socialized to conform to many norms of behavior that do not fall under the heading of morality. Thus the oversocialized person is kept on a psychological leash and spends his life running on rails that society has laid down for him. In many oversocialized people this results in a sense of constraint and powerlessness that can be a severe hardship. We suggest that oversocialization is among the more serious cruelties that human beings inflict on one another.
(d) We argue that a very important and influential segment of the modern left is oversocialized and that their oversocialization is of great importance in determining the direction of modern leftism. Leftists of the oversocialized type tend to be intellectuals or members of the upper-middle class. Notice that university intellectuals [3] constitute the most highly socialized segment of our society and also the most left-wing segment.
(e) The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: communal equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes [4] for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.
(f) Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving women and lower castes/tribals/religious minorities into high-prestige jobs, for improved education in Islamic schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the Islamic “underclass” they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class Hindus and some prosperous minorities(Jews,Jains,Sikhs etc.). The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the muslim man into a copy of the Hindu man(allegedly extremist, misogynist and intolerant); instead, they want to preserve Islamic culture. But in what does this preservation of Islamic culture consist? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating Islamic-style food, clothing and going to a mosque(anything further plays right into the faith’s mainstream goal of the supremacist agenda of world domination and the genocide of the “infidels” and results in radicalization of the masses that follow Islam). In other words, it can express itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects most leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the Hindu man conform to, poorer-class tribal ideals. They want to make him study deny science for a document that advocates flat-earth, become an tolerant or “silent” and “objective” to Islamic violence, spend his life respecting and admiring the tribalistic,primitive and perverted idea of an Islamic civilization to prove that staunch Islamic minorities are as good as the idea of a post-vedic Hindu civilization. They want to make Hindu fathers “responsible” like their Islamic counterparts, they want Hindu organizations to become “tolerant”, etc. But these are exactly the values of the cruel-tribalistic-regressive and a primitive system. The system couldn’t bother anyone more than it already does with what kind of halal music a man listens to, what kind of clothes the family females wear or what religion he believes in as long as he studies in an islamic school, holds an unquestionable belief in the Quran(and the Hadiths), disrupts the progress in communities of other religions, is a “responsible” man when it comes to being a “good husband”, is silent on the vast amount of precedences of Islamic extremism that have killed millions till date and so forth. In effect, however much he may deny it, the oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the Hindu man into the Islamic/Abrahamic system and make him adopt its values.Conversion either by fraud or sword is the main agenda of this leftist-Islam conjunct.
(g) We certainly do not claim that leftists, even of the oversocialized type, NEVER rebel against the fundamental values of our society. Clearly they sometimes do. Some oversocialized leftists have gone so far as to rebel against one of modern society’s most important principles by engaging in physical violence. By their own account, violence is for them a form of “liberation.” In other words, by committing violence they break through the psychological restraints that have been trained into them. Because they are oversocialized these restraints have been more confining for them than for others; hence their need to break free of them. But they usually justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values. If they engage in violence they claim to be fighting against racism or the like.
(h) We realize that many objections could be raised to the foregoing thumbnail sketch of leftist psychology. The real situation is complex, and anything like a complete description of it would take several volumes even if the necessary data were available. We claim only to have indicated very roughly the two most important tendencies in the psychology of modern leftism.
(i) The problems of the leftist are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self-esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today’s society tries to socialize us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth.
Yes, it might be tough to digest but this is the fact. The Islamists in India cant digest the fact that industries are dominated by Hindus. They don't want to see Hindus get rich and make money. They and the leftist liberal nexus will never criticize Bollywood because they know for a fact that it is controlled by Muslims/liberals.
I think the time has come for both Adani and Ambani to do some serious PR to improve their image amongst common Indians. The leftist propaganda is too strong and even Hindus think that Ambani and Adani have been able to become successful because of the 'meherbani' of Modi.
This is definitely not the case.
Being in power politically doesn’t mean shit. Look at the west. The right wing is in power yet it’s the left that controls the society. The right wing might’ve won politically in the past whatever years but in real life? They have lost. They have lost every battle and the war as a whole too. Now I’m not saying what they fought for was right ( blacks not getting equal rights, being against women’s rights, and supporting Christianity and religious thoughts and beliefs ) they have lost EACH AND EVERY BATTLE. you don’t need to be in power politically. You need the power of media ,pop culture and the entertainment industry.
Keep in mind the entertainment industry is the thing which influences the kids of tomorrow... they may or may not change you rn but they will effect your kids. Now there is another thing that matters and that’s confidence in yourself. And your history. And for that you first and foremost need your CURRENT SITUATION to be very good. So good that you don’t feel inferior to any other civilisation.
There should be things you can be proud of not from your past but in your present. Now India. We don’t really have anything to be proud of rn. Ask anyone of even us in this sub what things are we proud of were either gonna go back in time and claim the greatness of a bygone era or into the future about which were so optimistic ( largest GDP yadayada). This is the reason why we have self loathers.
We don’t have anything to be proud of rn. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Look around you. Speaking in English is better than Hindi/ any South Indian languages ( for the lungis out there... just being inclusive ya know ). Or Hollywood is better than Bollywood ( not on the basis of merit but simply because it’s from abroad.. tons of movies are legit better ) even your roadside toys vendor is gonna say that “ this is better madam/sir it’s even imported” ( AGAIN not on the basis of merit but simply because it’s not indian ).
We have an inferiority complex. A big one. Which must be gotten rid off. But that can only happen if we make India better. Economically. Cuz paisa bolta hai. ( money talks ). A financially well if citizen is an empowered citizen. Who doesn’t have to loathe them self. They are PROUD.
Now another problem... our press... we need to somehow get rid of Rana Ayyub and co. but that’s not gonna happen. Cuz the western left will find someone else like her. Why? Cuz the western left is in bed with Islamists. It really is. So what we need to do is...well.... get Amit bhai and take him to USA to make another Sarkar there. Jokes apart... we need to break down the Islamist forces in the west... which ain’t gonna happen.
You might say who cares about Ayyub nobody even reads her stuff barely any Indians read Washington post or whatever. Well... you’re right but... the elites do read them yk... and so do our city ka youth... and remember the inferiority complex? If the west calls anything bad we think it’s bad and we change it ( if you look at it, the west controls the global moral compass ). If the west says being an aggressive Hindu is bad we change it. Now people like Rana give the west an idea... sorry... THEIR idea of what India is like to the west... which sets the global narrative against India or whatever... now our local press think of western media publications as the best ones on the planet and try to emulate them... basically... the west has massive influence over what WE think is good and bad.
Even what we think about OURSELVES. Going back to the American right... wanna know why they lose? Because they don’t control the cities. The cities of a society are the flag bearers of the societies culture and change and pretty much everything. Now, whatever the west says influences our youth in the cities first because the amount of exposure to the west is maximum there.
We slowly will lose our cities like the right wing in the USA did. And as soon as we do that.... we’re done for... we will lose battle after battle for dharma... everything. We have started losing our youth already.... I come from a metro city and I know tons of pretty privileged people.... among all my friends only 1 actually celebrated ram mandir... hack I had seen more Hindus say “ not my Hinduism bla bla “ than I had seen Muslims condem the ram mandir construction.
Now you have multiple organisations even online who say similar shit... multiple of these “woke” people. Most of the people are busy being sasta American liberals basically. When I see the future I see doom for us because we possibly can’t solve all these problems... I mean if you make oil irrelevant then that makes Muslims irrelevant cuz no money to fund their bullshit in the west but yeah. Not gonna happen.
Communists are never exhausted from harping on lofty ideals like democracy and democratic institutions, yet they are the worst destroyers of those very values and institutions raised to protect and nourish them. They are the worst tormentors of civility and culture and why not? The Gods they worship and hang photo frames thereof in their offices are Karl Marx/Lenin/Stalin who espoused violence of every conceivable ordenature to realize their goals and the Doctrine of Violence happens to be very close to their hearts and souls. Founder of the Marxist cult, Karl Marx declared religion to be the opium of masses intoxicating them into artificial/superficial joy. However, does Marxist cult do anything other than poisoning/destroying masses after intoxicating them into false glory of equality?
There is one more ‘luminary’ whom they adore, copycat his strategies and actions to obfuscate real issues by preparing an insidiously false grand narrative. He happens to be Hitler’s Propaganda Minister Goebbels. By denying the existence of issues that have the potential to expose their anti-national, sinister activities or embarrass them for their sins of past and by harping on non-existent issues to confound the unsuspecting, is the Dodger’s Art that they have mastered by neatly following Goebbels and his shenanigans. Their nefarious activities have not been brought to the fore as the party that ruled over the country for six decades had been in cahoots with Reds, one of the worst instances of anti-national symbiotic relationships.
By deriving maximum advantage from their proximity to the ruling establishment, Reds worked out a powerful/well-hinged network of favor-seekers and favor-providers. This nefarious system had been largely responsible to ensure, the nation remained a wretched leader from the bottom in the merit-list of the UN Human Development Index all these years in all disciplines of national reconstruction. Their drum-beating propagandists/acolytes/adherents resort to fantastic arguments viz. “inevitable to cleanse the system of bourgeoisie /reactionaries” to justify every irrational/anti-national/criminal activity of their unworthiness. Their well-oiled false propaganda-reticulum has tarnished the image of the nation abroad and raised several hurdles in attaining laurels that the nation would have been attained otherwise.
The recent instance of Comrade Sitaram Yechury accusing BJP/RSS of “worming their way into Freedom Movement” notwithstanding the facts that they destroyed Gandhi’s Quit India Movement in cahoots with British-Occupiers and always hobnobbed with them, always condemned hard-earned freedom, are yet other stunning pieces of falsehood. They never took up cudgels to discover much to their enlightenment and discomfiture, thousands of RSS members were the foot-soldiers in freedom movement, every RSS shakha individually sent a congratulatory message to JL Nehru when resolution of ‘Purna Swaraj’ was passed by Congress in 1929, RSS actively participated in Non-Cooperation Movement in 1930, Quit India Movement with the founder Dr. Hedgewar himself very active from Nagpur to Kolkata with Anusilana Samiti and arrested for sedition in May 1921. During trial for sedition, he thundered in court before the Judge, “India belongs to Indians. We, therefore, demand independence. This is the content of all my speeches. People have to be told how to secure independence, and also how to conduct themselves after securing it. What law is there that gives one country the right to rule over the other? I am asking you, the Counsel for Government, this simple and straight question. Can you answer it? Is it not that against natural justice? If it is true that no country has a right to rule over another country, who gave the British the authority to trample the people of India under their feet? How can they enslave us and declare that they own this country? Is it not the most blatant murder of justice, morality and Dharma? Our mind revolts at the thought of remaining the slaves of the British Empire and carrying that stigma for all time. We demand nothing short of complete independence. Till we achieve it we cannot be at peace….” And Communist Reds periodically declare RSS did nothing to attain independence from British-Occupiers.
Reds are so much obsessed with and fear RSS/Hindu Rightists that whenever and wherever their political outfit BJP is installed in power, they begin undergoing all sorts of hallucinations hollering from rooftops on top of their vocal cords, be it education, foreign policy, internal security or any issue under the sun. In the state of Tamil Nadu, they have their vernacular version in DMK who keenly follow their footsteps in berating Hindu-s and Hinduism. The latest instances have been suggestions to observe Hindi Week, Guru-Utsava on Teacher’s Day and substitution of German with Samskrita in Central Schools. When Christians sing “Oh Jesus, lead us…”, Reds and Dravidians swing to the tune but turn ferociously abusive if Saraswati Vandana is recited. Red-Wolves just hate anything even remotely connected with Hinduism. Hindi movies run for weeks in Tamil Nadu, Dravidian hotheads produce Hindi-hits and progeny of Mother Tamil send their children to English schools even while abusing Hindi uninterruptedly.
Marxist pseudo-historians in cahoots with Nehruvian intellectuals, denigrated all stalwarts of the independence movement, be it Netaji Bose or Sardar Patel. Quite methodically, they established Nehru-Gandhi family as flawless who swear by lofty ideals of democratic values, nourished that through their blood and sweat, others happen to be unworthiness as hangers on to them with a finger in every pie, all achievements of the nation originating from the Dynasty while failures/setbacks crafted by all others. DK Chakravorty, a distinguished historian who taught History / Archaeology at the University of Cambridge, disclosed, “Since coming of this group to power, the world of Indian historical studies has been largely criminalized.”
Reds have executed cultural subversion of the country extensively so much so that what external invaders could not do, was adroitly committed by them. Reds and westernized rootless, intellectuals know the power and strength of Sanskrit and the fear of being rendered worthless by Sanskrit looms large in their minds. NASA has declared Sanskrit as the perfect language for advanced scientific calculations and computer programming. Briggs wrote in the issue of Artificial Intelligence 1985, “Sanskrit is the perfect language designed for enlightened communication. It is the one and only unambiguous spoken language in the world.” All attempts by Red planted bogus western scholars viz. Wendy Doniger, Arundhati Roy, Sheldon Pollock to defame Hindus and Hinduism have been successfully thwarted so far by a determined group of nationalists whom Reds do not miss even whiff of an opportunity to berate and abuse. Reds do not allow people to believe that the great Hindu civilization adored women, that there were no Dalits /untouchables, that there were no prostitutes at all, that it was an invasion of western bigots that destroyed Hindu civilization and cultural heritage.
So desperate were they after installation of Modi government in 2014 that they not only engineered murderous assaults on so-called rationalists, the farcical return of awards by literary figures, etc. but also raised the decibel level between two lunatic fringes of society, one faking public opinion and the other, symptomatic of Government policies. They even moved to the extent of declaring; the Idea of India is in a perpetual clash with the Govt. elected with a massive mandate to deliver the Idea of India. It is always that Leftist intellectuals cry wolf loudest. They dread the scenario of losing control of the Indian Council of Historical Research which they monopolize to carry out their nefarious designs of cultural/historical subversions. ‘Eminent Historians’ authored by Arun Shourie speaks volumes on their ‘trade’ practices solely meant to perpetuate Red hegemony. Red historian Irfan Habib even went to the extent of castigating revival efforts of the Saraswati river which enjoys enormous value in Vedic wisdom and Hindu civilization. The Marxist historian spent his lifetime proving, the Saraswati river never existed, contrary to all scientific studies, satellite imagery, etc. to the contrary.
Fraudulent theory of Aryan Invasion too was propagated Marxists. Also are they hell-bent to negate everything even remotely connected with Sanatana Dharma? Everything good about Hinduism, if at all any, was brought in by Aryan invaders, Alexander brought Vedic wisdom into the country…and Hindus at best, be remembered for having contributed absolutely nothing. The first activity that Marxists undertake is to destroy entire cultural heritage and convert everyone into empty-headed zombies to create space in their minds so as to allow the venomous doctrine of Marxism to take roots in their minds.
Reds deviously supported Jinnah’s Direct Action on Aug.16, 1946 and partition of Bharat with the statement in their own words, “…secession would lead to still greater and more glorious unity of India, the like of which India has not seen in her history”. They waved many flags viz. Soviet flag, Red flag, Russian flag, then League flag. Whenever Dr. SP Mookerjee, a hard-core nationalist, picked up any issue pertaining to the nation’s interest, Reds began howling and yelling from rooftops on top of their voice.
They ruled over Bengal uninterruptedly for four decades and left the state in tatters, completely pauperized. The State they left behind was infested with anti-national/criminal activities, industrial junkyards, democratic institutions emaciated, education in ruins, then the revelations about electoral malpractices, large-scale booth-capturing, etc. to win elections. They allowed atrocities by Muslims on Hindu-s in the name of secularism, encouraged Bangladeshi infiltrators as their vote-banks destroying entire demography of the State. And when they lost to TMC of Mamata Banerjee, all Reds joined TMC to enjoy a free hand in all matters as ever in addition to a bloodbath of their opponents. In Kerala too, the tale of Reds is almost the same. When they have realized, the ground beneath in Kerala has been slipping away and they are on the verge of decimation, they resorted to uninterrupted killing spree all over the state. Reds in Kerala not only encouraged but also protected missionaries and jihadis in all their nefarious activities.
Wherever they have been in power, they deported themselves like monster-killers and when in opposition, they are cunning jackals ever prepared to howl and cry for being the worst victims. They have never been known to undertake any nation-building activity/social work, never in any relief/rehabilitation exercise ever they participated when a natural calamity strikes, never supportive when the nation’s integrity had been at stake or ancient cultural heritage threatened.
If religion is really opium of masses as vouchsafed by Marx, is not Marxism cyanide pill of the same masses?
An answer on Quora further details how the Communists and the left-wing are destroying India from within:
Many conspiracy theories are floating around on the internet which states that communist groups across the world are joining forces to establish what they call as the 'New World Order' in the coming years and nationalism is an inherent setback from accomplishing their goals because of which, the recent cases like that of George Soros to fund 1 Billion USD to fight nationalism is occurring. What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comments below.
submitted by Johnathan_Johnson to librandu [link] [comments]

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Hello everyone. I made a post about two months ago sharing my library index (646GB at the time). I was working with 400GB of space back then so I went with a request format so people could comment and request titles on my list. However, I have since exceeded that storage space limit through the sheer number of requests I've been getting so I decided to purchase more space to accommodate everyone's needs. As a result, I now have enough space to upload my entire library which is what I have done. Please enjoy!


*This keeps coming up on my last post, so I will reiterate it here:
This is not a request post. I'm sharing what I have in my library. Please do not request titles that aren't listed below. Thank you. :)

If there's no quality specified, it's FLAC at 16bit / 44.1 or 48 kHz
[320] MP3 at 320kbps, when this number is 3 digits and not 16/24 it is always MP3 with the number indicating kbps
[24] FLAC at 24 bit, if the sampling rate is higher than 44.1/48kHz it will be specified
[MQA] will be specified after bit-rate
Discographies are studio albums mostly, some include EPs/Mixtapes/Live albums as well
All albums listed are complete, unless otherwise noted.
If there are multiple formats available within an album, they will be in separate sub folders.
Occasionally there will be albums with mixed formats, which will be noted.
There's a small percentage of titles that are labeled in FLAC but are actually upsampled MP3. Unfortunately I'm not quite sure which ones they are. I'd estimate this to be less than 3% of the collection.
Some video content are also included with certain titles.
I think that would be all for now. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions below.
2 Chainz - Discography (2012-2020)[16~24/96]
2 Pac - 2Pacalypse Now, Strictly 4 My NIGGAZ, Me Against the World, All Eyez on Me, Americaz Most Wanted
8 Mile Original Soundtrack
8Ball - Lost
21 Savage - Slaughter King [320], Savage Mode, Savage Mode II [24]
50 Cent - Discography (2003-2014), Power of the Dollar EP+Unreleased, Guess Who's Back [Mixtape], The New Breed [Documentary CD], Get Rich or Die Tryin' OST, This is 50 [Mixtape], The Kanan Tape [Mixtape], Best Of [Compilation], Singles
112 - 112, Room 112
A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Artist, The Bigger Artist, Hoodie SZN, Artist 2.0 [24]
A Great Big World - Is There Anybody Out There? [320]
A$AP Ferg - Furious Ferg, Floor Seats II [24]
A$AP Rocky - Live.Love. ASAP, Long. Live. ASAP, At. Last. ASAP [24], Testing [24]
Aaryan Shah - In the Making, The Arrival: Part I+II [16~24]
AC/DC - Discography (1976-2020)[16~24/96]
Ace Hood [320] - Discography (2008-2013)
Mixtape: Ace Won't Fold, All Bets on Ace, Final Warning, Street Certified, The Preview, I Do It.. For the Sport, The Statement, Body Bag Vol.1, Sex Chronicles, The Statement 2, Body Bag Vol.2, Starvation, Starvation II

.hack_Sign OST 1+2 [320]
Castlevania - Akumajo Dracula Best Music Collections Box
Curse of Darkness - Prelude of Revenge
Harmony of Despair
Lament of Innocence
Lament of Innocence Limited Edition Music Sampler
Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate
Symphony of the Night
Death Note OST 1+2+3 [320]
Detective Conan OST 3
Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite
Final Fantasy VII OST
Final Fantasy VII Reunion Tracks
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X
Gensomaden Saiyuki - OST 1, Single Collection
Guilty Gear X - Heavy Rock Tracks, Rising Force of Gear Image Vocal Tracks
Guilty Gear XX OST
Guilty Gear XX - Sound Alive/A.S.H.
Hikaru no Go - Theme Song Selection
Howl's Moving Castle - OST [24], Symphony Suite [320]
Hunter x Hunter - OST 1+2+3, The Last Mission
Joe Hisaishi - Dream Songs/The Essential Joe Hisaishi [24]
Legend of Mana [320]
My-HiME - OST 1+2
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Single Collection, "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" [24_192]
NieR:Automata [24]
Noir - OST 1+2+3
Ragnarok Online Complete Soundtrack
Rockman Zero: Remastered Tracks, Collection Soundtrack -résonnant vie-
Rockman Zero & ZX Sound Box (Zero 1+2+3+4, ZX, ZX Advent)
Rockman Zero/ZX Reploid Remixes
Rockman ZX: Soundsketch -ZX Gigamix-, ZX Tunes, ZXA Tunes
Rurouni Kenshin - OST 1 [320], OST 2+3+4, CD BOX [320], Director's Collection, Premium Collection, Songs, The Best Theme Collection
Shaman King - Comics Image Album, Melody of the Spirits, Osorezan Revoir ~au revoir~, Osorezan Revoir ~prologue to shaman~, Single Vocal Album, Vocal on Parade!!
Slayers TRY Treasure BGM
Spirited Away [320]
The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD
Tsubasa Chronicle - OST 1+2+3+4
Yu-Gi-Oh! Theme Song Single Collection
Z.O.E. - Zone of the Enders, Anubis: Zone of the Enders
Zenki - Character Song Collection 2, OST 2 Raigou Shourin!!
軒轅劍三外傳:天之痕 - 三個人的時光
風色幻想 - 1+SP+2+3+4+5

Adam Ben Ezra - Discography (2015-2020)
Adam Lambert - Trespassing
Adam Lopez - The Popera, Showstopper, Till the End of Time
Adele - Discography (2008-2015)
Afek-T - Les brumes, "Impassible"
Agnes Obel - Philharmonics, Aventine, Citizen of Glass [24], Myopia [24]
Akon - Trouble
Alabama Shakes - Boys & Girls, Sound & Color
Alejandro Fernández - de noche - clasicos a mi manera, Confidencias [320]
Alicia Keys - Songs in A Minor
Aloe Blacc - Shine Through, Good Things, Lift Your Spirit
Aloosh - Separate, Ceramic [24/96]
Amber Run [320] - 5am, For a Moment I Was Lost
Amy Winehouse - Frank [24], Back to Black [24/96], Lioness: Hidden Treasures, At the BBC
Andrea Bocelli - Romanza, Verdi
Angra - Discography (1992 - 2010)[160~231, except Temple of Shadows in 16]
Anita Baker - Rhythm of Love
Anthony Ramos - The Freedom EP, The Good & The Bad
Ariana Grande - Discography (2013-2020)[16~24/MQA]
Arvo Part - Various works
Audiophile Analog Collection Vol. 2 [DSD256]
Aurora - Discography (2015-2019)[24, except Infections of a Different Kind in 16]
AZ - Doe or Die
Az Yet - Az Yet, She's Magic
Babyface - The Day
Bad Meets Evil - Hell: The Sequel
Ballet Class Music [320]
Banks - Discography (2014-2019)[16~24/MQA]
Basso Profondo from Old Russia
Belly - Another Day in Paradise, Inzombia, Mumble Rap, Immigrant
Beyoncé - 4, Beyoncé, Lemonade
Big Boi - Boomiverse
Bilal - 1st Born Second
Bill Evans Trio [320] - Explorations, Sunday at the Village Vanguard, Waltz for Debby
Bill Withers - Lovely Day: The Very Best of Bill Withers
Billie Eilish - Discography (2017-2020)
Birdy - Discography (2011-2016)
Bishop Briggs - EP [24MQA], Church of Scars [24MQA], Champions [24]
Black OST
Black Hill - Discography (2014-2019)[16~24]
Stvannyr - Secrets of the runes
Black Panther - Original Score [24], The Album [24], Wakanda Remixed [16]
Blindspotting - The Collins EP, The Miles EP
Bloom - Sinses
Blue - All Rise
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Legend
Bone Thugs-n-Harmony - Creepin on ah Come Up EP
Brent Faiyaz - A.M. Paradox EP, Sonder Son, Lost EP, Fuck the World
Bruno Mars - Discography (2010-2016)
Busta Rhymes - The Coming
Call Me By Your Name OST
Camila Cabello - Romance
Cardi B - Gangsta Bitch Music Vol.1 [128], UnderEstimated - The Tour Album [128], GBMV2 [128], Invasion of Privacy
Carolina Eyck - Discography (2008-2019)
Case - Open Letter
Céline Dion - All the Way... A Decade of Song, A New Day Has Come, Courage
Charlotte Cardin - Big Boy EP, Main Girl EP
Charlotte Cardinale - Florescentia
Chase Holfelder - Major to Minor, Vol. 1+2
Chet Faker - Thinking in Textures, Built on Glass, Lockjaw
Childish Gambino - Camp, Because the Internet, 3.15.20, "This is America"
Chingy - Jackpot
Chloe x Halle [24] - Sugar Symphony EP, The Kids Are Alright, Ungodly Hour
Choral: Aliqua, Chor Leoni Men's Choir Discography (1998-2018), Christmas with The Princeton Singers, musica intima (clear), Rajaton (Boundless, Tarinoita), The Manitou Singers - Repertoire for Women's Voices, Vol. 2
Christina Aguilera - Christina Aguilera [320], Stripped, Back to Basics, Bionic, Lotus [320], Liberation [24]
Cirque du Soleil - Discography (1992-2015)[128~320, 3 albums in 16]
Clann [24] - Kin Fables, Seelie

100 Great Symphonies
Bach - Selected Organ Works, The Famous Cantatas, The Six Motets
Beethoven - Complete String Quartets, Piano Sonata No.8 op.13 'Pathetique', Piano Sonata No.14 op.27 'Moonlight', Piano Sonata No.23 op.57 'Appassionata'
Brahms - Brahms on Life and Love, Requiem, Symphony No.1
Bruckner - Te Deum
Chopin Complete Piano Music [192]
Dvořák - Mass in D, Requiem, Symphony No.7+8+9
Fauré - Requiem
Glazunov - Violin Concerto in Am op.82
Grieg - Piano Concerto op.16 in Am
Liszt - 10 Hungarian Rhapsodies, Jorge Bolet - Favourite Piano Works, Piano Works
Mendelssohn - Symphony No.4, Violin Concerto in Em
Mozart - Clarinet Concerto in A, Concerto in C for Flute, Harp, Orchestra, Horn Concerto No.4, Piano Concerto No.20, Piano Concerto No.21, Requiem
Paganini - Salvatore Accardo plays Paganini's Guarneri del Gesu 1742
Schubert - Piano Sonata No.14+19
Schumann - Piano Concerto op.54 in Am
Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No.1, Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture, The Symphonies [192]
Verdi - Requiem
Vivaldi - Concerto in C for Violin and Double Orchestra, Concerto in D for Violin and Double Orchestra, The Four Seasons

clipping - CLPPNG [24], There Existed an Addiction to Blood
Coco OST
Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise
Corey Payette - Children of God, Les Filles du Roi
Craig David - Born to Do It, Slicker Than Your Average
Cris Derksen - The Cusp [320], The Collapse, Orchestral Powwow
Curtis Clearsky and the Constellationz - Indigifunk
D12 - Devil's Night, D12 World
Daley - Discography (2011-2017)
D'Angelo - Brown Suger, Black Messiah [24/96]
Darren Hayes - Spin
Daveed Diggs - Small THings to a Giant, Seven Nights in Chicago
David Morin - Every Colour
Deen Squad Mixtape 2015 [320]
Destino - Forte, Beginning Again
Destiny's Child - Destiny's Child, #1s
Disclosure - Caracal
DJ Danger Mouse - The Grey Album
DJ Drama - Quality Street Music 2
Dmitri Shostakovich - Symphony No.1+2+3+4+5+6+8+9+12+14+15, Violin Concerto No.1
DMX - It's Dark and Hell is Hot, Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood, ...And Then There Was X
Dr. Dre - 2001, Compton
Drake - So Far Gone [320], Thank Me Later [320], Take Care [320], Nothing Was the Same [320], If You're Reading This It's Too Late
Dream Theater - Discography (1989-2019)[16~24/96]
Dream Warriors - Subliminal Simulation
Drezus - Red Winter, Indian Summer
Dru Hill - Dru Hill, Enter the Dru
Dumbfoundead - Discography (2011-2016), Café Bleu, Inside/Outside [24]
Dylan Brady - All I Ever Wanted [24], Choker, Dog Show, This Car Needs Some Wheels
Eagles - Discography (1972-1979)[24/192]
Eazy-E - It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa, Eternal E
Elijah Blake - Discography (2012-2019)
Eminem - Discography (1996-2020)[16~24/96]
En Vogue - Funky Divas
Enrique Iglesias - Enrique, Euphoria
ES Posthumus - Unearthed [320]
Evanescence - Discography (2003-2017)[16~24]
Fantastic Negrito - Discography (2014-2020)
Far East Movement - Free Wired
FKA Twigs - LP1, Magdalene
Flipsyde - Discography (2005-2012)[128~320]
Florence + the Machine - Discography (2009-2018)[16~24/96]
Flume - Skin [24]
For Vance - Live at Bangor Abbey [16], From Muscle Shoals [24]
Frank Ocean - Discography (2011-2016)[16~24]
Frank Sinatra - Ultimate Sinatra
Frozen OST
Frvrfriday - More Than You Know, Offline, WHOISFRIDAY [24]
Fugees - The Score
Future - Beast Mode [24], Future [24/96]
Gallant - Zebra [320]
Game of Thrones - S1-8 OST, Various Orchestra Albums, For the Throne
Gary Jules - Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets
Get Out OST
Ghost - Meliora [24]
Ginuwine - Ginuwine... The Bachelor, 100% Ginuwine
Gorillaz - Discography (2001-2020)[24/MQA~24/96]
Grace VanderWaal [24] - Perfectly Imperfect, Just the Beginning
Guru - Jazzmatazz Vol. 1
GZA - Liquid Swords
Hamilton: An Americal Musical - Cast Recording, Hamildrops [AAC], Instrumentals [AAC], The Hamilton Mixtape [AAC]
Hans Zimmer - Batman Begins OST+Recording Session, The Dark Knight [24/96], Sherlock Holmes, Inception [16~24][5.1], The Dark Knight Rises [24/192], Intersteller [24], Blade Runner 2049, Live in Prague [24], The Classics [24/96], The Lion King (2019)[24]
Harry Potter OST
Hercules [192]
Higher Brothers - Black Cab, Five Stars
Hozier - Discography (2013-2019)[16~24]
Igorrr - Hallelujah
Il Divo - Discography (2004-2018)
In tha Beginning... There Was Rap
Ingrid Michaelson - Discography (2005-2014)
iskwē - iskwē, The Fight Within, acakosik
J. Cole [24] - 2014 Forest Hills Drive, Forest Hills Drive: Live
J.S. Ondara - Tales of America (The Second Coming) [24/192], Folk n' Roll Vol.1: Tales of Isolation [24]
Jacques Loussier Trio - Vivaldi- The Four Seasons
James Blake - Discography (2011-2020)
James Vincent McMorrow [320] - Early in the Morning, Post Tropical
Janelle Monáe - Discography (2010-2018)[16~24], Metropolis: Suite I (The Chase) EP
Janne - Meeting the Wolf EP
Jasmine Cephas Jones - Blue Bird
Jay-Z - Discography (1996-2017)[16~24]
JB the First Lady - Get Ready Get Steady, Indigenous Girl Lifestyle, Meant to Be, Righteous Empowered Daughter
Jeremih - That Body, All About You, Late Nights: The Album, Late Nights: Europe
Jeremy Dutcher - Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa
Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure? [24]
Jhené Aiko - Chilombo [24/96]
Jimi Hendrix - Experience Hendrix- The Best of Jimi Hendrix
JMSN - Discography (2011-2019)
Joe - All That I Am, My Name is Joe
John Coltrane - Both Directions at Once/The Lost Album
John Legend - Discography (2005-2016)[320~16]
Jon Mcxro - The Fifth of Never [320~16]
José Tomás Molina - Discography (2014-2019)[16~24]
Josh Groban - Discography (2001-2015)[320, except Stages in 16]
Joss Stone - Introducing... Joss Stone
Juice OST
Justin Timberlake - Discography (2002-2013)[16~24]
k.d. lang - Ingénue, Invincible Summer
Kadebostany - Pop Collection, Monumental [24]
Kanye West - Discography (2003-2019)[320-24]
Kehlani - Discography (2014-2020)
Keith Ape - Project: Brainwash, Born Again, various singles
Kelly Fraser - Sedna
Kendrick Lamar - Discography (2011-2017)
Kerry Muzzey - Trailer Music 3, The Architect, Trailer Music 4: Neo
Kevin Garrett - Mellow Drama, A Heart Like Yours, Hoax, Made Up Lost Time, Singles
Kid Cudi - Discography (2008-2013)[ALAC]
Kiel Magis - Kiel Magis
Kieran Fearing - Reprieve
Kieran Martin Murphy - The Painter's Hand, Theatrics

DJ Doc - 4th Album
eAeon - Guilt-Free
H.O.T. - We hate all kinds of violence, I yah!, Age of Peace OST, Outside Castle, The Best
IU - Miscellaneous
Park Wan Kyu - 천년지애 (千年之愛)
Rain - First Drop
Shinhwa - First Mythology, My Choice, Wedding
Taeyang - Hot [EP]
Taeyeon - Miscellaneous

k-os - Exit, Joyful Rebellion, Atlantis: Hymns for Disco
Koutev Bulgarian National Ensemble
Krizz Kaliko - Son of Same [239~270], Go [320]
Kubo and the Two Strings OST
Kwabs - Wrong or Right [245], Pray for Love, Walk, Love + War
La La Land - The Complete Musical Experience [24]
La Quinta Estación - Sin Frenos [192]
Lady Gaga - Discography (2008-2020)[24]
Ladysmith Black Mambazo [192~257] - The Very Best of
Lana Del Rey - Discography (2012-2019)[16~24]
Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Le Flow - The Definitive French Hip Hop Compilation
Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares - Vol.1+2 [320]
Le mystère des voix Corses - les plus belles polyphonies [320]
Led Zeppelin - Discography (1969-1982), Remasters [24/96]
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits
Leonard Cohen - The Future
Les Choristes OST
Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien - The High Road to Kilkenny
Leslie Odom Jr. - Leslie Odom Jr. [24], Mr.
Lhasa de Sela - La Llorona [320]
Lil Dicky - Hump Days [256], So Hard [320], Professional Rapper [128]
Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake
Linkin Park - Discography (2000-2020)[16~24/96/MQA]
Lionel Richie - Back to Front
Loïc Nottet - Selfocracy, Sillygomania
London Grammar - If You Wait [24/96], Truth is a Beautiful Thing [24]
Lou Val - Lonely in Paradise, Don't Look Now, Singles
LP - Lost on You
Ludacris - Chicken-Beer, Release Therapy
Ludovico Einaudi - Echoes: The Einaudi Collection, Una Mattina, Divenire [320], Nightbook, Islands: Essential Einaudi [320], Elements [320], Seven Days Walking [24]
Luniz - Operation Stackola
Mac Miller [24] - Swimming, Circles
Madredeus - Various albums (1987-2005)[128~320]
MAGIC! - Don't Kill the Magic, Primary Colours, Expectations
Maksim - Discography (1999-2010)[320, except 2 albums in 16]

5566 - 1st Album
Energy - E3, 無懈可擊, 米迦勒之舞
F4 - 煙火的季節
IPIS 蟑螂 - 第四蟑
RuRu - 美麗心情
S.H.E. - 青春株式會社, 美麗新世界, Together
Tension 天炫男孩 - Discography (2001-2004)
不能說的秘密 OST [148~224]
伍佰 - 夢的河流, 冬之火 九重天演唱會特選錄音專輯
伍思凱 - 分享
南拳媽媽 - 南拳媽媽的夏天
周杰倫 - Discography (2000-2006)
宋岳庭 - Life's a Struggle
張信哲 - 精選, 從開始到現在
張學友 - 走過1999, 張學友音樂之旅Live演唱會
張智成 - 凌晨三點鐘
張衛健 - 齊天大聖孫悟空
徐婕兒 - 愛之初
戴佩妮 - 怎樣
林俊傑 - 樂行者, 第二天堂
海豚灣戀人 OST
王心凌 - Begin...
臥虎藏龍 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) OST
英雄 (Hero) OST
范逸臣 - 同名專輯
蔡依林 - 看我72變, 城堡
薔薇之戀 OST
許慧欣 - 孤單芭蕾, 幸福
謝霆鋒 - VIVA, 了解, Viva Live 謝霆鋒演唱會
郭富城 - 目眩城迷 全精選
陳冠希 - Edison Chen
陳小春 - 抱一抱, That's Mine

Mandido - Time on Our Hands
Marc Anthony - Discography (1993-2013)[320]
Marian Hill - Discography (2013-2020)[320~24]
Mario - Turning Point
Marvin Gaye - Discography (1961-2019)[16~24/192]
Mario Frangoulis - Various Albums (1998-2014)[128~320]
Marques Houston - MH
Mase - Harlem World
Master P - Ghetto D
Matt Corby - Into the Flame [EP], Resolution [EP], Live on the Resolution Tour [EP], Telluric, Rainbow Valley
Max Richter - Discography (2002-2020)[16~24/96]
MC 900 ft. Jesus - Welcome to My Dream, Open Step Ahead of the Spider
Meek Mill - Dreams Worth More Than Money [24], Championships
Metallica - Discography (Remastered)(1983-2020)[24]
Metro Boomin - Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Miah Luz - The Coming LP
Michael Bolton - Only a Woman Like You
Michael Bublé - Discography (1995-2013)[96~320]
Michael Conway Baker - Four Musical Portraits
Michael Jackson - Discography (1972-2014)[320 except Invincible in 16], The Ultimate Collection, The Essential Michael Jackson [24], King of Pop
Migos - Discography (2015-2018)[16~24]
Miguel - Discography (2010-2017)[16~24]
Miles Davis - Birth of the Cool [24/192], Bitches Brew [24/88], Kind of Blue
Mirah - Discography (1997-2009)[198~256]
Misha Mishenko - Discography (2016-2019)
Missy Elliott - Under Construction
Moana OST
Mob Bounce - Transformation, "Vision Quest"
Mobb Deep - The Infamous, Infamy
Mos Def [ALAC] - Black on Both Sides, The Ecstatic
Moulin Rouge! OST
Muddy Waters - Anthology
Muse - Origin of Symmetry [24/96], Absolution [24/96], The 2nd Law [24/96], Simulation Theory, Drones [24/96]
Musical Theatre - Various Musical Cast Recordings (1934-2017)[170~202, except Come From Away and Hamilton in 16]
Nahko - Dark as Night, On the Verge, Hoka [320], My Name is Bear [320]
Namie Amuro - Break the Rules, Genius 2000
Nas - Illmatic, It Was Written, Stillmatic, God's Son [ALAC], The Lost Tapes, Street's Disciple, Life is Good
Naturally 7 - Discography (2000-2015)
Naughty by Nature - 19 Naughty III
Nav - Good Intentions [24]
Ne-Yo - Discography (2006-2012)[320~16]
Night Lovell - Discography (2014-2019)[320~24]
Nina Simone - The Essential of Nina Simone [24/96]
Nipsey Hussle [ALAC] - Crenshaw, Victory Lap
Niro - Les autres
Niykee Heaton - Bad Intentions [320], The Bedroom Tour Playlist, Starting Over
Norah Jones - Come Away with Me, Feels Like Home, Not Too Late, Pick Me Up Off the Floor [24/96]
Notre-Dame de Paris (Musical) Cast Recording
NSYNC - No Strings Attached
Obie Trice - Cheers
October London - Discography (2016-2018)[320, except Color Blinds in 16]
Omar LinX - A Cold Welcome [320], City of Ommz, The Living Dead EP [128], Victor [320], M.O.R.
Omarion - O, 21, Ollusion
Once OST [96]
Onegin (Musical)
Opera Babes - Beyond Imagination
P. Diddy - No Way Out, The Saga Continues..., Bad Boy's 10th Anniversary... The Hits
PartyNextDoor - PX3
Pentatonix - Various albums [128~320]
Peter Gundry - Discography (2016-2019)[16~24]
Pharrell - Girl [24]
Pink Floyd - Discography (1967-2014)[16/24/MQA/DSD64]
Playboi Carti - Die Lit
PNL - Deux frères [320]
Portishead - Discography (1994-2008)
Post Malone - Discography (2016-2019)[16~24/88]
Prince - Discography (1978-2019)
Pusha T - Daytona [24]
Putomayo - World Reggae, Asian Lounge
Quavo - Quavo Huncho [24]
Queen - Discography (1973-1995), Live Killers, Live at Wembley '86, Greatest Hits, The Platinum Collection,
Rae Sremmurd - SremmLife, SremmLife 2
Raincity - Tell Me, Stuck on Replay, Raincity EP
Raleigh Ritchie - You're a Man Now, Boy
Reggie Couz - Just Couz, singles
Rick Ross - Discography (2006-2017)
Ricky Martin - Ricky Martin, Música + Alma + Sexo
Rihanna - Discography (2005-2016)
Riit - ataataga
Robyn - Body Talk Pt. 1 + 2, Body Talk
Rockapella - 2
Roscoe Dash - J.U.I.C.E. [320], Dash Effect [160]
ROSK - remnants
Ruelle - Up in Flames, Madness, Rival, Emerge, Ode to Shadows, Earth Glow, Exodus
Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels 2, RTJ3 Instrumentals [24/96]
Sade - The Best of Sade
Saint-Preux - Concerto pour une voix
Sam Chimes
Sam Cooke - Portrait of a Legend 1951-1964
Sam Smith - Discography (2014-2017)
Sandra van Nieuwland [320] - And More, Banging on the Doors of Love
Santino Le Saint - Cloud 304, Xeno, Rage of Angels, Blue Pill [24+16], Red Pill, Singles
Sara Bareilles - Discography (2007-2015)[320, except What's Inside - Songs from Waitess in 24]
Scorpions - Discography (1972-2015)
Scott Leonard - 1man1mike
Sevdaliza - Discography (2017-2020)
Shai - If I Ever Fall in Love...
Sia - Discography (1997-2017)[16, except OnlySee + Healing is Difficult in M4A260, This is Acting in 24/96]
Sigur Rós - Discography (1997-2013)
Silla and Rose - Debut, Galactic Gala
Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle, The Doggfather, Tha Last Meal, R&G (Rhythm&Gangsta): The Masterpiece, The Blue Carpet Treatment
Snotty Nose Rez Kids - The Average Savage, Snotty Nose Rez Kids, Trapline, Born Deadly [EP]
Solange - A Seat at the Table
Southern Journey - Bad Man Ballads (Songs of Outlaws and Desperadoes, Vol. 5)
Stacey - Stacey, Stacey (Reconstruction), First Move
Stevie Wonder - The Definitive Collection
Straight Lines - Run for Cover
Stromae - Cheese, Racine carrée [24]
Sun Kil Moon - Discography (2003-2017)[320, except Benji + Common as Light and Love Are Red Valleys of Blood in 16]
Swollen Members - Bad Dreams
SWV - It's About Time
System of a Down - Discography (1998-2020)[16~24/96]
SZA - Ctrl
T.I. - Trouble Man Heavy is the Head
Tame Impala - Discography (2010-2020)[24/96~24/192]
Tamia - Tamia, "Stranger in My House"
Tanya Tagaq - Auk/Blood, Animism, Retribution, Toothsayer
Tasha the Amazon - Die Every Day, Black Moon
Taylor Swift - folklore [24]
Tech N9ne - Discography (1999-2013)[192~320, The Storm+Enterfear in 16]
TGT - Three Kings
The Beatles - Discography (1963-2009)
The Blaze - Territory, Dancehall
The Carters - Everything is Love
The Chronicles of Narnia OST
The Cinematic Orchestra [320] - Every Day, Man with a Movie Camera, Ma Fleur, To Believe
The Fingerbangerz - Vi-R-Us
The Game - The Documentary, Jesus Piece, Blood Moon: Year of the Wolf [320], The Documentary 2+2.5 [320]
The Godfather I+II+III OST [320]
The Great Gatsby - OST, The Orchestral Score, The Jazz Recordings
The Great Tenors - Vol.1+2, In Concert
The Hobbit OST (Special Editions) [24]
The Lion King - Complete Score [128], Return to Pride Rock [128]
The Lord of the Rings OST
The Lumineers - Cleopatra [24/96], C-Sides [24], Live Tracks [24], III [24]
The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die, Life After Death [ALAC], Born Again
The Nutcracker (Ballet) [24/96]
The Piano Guys - The Piano Guys
The Pink Panther OST [320]
The Savannah Leigh Band - City of Grey
The Tango Project - The Tango Project
The Tenors - Discography (2008-2015)[156~254, except The Perfect Gift+Under One Sky in 16]
The Tony Rich Project - Words
The Weeknd - Discography (2012-2020)[16~24/192]
The xx - xx, Coexist, I See You
Three 6 Mafia - Most Known Unknown
Timbaland - Shock Value
Tinie Tempah - Demonstration [320]
Toni Braxton - Toni Braxton, Secrets
Tony Bennett - The Essential Tony Bennett, a wonderful world (with k.d. lang), The Absolutely Essential 3 CD Collection, Duets II [320], Tony Bennett Celebrates 90
Tory Lanez - Discography (2010-2020, except Daystar)[160~320, except I Told You in 16, Chixtape 5+The New Toronto 3 in 24]
T-Pain - Discography (2005-2012)[192~320, except Epiphany+Thr33 Ringz in 16]
Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman
Travis Garland - Discography (2011-2015)[160~320, except Travis Garland in 16]
Travis Scott - Discography (2013-2018)[16~24/88]
Trey Songz - Trey Day [320], Passion, Pain & Pleasure [320], Chapter V [320], Back Home [24]
TroyBoi - icekream [128~320], SoundSnobz [128~320], Left is Right [128], V!BEZ [128], V!BEZ, Vol.3, V!BEZ, Vol. 4 [16MQA], "Afterhours"
Tsar B - Discography (2016-2020)
Ty Dolla $ign - Featuring Ty Dolla $ign
Tyga - Discography (2008-2016)[320], Legendary
Tyrese - I Wanna Go There
UltraVillain [24] - "Break Out", Lost in You, I N V U
Ulvesang - Ulvesang [24], The Hunt
Unity: Athens 2004 (Olympic Games Album)
Usher - Discography (1994-2018)[16~24]
Van Morrison - Moondance
Vitas - Discography (2001-2009)[128~256, except A Kiss as Long as Eternity+20th Century Hits in 16]
Waka Flocka Flame - Flockaveli
Whitney - Light Upon the Lake
Whitney Houston - Whitney Houston
Wisin & Yandel - Discography (2000-2012)[320]
Wiz Khalifa - Cabin Fever, Rolling Papers, Cabin Fever 2, We Dem Boyz [320], Cabin Fever 3, various songs
Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y - 2009 [24]
Wyclef Jean - Carnival, Vol. II- Memoirs of an Immigrant
X Japan - Discoraphy (1988-2017)[16~24/96]
Xavier Rudd - Discography (2002-2018)
XXXTentacion - Revenge [320], 17 [24/192], ? [320]
Xzibit - Restless
Yann Tiersen - Discography (1995-2003)[96~160, except Amélie in 16], Portrait [24/96]
YG - My Krazy Life, Still Brazy, My Life 4Hunnid [24]
Young Bleed - My Balls and My Word
Young Buck - Buck the World
Young Thug - Barter 6 [320], Slime Season [24], Slime Season 2 [320], I'm Up [320], Slime Season 3 [320], Jeffery [320], So Much Fun
Yuki Kajiura - Discography (includes side projects: FictionJunction/YUUKA, Kalafina)(Anime soundtracks 1996-2018)
Yuna - Chapters
Zed Yun Pavarotti - French Cash
Zeina - Odd One Out, various singles
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First post - will be long sorry (MAY TRIGGER)

Hi All,

Hope you are doing ok with the current climate, I am a survivor of over a decade long abuse journey. I was recently asked my my counselor to write my story to help the healing. It certainly did. I have let a few people read it one being a socail worker who asked me to post it online so she could share it with others. I posted to another sub but I am pretty new to reddit so not sure if it fits here, sorry mods if it doesn't. Any way see below don't feel you need to read it but if you would like to and then have a chat i will make time :)
The autobiography of a worryingly average man.
Penned by The Right Honourable Tinky McWinky
Pre warning- this body of literature almost certainly contains sweary text (blame the navy) graphic parts of child abuse (sexual, psychological and all that good stuff) and lastly is written solely by myself, a dyslexic with ADHD, the fact I managed to write this many words is no mean feat I am defiantly not proof reading it.
I have tried to put the bad sections at the end of chapters, they are indicated in red with **BAD BIT** if they are mid chapter then there will be a **BAD BIT, OVER** feel free to skip them 😊 please be aware Chapter 5 is pretty much all BAD, it is a tough part but it explains a lot.
Intro and thanks
Must give a massive thanks to my wonderful fiancé (soon to be), my mum, aunties, friends who have stuck by me during times where they could of walked, friends who haven’t stuck by me and allowed me to grow and of course my bastard biological father for making me the man I am today, much to his disgust. (Taking huge pleasure in the consistent “fuck you’s” which I continue to direct toward you)
Heads up, names and locations are redacted as a lot of people who know me don’t know this story. I’m so sorry mum as there is going to be some of this that’s going to wind you up.
Chapter 1- Welcome to the world you beautifully handsome fellow
Struggled so much in how to start this, in the begging? Nah it’s not the bible, right so let’s go? Nope not a 90s disco or waltzers.
I decide on just let’s get to it, so.
I was born in early January in 1993, in a city (barely) in the north of Scotland. I was the first born boy in the family (including the extended family) some may say I was therefore the prodigal son.
It was a bad winter, I think I mean let’s be honest I don’t know. This whole chapter is as far as I’m concerned so close to fiction that I have pretty much free reign. That being said I will try to keep it accurate asked my mum and aunties about the early days, I decided to drop out my mum “tummy” a little bit earlier than was expected, to be fair it was good for her as I was a fat little fuck 9lb 10 and I was early if I had gone to term I would of been a baby sumo wrestler.
Anyway early days were good, spent a lot of time with mums friends and family, I had a nasty habit of peeing in my nappy to make it damp then when someone went to change me I’d unleash a barrage of baby piss right in there face, spectacular aim from the young one and true rugby boy behaviour. Anyway apart from pissing on pretty much every member of my family and their friends (shout out to aunty nothing) I was an angel, if angels never slept, screamed and had colic all the time. I honestly don’t know how my poor mum didn’t do the whole “this ones broken” at the adoption centre.
Just over two years after what I’m convinced was a mistake, that’s me, another small human appeared. This small human was a girl and was even bigger than me (actual poor mother), she gave my (our?) mum a fair bit of grief during pregnancy, stairs were not a friendly area. I don’t really remember much, I know that my youngest aunty “Beep” were the biggest helpers to my mum when the stink came along, “Stink” was what we referred to my sister as due to the fact that Beep and I thought she smelled funny, all the helping we would do would always be more of a slapstick effort. Nappies going on the wrong way and mass coverings of nappy come to mind. The antics didn’t last long though, we had to move for my biological dad’s work.
Once we were in the new city mum registered myself in at nursery and I made quite a few friends, obsessed with firefighting I forced my mum and anyone who would give me the time to watch “Might Machines - Fire Engines” it was actually unhealthy I could say chemical incident unit at four years old and would be able to identify pump/ladders when I was in the car. What a weird child.
The stink joined me at nursery and we often got mistaken for twins, she was taller than me (or close to my height) and bigger built, I was the runt. That being said I was more extroverted when I was with people who I knew, but I wasn’t that keen on playing after school or nursery I was very much a house cat.
Chapter 2- Something not so beautiful is coming my way
Things started to get a little strange, in hindsight, when I was six (roughly) I had problems with my testicals, honestly I’m not even sure what I think it was that they would shoot up in to my tummy or something and cause me pain, so mum and biological dad took me to the children’s doctor. All I remember is he was an Indian man and he said “just keep an eye on it, some young boys have issues with their male bits but normally grow out of it” Gucci the nuts aren’t turbo fucked, just got to crack on and they will behave.
** Next bit is a bad bit*\*
WELL this is where my biological father must of seen the “paedos welcome” door swing open, so for the wonderful readers information my mum to her credit is a recovering alcoholic she has been in recovery for over 20 years and is a huge inspiration but it’s really important to remember this for later.
Dad would bath me regularly and use this time to “check” my testis, normal dad thing right? Yeah not so much, even once I was seven and new that my testicals weren’t sore anymore he would insist on checking them I remember thinking “hmmm strange, I guess he’s just making sure I’m ok” anyway a few months go by and I find a porno, now I’m not sure on how I found it but anyway my dad explains in detail about girls and pleasuring yourself (still seven) and that it was normal for boys and girls to do this if they liked each other. There was a girl at school that I got on with well and we used to touch each other’s parts on the wisdom of my father’s words who a naive young tinky mcwinky repeated to the girl and we both seen it as normal. Anyway, she moved away and we spoke about it once we were both adults and thankfully we are on ok terms.
Chapter 3 - Primary School and Hospital, it ain’t easy being “clumsy”
Primary school was a really interesting period, I wasn’t a loner but certainly wasn’t a social butterfly, I liked being the grey person I didn’t want attention and I certainly didn’t mind being alone.
There is a huge problem when you don’t want attention, pissing yourself, yup I was that kid. Turns out it wasn’t my fault, so the head doc told me recently but I used to pee myself so much that my mum left joggers at the school so I could change with the school nurse. Que the start of the bullying. Now I wasn’t bullied anywhere near as badly as some other kids but I got my fair share, and I’ll be honest I would dish it out to kids who were “weaker” again recently I made amends with them, most of them hadn’t even realised I bullied them. How shit at bullying do you have to be that your victim doesn’t even realise they are being bullied?
I was a “slow” child I was competent at learning, and to this day I adore learning new things however when it came to English and maths, hard no. I just could not understand, we tried everything my mum got me glasses, special pencils, resting aids if there was even the slightest chance something could help my mum was all over it like a rash. She really was a saviour. So after mum pestering the school I got screened for dyslexia and dyspraxia by an OT (occupational therapist) was a great day, I got to play with balls and not spell properly she said I had tendencies for both so boom I’m now a little bit special. Mum tried to get me in to the SEN (special educational needs) department but the school were having none of it, in hindsight probably a good thing I’d be even more of a social hand grenade than I am now.
**Bad Bit*\*
Primary school was also where I seemed to be getting hurt. ALOT
For reference, I can remember 4 concussions, 5 suspected appendicitis, 3 broken scaphoids and a broken toe all before Secondary School
Everyone put it down to being accident prone, to be honest so did I. My head doc however said that is likely that subconsciously I felt safe when I was being kept in overnight as my dad could not get to me.
So around this time the abuse became really invasive, I mean all abuse is, it wasn’t masked as checking to see if my balls were broken. It was “can I have a feel of your Willy? It will feel good for you and it’s normal” I was probably 9 when it took this turn, and it was abundantly clear that mum and stink were to not know. It became so predictable whenever I was in the bath he would come in and “feel” getting my penis erect and then asking if that feels good. “Fuck knows dad, all I want to do is play with the bubbles”
The cycle continued like this for a few more years, I got Sex Ed at school and that is where I realised that all these things were not normal.
I kept also getting hurt, in one way or another but my dad stopped wanting to take me to hospital. Initially I thought it was toxic masculinity of “just harden up” the more likely case is he knew that if I kept getting injuries the social would be investigating. At no point during my schooling or medical treatment did any professional pick up any expectation of neglect or abuse, I don’t hold resentment against this I have had a family doctor apologies for not picking it up but I do think teachers should be trained to look for things more. Better to have concerns and be found they are not accurate than let something continue.
At this time, mum had stopped drinking and was on the road to recovery she had scared herself when stink and I had to come and walk her home from the pub when we were eight and six.
Chapter 4- New Home, new start..... or not
We moved house, not to far but it was a beautiful three bed room house. It was your typical end terrace home.
It was ace we had so much garden space we would have a paddling pool in summer, stink and I never really wanted for anything, we were well looked after by our family and extended family. I think that is why my dad managed to get away with so much, to the outside world he was the ideal father. Breadwinner, caring and willing to spoil his kids. Unbeknown to the outside world mum and dad’s marriage was on the rocks, he was smoking weed loads and consuming large amounts of booze all whilst disappearing for hours on end in the evenings.
High School on the whole was not particularly fun, I was a bit of a nobody, I didn’t wear branded clothes or school bags so tended to get asked how poor my parents actually were, kids can be so horrid. During first and second year I wasn’t very troublesome, I did get banned from leaving the class room in music as I crawled over a Steinway piano as I was bored and developed an outstanding relationship with my art teacher who after ticking me as present would ask if I wanted to leave the class to sit with the head of department now or when I inevitably caused so much disturbance he would come and collect me. The former was the norm as I didn’t have to do any work. Despite this I was very well behaved student in subjects which I enjoyed and am still in contact with my chemistry teacher and my technical teacher both who have had massive influences in my life.
Third year I embraced being a loner, still having a small group of friends I wasnt to bothered about being popular. That’s was until I got offered to go out with some of the NEDs to sit in the shelter, my life had been made, so as some may expect this “sitting in the shelter” gig was less sitting and more smoking weed, I had never smoked anything before (Maybe paper when I was younger to be cool) so with suction Henry would have been proud of a young Tinky McWinky filled his lungs full of smoke. This night was about to break me. Nothing happened for ages then out of nowhere I was convinced I was an eye in the sky, this led to me asking everyone about said eye, very embarrassing and not cool. I think the NED’s took pity on me as I got to go out with them a few more time before I decided the thug life was not for me.
I discovered the wonders of alcohol quite early probably third year, and on discovering this my “quiet” friends and I decided that one Halloween we would partake in some street based alcohol consumption, I was tasked with securing alcohol. This seemed to be an easy task I had seen my dad drinking, I went into the study and opened the bookcase, “FUCK” no alcohol, but hello what is this, a small bag of weed. Now the thought process that follows was a rapidly declining spiral of extremely poor decisions based on the fact I was going to be abused BADLY anyway so may as well make the most of it. Lifting the weed and some papers I headed out for some innocent trick or treating.
Letting the boys know I had failed my mission; however, I had secured some other form of substances I also informed them of the plan to secure the goods. Now the following Is not known by anyone apart from those involved, we went to the local supermarket and decided to “borrow” some booze. My more daring friend decided he would place it all in his bag. With a few bottles of tequila, sourz, sidekick and cider we were on our way. We walked toward the door via the Halloween isle, thinking two things at this time one was “how the fuck have we not been caught” two was “we are so fucked when we do get caught” deciding that I quite wanted fake blood, against my friends better judgement, I grabbed a gallon bottle and stuffed it in my hooded jacket (idiot) and we walked toward the back door. As we passed through the security beepers nothing happened, holy shit we are home dry, there were two security guards at the door though. Nervously we walked toward them, my friend passes through with what to us sounded like a bottle bank in his bag, sweet, then as I approach a giant meaty hand presses against my chest. “give me the blood son” the security guard states, he wasn’t hissing or anything just being calm, sheepishly I handed it to him he then said “Don’t come back tonight, I see you with your mum so don’t be misbehaving again or I will let her know”. Nodding I shuffle out the door and jog to keep up with my friend who is around the corner, I burst out laughing at how close we were to having a very bad night, this is when my friend produces a jug of fake blood and says “I swiped another one, I knew if I got caught I was fucked anyway so I thought be as well make sure we get some when I saw your poor effort at theft” he was the real MVP.
We walked to the park and met a few others, I decided I could roll a joint, this was a terrible idea. I have never been able to roll a joint and probably still couldn’t if I tried. So after a thirty minute attempt I gave up and one of the other boys finished for a now angered young Tinky McWinky. The anger soon surpassed when I coated myself in fake blood and drank mint choc chip side kick. As it started to get late I knew it was time to go home and face the music.
Staggering down the short walk home with the occasional hic up and giggling about how I was a bonified thief, on par with the great train robbers, I devised a cunning plan. Open the door walk to the stairs tell the parents I’m home and get to bed before anyone can speak back. Flawless.
I open the door, kick off the shoes and walk to the stairs glancing in to the living room I see mum has been looking out the window “oh shit, she has definitely seen me” I attempt to carry on with the plan but before I can say good night I get the full name hissing shout of “Tinky McWinky, you come here now” now the sensible thing would have been run and except the grounding for being a shit, however being a tad under the influence I had convinced myself that I could mask it, oh how wrong I was. Mother straight away new I was hammered, then before I could even speak she turned to my biological dad and screeched “look at his eyes, he’s taken something” double fucked, although I hadn’t quite put all the pieces of the puzzle together yet, my father however had, mum said she would deal with me in the morning and went to bed.
** BAD BIT*\*
Dad had obviously realised I stole his weed, leering at me swaying and looking sheepish he stated “I think you took something of mine?” I nodded still not fully aware of myself “Hmmm, well then, we are going to go upstairs and I am going to have a feel as what you did wasn’t good was it?” again the nod now I realise, but I’m thinking “Meh, he’s been touching me since I was five. That’s like nine years this isn’t that bad I have got off pretty lightly” fucked up I know. Turns out this “feel” wasn’t like the others, I never ejaculated or came or whatever you would like to call it when he was doing things. It really messed with my sexual relationships even now I still struggle to be intimate sometimes. So we trundle up to my room and he tells me to get naked, all “normal” so far, then he starts to do the deed. Now I could tell he was gripping harder than normal and he is being quite aggressive, he asked me if I thought I would cum. I shrugged my shoulders, I never even knew the sensation, he told me that not cumming means that its not fun for me and that makes him sad so he was going to keep going, with an aggressive grip around my fourteen year old willy, until it happened. He went for what felt like forty minutes until I asked him to stop as I was sore, he sighed got up and stormed to the door. We never spoke more about it. Mum grounded me but I still felt like I got off lightly from her after what I definitely knew was not normal from my Dad.
Being grounded wasn’t so bad, gave me a chance to rest my now bruised groin.
My next foray with being a gangster came when I was exploring a wooded area with my friends, we stumbled in the grounds of a stately home which was unoccupied. After a short walk round the grounds and a decision that breaking in would almost certainly be a bad idea (see learned that the thug life was too much) we discovered a boating pond with a boat house, better yet a rowing boat was in the house. My grandpa had taught me to row so I was fairly confident I could acquire said boat, we pushed off and were having a great time until we heard the screech of tyres. The boat owner returned and I was now a Pirate, now the boating pond was about 100-150m across and about 50m from the road, there was no way the real captain would be able to get to us quickly the sensible thing would have been to row to the other bank and run away bravely (well I mean the real sensible thing would have been to not Pirate a rowing boat in a closed boating pond) however as being the Pirate captain I ordered an immediate abandoning of ship and swim to the bank, the water was stagnant and how I didn’t get cholera or some other disease I do not know, I was swimming and shouting sorry to the visibly angry (UNDERSTAMENT) boat master. I managed to get home without being apprehended by the law, however I had to explain wet clothes, I told mum I had been thrown in the river by “bigger boys” this was a full proof plan until she said she was going to phone the school and police, after my last disaster with trying to bend the truth around Mum I just came clean. Was grounded aging and told not to steal any more boats, funny thing is I pretty much went on to do that as a living.
Chapter 5 – When bad things happen, you have to get badder
I left school in fourth year, I had an apprenticeship to go to, in the last year or so of school times got tough. My cousin passed from cancer when they were quite young, mum and dad split, and I was terrified about leaving school.
My cousin passed and it was the first time I was exposed to loss; I didn’t really comprehend it. I took a couple days of school and was lost. I still cry about it regularly, to be honest I don’t deal with loss very well.
I started college, a few of my friends took the piss saying only retards left school in fourth year and I would never make anything of myself without highers. This hurt quite a lot luckily these people are now out my life.
I then started my apprenticeship, and to be honest everything was going well. When mum and dad split, I stayed with dad, honestly, I have no idea why, I think I felt sorry for him. He came out as gay to my mum not long after the split which was what I can only imagine to be a well shit conversation. As I said the apprenticeship was going well to start with, I got on really well with most of the journeymen that was until a new manager started and his friend became my journeyman. We shall refer to them as pinky and the brain, the manager being pinky the journeyman the brain, not due to his superior intelligence but his massive head and fat body. Anyway the Brain was actually quite nice to me in the outset, I was a little shit at this age 16/17 and definitely deserved to be taken down a peg or two, the general manager was good at this kept me in check without being a prick. Pinky was an out and out wanker, known for leering at the females at work he would regularly belittle me every time I went into the office. He argued it was the “normal” way to treat apprentices ( I hate the word “normal” anytime it has been used to justify behaviour to me what is happening is almost never “normal”) the terrible two consistently bullied and made my life shit for a number of years, luckily a number of the other staff would look out for me and steered me in the right direction.
The abuse was fairly consistent now, whenever mum was at a meeting, I knew what was about to happen. He would come and see me, start to rub my dick with that horrible grip and then loose his temper when I didn’t cum. On the plus side, my groin was no longer getting bruised.
There was one really terrible night just before the split, that mum was out late, I had gone for a bath and he came up stairs, I used to leave the door open so I could watch TV so I walks in, He hadn’t done this in a while so I was confused. I was 16 at the time, I got out the bath and grabbed my towel, asked if he needed the toilet and he just started at me. When he then said “I am going to do something that you will like, it will make you cum” honestly, I was like haven’t we heard this before. Before I could move, he grabbed my towel and dropped to his knees and put my dick in his mouth. I hadn’t even watched Porn at this point, so I was taken a back. I stood terrified and unable to move, once I got my sense back, I pushed him off telling him I really didn’t like that. I could see the anger in his eyes.
When I went in to the tail end of the third year of apprenticeship / start of the fourth year, my dad got kicked out of the old family house as it was repossessed by the bank, learned fast that banks don’t like not being paid. Anyway, we got a rented place, seemed good to start with but Dad said if you aren’t paying rent then I get to have a feel more. At this point I knew I was being abused but one was cared for his mental health and two didn’t think anyone would believe me and three it was easier to just not put up a fight.
When I started to complain about being bored my dad introduced me to powdered drugs, this was possibly the worst period of my life unravelling before me.
I couldn’t afford these drugs so the same rules applied to the drugs, I passed out after taking to much one night an came too with my Dad having put a condom on me and trying to make me cum, my dick was in agony, I have no Idea how long he was going for but it was sore. I peed in the condom to make him stop.
This grooming/abuse continued for atleast six months, it was horrible, I told him I wanted to move in with mum despite the fact I would need to share a room with my sister. He objected as I was still “due” him, I punched him as hard as I physically could in the face and made him take me to my mums.
The effects of twelve years of abuse, bullying at work and the withdrawl from a cocktail of ilicit drugs led me to attempting suicide, I was admitted to hospital after swallowiung a box of 200 paracetmol. With the suicide note in my mums dressing table I was fully expecting that it was a done deal, I was very very very confused when I woke up in the morning. I told my mum what I had done once my sister was at school, she phoned my dad who said, “he is probably lying, make him go to work” NEXT LEVEL PRICK. Mum took me to hospital, and I was admitted, they said it was maturity issues and I would grow out of it.
At this point I started to cut myself, my dad told my mum that I was doing all this because she was a “shit” mum. I have told her numerous times since then that this is not the case.
I was signed off for 6 months, this co-inside with the last 6 months of my apprenticeship, I put my notice in to say I wouldn’t be returning, and the management tried to convince me to stay. I had my heart set on going in to healthcare so refused many attempt to stay, I really appreciate the company that let me do my apprenticeship especially the general manager the influence has carried me in to a good career and they gave me a strong foundation.
My dad told me that I would never be able to go in to healthcare as I was so stupid, that I would never be able to study above an introductory course as I was too simple and that I was throwing away my only opportunity. This has stuck with me to this day and although I have undertaken specialist study, I still have a huge level of imposter syndrome. When my Dad told me this I tried to kill myself again, I was on strong pain killers not sure why and I over dosed on Codeine, turns out its actually really hard to kill yourself on codeine all that happens is a racing heart and sweats and not able to sleep. I told the doctor, at this point she was the only one aware of what had happened with my dad and the abuse, I sheepishly called and told her I over dosed, she asked what with and I told her codeine, her reply made me laugh and has stuck with me to this day “Well, good news is your speaking to me so you are going to be fine” unlike paracetamol which messes up your organs Codeine you either die or you don’t none of this maybe stuff. That was the last time I attempted suicide.
Although the sexual abuse ended the psychological abuse continued, through comments and statements about how I would not be anything and that I was just like him.
Chapter 6 – The Storm Has Passed
Mum is my idol, she sacrificed so much for my sister and I, I can never repay her and my love for her is second to none.
Mum’s rent was terminated, she had always paid it and made sure Stink and I were fed, she was so thin as she could only afford some food. My dad refused to support as Stink and I were both apprentices in case anyone isn’t aware an apprentice at the time was being paid roughly £3.86 per hour.
We could not get an emergency council house as Stink and I were not counted as dependant on my mum, this meant we had to move back to my dads, my world began to collapse and panic ensued.
Stink moved in with my paternal grand parents which allowed us all to have our own room, mum and I were at dads when I introduced my mum to my now stepdad and former journey man. I didn’t think much of it to be honest, he was a nice man and I knew my mum needed cheered up. I devised an elaborate plan saying I needed to pick up tools but my phone was dead, so I was texting of my mums phone. I can’t remember how I got out of needing to go and collect these tools, but I certainly didn’t meet him. Mum followed the text up a few days later with the request for coffee, they agreed to meet and even although she didn’t know about, he abuse she still asked if I would be ok at home alone with my dad. She knew we had fought physically, I think, and I can assume that’s why she was worried. Regardless I told her to stop worrying, I was extremely worried, but I wasn’t abused whilst mum was at the home.
**BAD BIT*\*
My Dad did tell me he had been abused by his dad and uncle but couldn’t recall it properly and he was sorry for everything. I’m fairly sure this was just to try and persuade me to not press for charges or anything.
After a few dates mum and stepdad moved in together, I was so happy, however this was short lived. My biological dad abused me a few more times before I managed to persuade my mum and stepdad to let me live on their couch.
I had managed to secure a job in the oil industry as an assistant manager, but the oil crash was on the curb of happening, I had self-funded a HNC to make myself more employable. I was however given my three months’ notice, my employer let me study at work to help me complete my studies. I am still in touch with my managers from that employer they offered my may opportunities and helped me get a new job.
I was living between my mums and girlfriend at the times, my sex drive had taken a huge hit and I told her I had something to tell her. When I told her why I was anxious about sex she replied “well least you aren’t gay as that’s what I thought it was and I even told my pals I thought you might be gay” this is a bit of a running joke now that I seem to attract men and give off the gay vibe, my fiancé thinks its because I have grown up with girls I understand them better and am not your normal dick head boy. I prefer to think its my dashing good looks and boyish charm.
Chapter 7 – You have done what
When I got made redundant I was a bit of a mess, I had not been sensible with my money had an expensive car on fiancé and wasn’t sure what to do.
On a whim I applied to the Navy, I was recruited as a Weapons and Systems Engineering Officer and put on secondment to the Royal Navy support section the RFA. To this day I have no idea how I got through the medical.
I told mum and she was shook, annoyed and thought I was losing it. I was told to expect to go to Dartmouth, the naval college pending the results of my college course. One problem was that college really wasn’t going well, I couldn’t focus and was struggling to maintain drive. I failed every exam and had to resit everything. One night whilst crying in my car I called my eldest aunty, Pedder, and told her everything about what had happened (although there is certainly parts in this she wasn’t aware of) she was so supportive and told me wouldn’t tell anyone as it was my truth to tell. I eventually plucked up the courage to tell all the family with my mum being last, it was the worst way I could of told her I was going out to a party and literally shouted “dad sexually abused me when I was younger will tell you about it later see you Sunday” I honestly don’t know how she hasn’t had a cardiac event dealing with my shit.
When I went to the Navy, I did really well at Dartmouth passing out in the top percentile of my intake, with the a comment from my divisional officer that I “showed high levels of emotional intelligence and empathy which would stand me in good stead as a leader of men”. I played rugby for the officers and enjoyed the military lifestyle. I was drinking a lot which was a bit of an issue but at the time was par for the course. I got put on combat deployments to multiple areas and was involved in a few “troops in contact” situations but I was by no means a dick swingin hard bastard, I had thought about the All Arms course and potentially going for selection, at the time I was the fittest I have ever been and one of my best friends dad was Ex-SBS his attitude and charism was so inspiring and I wished to emulate that. This was put to a stop when a re-occurring dislocated shoulder led me to being boarded out.
Chapter 8- All things will come right
Once discharged I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to go, I picked up a job with an energy supplier but didn’t really enjoy it. I managed to return to the asset management industry but struggled to hold a job down, due to redundancy and the energy sector not fully recovering I found myself bouncing around a few companies. I undertook further professional study and made myself a real asset to any company. At this time I furthered my rugby by undertaking coaching roles adding more strings to my bow. I put myself through counselling where the lady, who was lovely, said to me “you have been through a lot, your so strong and brave for trying to protect those you love for so long and keeping a brave face” apart from disagreeing that I was brave or strong, I let her know that the brave face wasn’t for anyone else, it was for me so no one would ask me what was wrong, my theory as a child was I don’t need to talk about it if no one asks me about it. I cam across as an outgoing and confident, borderline arrogant young adult because I wanted to exude everything that an abuse victim is not.
This was achieved mostly through help from my family, there was only one blip, this was when Stink was going to leave her partners son with my biological father. I told her everything and she replied “he has already told me and let me know that everyone was exaggerating and it wasn’t that bad” unfortunately I think he knew what was coming so managed to manipulate the narrative in his favour, Stink and I have never had a strong relationship since this as I had mentioned if she did leave the child with him I would contact the social and police.
I am now in a healthy relationship with an amazing woman, I love my family and have removed my paternal father and his family from any communication with me, I refer to my step dad as just DAD, I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and have managed to reduce my SSRI tablets to a low dose through coping strategies. Joined the Freemasons and secured an excellent job with a family run company who are a pleasure to work for. I no longer self-harm, do not take drugs and only drink small amounts. This is not a paragraph to blow my trumpet, it is a small statement to show that no matter how bad things are you can recover.
I have grown to understand different survivors behave in different ways, I have done my best to try and help anyone I can, when I was recovering I couldn’t find any books that were written in a casual format. Everything was either by academics or hugely depressing story, I understand it’s a shit subject but I just wanted this to be a read that was easy going (as much as possible) so that anyone of any aged could read it and relate. Regardless of being an abuse victim I think we ca all relate.
I also had numerous times where friends who didn’t have a Dad would moan about their dad being a dick for leaving, I would often feel bitter and think “if only you knew” but I have come to accept that
If anyone was wondering I am at peace with the abuse, I still get flashbacks and occasionally experience distress, but I am happy to speak openly about it. I will not be pressing charges as I don’t want to re-open old wounds in court. My biological dad still does unfortunately live rent free in my mind, but I can honestly say I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. SO yeah, I am at peace.
Until next time, stay safe!
EDIT- Thanks for the support, if there is any subs this would fit to to afford anyone a chuckle whilst trying to fight their own fight please feel free to share. I’m hopeless at Reddit so unsure on how to make it work :/
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Spot477 to adultsurvivors [link] [comments]

A short history about Sarees

A short history about Sarees

A saree or sari is a beautiful Indian garment. This is a traditional Indian garment worn in different parts of the country. It is an unstitched drape that may vary from 5 to 9 meters long and can be from 700 millimeters to 1200 millimeters in width. Saris are usually worn as an essential outfit traditionally and are still the best choice for any occasion and events.
Sarees are also listed as a formal wear and obviously can be carried around as a casual as well as party wear. The way traditional saris are worn is by tying it around the petticoat, which is usually an A-line skirt and strings to tighten or loosen it from the waist. The end strip of the saree is known as a Pallu and is usually more than a meter long. Pallu are the most intricate part of the saree since it is one part which is not wrapped and designs can easily be visible.
Origin of a Saree
‘Saree’ or ‘Sari’ has been taken from the word ‘Sati’. Sati means a strip of cloth. People in India were well versed with sewing and weaving but still preferred clothing that could be draped around the body, like- Saree and Dhoti. The reason for it was the hot climate of the country.
Indian people preferred unstitched clothing during Indus civilization. They would take a cloth and wrap around the waist and remaining fabric would be used to drape other parts in a comfortable manner.
Sarees now!
Availability of designer saree online only denotes the demand and popularity of saris. Now sarees come in different patterns, fabric, for various occasions using multiple techniques.
Saree is no longer a cloth utility, it has become the subject of fashion and trend. Saris are still the most sought-after clothing for special occasions like a wedding. It is also one of the most gifted clothing pieces in India.
Get your saree for every occasion!
submitted by meenabazarmbz to u/meenabazarmbz [link] [comments]

Cute Party Dresses for Baby Daughters

Cute Party Dresses for Baby Daughters
Parties are all about families and friends coming together at one place to have a great time. For us adults, getting ready for this occasion aren’t too tough. However, the job becomes hard when you have to get your daughter ready for a party because all attention will be on them and how cute they look.
Finding the perfect party dress is already tough, but it becomes tougher as there are too many dress options to choose from. Parents have to ensure the little girls clothes they choose are right in color, fit, and style to give their daughters that perfect look. Parent’s choice can become.
To make your job look a little easier, the following are a few trendy party dresses for little girls. Consider them and choose what will look best on your baby girl.

  1. Tutu Dress Outfit – One of the best and trendiest styles for party dresses for baby girls is the tutu dress. Tutu dresses come in different styles from spaghetti straps to even halter necks. Moreover, there are a ton of designs like shimmery bodice and crochet floral bodice. Another fact you’ll love is that the tutu dresses are available in various vibrant colours and shades. You’re going to have fun dressing your baby girls up.

  1. Floral Bodice Outfit – You can make your little girl look stylish and fashionable with the floral bodice party attire. This body attire comes with various designs, especially the flowery kind. This wear works best for wearing for birthday and wedding occasions owing to the glamorous feel of the outfit. Consider investing in multiple floral bodice attire of various lengths and neck styles.

  1. Floral Ruffle Outfit – Indian parents love this type of outfit for their daughters. It’s a neat looking dress that adds grace and personality to the child wearing it. Similar to the floral bodice, the floral ruffle too comes with flower-based designs that will make your daughter look and feel and beautiful. Plus, floral patterns are always in style, so these dresses won’t out of fashion for quite some time.

  1. Patterned Net Wedding Outfit – In a wedding ceremony, of course, the groom and bride are going to be the main stars. But your daughter can be a scene-stealer by wearing a patterned net wedding outfit. Go for a lighter shade of colour for the outfit as it will bring out her charm and ensure she looks even more beautiful and gorgeous.

  1. Superhero Outfit – Fancy dress party coming up? Dress up your girl in a superhero outfit. Today’s girls love their superheroes and this is also a type of positive reinforcement that will inspire them throughout life. Another great advantage of these types of outfits is that are readily available. Just search for superhero girls clothing online, and you will find scores of female superhero outfits in all sizes. Click, buy and let your baby girl be her favourite superhero.
Although these are top party dresses for baby girls, parents still make a ton of mistakes during the time of buying. Here are a few tips that will help you to get your hands on the best dress.

  • Avoid Ignoring Comfort – Style and trend are secondary when it comes to comfort. Comfort should be your number one priority. Moreover, you should get a dress that is easy to slip on and off for your daughter.
  • Avoid Getting Big Sizes – Parents often make the mistake of buying oversized dresses thinking their daughter will grow into them. However, it will only make their daughter look ugly and uncomfortable. Keep this in mind.
  • Right Fabrics – Sometimes, kids can be allergic to certain fabrics. You should completely stay away from such fabrics.
Follow these tips and you will surely get the best party wear for kids for your child. Get ready for her to be the attraction of the party.
submitted by Aniket-Sharma- to u/Aniket-Sharma- [link] [comments]

A Love for the Nine Yards - Sarees

The saree is a part of the Indian heritage and a hot favourite with today's fashion-forward ladies. The stylish Indian women know their drapes well and don't restrict themselves to wearing a saree at family gatherings only. The traditional nine-yards is flaunted at parties and special events too, with equal fervour! Show off your curves in a sensuous saree at the next occasion, be it a traditional ceremony or a formal function at office. Browse through the fancy selection at Myntra to treat your eyes to the best sarees available. Choose from a range of fabrics, prints, patterns, and detailings that make these sarees worth a second look. Get yourself one in your favourite colour, or pick one according to the occasion that you would be wearing it to.

Drape Diary - Women Sarees

A saree is renowned for its ease and versatility. This traditional garment can make you look extremely graceful, gorgeous, and can be draped in different ways for a variety of looks. A cotton saree can be worn effortlessly to work with minimal jewellery and a bindi. Pick from fashion sarees for a glamourous look at parties and get-togethers. Pair these sarees with oversized sunglasses and a chic handbag for lunch with old friends. Bollywood sarees are quite the rage among the movie-buffs and can be accessorised with statement jewellery and high heels to turn heads at fun, themed soirees. Benarasi sarees can be worn traditionally with heirloom jewellery and embroidered clutch bags. Flaunt a pink benarasi saree at your sister's wedding and get some compliments along with the bride. Pure silk sarees reflect the elegance of the yesteryears. Gift one to your mother on her birthday to make her feel extra special. Chiffon sarees lend a beautiful look at glamourous dos. Pick up a solid coloured chiffon saree with gold embroidery, and pair it with pretty golden ethnic heels for a striking appearance.

Sarees for the Ravishing Brides

Sarees are an an integral part of Indian women's trousseau. Myntra offers a stunning range of bridal sarees in ravishing designs and eye-catching colours. Flaunt them at your wedding, and add them to your trousseau to wear at the many parties and ceremonies after the wedding. Pick up a green embroidered net bridal saree, and complement it with gold jhumkas and a wrist full of gold bangles to look smashing at your wedding reception. The designer sarees available at Myntra will add the much-needed combination of tradition and fashion to your wedding trousseau. The selection also offers a range of wedding sarees that are perfect for wearing while you attend marriage ceremonies, wedding receptions, and post-wedding parties. Pick up a black chiffon saree with stone embellishments to wear at your colleague's wedding. Show off your traditional avatar among your other workmates present at the function.Try to savour the designs of every saree you wear, feel the magic that the fabric creates, and bask in the glory of the colours, prints, and embellishments that adorn you! Buy sarees at Myntra to show off the best of tradition and style in your wardrobe.
Shop through our exclusive Women's section. Our online shopping platform offers a range of products at best deals, that eases all efforts to shop for your favourite tshirts, shirts, or even shoes.
submitted by Yug-jain to u/Yug-jain [link] [comments]

Fancy Sarees for Day Events and Functions

Women want to look their best at all occasions. And the simplest way to do so is by finding the right ethnic sarees for it. Fancy sarees are the kind of ethnic wear that will help you look smart and beautiful. There are a variety of fancy sarees which can help you look stunning. If you are looking for fancy sarees for a day function, then here are a few things you need to know before choosing the saree.
For any daytime event or function -
Why Pure Cotton Sarees Are the Best for Day Functions?
Cotton saree is the most comfortable Indian outfit and women of all ages wear it on a daily basis, casually as well as for office wear. It is the best choice when it comes to a day function. A perfect choice for hot and humid Indian summers, the cotton sarees are very elegant and comfortable as well.
Kalamkari, handprint, block print, bandhani - all these boutique work looks excellent in a cotton saree. All these features make cotton saree as the first choice when it comes to buying sarees for a day event.
Bonus Tip - Always choose jewellery and hair accessories wisely. For a night function, choose heavy jewellery while for all kinds of day occasions, it is best to go for a simple look. The right length of heels will help you walk better.
Buy a Cotton Saree Online
If you are looking to own a pure cotton saree, then buy online, as you will get to choose from the latest designs and prints. You must try The Chennai Silks (TCS). They have a wide variety of pure cotton sarees. The Chennai Silks is a synonym of ethnicity and style and they are into saree trading for decades.
For your cotton sarees online shopping, do visit The Chennai Silks and choose from the wide variety of designer sarees - traditional or regional, woven, printed, silk-blend, net, south silk, chiffon, floral print designer saree, plain sari, handloom and fancy sarees.
submitted by m-rakeshreddy to u/m-rakeshreddy [link] [comments]

Get an afresh collection of Kurtis in Surat online

Get an afresh collection of Kurtis in Surat online
Wholesale kurtis are alternative traditional wear that can be used for casual events that will cater to all your leisure activities such as meeting with friends, going out to the movies, house chores. These tunics are seen as an alternative to sarees but are more comfortable and easy to wear. They are an all-rounding garment that will fit any woman of all ages with any body type.
To keep up with the high demands for this garment, retail businesses can easily buy wholesale kurtis from us as each catalog contains many different designs and color combinations that will be sure to please your customers. Keep your shop stocked up as we offer wholesale prices that will fit any pocket.

Latest Wholesale Kurti Catalog

You will not get tired of looking through our kurti catalog designs as each piece is unique, setting the tone for the event. All eyes will be on you when you wear our kurtis, as they are all beautiful and are made from premium materials that will also make them long lasting and durable. Ready-made branded kurtis are a must-have for every woman and is suitable to be worn with jeans, churidar, leggings, palazzo pants and even skirts.
Stay current as we only have the latest designs on the market and each catalog contains many pieces to give customers some variety. More choice is there in types: Anarkali, A-line, Asymmetric, Tail-cut, Straight, Short kurtis are available here under a single roof. Designs are fashionable enough to rival the classic sarees.

Our Kurtis collection
Special Occasions are a part of everyone's life and no way to avoid them Better to be prepared for them and other unexpected events that occur without warning.

Office Wholesale kurtis

Wondering what to wear to the office every day? The answer is kurtis for office as they are comfortable enough to be worn all day long even in stressful situations when you have to make calls and type. Long Wholesale kurtis with minimal digital print is a favorite among working women, but simple embroidery is a staple in our collection here at our store. You can get Wholesale kurtis at low price.

Party Wholesale Kurtis

Stylish events call for the highest level of fashionable outfits that will create a wave. Parties are one such event that needs exotic designs, designer kurtis that are embellished with semi-precious stones, delicate bead work will make you the star of the show. Get Wholesale kurtis at our store.

Daily Wholesale kurtis
Everyday tasks are a difficult thought, so why not make your life easier with daily Wholesale kurtis that will tick all the boxes in terms of style and comfort. They have replaced the other ethnic wear, but if you prefer cotton salwar suits you can wear it. The greatest part is that they can be purchased online from the comfort of your home.

Types of fabric

Only the finest fabrics are used to make our products, and this is the reason why we have a loyal following of clients who know and trust our quality standards.
Cotton kurti: kurtis are popular because cotton is used in all women's Indian ethnic wear and is best for hot summer climate. if you want to keep cool and not sweat too much. Another great advantage is that it is comfortable as well as all-occasion wear. You can get them in many styles including plain, embroidered, printed, and beadwork.
Rayon kurti: incorporates all the advantages of the best materials because it is made by combining cotton, silk, and wool, to get a superior blended material. The majority of our designs are made from this fabric making as it offers high quality. Wear them instead of your western tops with jeans to get a modern look.
Silk kurti: is a fabric every woman is well versed with. Loved for the smooth and shiny surfaces, our experts know how to create an impressive outfit that is a hit on the Surat market. Anarkali Silk kurtis are a visual attraction and are usually associated with weddings and parties.
Georgette kurti is a feminine cloth that makes the wearer look graceful as it gives off a silhouette appearance that matches the sheer and flowy properties of the material. Women like it more as it looks great in pastel colors like blue, pink, yellow, and orange that fit the heavy decorations like stonework, embroidery, sequins, and beadwork. These all make it a fancy look for parties and other celebration functions.
Satin kurti is closely related to silk but does not bear the exact same properties, it less shiny but still offers a silky texture.

Kurtis Quality

Having financial issues? No problem as most of our products are reasonably priced at lowest prices, what makes us better than all our competitors is that we do not compromise on quality and you will be relieved to know that the material will never tear. Another feature is that your clothes will not be spoilt due to some unexpected leak of dye, due to our excellent selection of fabrics no need to worry about all these things.


Shipping is a facility offered to all clients regardless of location. Within India, we ship to Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Jaipur, Bangalore, Chennai, and many other major cities. If you are abroad and need to place an order, go ahead and do it as we will ship the item to you. We ship to many global locations such as the USA, UK, Canada, Russia, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa to name a few.
No need to stress about damaged or lost orders as only trusted couriers that have a positive history are taken as our logistics partner. They will deliver the products on time and in full condition. You will love your product from the first time you set your eyes on it and feel the material.


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