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Keiji Shibusawa: A Great villain With a Lack Of Character.

Just letting you all know that this is gonna be a pretty long post, we're looking at just about all of Shibusawa's role in 0. There's also gonna be spoilers for Yakuza 1 and 2's main antagonists. With that out of the way, let's get things going.
From my experience viewing the community, Shibusawa is easily the least popular of the three lieutenants in Yakuza 0. And that doesn't exactly surprise me, but at the same time it sorta does. The final bosses in these games are supposed to be the most memorable, most badass, one of your favorite characters. But if I asked you to name the first Yakuza 0 villain that comes to your head, Shibusawa isn't gonna be it. Even among the lieutenants, he falls short. Kuze is the gold standard when it comes to rival characters in gaming, not just Yakuza. 5 fights with him, each of them shows just how much you/Kiryu are growing in experience, and by the end most end up respecting him. Awano is pretty intimidating throughout, and especially has a great showdown with Majima, so much so that he sacrifices himself for him. Plus, dudes got meme potential. But Shibusawa hides in the sidelines for 90% of the game, barely in the story until Kiryu and Oda get Makoto to Kamurocho. But how much of that is intentional? As usual with these character study's, lets look at Shibusawa's actions in the story first.
His first appearance, like the other lieutenants, is in Dojima Family HQ. And already there's a lot to think about. Whereas Kuze and especially Awano are deadset on the idea that Kiryu killed the man in the empty lot, Shibusawa is much more subdued. He doesn't actively defend Kiryu, but he doesn't really accuse him either. He genuinely seems to believe that Kiryu was set up. As he leaves the building, he even puts his hand on Kiryu's shoulder, possibly as a way of comforting him. Especially with how the later scenes paint him, this scene is interesting to think about. We'll come back to it later.
His shows up when Dojima expels Kiryu, but doesn't really have a speaking role, only reinforcing that Kuze made Kiryu a civilian. Shibusawa doesn't really care about the other lieutenants, as we'll see later. He's also in the scene where Awano tells Kuze to take care of Kiryu (before Kuze's 2nd fight), but again doesn't do anything of note. And he's there during Kuze's 3rd fight, but does nothing. You noticing a pattern? This right here is the main problem with Shibusawa, but it's also his greatest strength. He's lurking in the shadows of the scenes he's in, waiting for the right moment, HIS moment, to take center stage. But that also means he's not a character until the last 10% of the game. It's all leading to the main themes of the 3 lieutenants, but that means that he can't have time to spend talking to Kiryu, or really anybody.
Chapter 13 is where Shibusawa really comes into play, as we see him and his crew hunt down Kiryu/Makoto. Additionally, he had Oda as a mole, seemingly giving him information, though clearly not everything. It's in these last few chapters where we see Shibusawa's true nature. After shooting Oda for not giving Makoto's location, and after Makoto ran off from both Kiryu and Majima, he makes it a point to give Dojima Makoto, presumably so he can establish himself as the best of the lieutenants, to earn the captains position, as well as leaving with everyone via chopper after Lao Gui shoots Makoto.
His next scene is where we learn quite a bit about Shibusawa's motivations. When Awano suggests to wait for Kazama to end up dead in prison, he scolds him pretty harshly, and reveals that only by getting rid of the entire Kazama family can Tojo rise again. This is how Shibusawa wants to get to the top. Funny how I previously talked about Jingu, whose motivations were also to rise to the top until you physically couldn't go any higher. And Nishiki as well has that very same motive, although he is much different then Jingu overall. Shibusawa's reasonings for it are somehow both more and less basic then those two, though. After that scene, we learn that Shibusawa is leading a raid on Shibaura, the ship Makoto is on. Obviously, Kiryu and Nishiki go to shut it down. During the raid we see Shibusawa intrigued with Kiryu. Almost like he's ready to fight him. Turns out he is, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. Kiryu eventually makes it past everything on the ship, and confronts Shibusawa. Shibusawa seems to have only brought Makoto where he is to lure Kiryu in. He wants Kiryu to be the first kill. We'll skip a lot of Shibusawa's motivations for now, and just say that at it's most basic level, Shibusawa wants to kill Kiryu so that Kazama's heir dies, as he wants to surpass Kazama. Of course, Kiryu beats Shibusawa, who then encourages Kiryu to finish him off for good. Kiryu almost does, but Nishiki comes at the last second to talk him out of it. And Shibusawa is sent to prison. Not dead, but certainly won't come back.
So why did I skip a lot at the end there? Mostly to discuss Shibusawa and some of the 3 lieutenants here. We'll start with the lieutenants. Kuze, Awano, and Shibusawa represent the different kind of Yakuza in this series overall. Kuze represents the Yakuza of old, mainly in the clan for the simple reason of beating others up, and showing themselves as tough bastards. Shimano, plenty of villains in 1, and lots of people in the series show this attitude. Awano represents the Yakuza of the present, too deep in to it to quit, but it's clear they've lost their touch to how they were so many years ago. It's most likely that Awano wants out, which is why he's the only one of the lieutenants to die. Reinforces that once you're in the Yakuza, there's no getting out in one piece. Shibusawa represents Yakuza of the future, who don't just want to thrive, but want to rise to the top, want to make a name for themselves. Nishiki and to a lesser extent Ryuji follow this as well. Shibusawa gets the closest to achieving his goals compared to the other two most likely for this reason; It's how antagonists from future games operate as well.
What Shibusawa wants is simple. A legacy. A title to have. It's not just about rising to the top. Shibusawa tells of his father, who was a politician that rose pretty high in the business, but his boss got all of his credit. Eventually his father had to take the fall for his bosses corrupt deals, and it drove him to suicide. It's possible he thinks history will repeat itself with Dojima and him. So he wants insurance. Talent alone isn't enough for him. Shibusawa clearly shows a lot of respect for Kazama. He considers him a legend. So much so that he intends to surpass him. He wants Kazama's title. That's probably his main motivation for wanting to more or less eradicate the Kazama family. By doing that, he can become the true "Dragon of Dojima". With his title, Shibusawa will finally have a legacy, will be remembered as a legend. Kiryu rightfully says to him that Kazama is more then just his title and legend, but Shibusawa brings up some valid points about how Kazama isn't the perfect paragon (his own words) Kiryu thinks, how he arguably caused the events of Yakuza 0. Kazama in general has a lot to his character to talk about, but this isn't about him. Anyway, Shibusawa's first step in surpassing Kazama is to kill his heir, that being Kiryu. There's also the matter of Shibusawa's tattoo. The dragon tattoo. Tattoo's in this series are symbolic to the person who has them. Obviously, Shibusawa's tattoo is the same as Kiryu's. The dragon itself is a legend, and in some Japanese culture dragons are often respected and put on the same pedestal as gods. Shibusawa is not seen as such, but it's important to note that he eventually thinks he will. That's why he got the tattoo in the first place. That's also why Kiryu's tattoo isn't filled in yet. He hasn't reached that status yet, but he's on the path to achieving it.
So why does Shibusawa tell Kiryu to kill him? He wants Kiryu to see Kazama for who he is. Kazama could only achieve the legacy he has now because of his massive body count. Shibusawa thought the same, as he attempted to write his legacy with others blood. Nishiki too, would follow this example. It's important to note about Kiryu's character that he 100% would have killed Shibusawa had Nishiki not intervened, which is interesting. And why is Shibusawa more lenient on Kiryu then the other's in the lieutenant's introduction scene? Straight up, no idea. Maybe I missed something, but I'd go so far as to say that's out of character for him, since we can assume he had this plan to surpass Kazama by doing something about Kiryu long before this.
All in all, Shibusawa works as the final boss of Yakuza 0. He fits well with the themes of 0, and it's intriguing to watch him rise from the shadows, to reveal his blood lust for the Kazama family. However, I believe the fact that he stayed silent for so long significantly hurt his character. I'm confident that if he had more scenes, he would have won fans over as a top tier main antagonist (though it can be argued Dojima is the main antagonist of 0, but you never fight him, so I tend to ignore that). I enjoyed him for what he was, but he could have been something more. Sorry again for the long post, but hope you enjoyed me overanalyzing a single Yakuza character. Have a good day/night folks.
submitted by Tyler9351 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher: SEGA
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 87 average - 94% recommended - 55 reviews

Critic Reviews

ACG - Jeremy Penter - Wait for Sale
"The turn-based combat is a welcome change however combined with some weird decisions and a somewhat bland story its not all sunshine and rainbows for this new kid on the street."
Attack of the Fanboy - Joshua Garibay - 4 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a bold shift in direction, one that succeeds more than it stumbles in the pursuit of its new design.
Bazimag - Sina Golabzade - Persian - 8.6 / 10
The transition from a top notch brawler to a JRPG feels totally seamless. The gameplay have all the good parts we expect from a JRPG translated to the language of the Yakuza series but it also has some of the bad parts like the need for grinding and some unfair boss fights. The story and new characters are presented in a way that make this new journey for the franchise very well worth taking.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 86 / 100
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is the perfect update for a flagging series. Its clever storytelling, bizarre substories, and engrossing gameplay makes this one of the strongest entries in the franchise. Mixing deep societal messages with references to popular culture, the game is both hilarious and thought-provoking. It is very clear to see that with Ichiban Kasuga, the series is in safe hands
Cerealkillerz - Nick Erlenhof - German - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Lika A Dragon goes a different way but follows what made the series so great. The new protagonist, the story (besides some weak points), the crazy mini games, battle animations, summons and Ichiban Kasuga offer so much fun and action. Some boring dungeons in the middle of the game and balancing issues are the only downsides you should expect. Even if you are not a fan of turn based combat or haven't touched the series yet, you should give this a shot.
Daily Mirror - Eugene Sowah - 4 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon has definitely made some drastic changes to the series but without losing its original charm. The fast pace turn base system has so much added depth while still feeling like a Yakuza game.
The graphics are the best the series has seen to date, players will fall for the ridiculous Ichiban who is a well-worked new hero to the series. Other than the lag between different sections of the games and slightly clunky animations it's really hard to fault this reimagining of the legendary series.
Destructoid - Jordan Devore - 7.5 / 10
Like a Dragon isn't my favorite Yakuza, and its fresh turn-based combat eventually grows stale, but I have a lot of love for it. If it's your first game, it'll quickly initiate you into this wild, one-of-a-kind series.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars
Who knows if this wild experiment will bear fruit and become its own series. Yakuza: Like a Dragon has everything it needs; an excellent crop of new characters, and even a new playground to base a series in, as we hadn't been to Yokohama previously. The future of the series would depend on how turn-based combat sells in comparison to action brawler combat, I would assume. Either way, though, Like a Dragon is a delight. It's a parody-homage to every turn-based JRPG trope you've ever known, set against brilliant character writing and the traditional urban playgrounds that have built this series into something beloved. I hope the development team is rewarded for the inherent risk that they took with this undertaking.
Eurogamer - Malindy Hetfeld - No Recommendation / Blank
Like A Dragon pulls off an impressive JRPG makeover while simultaneously taking on all the flaws of the genre. - Giuseppe Carrabba - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Like a Dragon is the story of a carp that turns into a dragon, of a gang of scapegoats who decide to defy the established order and come to the head of a desperate situation. Ichiban Kasuga is an individual far from dojima's stoic and serious Dragon but has an equally kind soul and crackling personality, which makes him - along with his strange clique - the symbol of Yakuza's rebirth. A rebirth that passes through a fun and enjoyable but also improveable role-making formula. With this seventh chapter, in other words, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has shown us the potential of what would seem to be his idea for the future of the series, which with the advent of next-gen consoles could give us great surprises.
GAMEtainment - Dennis Röger - German - 8.7 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon has made the leap into the RPG genre with flying colors. The story is kept exciting and you can't stop following Ichiban's vendetta.
The abundance of side tasks can be a bit overwhelming for the player at the beginning. But once you have played the game for a few hours, you know the most important points in the city. Time passes very quickly when playing darts or karting. By no means you need to believe that these actions are a waste of time. You get personality points which finally strengthen the fighting actions.
The fights bring a breath of fresh air to the row and put a smile on the players' faces. Through the different creative classes you attack the opponents with pigeons or wrestling moves instead of casting disdainful fireballs. Unfortunately, the invisible AoE range of abilities spoils the fun of the game. Also the unusually long races until a comrade reaches the enemy seem strange. A timeline showing the next actors would have been helpful too.
If you like the Yakuza series and are open for new things, you definitely have to go for Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Game Informer - Jeff Cork - 9.3 / 10
It's a new direction for the series, but Like a Dragon captures the essence of what came before while setting out on its own journey.
Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza fans were anxious about whether the series would survive without the glue of Kiryu Kazama to hold it together. However, Ichiban Kasuga is a worthy successor to the Dragon of Dojima, and Like a Dragon is a great new start for this fantastic series that will please long-time Yakuza fans and newcomers alike.
GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10
You should look at Yakuza: Like a Dragon through the lens of it's protaginist. This game is unapologetically brash, unmistakable bold, life-affirming and insanely charismatic. The legend of Ichiban Kasuga journey, like a bright flame, tells us one familliar, but sweet and romantic idea - each and every one of us can become a true Hero, even if you have to fight the fate itself, while making your way through hundrends upon hundreds of random encounters.
GameSkinny - RobotsFightingDinosaurs - 10 / 10 stars
Yakuza: Like A Dragon isn't just a great Yakuza title - it's legitimately one of the best modern role-playing games there is.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 8 / 10
Ultimately, despite all the changes that have been made, Yakuza: Like a Dragon feels very much like a Yakuza game. The combat may now be turn-based, and the scenery might be different, but this is still a game full of drama, thrilling battles, and a huge amount of side content, all smothered with an ample amount of humour. And I never thought I’d say this, but I didn’t miss Kazuma Kiryu one jot while playing it; Ichiban Kasuga is simply a more likeable fellow with more depth. So, if you like the Yakuza series, consider Yakuza: Like a Dragon a must-have.
GameSpot - Michael Higham - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon's cast of misfits makes the wild RPG combat, absurd humor, and dramatic storytelling soar.
GameWatcher - Gavin Herman - 9.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon reminded me why I loved video games to begin with. I cannot think of a game this year that has gripped me this tightly and didn't let go. Here comes a game brimming with joy and excitement that is earnest with its drama and comedy. It's the sort of game you can gush about for hours, and I will long after this review is published. Anyone who loves RPGs, open world games, comedies, crime dramas, and games PERIOD should have a lot of fun with the newest Yakuza.
Gameblog - Romain Mahut - French - 9 / 10
As the Yakuza franchise is still trying to become a household franchise in the West, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio decided to flip the switch and create a turn-based RPG. The result of that experiment, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, is a resounding success. The "dynamic RPG" gameplay fits the Yakuza universe and tropes like a glove and its mechanics are surprisingly deep. And the fact that the game's new characters are lovable doesn't hurt. The turn-based gameplay will probably put off some gamers but Yakuza: Like a Dragon truly deserves a shot. The Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio made the JRPG genre proud.
GamesRadar+ - Hirun Cryer - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon impressively pulls off the switch to an RPG in style, providing an excellent combat system supported by loveable characters, and a tantalising main storyline with meaningful side quests.
GamingBolt - Pramath - 9 / 10
Yakuza is reborn in this brilliant and compelling new addition to series canon that recontextualizes series tropes and mechanics for an entirely new genre, delivering one of the best outings the series has ever seen.
GamingTrend - David Flynn - 95 / 100
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has topped themselves once again with Yakuza: Like a Dragon! This new take on Yakuza brings a lot of fun, new ideas to the table while remaining its heartfelt self. Turn based combat is somehow a perfect fit for this new direction, the characters are all instantly loveable, and the story is endearingly melodramatic.
Generación Xbox - Adrian - Spanish - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like A Dragon is a great turn-based RPG that will keep you hooked on the screen for many hours. One of the best games of the genre on Xbox.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 9.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a phenomenal entry into the Yakuza franchise, with an interesting new protagonist, a compelling story, and a combat system that constantly mixes things up.
Heavy - Elton Jones - 8.8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon largely succeeds at moving the series forward in a bold new direction. Kasuga and his band of unlikely heroes are incredibly interesting and make it so easy to care about their crazy antics. The new main locale is massive and plays host to so many compelling things to do. Getting wrapped up in everything Like a Dragon has to offer is worth it and you’ll easily pour 30+ hours into its captivating tale. The turn-based battle system works in parts, but its annoying character placement issues and faulty summons system keep it from being a total victory. Like a Dragon is still worth hopping into if you’re looking for an amazing parody of RPG tropes, however. It’s a Yakuza sequel that signals a bright future ahead for the beloved franchise.
Hey Poor Player - Francis DiPersio - 4.5 / 5
No doubt about it, SEGA took some considerable risks when they decided to change their established formula so radically for Yakuza: Like A Dragon. But in the end, I think the gamble paid off. Ryū ga Gotoku Studio's latest offering may not pack the punchy, moment to moment gameplay of its predecessors. Still, it makes up for that with its more in-depth brawls, an engaging job system, and a story that focuses not just on a single protagonist, but on several compelling heroes with their own complex motivations. While beat-'em-up fanatics may find this change in direction blasphemous, I couldn't be happier. If you're a Yakuza fan who loves JRPGs, adding this underworld epic to your PS4 library is a no-brainer.
Hobby Consolas - Rafael Aznar - Spanish - 90 / 100
It keeps the great narrative and setting from the Yakuza series, using a new protagonist, a city that has more life than even Kamurocho and turn-based combats. It suffers from some of the classical troubles of the J-RPG, but it is a breath of fresh air and a great example of how to reinvent a franchise.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 7 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon takes some bold steps in a new direction for the series but neglects to maintain its balance.
IGN Italy - Biagio Etna - Italian - 9.1 / 10
An extraordinary and courageous restart for the new Sega title, an extraordinary JRPG that lays the foundations for even more prosperous growth.
IGN Spain - Álex Pareja - Spanish - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza Like a Dragon is a real and huge JRPG who knows how to maintain the essence of the saga. Fun fighting system and deep script with too many ups and downs to justify the new playable elements. I hope this new formula that works and gives new wings to the franchise will be repeated.
Inverse - Jen Glennon - 9 / 10
Like a Dragon is right up there with Yakuza 0 in terms of sheer fun-factor and an almost dizzying abundance of stuff to see and do.
Metro GameCentral - Nick Gillett - 7 / 10
The turn-based battles don't fully convince but the new protagonist and bizarre mini-games still feel distinctively and entertainingly Yakuza.
Noisy Pixel - Azario Lopez - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon makes for an excellent new entry in this long-running series. The developers took a chance on a new protagonist and battle system, which forces fans out of their comfort zone for a very different yet, familiar Yakuza experience. Although the opening exposition can be a bit overwhelming, this is a standout video game on its own with plenty of emotional story beats, insane sub-stories, and plenty of ways to spend your time around Ijincho.
PC Gamer - Andy Kelly - 72 / 100
A fun, charming, and occasionally brilliant Yakuza game, let down by an overabundance of repetitive turn-based battles.
PCGamesN - Ian Boudreau - 9 / 10
An utterly charming yarn about friendship and kindness that breathes gritty modern life into the quaint JRPG format of classic Dragon Quest.
Pixel Arts - Arman Akbari - Persian - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a very good sequel to the popular Yakuza series which shows that Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios still manages to create a great story and narrative. The game's turn-based battles are good in themselves, but due to the extreme use of enemies in the environment, they soon became repetition.
PlayStation Universe - Joe Apsey - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like A Dragon is an impressive and quality JRPG that successfully acts as a jumping in-point for new fans and also ties itself to the series' past in exciting and engaging ways. The turn-based combat has been infused with some mechanics that help retain the action and over-the-top hilarity the series is known for. Mini-games once again shine and there is a lot packed into Ijincho. Like A Dragon paves the way for a bright future for the franchise. - Stephen del Prado - A or higher
It was a gamble on Sega’s part to make such major changes to a tried and true formula, even more bewildering given its recent meteoric rise in Western markets. If Yakuza: Like A Dragon proves anything, it’s that fortune does indeed favour the bold.
Polygon - Kazuma Hashimoto - Unscored
Like a Dragon's story attempts to touch on certain social issues that are relevant in present-day Japan, such as classism, social status, sex work, and government corruption on a prefectural level. However, the writing often lacks the nuance or range to address the topics at hand, and doesn't give any of them adequate room to breathe. The second half of the game gains some measure of focus as plot threads tie together and result in genuinely surprising twists, but when Like a Dragon drops the ball, it drops it hard. Despite this, the Japanese cast's performances sell the story with evocative deliveries that breathe life into the characters. The finale is an emotional one that brought me to tears and moved me, just as most previous Yakuza games have.
PowerUp! - Greg Newbegin - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon, when all of its pieces are taken together, is not only a fantastic new direction for the series, it's also one of its best titles.
Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 9 / 10
Yakuza Like a Dragon is both a fresh start and a shot in the arm that caters to series veterans and newcomers like. It bears all the hallmarks of a great Yakuza game, while making a damned good case for its revamped battle system. After Yakuza 6 topped the rest of the franchise with a matured and succinct focus it feels even more exciting to see the whole thing blown wide open again and have Ryu ga Gotoku just run wild. Kudos is deserved at Sega of America for their commitment to the game's localization as well, which is incredibly considered and comprehensive. I think I've found a new favourite Yakuza game.
RPG Site - 7 / 10
With a new battle system and new main character, Yakuza: Like A Dragon aims to be a new entry point to Yakuza newcomers even though it is anything but that.
Rocket Chainsaw - Adam Ghiggino - 4.5 / 5 stars
So, the takeaway is this – Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a successful experiment. So successful that I think it should be the template for much of the series going forward.
Saudi Gamer - Essam Al-Shahwan - Arabic - 9 / 10
A brilliant reinvention of the series that still manages to faithfully capture its essence, with an eclectic cast of characters, the star being Ichiban himself. A great entry that goes toe-to-toe with Yakuza 0.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a successful pivot from traditional Yakuza mainstays. The game goes heavy on style, while still packing in enough substance to keep players satisfied. The party system and new RPG elements give players more ways to play than ever before. The turn-based combat is solid, and never feels too foreign. Longtime fans of the franchise will appreciate what Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and SEGA have to offer in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Siliconera - Graham Russell - 9 / 10
Much like Kasuga’s dragonfish tattoo feels like a quirky but faithful successor to Kiryu’s dragon, Yakuza: Like a Dragon rebuilds the franchise by leaving a lot of it in place. The new protagonist doesn’t feel like he has seven games of story in him, but his eagerness to join the fray could carry the next few entries.
Stevivor - Matt Gosper - 8 / 10
After the culture shock of such a total change to the Yakuza recipe, I’m extremely glad the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio team took such a big leap when Kiryu’s tale came to an end. Like A Dragon is a revitalised game full of fresh ideas and proves that the series won’t be re-treading the same ground with Ichiban in the driver’s seat. If this is the first step into the new age of Yakuza, I can’t wait to see how bonkers the next game will be.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon refreshes the action with a turn-based JRPG that retains its charming identity, but it falls into some pitfalls that are emblematic of the genre.
The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 8.2 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is an interesting new entry into the criminal universe created by SEGA, and undoubtedly represents the most courageous and anarchic chapter so far. It's not entirely convincing, but what works bodes well for the future of the series.
TheSixthAxis - Thomas Hughes - Unscored
Yakuza Like a Dragon is an enjoyable new twist on the series, although it's not hard to imagine that many long-time fans of the series will be put off by its slow pace. In a day and age where video game companies rarely take risks, Like a Dragon is a refreshing change of pace for a series that risked starting to feel stale.
TrustedReviews - Jade King - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a triumph, and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio should be commended for redefining such a seasoned franchise, despite the backlash it might have received. Leaving Kazuma Kiryu behind hasn't been easy, but Ichiban Kasuga and company have crafted a compelling path into the future that I cannot wait to see continue.
VideoGamer - Josh Wise - 9 / 10
This is the crux of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It is fascinated by the way that games lurk at the soft verges of life, vesting our days with dreams.
Wccftech - Kai Powell - 9.1 / 10
The mean streets of Yokohama offer the opportunity for a new cast, a new suit, and a new hero. Ichiban Kasuga might not be the role model in the same way that Kiryu-chan was, but this dragon's quest might be the most fun Yakuza title to date!
Windows Central - Zackery Cuevas - 5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon feels like everything I ever wanted in a game. Once the game stomps on the gas, it very rarely slows down. Its unique cast of characters and gameplay had me hooked and wanting more, and it almost feels like it never stops giving. Even after the story ends at the 45+ hour mark, I was ready to fight more, complete more side missions, and squeeze out every drop of gameplay that this game has to offer.
ZTGD - Ken McKown - 9 / 10
The Yakuza series continues to grow and expand in the gaming world. I love its quirky humor and deep narratives. This new entry begins a new saga and I cannot wait to see how the story of Ichi evolves over time. If it is even half as good as Kiryu’s the studio will have another series of great games on its hands. Everything about this title feels good and for those worried about having previous knowledge, don’t be concerned. Like a Dragon is a wonderful jumping in point for the series and also one of the best titles in it to date. Don’t sleep on this game, it is worth digging into.
submitted by GamingGideon to Games [link] [comments]

Quick start, slow finish [January Report '21]

I: Much studying, little free time (+ quick thoughts on some games)

Hey everyone, hope you had as good a start to the new year as possible. As always, looking forward to reading all of your progress posts for this month. At the start of the month (and in the last week or so of December), I've managed to play "a lot" and beat 4 games, so I thought this might be another double-digit month in regards to completions. Little did I know that most of my days would be spent studying for the exams coming up. Most of my free time I've either spent on my family or on "CS:GO Investing", believe it or not. I did find the time to play a bunch of Slime Rancher with my little brother, some Yakuza 0 alone and some CS:GO, Apex Legends and Elder Scrolls Online. I'll speak a bit about those experiences now and move on to the actual completions in a little bit.
And now onto the usual stuff :D

II: Games I've Quit | 5

Call of Cthulhu is a game that I've actually tried a few months back, never continued and decided to not bother again at the end of December, which is why I put it here in this report. I didn't play it for more than 30 minutes but I wasn't impressed at all with any of the mechanics and visuals. With time being more limited I'm not going to force myself through this with a bunch of more interesting looking games on my backlog.
Same thing (kind of) goes for Far Cry 5. Played it a while back with a friend but we actually put about 10 to 15 hours into this before never playing again. Easily the worst Far Cry I've played. The story is just absolute garbage and feels so contrived. All antagonists just keep talking and talking and try to say anything meaning- or impactful but end up repeating the same things over and over. And I couldn't count how many times the game knocked you out so you would land in a cutscene with one of them. Poorly paced as well. Gameplay is basically like other Far Cry games but at least those had side characters who had interesting missions once or twice. Going around shooting bulls for a dude who needs eggs for an egg fest (and similar missions) was just dumb I thought. Plus we had a major bug during a main "boss" mission and a bunch of other smaller ones. As always, your mileage may vary.
I wouldn't say Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a bad game at all, it's just that I don't think playing this game for 30+ more hours is something I'm really excited for. If you're into roleplaying games that pays A LOT of attention to detail, you'll love this but I don't think it's for me that much.
Last year, I beat Resident Evil 5 in coop with my brother and we've (re)started playing Resident Evil 6 after dropping it over 5 years (!) ago. We played it for a few hours and thought we'll just grind through while laughing at the (unintentionally) hilarious parts of the game. After a few hours and the Deborah boss fight (which was, without a doubt, the worst kind of boss fight there could ever be in a functioning video game), we checked HowLongToBeat and yeah, suffice to say, we won't go through 20+ hours of this garbage. I guess the shooting is somewhat OK but literally everything else in this game ranges from boring to absolutely cringeworthy, mostly the latter though. I'll try Revelations, which is also in my backlog and I'll definitely play the newer games (2,3,7) but damn, 5 and 6 are terrible games.
I've only played a few hours of The Witcher and the story itself might have pushed me through but it just didn't age very well and instead of pushing through, I'd rather go "straight into" The Witcher 2 (straight into meaning some time this year :D).

III: Games I’ve Added | 8

I've gotten three games via Trade, Guacamelee! 2, Psychonauts and Satellite Reign. I don't know when I'll get to them or if I'll actually finish them but I had more interest in these games than the ones I gave up for 'em.
My brother, the legend, got Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Resident Evil 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 on PC since my end of year post, all of which I can play through Steam Family Sharing. I don't think I'll get into RE3 for a while. Similarly to how I felt after completing RE5, I need a break from that series after playing the shit show that was RE6. I will however for sure play Wolfenstein II this year. I loved the first game when I played it a few years ago and I don't know how I still haven't gotten into the second game.
As most of you will probably know, Epic gave away 15 free games and out of those, I've added two games to the backlog, which I will count as being added in 2021. These games are Cave Story+ and Night in the Woods. I've also added a few more after that, including Battlefront II, but I won't include those because as of now, I have no interest in them or their single player components.

IV: Games I've Beaten | 4

A quick overview of all the games I've beaten this month. Reviews are in alphabetical order. (Bold = Game of the Month)

Mafia: Definitive Edition

Owned Since: September 30th, 2020
Beaten: December 25th, 2020
Platform: PC
Playtime: 10 hours
While I know next to nothing about the Mafia, I really enjoy playing Mafia themed games, watching Mafia themed movies and reading Mafia themed books from time to time. So I was very excited to hear the news about the Mafia remake, even though I didn't enjoy my experience with the original years ago much. The game didn't age well mostly (obviously) but I also didn't think the story was anything special. In fact, I thought it was just reusing the same tropes in every medium that has to do with the Mafia ever. "It's the Mafia, at the end of the day, so what do you expect?". Right. Nothing wrong with that, you're free to enjoy this game very much of course. I'll just go ahead and explain my thoughts on the story in this review.
To me, the story is the main attraction in anything that is about the Mafia, so I'll briefly go over everything else the game had to offer. I personally liked the new music and voice actors. The VAs especially add a lot to the experience in comparison to the original, though if you're someone who played the original multiple times, having different voices attached to the characters might sound wrong in your ears. Same goes for the music of course.
The graphics look amazing imo and also add much to the experience. This was really a well made remake overall. They've added a lot of mechanics from Mafia 3 (driving, combat...) and it works really well. I don't have a great rig (1060 3GB + i5 6600k) but I've had a consistent 50 FPS with high graphic options. I'd say that's fair.
Now to the story and my main reason for the rating (which is a solid 6 still):
Games as a medium have an advantage over books and movies that this games story, in my eyes, doesn't really take advantage of. Now, the original is 18 years old, so I guess there were limitations to what they were able to do but what I personally would expect out of a good Mafia story doesn't really have anything to do with the technical side.
Books have the advantage of time as well. They are hundreds of pages long and can go very in depth in terms of describing characters, describing scenery and telling stories. Movies, of course , have the advantage of bringing these stories to life on your screen. They are however limited to a few hours at most, so they have to prioritize characters that they want to focus on and develop.
Games have the advantage of combining both the length of books and the visual aspect of movies. This game is 10 hours long, so more than 3x longer than the Godfather. Now, the Godfather is obviously amazing and it wouldn't be fair to compare Mafia to one of the best movies of all time but it's just to demonstrate that games can do something movies can't. And it's a big factor in Mafia themed media in my opinion: They can go in-depth when it comes to connecting the player to the "family" aspect of the Mafia.
You do a bunch of missions with Sam and Paulie, you meet Frank, the consigliere, Don Salieri, Vincent and even the mechanic, Ralphie. So the game has a bunch of interesting characters that you could potentially meet and connect more in-depth with than any movie, apart from the best ones, would allow. Yet, all is just so shallow. There is no depth. After beating it, you know a little bit about Sam (and I mean just a little bit), you know a bit more about Paulie, you hear a couple things about Don Salieri's past but ultimately, I forgot about almost everyone of these characters since playing the original a few years ago and I'm sure I'll forget about them in a couple years from now as well.
The game sets its focus on Morello and the "bad bad guys". This makes sense, as a game is interactive and has to give you reasons to kill people. Unfortunately this means less time is being spent learning more about all the members of your 'family'. You get to share a couple moments with Paulie and Sarah but even those are very few and far between. You never really know about anyone's motivations for joining the Mafia and their pasts apart from a few times where other characters tell anecdotes. But you do get to hear a lot about Morello and his lot.
So yeah, I feel like the game doesn't really manage the balance between scenes with family and enemies. They've even added a few scenes with Sarah, so I guess the devs kinda agree with that sentiment (maybe I'm just reaching).
Regardless, I had my fun with it. The scenes where everyone would meet up and talk about the upcoming mission were very nice and the times where the game would delve a bit deeper into some of the characters were definite highlights. I also will definitely be getting Mafia 4 whenever it releases because even average to below average Mafia stories like this one are fun to experience.
Rating: 6/10

Batman: Arkham City

Owned Since: October 29th, 2016
Beaten: January 1st
Platform: PC
Playtime: 16 hours
This is what happened during the final minutes of me playing this: I was in the middle of playing it and just like that, it was over.
I legit was like "IS THIS IT?". And I still don't know how to feel about it. On the one hand, the ending was sick and even for me, who is not the biggest Batman fan out there, was a very meaningful moment. Batman carrying out Joker's body is the part I'm talking about. At the same time, the final boss fight sucked ass, very much unlike the rest of the game's boss fights (more on them in a bit). I feel like the ending also left a big plot hole by not answering one question: What happened to all the people in Gotham, who were also poisoned by Joker? I know Robin was sent to check the hospitals to see who had the poisoned blood in them but did they ever get the cure? Didn't Joker destroy the vial with the antidote in it? Maybe I've missed something.
The story, other than that question mark that I still have in my head, was solid. I thought the game was going to destroy the sense of urgency a la most open world games these days but, apart from those few hundred riddles by the Riddler and a few side missions, the open world wasn't bloated with a bunch of activities. I don't care for the riddles but the side missions I did were enjoyable.
Speaking of the open world, I definitely prefer Arkham Asylum's smaller space. In both games, you mostly enter specific locations and explore them before moving on to the next one, so all the open world has done is increase the amount of time it takes to move from A to B for me. It also wasn't as smooth to glide through the city as in 2018's Spider-Man game for example, though that one is obviously 7 years younger than Arkham City.
I do think an open world Batman game can be much more enjoyable, though for that 1) gliding has to become smoother, 2) Batmobile must become available, 3) there needs to be more interesting and engaging side activities (Spider-Man did this extremely well) and the outer areas need to be actually utilized in the story. Apart from some parts of the Wonder Tower and a few small fights outside, almost everything I remember took place indoors (which is what I preferred in both Arkham games as I said, this just would make me enjoy an open world experience more).
So I'm intrigued by what Arkham Knight has to offer, though I've already heard countless times how using the Batmobile is a pain. Everything else about the game has the potential to be really enjoyable, so I'm optimistic. Updated graphics obviously help matters as well.
Ah, I mentioned the boss fights at the start, didn't I? I'll end this review with my favorite part about the Arkham games so far: The villains and how they're being utilized. I haven't played a game that does it much better. That's either 1) because the focus isn't on villains like in the Batman series, 2) because their villains suck or 3) they just don't know how to use them properly. I'd put a game like Far Cry 4 in the 3) section. Yes, the game is about exploring Kyrat but the story is also about helping Amita and/or Sabal, two characters I had forgotten even existed until I saw some Far Cry 4 gameplay recently again. Pagan Min is obviously the main event of the story and apart from a handful of cutscenes and a dozen or so phone calls, you don't see him. And I feel like he had so much potential as not only a very interesting antagonist but also as a character you'd talk about for decades when talking about best gaming villains.
(Same goes for Far Cry 3 and Vaas, who you see even less than Pagan Min if I remember correctly. And then you play something like Far Cry 5, where they shove the siblings down your throat with interruptions and never ending monologues. Never seen people who talk so much, yet end up saying nothing at all. So maybe the way Far Cry 3/4 did it was the better way :D)
Anyway, all villains in Batman Arkham City are well presented, they all are enjoyable to fight against (Ra's Al Ghul being my personal highlight) and they all contribute to the story in little and major ways.
So yeah, very good game :D
Rating: 8/10

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters

Owned Since: September 2nd, 2020
Beaten: December 28th, 2020
Platform: PC
Playtime: 6.5 hours
I won't go so in-depth with this review because I feel like I went a bit crazy with the other two games prior :D.
I didn't play the first game, which might have improved the story experience by a little bit but I had a lot of fun with this game regardless.
It's a Korean horror game, in which you play Mina Park, who's a student and gets trapped in the "shadow realm". In that world, you're being followed by one of your teachers and some other monsters trying to kill you, while you solve puzzles, collect notes and try to get the fuck out of there.
The game has 6 chapters, or 6 different areas rather. In each, you do very similar tasks and have to avoid the monsters by running away and hiding. You can hear your teacher's footsteps when she gets pretty close and they get louder, as she gets closer to you. I loved this. She didn't get close to you constantly (like in Alien: Isolation for example) but every time she did, it was unnerving and kind of scary as well, without being a cheap jump scare or anything.
The auditory horror mechanic - I guess you could it that - is really well done. Next to that, you have to constantly dodge bodies falling from the ceiling, monsters lying on the ground trying to strike you and some venomous plants releasing their toxins when you get near them.
As I said, all 6 chapters play very similar but the gameplay is so fun that I didn't really feel the game being repetitive or at any point boring. I'd even go so far as to say that this is the best horror game I've played so far, only rivaled by the first Outlast game and probably something like the older Silent Hill games, of which I have very little memories left, though.
The story is OK. It's nothing worth talking about much but for a horror game, it'll do. The real deal in this game is its gameplay and horror elements, so if you're looking for one to play, give it a shot. Or at least think about it when looking for games to play in October.
Rating: 7/10


Owned Since: September 2nd, 2020
Beaten: December 30th, 2020
Platform: PC
Playtime: 10 hours
I've beaten this "in coop" with my little brother. By coop I mean that I had the controller mostly but I let him have a try for a few hours as well. He'd mostly just goof around but he also surprisingly solved a few puzzles on his own. He's 3 years old, mind you.
And if you have a child or a sibling at a similar age, I'd definitely recommend this game. There are 2 kinds of monsters, both of which my brother just laughed at, but other kids might possibly get a little scared by them.
Youropa is a puzzle platformer and what makes it unique is that you can actually stick on a pathway, so that you can actually stand upside down. This is a key mechanic used for most puzzles and it's implemented really well. The game somehow manages to make these puzzles easy enough that a 3 year old can solve some of them, yet be difficult enough at times to even make me think harder in order to solve them.
You start by not being able to do anything but walk and with every completed section, you learn how to jump, kick, sprint and more. My brother's eyes would open wide whenever we'd get a new skill and he'd immediately grab the controller to try it out. Some levels even add unique items that you can use (pogo sticks, motorcycles, cars) to do puzzles, which my brother also had A TON of fun doing. There are a lot of other cool things to do and the game manages to really keep fresh for the entire playthrough.
I don't know how I've never heard of it but this is another game I can wholeheartedly recommend, even to anyone without a young child/sibling, if you're into puzzle platformers.
Rating: 7.5/10

V: Currently Playing

Playstation 4
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch

VI: 12in12 original list | 2/12 completed

I'm determined to beat these 12 this year. Yakuza 0 will be done in a month or two and I'm interested in playing another horror game, so something like Layers of Fear 2 might be done next month as well.

VII: My Stats

0 € paid for those games thanks to all the freebies + having a brother who's buying a lot on Steam. Not bad. Though when I'll get to any of these I have no idea.
Hope you enjoyed reading my post. Best of luck to you all for next month :)
submitted by FurkanE17 to 12in12 [link] [comments]

my long review of the entire main series

WELCOME TO MY LONG ASS REVIEW OF THE YAKUZA SEIRES! This will include a shortened version of all of my thoughts and feelings towards all 8 (*note: this review will only cover the main series, so no dead souls, ishin or other spinoff's (tho I might play them in the future)) games and some of their inner aspects. So not reading all of it is completely understandable I just wanted to share them with someone but sadly none of my friends played it so i have nowhere else to do so
one them suggested posting it here and tbh i have nothing better to do so here they are
TLDR; 10/10 franchise I really like the characters, stories, music and gameplay.with that being said, HERE WE GO!
(*note: like I said these are MY opinions and MY lists, if you think otherwise, youre welcome to write it down in the comments I would love to hear your thoughts :))(*note: this review might contain spoilers, with that being said I will try to hide everything that I think might be considered a major spoiler and will put it between [ ] so if you see these be careful)(*note: this review might be a bit scattered and not understandable at times, that's because of 3 reasons: 1.english is my second language, although I like to think im at least conversational, spelling and sentence building aren’t my strong suits. 2. Like I said this is a review of all 8 games so I might scramble stuff in the middle or forget something completely. 3. I first wrote this on word and after transfering it here i noticed there are problems with the spacing and enters, so if you see a lack of space when there should be most likely there was supposed to be a shift+enter, i tried fixing it multiple times but appreantly having every enter where it should be makes it over 4000000 characters long.) So forgive me for those)(*note: if for some reason you would like to see my opinion on something that I didn’t include, you're welcome to ask me to write it :) I might not be able to answer everything but ill do my best to check the comments every so often for a while)
first of all I would like to say that my entry to the series is that a friend of mine bought me a copy of yakuza 0 for pc, little did he know, that would evolve into a crippling yakuza addiction (I bought a ps4 off another friend just to play 3-6). (*note: I know I said "none of my friends play it" that was a tiny lie, I have 1 friend who for 2 years now "is in process" to 100% yakuza 0, so I have no one to talk to about 7/8 games of the series) I came into the series thinking what I believe almost every player thinks before they start playing "oh it looks similar to gta/saints row but Japanese" but, say it with me now! "YAKUZA IS NOT JAPANESE GTA!" what I discovered is a beat'em-up, tear-jerking-story based adventure game, lucky me these are some of my favorite genres! I feel like yakuza has a very sad story not because its actually like sad sad but because kiryu is human, you see him go through life having to go through all kinds of crisis's and problems and its kinda feels like seeing a child grow? Idk, at least for me it sometimes does
now for my top 8 yakuza games (*note: the scores I give them out of 10 and their place on the top 8 might seem weird and "incorrect" because I give some games of lower place higher score then stuff of higher place. That's because when I decide their place on the top 8 I only consider how much I enjoyed it overall. when I give them a score out of 10 I try to give them what I think is a more objective score that includes everything of how fun it was, how much I liked the characters, the mechanics, the story, ect….)
(*note: if I don’t include a character in my reviews that doesn’t necessarily mean that I hate them, it just means that I generally don’t have too much to say about them. Overall I like basically all the main and side cast)
1.Yakuza kiwami 9/10
Lets start with the story,
Imma be real with ya chiefs, I have a pretty small smooth brain. That's why I like simple-semi complicated stories
And here we have a very basic story to follow, 10000000 yen missing, parent of this child missing, find them both. I love that simple, short and to the point but still interesting enough that I spent half my playthrough on the edge of my sit
This game also has the best side-quests of the entire series which are easily pocket circuit & majima everywhere
from the gameplay and mechanic side I also feel it’s the most fun and tight, nothing feels slow, every punch packs a punch and I actually really love (and prefer) the 4 fighting styles and was really sad to find out they were only in 0&kiwami. It has my favorite level up system (I will also include my top 7 level up systems later)
And now for some character reviews
Kiryu-CHAN!- he's by far my favorite character in the entire series, until now I only saw him as a brooding, badass, powerhouse that fucking breaks, shoots, and destroys (god forbid kills nothing like that here) but this was the first time I got to see that he actually has a soft side too and it’s the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life. It was the first time I realized yakuza is one of those series that can make me sound like a kettle when I "aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" seeing his interactions with haruka, yumi, nishiki and others was almost heart melting. Speaking of which
Majima-I have what I think is a very controversial opinion, which is I don’t like majima in 0 (and I will get to that later). So I really didn’t expect much considering I came to this series blind. And OH BOY! Majima quickly became one of my favourite characters and its really sad for me that I believe they kinda toned him down in later games. [half of my playthrough was running around looking for him and doing all of his stuff, having to fight him as a cop, zombie, idol, hostes in all sorts of different situations was one of the best things about this game]
nishiki-*ahem*,Im gonna fucking cry.
Like I said I came from 0, seeing the journey he went through from #1 jobro (which he will forever be btw) to head of a family he has no idea what to do with, to madness, to evil mastermind was one of the saddest stories of this series. Every head of the nishikiyama family after him only brought shame to his name. [every scene that contained both him and kiryu in the same room made me want to cry. From the moment he declared they are not brothers anymore to the final scene when he shot the bomb]
Haruka-B A B Y
My first thought after seeing her was "ughhhhh fuck an annoying child character to take care of, that's not what a yakuza game should have" but what ended up being is that if anything happened to her I will ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ hit everybody in this room very hard until all their bones break and leave them unconscious with no way of calling an ambulance or any kind of help and then do that to myself only to protect her.
She is precious, and if you for some twisted, evil, disgusting reason think otherwise you are wrong
[Yumi/mizuki- when Im writing this its been like a year since I played kiwami so I don’t remember every little detail about this character (not that there's too much to remember to begin with) if anything the twist at the end was pretty surprising and her backstory is kinda sad]
[rena/shinji-they both serve kind of the same role so I don’t have too much to say on them separately. Their death (by the hands of the most annoying boss in the series) is kinda sad and like anything else relating to nishiki in this game, rena's death speech about how she always really loved him and wanted to help him in any way possible made me want to cry]
2.yakuza4 7.8/10
This game could’ve easily been an 8.5/10 but there're some stuff that just annoy me a bit and makes me have to retract from its score, let me get into it
First of all,
Although at the start the story didn’t really make sense to me and I thought it was very confusing, now after I played everything and saw how stuff connected together, I realized how amazing it actually is
From akiyama's little relationship with lily
To kiryu helping a refugee
To a laid back cop who gets in to something bigger than himself
And finally back to the actual main character of this series
initially It was very annoying when I found out I only get to play as kiryu at the end of the game but I got over it
On the gameplay side
in the overworld everyone felt really slow to me,it didn’t feel like they were running (like their animation showed) it felt like they were always at the speed of a start of a jog but you kinda get used to it so its fine overall.In the combat side of thingsI really liked how akiyama, tanimura and kiryu controlled. Fast&strong which is why I really like the combat of this series to begin with (I also found it kinda funny that swords in this game are sometimes considered "blunt objects" for some reason so when you use a heat action with them you just smack an enemies head again and again with the blade)
I will use the fact I didn’t include saejima in the list of the gameplay I like as a perfecet Segway to my character reviews
Saejima-although his story really is interesting, kinda sad and heartwarming at times I grew to not like him just because his gameplay is sooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I don’t know why but I also felt that he was weaker than the rest of the characters? It kinda felt like when the rest of the crew took down 10 enemies in 1 second he took 1 enemy in 10 seconds
I get that hes supposed to be a tank and he has a lot of hp but usually tanks also do lots of damage to make up for their lack of speed
Here its just a "very healthy", slow and weak tank so its just annoying to play [if anything his sister is hot]
Akiyama- his gameplay is kinda like the "brawler" of the game, similar enough to kiryu's gameplay but different (because kicks) also his personality is cool, i would categorize it kinda like a happy go lucky guy but not really
His story is interesting about this mysterious girl named lily who apparently really looks like his ex and he has a picture from his past that shows her. Anyway she asks for 100000000 yen a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶i̶m̶p̶ and because he really wants to help her, he gives her a challenge.
Tanimura- the counter option was kinda cool ig. His character is cool enough and his story about wanting to find what happened to his father is kinda sweet
I don’t have too much to say about him because he's kinda forgettable in the sense that his story was kind of an open and shut case
He was definitely one of the playable characters of the series but that's honestly the most you can say about him
If anything its kinda sad they swapped him in yakuza 5 but understandable because his story is 100% finished and he has nothing to draw him back considering he isn’t really related in any way to the rest of the cast
Date-I like him but his character rarely changes. In the rest of the series it seems the story writers forgot he quit being a detective
[yasuko/lily-seeing her story unfold was kinda sad, all she wanted for the last 25 years was to see her brother again. At least she got to that 1 last time before she did the bullet walk thing this series lovesssss to do]
One last thing about this game that really annoyed me, the game ends with a happy ending, [saejima is proven innocent, kiryu seems to return to the tojo clan and they all live happily ever after]. When I saw it I thought "oh wow, I wander how they're gonna build upon this?" well, they didn’t, like at all.
This series has 1 annoying problem that the writers team usually completely forget how the previous game ended
3.yakuza3 7.4/10on the story side-
Kiryu only wants to keep his goddamn orphanage leave him alone ffs.BUT NOPE!It’s the yakuza series so every few years it’s always the same thing: something something TOJO something something MONEY something something BROTHER something something REVENGE, oh godly kiryu san mr.dragon of dojima please help me!
The gameplay in the remastered collection stays more or less the same throughout so I don’t really have anything to say here
The characters of this story are a weird bunch
The children of the orphanage- if anything happened to any of them I will ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ hit everybody in this room very hard until all their bones break and leave them unconscious with no way of calling an ambulance or any kind of help and then do that to myself only to protect them.
rikiya- at the start of the game I thought he was just gonna be one of those bosses that you beat thrice throughout the game and never hear from them again afterwards, what ended up happening is that I discovered just a lovable, loyal, dork of a character [and when he got shot and kiryu started crying I was almost crying with him, definitely one of the saddest deaths in the series because it’s a very unexpected one]
4.yakuza 6 8/10
HOLY SHIT MY BABY HAD A BABY but who is the father? Let's go to Hiroshima to find out! [If only yuta put on a condom]
Jokes aside this is one of the most amazing stories the series ever told
I was originally dreading playing this game because I don’t really like the dragon engine that much (that might be because I played kiwami 2 right after 0&kiwami and was just kind of overwhelmed by it although the graphics of it are amazing, the gameplay feels a lot more wonky to me, I either feel very weak or too strong (usually weak) I got used to it but I actually prefer anything else in the series)
But man did the story really bump up its place in the top 8
Nagumo- im sorry but speaking by role-serving terms rikiya is just kinda the cooler Nagumo (or technically speaking Nagumo is the worse rikiya) he's just a hot headed simp who's the captain of the hirose family but also kind of sweet in a way
If anything he has one very memorable line "yesterday's enemy is today's aniki"
jokes aside I see why haruka chose him, one of the best character's in the series for sure
tho the twist where he's actually the father was kind of apparent from the start]
Kiyomi- she looks like sayama's mom. Like I was 200% sure it was her for like the entirety of the first chapter she was shown in
[Also the thing in the end about kiryu saying he considered daigo as a son is stupid and forced in as hell]
5.yakuza0 7/10
(*note: I think I got a little more to say about this game then the rest cause like I mentioned it was my entry to the series so this may be a little bit of a garbled mess)
So let's start by saying, hands down it has the best overall soundtrack (*note: I will get to my top 15 songs later) consistently very high quality while the rest of the games have like 1-3 outstanding songs in them this one has: the intro, judgement, the best version of baka mitai (*note: I only discovered that the meme originated in yakuza like half-way through its life span) (*note: I saw on here some time ago that one of the top posts is a screenshot of a tweet from kiryu's VA that says he's very pleased that people are singing his song and I find that very heart warming and wholesome), 24-cinderella and so, SO many more.
Now… from the story side of things…..
Im sorry to say this but I don’t really like majima's story in this game. Out of every other playable character in this series majima's story in this game felt the most like a filler to me. The first like 4 of his chapters could've easily been skipped with nothing of value to the overall story lost. Having to switch to him every 2 chapters was very annoying. Actually It annoyed me so much that in the middle of zero I kinda just dropped the game for like half a year+ because I just didn’t feel like playing as majima [it was after the cutscene where nishiki betrays kiryu but doesn’t want to shoot him]. Tho his relation-ship with makato is easily the saddest, most tragic thing to happen throughout the entire series. But like… idk I really preferred playing as kiryu 100% of the time
On the gameplay side of things tho
Definitely one of the better, like I said I really like the fighting styles so having 8 of them (well 6 technically since I basically didn’t touch the real estate nor the cabaret) was really fun
Brawlethug-very basic, close enough to the dragon fighting style if that's what youre looking for but very boring nonetheless
Rush/breaker-rush fucking sucks, on the other hand I find breaker to be very funny and I used it most of my time playing majima
beast/slugger-beast is easily the best fighting style in the game, it’s a tiny bit slow but it gives back by being a fucking powerhouse being able to lift giant object's and using them as very fast hard hitting weapons (*ahem* *ahem* thisiswhatsaejimashould'vebeen*ahem* ahem*) on the slugger side I only switched to it when I saw that I couldn’t just style on my enemy to win and had to actually "play the video game"
now for the character's
makoto- I A M G O I N G T O F U C K I N G C R Y
nishiki- [ kiwami spoilers>>R.I.P best jobro, once again im going to fucking cry everything in this game makes me want to cry], his relationship with kiryu is easily one of the best parts of this game, from the little comments he makes about kiryu's wardrobe to [him saying he's not interested in climbing up the ranks without kiryu] everything that makes him easily the best follower in the entire series.
majima- I didn’t know what was coming so I just assumed this was kind of his character.looking back at it im kinda disappointed they didn’t try to do something else with him and instead they just kinda made him a simp to the yakuza [also it was kinda stupid to me how they didn’t find a way to bridge him into the crackhead he is in the rest of the series (they totally could've btw) instead making him just choose to "live crazier than any of 'em" (but thinking about it again honestly I feel like making majima choose to be a crackhead just because he wants to kinda fits his character)]
kuze- *insert how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man meme*
6.yakuza LAD 8/10"YOU BITCHES EVER HEARD OF PERSONA 5?"was probably the first line shouted by the director of the series in the first boardroom meetingthe story of this game follows ichiban kasuga trying to prove his loyalty and powerand goddamn smashing those goalsits kinda weird because I feel like I have nothing yet so much to say
Gameplay wisefor some reason they decided to change it to an rpg probably after the director played P5R for too long because like I indirectly said… almost everything here is persona 5,the ui, combat, life skills and so on and so forth. There are even social links for crying out loud.
this game might've been a 9/10 if only there wasnt 2 giant grind moments in the latter half of it
[specifically before the majima&saejima boss fight and kiryu boss fight]
Character review
Ichiban- I saw a meme somewhere that said ichiban is "cooler nishiki", HELL NAHthose 2 are completely different characters each with their own reasons to make me depressed. Defiantly in the top 3 protagonists of the series which goes like 1.kiryu 2.majima 3.ichiban [before i started the game i was 200% sure he was gonna die, luckly he didnt, yet]
Adachi- before I started this game and only saw the art I was 100% sure it was the guy who taught slugger to majima in 0 (the weapon maker from the noodle shop).he's not.Good follower tho
[Joon-gi han- imma be real with ya chief, I forgot he died. And until kiryu said it was a double I was sure it was the same dude, he's not, still cool tho]
I feel like I should have more to say about the rest of the MC's, but I got nothing. I love all of them but I don’t have anything outstanding to say.
also this game has the top 3 best girls of the series which are: 1.seong-hui 2.sumire sawa 3.saeko mukoda don’t @ me
7.yakuza5 thekomakitigerdropisbrokenasallhell/10
Once again with 4 different character's, each with their own story that finally combines into one somehow
on the gameplay side
Like I said kiryu has the best moves in this game then the entire series
The counter allowed me to cheese out enemies I couldn’t really fight. And the komaki tiger drop allowed me to delete half a bosses health bar in one hit So usually a boss would last about 2-6 tiger drops
His story revolves around just being A NORMAL GODDAMN TAXI DRIVER LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR FUCK SAKES and going through a midlife crisis
Akiyama stays mostly the same
They did fix saejima a bit but still it was a drag to play him, not only that but the entire thing where he stayed in the small village for like a full chapter was very annoying and was clearly made just to drag out his story
HOLY SHIT MY BABY IS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER, when I originally saw haruka on the splash screen when you open the game she kinda has a fighting pose so I thought that she maybe learned a thing or two while watching kiryu
NOPE, I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE RYTHEM GAMES CAUSE THAT'S ALL SHE DOES!, personally im ok at them but not that good so I played only the stuff I had to do with her
[tho the twist at the end of her story about majima being park's ex husband, MAN I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING]
And then there's shinada....
I honestly don’t know what to think about him.
He's an ok character overall but his story seems so unrelated it kinda seems to me like they just shoved him in there because they had some problem with having only 3 character that can fight. His gameplay is fine enough but sometimes it kinda felt weaker then it should be? Idk. His normal punch and grab combo is mediocre+ - ok- nothing more than that. His staff doh allowed me to cheese enemies and getting them into an infinite loop of being knocked down again and again
Another thing I can say about this game is that the character models eyes always look on the verge of tears and it seems very funny to me that at any given moment most of the cast looks like its about to cry cause im sitting here ready to do the same
8.yakuza kiwami 2 6.9/10
Man what a disappointment.
I came to this thinking its gonna be as good as 0/kiwami and my hopes were crushed
Like I said I don’t like the dragon engine that much so moving to it after the engine of the 2 previous games felt really weird
The story of this game although very heart warming at the moment youre playing it, is quickly forgotten about and basically un-canonized in the rest of the series [at the start of yakuza 3 sayama departs to America and never returns, in yakuza 6 it is mentioned that yumi is the only woman kiryu ever loved and that he never killed anyone (although ryuji goda died by his hands)]
Don’t get me wrong its still a very good game just not as good as the rest of the yakuzas
Now for the characters
Sayama- although story wise it seemed very sudden that they started dating, it was apparent from the start that something is gonna happen between them. Once again it was a sign that yakuza is one of those series that can make me sound like a kettle when I "aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Ryuji- one of if not the best villain of this series. That's because he's not actually evil but he knows there can only be one dragon so hes gonna fight for it. He actually has honor and some sense of justice. [the ending tho where sayama is crying because she finally discovered she has a brother but now he and her lover need to fight is very depressing, good thing it was all forgotten amirite? (pleasekillme)]
Now for my top 7 level up system's because this series cant ever just stick to 1
1.yakuza kiwami
It’s the only one I managed to fully complete so I might be a bit biased, but I feel like the exp/level system that is different for each fighting style is perfect. Unlike in the rest of the series where there's only the dragon fighting style that separates into body, soul, heat and tech.
2.yakuza 3
it’s very simple and doesn’t really lock out any abilities that you really need
3.yakuza 4
it locks some stuff out on the start but you can get them pretty easily
4.yakuza 5
Kinda just a worse version of 4
5.yakuza LAD
I actually like the fact every battle upgrades everything at once and I don’t really have to think about if something is better than anotherthan again you can make the case that it removes any sense of choice from the game (at least speaking in level up terms)
6.yakuza 0
Although you get like 500000 yen per basic group of enemies, I still feel that money and levels shouldn’t corelate, especially when I need hundreds of millions for some of the side-quests (*ahem* *ahem* pocket circuit *ahem* *ahem*) also, tho it makes sense canonically, I feel like the trainer system of this game specifically is kinda stupid and annoying, never really bothered with it doh considering how much beast is a powerhouse even when its only upgraded with the stuff you don’t need to unlock
7.yakuza 6 & kiwami 2
Its too separated, having all those different exp points is stupid, I always had like 2 sections that were lagging behind the rest.
I would like now to give a quick shout-out to the top 4 side-quest's in the series1.pocket circuit 10/10
I got too addicted to it both in 0 & kiwami, 95% of all my early game money was either spent/saved for pocket circuit
[when I saw kiryu reminiscing on being kamurcho's fastest in kiwami's baka mitai I fucking died laughing]
2.majima everywhere 10/10
Basically doubled my playthrough's length because I always wondered what kinda whacky ass shit majima is gonna pull next. He's the best character in that game 100% racing 10/10
I did it all in the same game day so I like to think that in 1 night kiryu beat all the devil killers.
Shock that it reminds me of intial-d, who would've thought right? Jokes aside the car controls in this game are really fun
4.dragon kart 10/10
I would like to believe someone ran in the idea room and was like "GUYS, SO UNTIL NOW WE PLAYED PERSONA 5 100% OF THE TIME, GET THIS, WHAT IF, MARIO KART?!"and then everyone clapped
There's 1 aspect that I pretty much barely mentioned in this review and you might even be asking yourself where is it?
So without further ado
My top 15 songs from the yakuza series
Why 15? Cause that's how many songs I personally find to be fucking bops and the number of songs that I put in my playlist
(*note: don’t take it too much as if its in numerical order, I kinda tried to do it as such but that's kind of a lot of songs (the longest section in my playlist at least) and I really love all of them so it was hard to choose. Maybe try to look at it more of as a list then a top 15)
1.get over it-yakuza kiwami
It’s the only REALLY good song in this game (*note: not the only good one, the only REALLY good one)
Man that fucking guitar section in the middle, you know the one im talking about.I apologize for bringing jojo into this but I feel like if kiryu was a jojo this would easily be his theme (and that guitar section is like giorno piano)
2.destiny-yakuza 6
V I O L I Ncoming in in a VERY close second is destiny from yakuza 6I originally thought someya to be one of those bosses you just beat like 3-4 times throughout the events of the game then never hear from again and just remember him as that one asshole from that yakuza game. But MAN then this theme hits in his final fightand O O F[and right after the fight when he begs you to kill him to save kioymi, I have yet to actually cry during the events of this series but its really trying to make me do it and im 100% sure eventually I will]
3.machinegun kiss-yakuza4&5
I have a story with this song that the first couple of times that I listened to it I thought it was very mediocre, then one day I just got a vibe to listen to it 1 more time, at which point it got stuck in my head for about 3 weeks-month and it shoved its way up here.
4.judgement-yakuza 0
In case you haven’t noticed I really like buttrock
[I read a comment somewhere that said kiryu can no longer sing this after 0 because its not the same without nishiki, excuse me when I UGhhhHhHhHhhhhhhhHHhhhHHhhhHHhhHhhhhHhhhh]
5.clay doll on the cradle-yakuza 3
It has a pretty weak start but becomes really good really fast
6.comin'at ya, my girl-yakuza 5
As much as I don’t really like haruka's gameplay in 5, this is the best song in the game, sue me
  1. 24-hour cinderella-yakuza 0
Started listening to it because it’s a funny meme song
It got stuck in my head for 2 weeks
8.tears of a father-yakuza 3
When the credits hit after THAT cutscene and this song starts to play, "the father" is almost not the only one to shed tears
I only found out its called "tears of a father" while I looked it up after, and that was the point my heart had to get replaced because the previous one died
9.baka mitai-yakuza 0/kiwami/5
Do I really need to explain?
10.speed star-yakuza 4
A really pumped up default fight theme
11.intro-yakuza 0
I have a meme with some of my friends about the first 4 notes you have to hear before being able to skip it
12.infinite handcuffs-yakuza 4
Another pumped up normal battle theme is a diamond-yakuza 6
*insert funny kiryu thumbs up*this song seems so happy and upbeat until you realize that according to it the singer is singing it to his lover that is in a coma[kinda fitting doh]
14.Friday night-yakuza 0
Once again, started because of a meme, continued because it’s a bop
15.[majima construction anthem]-yakuza kiwami 2
All rise for our national anthem.
One of the best things to come out of this game.
Surprisingly enough there weren't any outstanding songs in lad

As a little conclusion, I would like to say I would've never imagined I would be as much in to this series as I am now, definitely one of the best game series's of all time and im really sad its not popular as it should be
Overall 10/10 series
So many good memories were formed and I can 100% see myself replaying it in the future
If you actually read all of it,
Holy shit thank you I wouldn’t be able to do that myself :)
And even if you just schemed through it and only looked at specific sections,
Thank you as well
Like I said if you wanna ask me about something I didn’t already write or wanna give your own opinion on one of my opinions youre 200% welcome to do so in the comments, ill try to answer most of the stuff i see
Well, I have nothing to add, see ya!
submitted by iluminubis to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Fantasy Booking WrestleMania XXXVII : Night I ( LONG )

NO CHANCE ! Vince McMahon opens WrestleMania, still strutting down the isle like a boss. Vince says that last year, the company did their best to provide the best show possible under terrible circumstances. Tonight, the show will be even better. Some surprises, some returns and great action over a period of two nights. Vince says tonight is all about giving back to the fans, from himself and from the boys in the back. Therefore, Vince brings out... HULK HOGAN!
Hulk comes out, still looking excellent, hugging Vince as he enters the ring. Hulk says we ain't in the Silverdome tonight, brother, but he is still happy to be here. Hulk thanks Vince and says that tonight, Hulkamania and WrestleMania will run wild on Covid. Hulk mentions how 30 years ago, he wrestled Sgt. Slaughter in the main event for the title, and how happy he is to be here tonight, where the new generation takes over. Vince thanks Hulk back and says he wants to bring out another trailblazer, a man who quite literally made him, STONE COLD!
Glass shatters, as the semi - packed crowd explodes by seeing Austin. Austin shakes Hulk's hand and teases attacking Vince, before giving him a hug. Stone Cold says oh hell yeah, feels damn good to be in front of fans again. It might not be that real Mania feel, but Stone Cold promises we will get there again one day. Tonight, him, Vince, Hulk and all the other legends are here to pass the torch to the new generation, a generation that has made them proud. Stone Cold sarcastically thanks Vince for mentioning that his hard work made him a billionaire, before proclaiming that the new talent will make him as well, as nobody works harder than them. Stone Cold mentions how 20 years ago he defeated the Rock at Mania in a blockbuster main event. Vince jokes how Stone Cold had a little help that night, before Stone Cold admits to it, but also admitting that Vince shakes hands like a wuss. Vince says there is another guy that made the next generation after Austin, the best role model in the history of the business, the one and only, JOHN CENA!
Cena comes out, as the crowd show The Franchise respect. Cena embraces all three men in the ring, before extatically saying the legends are here!! Cena says he barely got out of that wacky Funhouse a year ago, but he is here tonight to start a new chapter in his life, as he is now a legend himself and it is time to give back to the boys and the fans. Cena says he knows the struggle better than anyone, but also knows that the current locker room deserves every little bit of success they get. Cena mentions how a decade ago, he was in the main event of WrestleMania 27 with the Miz, before jokingly telling Vince it really should have been Rock instead. Vince jokes how the Rock wrestled all three of them at WrestleMania, before saying that he isn't mad Rocky ain't here tonight. The three men give a shout out to the Great One, before discussing potential dream matches with each other. Vince says there is one more man that has paved a way for the young guys in the back, the locker room leader and the host of Night I, KING CORBIN!!!
Corbin comes out with his Knights, shaking Vince's hand and ignoring the legends. Corbin says he is thrilled to host Mania and thanks Vince for the opportunity. Corbin says on Night I, we will see badasses and complete carnage, two things that he knows so much about. Corbin says he is kind of happy to be in the ring with so many former legends. Corbin says the only thing he has in common with them is the bald head, except Cena, and Corbin tells him by the looks of it, you are already over half way there too John.
Corbin wonders how Vince let a senior citizen ( Hulk ), a drunk ( Austin ), and a certified bitch ( Cena ) into the ring on the biggest show the year, before proclaiming that he might have to escort the legends out. Hulk admits Corbin is tall, talented and nasty, and could have fit in with the giants back in the day .. except for his skinny fat body. Austin says if he came around during his time with that stupid crown WHAT, and that stupid robe WHAT, and that stupid scepter WHAT, he would have shoved them all up his ass and poured some cheap beer on him. Cena says " didn't I bury you a couple years ago? By the looks of your outfit, I sure did ."
Vince says that is no way to treat a king, and the host of Night I. Vince asks the legend to show Corbin and his Knights some respect. Austin says Vince's right, and therefore, all of them will have some beer, to celebrate this monumental night. Before Austin toasts Corbin, he tells him that he wasn't kidding about shoving the scepter up his ass, before punching him! Cena hits the AA on Blake, Hulk super punches Cutler over, and Austin stuns Corbin right out of his stupid robe! Vince looks around, before agreeing that Corbin deserved that. The four legends all toast, drink beer and celebrate to open WrestleMania!

I Money In The Bank : Ricochet vs Keith Lee vs John Morrison vs The Miz vs Cesaro vs Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens vs Rey Mysterio ( I am bringing MITB back for WrestleMania for a couple reasons. I hate the gimmick pay per views, as they kill a lot of unique match stipulations. Second reason is that MITB was an excellent way to open Mania back in the day, as the match was always good and you technically saw the crowning of a future world champion right there. Four men from Raw and four from SmackDown compete, and they can cash in on either champion at any time and any place. The qualification matches were :
Ricochet defeating Mustafa Ali, Keith Lee defeating Braun Strowman, Dirt Sheet defeating New Day following interference from Hurt Business. Miz also unsuccessfully cashed in on Drew at Fast Lane.
Cesaro defeating Shinsuke Nakamura following a backstage attack from Bloodline, Sami Zayn defeating Otis by count out, Kevin Owens defeating Jimmy Uso, Rey Mysterio defeating Buddy Murphy.

Notable spots from the match include :
- Ricochet's 630 from a ladder onto another ladder
- Cesaro's springboard uppercut off a ladder
- Zayn and KO unsuccessfully attempting to recreate the package piledriver spot
- Miz and Morrison hiding for most of the match

Finish : Morrison sacrifices himself for Miz, as he dives off a ladder to the outside on top of everyone with a tornillo. Miz takes the opportunity to climb the ladder but Keith Lee meets him. Lee powerbombs Miz off a ladder on top of a ladder, before climbing up and retrieving the briefcase!
Keith Lee wins the Money In The Bank

Post - WrestleMania plans: Keith Lee feuds with Miz and Morrison over his win, with the two veterans putting over the Limitless One. Shortly after this, Lee will be paired up with real life girlfriend Mia Yim, leading to an intergender feud with Karrion Kross and Scarlett, which the babyfaces win. At SummerSlam, after the WWE Championship match ( more on that later ), Keith Lee shows up, and turns heel on the champion before successfully cashing in to finally become WWE Champion! Bask in his heel glory.

R - Truth is backstage, still the 24 / Champion, where he greets King Corbin. Truth says he saw the opening segment with Corbin and the legends. Corbin asks Truth if he found it funny, to which he replies nah, not really. Truth asks Corbin if he could hook him up for an autograph with his childhood hero, John Cena. Corbin says he will think about it. Truth leaves and as he does, Corbin tells his Knights to go get the belt from him, as possessing the title might impress Vince LMAO. Knights attack Truth in the hallway, before Tozawa and his ninjas show up for a big brawl. As Truth is running away, someone clotheslines him out of nowhere. It's the Brooklyn Brawler, and he covers Truth to win the title!! Brawler is ecstatic, before saying that he is glad he finally won something.
Brooklyn Brawler wins the 24/7 title

II Chad Gable (with Otis) vs Daniel Bryan, Submission match ( Daniel Bryan is winding down his career, and it is time for him to be firmly put into the veteran role. However, Bryan is known as a modern master of reinvention, and that is what this feud will accomplish, with two underrated talents in Gable and Otis. Gable basically says that he idolizes Bryan, and that his knowledge would be invaluable in the Alpha Academy, and all he needs to do is get with the program, literally. Bryan rejects the advances as he is happy working the young guys on his own. This infuriates Gable, who sends a now very serious Otis after Bryan. At Fast Lane, Bryan barely manages to defeat Otis with an inside cradle, but post match he pays a huge price. The Alphas beat down Bryan, before Otis chokes him out with a modified bearhug. In response, Bryan wants a pure match with Gable at Mania, a submission match. Gable says the only way he will accept is if Bryan joins the Academy should he lose. Bryan accepts the terms and here we are. )

Notable spots from the match include :
- Gable and Bryan trading suplexes back and forth
- Bryan counters a judo throw into an armbar
- Gable counters the Yes Kicks into a heel hook
- Gable misses a moonsault, Bryan misses a diving headbutt
- Gable hitting an Olympic Slam...

Finish : Gable rolls over out of the LeBell lock, before stomping Bryan out with his own pull - in stomps!! Gable deadlifts Bryan, before hitting him with a devastating Alpha Chaos Theory suplex!! Gable bridges back in to lock in a modified Octopus lock, and Bryan taps out!!! Chad Gable has made Daniel Bryan tap out at WrestleMania!! Post match, Gable and Otis offer a handshake and Bryan accepts, formally joining the Alpha Academy. The three man walk backstage respectfully.

Post - WrestleMania plans : Bryan turns heel, and him and the Alphas move over to Raw, where Bryan acts as the top guy of the faction, having an extended feud with the WWE Champion ( more on that later. )

III Undisputed Era vs Retribution, Losing Faction Disbands ( Nothing left to do for Cole and his boys down in NXT, so it is time to bring them up to Raw. Personally, I believe UE is one of those factions that should not split up, kind of like New Day. Even if they split across brands, they are still allied with each other. Naturally, the first step for UE would be a feud with Retribution on Raw. Build up is pretty simple; Cole and his boys call the heels by their NXT names to get in their head. T Bar defeats Cole in a singles match, KOR and Slapjack have a slobber knocker where Kyle makes him tap, and of course, the two leaders have a great 12 minute TV match that ends in a massive brawl. Stakes get even higher for both teams when UE challenges them to a 4 on 4 losers disband match. As Cole puts it, even if we lose we will be fine, you guys won't. Side note, Mia Yim is taken off TV post Rumble and no longer a member of Retribution. )

Notable spots from the match include :
- Mace and T Bar chokeslamming everyone
- Slapjack's rolling cannonball off the top rope
- UE locking in four submissions at the same time
- Cole countering Ali's Rolling Thunder neckbreaker with a superkick

Finish : UE destroy Retribution systematically ; tossing Mace over the announcer's table, hitting the CTD on Slapjack on the floor, and Cole giving Ali a Panama Sunrise on the apron. This leaves T Bar alone, as the UE batter him with repeated forearms, knees, strikes and kicks, before Cole finishes him off with one final superkick. Retribution is no more and UE have made a very successful Mania debut!!

Post - WrestleMania plans : UE move over to Smackdown, where they feud individually with all members of the Bloodline for all the gold. Ali stays on Raw and turns babyface, feuding with Mace, Slapjack is sent back to NXT to reform TMDK, Mace stays on Raw with the exact same look but a repackaged gimmick and T - Bar is taken off TV until SummerSlam where he shows back up with Keith Lee in his new heel faction.

Backstage, we see Brooklyn Brawler talking with APA in their " office ". Brawler says he needs protection, as people will be coming after him now that he is the champ. APA agree to watch his back for a reasonable price. Just as they begin discussing, Godfather shows up with his hos! APA are very happy to see him and Godfather proposes a night out in one of his local clubs, with social distancing of course. APA accept and leave with Godfather and the hoes, leaving Brawler all alone. Out of nowhere, one of the hoes trips Brawler's chair and he falls over. The hoe covers Godfather and wins the title! She runs away as Tozawa, the ninjas, the Knights and Truth show up to stomp out Brawler, but stop when they realize he doesn't have the belt anymore. The gang is off to pursue the 24 / 7 title. From the shadows, we see Angel Garza, who overheard the conversation, and he heads off to the club too.
Godfather's hoe wins the 24/7 title

IV Apollo Crews (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura, Intercontinental Title ( After years of obscurity and losing his potential, Apollo Crews has finally embraced the dark side. At Fast Lane, Crews defeated Big E to win the IC title following interference from the entire Bloodline. Ecstatic, Apollo shakes Roman's hand and publicly acknowledges him as the Tribal Chief. During the same promo, Apollo mentions how smiling and being a good guy got him nothing except a pity US title run. Well not anymore. With the best tag team in the business, the greatest manager in the world, and the greatest pro wrestler in the world by his side, the only way for Apollo is up. A hero once more, Nakamura steps up as one of the main babyfaces opposing Roman and the Bloodline, challenging Apollo for Mania. )

Notable spots from the match include :
- Apollo countering a Kinshasa with a no hand enzugiri
- German suplex trading
- Nakamura counters Apollo's flying clothesline into an armbar
- Nakamura counters the standing moonsault into a triangle choke

Finish : Nakamura begins firing up with strikes on Apollo, but misses a big corkscrew kick. Apollo takes advantage and roundhouse kicks Nakamura, before dropping him with a gorilla press. Apollo wastes no time, and immediately hits the Spin Out powerbomb for the win!! Apollo has defeated Nakamura all by himself. Looks like the Chief's leadership does pay off.

Post - WrestleMania plans : Nakamura moves over to Raw, where he eventually begins a feud with the Alpha Academy, culminating with both men being involved in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship. Apollo stays on SmackDown with the Bloodline and begins a feud with Roderick Strong over his IC title, as a part of the ongoing UE - Bloodline feud.

Backstage, we see the Alpha Academy getting ready to leave the building. Daniel Bryan is now wearing an Alpha Academy shirt and seems happy already. Charly Caruso runs up to interview them as they get inside of a limousine. Charly asks Bryan how he is feeling about his new faction, when all of a sudden KURT ANGLE steps out of the limo, telling the guys he will take care of this. Kurt tells Charly that in due time, all questions will be answered. For now, him and his boys will go train as they need to introduce Bryan to their training regimen. Kurt says this WrestleMania will be remembered as the day the alphas arrived. Kurt throws a sarcastic smile Charly's way before getting back in the limo. Alpha Academy leave as a stunned Charly looks on.

A frustrated Bayley enters the ring after coming out of the crowd. She gets on the mic and says that tonight is supposed to be all about the new generation. Well, as far as she is concerned, that is a load of BS, as she was the Women's champion for over a year and tonight is not even on the card. Bayley says that once again, she is the screwed over Horsewomen, as all the others have high profile matches. Bayley then calls out any of the young punk girls from NXT, any of the old has been witches from the past, or any current roster girl stupid enough to answer her challenge. Lights go out, and a familiar theme song plays over the sound.
IT'S IO SHIRAI !!! The Genius of the Sky is here, and she wastes no time getting in the ring to confront the Role Model. Bayley looks shocked but still ready to go... somewhat.

V Bayley vs Io Shirai, Impromptu Match
Finish : The match goes on for only about four minutes, as Bayley had no idea anyone, let alone Io, would be coming out to face her. Io counters a headlock driver with a roll through and two massive PK's. Io climbs to the top rope and delivers a gorgeous moonsault for the three!! Io Shirai has shut Bayley up on the biggest stage of them all. Perhaps the Genius is the new role model ?

Post - WrestleMania plans : Bayley stays on SmackDown, where she takes the struggling Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke under her wing, for a female version of the Miztourage. Io meanwhile moves over to Raw, where she dominates the competition, eventually defeating the Raw Women's Champion Asuka for the title at SummerSlam in an absolute dream match.

VI Jeff Hardy vs Seth Rollins, Lumberjack Match ( A personal dream feud of mine, I had a lot of fun booking this one. The Messiah gimmick still has potential and shouldn't be dropped, it was simply a victim of bad timing, injuries and other real life issues. Rollins comes back to Raw and immediately targets Jeff Hardy. Rollins says that he used to look up to Jeff Hardy, to the point of idolizing him. His look, moves, presentation, everything has been based on Jeff. That is until he surpassed Jeff, and until he realized how big of a screw up Jeff is. Making this feud personal, Rollins brings up all of Jeff's personal demons, but unlike every other heel, he does it with a purpose. He says that despite Jeff making 5000 mistakes over and over, the fans still love him, and that is power. Jeff Hardy has been the greatest manipulator in the business for decades, and Seth wants that ability all for himself. Therefore, he challenges Jeff to a lumberjack match, where the members of Rollins' cult will be ringside, alongside all of Jeff Hardy's Creatures. A clash of these two magnetic personalities is on the horizon. )

Notable spots from the match include :
- Rollins hitting Jeff with a Twist of Fate
- Jeff countering a Falcon Arrow with a Gourdbuster
- Jeff countering the Curb Stomp with a cloverleaf
- Rollins hitting a massive lifting inverted DDT

Finish : Following a big commotion on the outside, Jeff dives on top of both groups. Jeff gets Rollins back in the ring, but as he attempts to enter the ring, one of his own Creatures pulls his leg, preventing him from entering the ring. Rollins takes advantage and hits the Curb Stomp while Jeff is on the ropes to pin him! Rollins has defeated Jeff Hardy! The members of Rollins' cult eventually lay out all of Jeff's Creatures as the masked Creature reveals himself to be ... ALEISTER BLACK!! Aleister has aligned himself with the Messiah, but why ?

Post - WrestleMania plans : Aleister and Rollins form a tag team called the Darkfall, eventually adding Erik of the Viking Raiders as their muscle. Their gimmick is basically a mix of Vampiro and Age of the Fall, as they become the top tag team on Raw and eventually in the company, leading to a face turn and an inter promotional feud with the Usos for the titles.

We see Godfather, APA and the hoes partying in a small club like there is no tomorrow. Outside, Truth, Brawler, ninjas and Knights arrive at the club in a couple of mini vans. The crew enter the club, ready to fight, except Truth who begins partying with the hoes. Everyone else starts fighting while Truth is living his best life with the girls. Garza shows up too, and leads the hoe that won the 24/7 title into a private area, along with a very poorly disguised referee. As the fight continues, we see Garza emerging from the room half naked, he won the title! Garza escapes, still half naked, to the outside and gets in his Maserati as everyone goes after him!
Angel Garza wins the 24/7 title

Back in the main show, Undisputed Era is shown backstage partying too, except it is way more PG than the Godfather's party. Out of nowhere, the entire Kliq shows up to greet them!!! HHH, HBK, Pac, Hall and Nash put over the UE, saying that a lot of factions came and a lot of them are gone, and all of them tried to emulate their style. The veterans say UE are not trying to be either DX or nWo, and they respect that. UE jokingly say that they ain't too sweet, but they are Undisputed. Everyone throws up a Too Sweet at each other, as the two legendary groups officially pass the torch.

VII Randy Orton vs Braun Strowman, Viper's Pit ( After losing a Firefly Funhouse match to The Fiend at Fast Lane in the main event, Randy Orton has officially lost his damn mind. This time, however it is different. A couple of weeks after the show, Braun Strowman makes his return and gets a win over someone, let's just say Titus O Neil. After the match, Randy Orton returns also, with a very different look. Orton is sporting a cool looking dark green snake mask, a sleeveless snakeskin vest and some dark leather pants with an RKO belt symbol. Orton beats the piss out of Braun, busting him open and tying him to the ropes in the ring. He pulls out a crowbar, and smashes Braun over the head with it!! In the following weeks, Orton explains his actions, saying that the Fiend unleashed him, and now he has basically become a Fiend himself. As for Braun, he attacked him because Fiend hurt Braun too, falsely offering salvation. Orton's intentions are pure, and he challenges Braun to a cinematic Viper's Pit match at WrestleMania. A tribute to both Jake Roberts and Roddy Piper, two men who have influenced Randy Orton's career very much, this match will be one of the two cinematic matches on this show. )

The match is basically a modern version of the Warrior - Jake the Snake vignettes, with Braun being trapped in a maze where he faces demons from the past, and every time he passes a room, Orton attacks him. There are five rooms in total, the first one containing a black sheep mask. After Braun picks it up, a video plays, detailing Braun's unexplored history in the Wyatt Family, how Bray found him and made him the Black Sheep. Braun gets angry and destroys the mask, but as he does, Orton attacks. Braun chases him away into the second room, where we see a lantern. Another video plays, this time detailing the on screen time that Braun had in the Wyatt Family. Orton attacks again but is chased away.
The fourth room contains a silhouette , and it is Big Show's silhouette!! A video plays showing all the interactions Braun and Show have had over the years, when suddenly, Show appears to Braun in a vision. Show tells Braun that Randy is playing with his mind, using his own strengths against him and turning them into weaknesses. Suddenly, several of Orton's snake henchmen attack Braun, but he destroys them, tossing one of them through a wall. Braun makes his way into the fourth room, which is on fire, and in the center is Kane's mask !!! Kane and Braun's history is played, as Kane appears before Braun in a vision too. Kane says that Braun has done well, but his own ignorance is preventing him from being the monster he can truly be. The room is suddenly completely fine, no fire in sight, as Braun is attacked again by the henchmen. Braun whoops them again, and one of the henchmen points him to the final room.
The final room is naturally full of snakes, and it is Orton's throne room, ready for the final showdown. The two men fight, but eventually the snakes chop Braun down and bite him. Braun powers through somehow and tosses Orton over his throne. Eventually, Braun begins losing consciousness and falls to one knee, and out of nowhere, Orton punts him in the head!! The henchmen arrive too as Orton says now Braun can finally be reborn, the right way.

Post - WrestleMania plans : Orton and Braun become a duo naturally, but not for long, as Nikki Cross joins them too, another person hurt by the Fiend. This new trio basically become a mini Suicide Squad, not assigned to any brand, just causing havoc across the entire company.

VIII Drew McIntyre (c) vs Jinder Mahal vs Sheamus, WWE Title ( a potentially controversial choice of challengers for Drew at Mania, but in my opinion, a great story outclasses a great match any day of the week. Plus, Drew and Sheamus are really good at what they do and if we limit Jinder's time in the ring, this could and would be a great match. The story is pretty simple - Drew is caught up between his two best friends, neither of them really showing animosity towards Drew, but rather to each other. They both also just happen to want to be WWE Champions, so there is that as well lol. In the build up, Jinder gets a clean win over Sheamus, and the segment ends in a brawl where Sheamus accidentally Brogue kicks Drew, as Jinder sneaks away laughing. )

Notable spots from the match include :
- double Beats of the Bodhran
- Drew with a massive tope on both challengers
- Jinder with a mid air yakuza kick on Sheamus
- Sheamus traps Drew in a cloverleaf, but Jinder breaks it up with a jumping knee

Finish : Jinder wears down Drew with a cobra clutch and prepares to finish him with a Khallas. Sheamus enters the ring, and Brogues Jinder as Drew moves out of the way. Drew runs up the ropes and Claymores Sheamus to get the win!! Post match, after some tense stare downs, all three men celebrate with each other and hoist Drew up on their shoulders.

Post - WrestleMania plans : Jinder moves on to NXT India where he becomes the top babyface. Sheamus officially turns face and heads back to SmackDown, where he becomes the one to defeat his long time rival Apollo Crews for the IC Title, officially winning the Grand Slam. Drew stays on Raw as the WWE Champion, fending off challengers such as Daniel Bryan ( in a long feud ), Shinsuke Nakamura and even John Morrison, before losing the title at SummerSlam to Keith Lee after the Limitless One turns heel on him.

Outside the arena, we see a half naked 24/7 champ Angel Garza entering the building, attempting to find a room to get dressed. He stumbles across Ted DiBiase and Virgil, who offer him a masseuse, manicure, pedicure and a pimped out Versace suit. The price - 24/7 title. Garza thinks about it, then gives in, as he sells the title to DiBiase. DiBiase and Garza enter the room to get a massage, when suddenly Virgil gets on top of DiBiase and covers him to win the belt!!! Virgil locks the room behind, as he had the key, and finds Charly. Virgil gives a cocky interview when the entire crew from Godfather's club arrive, chasing Virgil down. Virgil hides and manages to escape in a dark room, where he is trapped with one of Tozawa's ninjas!! The ninja kicks his ass and beats him for the title! Ninja exits the room and takes his mask off, it's Santino!!! Santino sees that one of the Godfather's hoes was there the entire time, but offers her a bribe. She agrees but only if he shows her his cobra. Santino happily agrees as the two leave.
Ted DiBiase, Virgil and Santino Marella win the 24/7 title

X Bobby Lashley vs Brock Lesnar, Steel Cage match ( Well, this is it. The main event of Night I, a dream match and a legitimate box office success if booked properly, The Beast vs The Destroyer. For this feud, I will bring in Paul Heyman. His relationship with Roman and how Brock reacts to that will be addressed on Night II. The build up is simple - Hurt Business cut promos after the Rumble how Brock has been dodging Bobby for 15 years. At Fast Lane, during Bobby's title defense against Riddle, Brock shows up and costs him the title. Several weeks of vignettes with the two men training and talking about each other, and Heyman and MVP having promo battles equals one of the best built main event matches in recent memory. To make this match seem even more legitimate, I am booking it in a cage, giving it that MMA feel. )

Notable spots from the match include :
- Brock dodging the spear with a freaky jump over Bobby
- suplexes and submissions all around
- Brock F5's Bobby into the cage
- both men busting each other open
- Bobby diving off the top rope with a huuuuge clothesline

Finish : Following Bobby's own version of the F5, The Destroyers follows it up with two devastating spears, crushing Brock's ribs. Lashley makes the cover. 1, 2, 3!!! Bobby Lashley has defeated Brock Lesnar!!! Post match, the two bloody badasses hug, similar to Angle vs Brock at Mania almost two decades before. It was never personal, it as all about competition, and finally seeing who the badder man was. Brock officially recognizes Bobby as his equal as he leaves the cage, leaving Bobby to celebrate on the top of it as MVP cheers him on.

Post - WrestleMania plans : Hurt Business move to SmackDown, turning face and feuding with the Bloodline. Brock heads back to his farm, never appearing again during 2021, until his retirement in 2022.
submitted by DawnOfLegion1 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

Mafia IV story idea

Note: The particularly important details and music artist names are in bold text. Licensed music track names are in italics.
The year is 1973, five years after the events of the Mafia III, and 22 years since Vito Scaletta’s seen or heard from his old friend Joe Barbaro. The canon ending of Mafia III with this Mafia IV story is Vito taking over the city after Lincoln skipped town, however Cassandra and Burke are left alive and loyal to both Vito and Lincoln still. Burke was able to survive his liver cancer by getting a black market liver transplant in Mexico, like he did in his ending, except with Vito running the city. On Vito and Lincoln’s behalf, Burke and Cassandra agree to stay behind in New Bordeaux and keep the city locked down, incase Leo Galante and the Commission try anything.
The beginning cutscene is Vito answering his telephone after getting up in the morning in his new penthouse, on the top floor of the New Bordeaux casino he finished that was once Sal Marcano's, and grabbing a cup of coffee. It's Alma with some urgent news. Lincoln Clay came down to the cigar warehouse to visit her after 5 years of silence, and he has big news.
Joe is alive in Empire Bay and has been this entire time. However, as punishment for his actions, he's become Leo Galante's personal driver against his will and is forbidden from contacting Vito ever again, or else him and Vito will be killed. Alma then tells Vito to meet Lincoln at the airport to learn more, as he's already there awaiting Vito's arrival. When they're away from anyone who could listen in on their conversation, Lincoln tells Vito he has a friend named John Donovan he's going to introduce him to, hiding in the outskirts of Empire Bay, ready to help Vito and Lincoln with their new mission
Vito gets dressed in one of his signature trench coats with a suit and tie, ready to rain down hell on the Vinci crime family and their allies, and finally be reunited with his lifelong friend he previously thought was dead, Joe Barbaro.
Here is my idea for the kill list, all related to the Commission in Empire Bay and their allies.
I'm thinking Vito and Joe work with Lincoln Clay and John Donovan to split up Empire Bay and distribute territory to three other factions not unlike what Lincoln did with New Bordeaux. This time though, this is a much larger city in a much, much different part of the United States. The empire building mechanics would be a lot smoother, more robust, and streamlined compared to Mafia III. They would work similarly a more modernized version of how the hit city sandbox game Scarface: The World Is Yours handled it's empire building and management mechanics, minus the whole switching to other characters lower on the ladder to do your bidding. This would be ideal for a story rich organized crime game in my opinion. Here are my ideas for those factions, all close allies of the up and coming Scaletta crime family.
The Cuban mob led by Alma Diaz. Vito goes way back with Alma, and she does not hesitate to answer him and Lincoln's calls to save Joe's life and royally fuck both Leo Galante and the Vinci family.
Conti crime family, led by Enzo Conti. This Conti crime family formed sometime in late 1968, months after Lincoln helped Enzo flee New Bordeaux and drop off of Sal Marcano's radar. It turns out he fled north to Empire Bay and finally formed his own family, having more than enough years of experience in the underworld to handle the job. Lincoln's tight with him and manages to recruit him to Vito and Joe's cause.
The Yakuza, based out of Empire Bay's Japantown. Longtime sworn enemies of the Empire Bay Triads, with bad blood going back decades. They would greatly enjoy seeing Mr. Chu and his son's heads mounted on pikes, along with whacking everyone who's ever supported their organization. You don't know them well, and they're known to be very unpredictable and ruthless. Use these traits to your advantage when taking on the Commission of Empire Bay and their friends.
I should mention as expected, this entire 1973 section where you play as Vito is much shorter than Mafia III. Vito's takeover is shown much more quickly over time than Lincoln's, and there's time skips during it, to keep it short and sweet, and to show onscreen only what's important. There is also no option for your underbosses to betray you, as to reduce confusion and keep the story consistently the same each playthrough, like the first two Mafia games.
However, unlike Mafia III, after all of these tasks are completed and every single assassination target on Vito’s kill list is dealt with, the game does not end. In fact, it's not even anywhere near close to being over yet. Vito's 1973 section was merely the beginning act. It was really a lead up to an entirely new Mafia story, centering around a newcomer to the American mob. Fast forward two years following Vito’s rampage that led to him taking over Empire Bay and the Commission, in the year 1975 him and Joe now rule Empire Bay, with Vito as the Don of the Scaletta Crime Family, and Joe working as his loyal underboss. You play the rest of the game as a young up and coming soldato named Louis in his 20’s, who’s a rising star in Vito’s organization. Do right by Mr. Scaletta and Mr. Barbaro, understand kid?
My basic idea for the character and his backstory is that he's a young Italian-Canadian mobster from Toronto, Ontario, or whatever Mafia's equivalent of it could be called. Let's call him Louis DeSimone. His family hails from Tuscany in Italy and moved to Toronto, Ontario in 1939, shortly after World War II broke out in Europe. Louis DeSimone was born in July 1952 in Toronto, and was raised in Toronto's Little Italy. Being northern Italian and hailing from Tuscany, Louis has blond hair and green eyes, making him visually very distinct from past series protagonists, who were all dark haired brunets with brown eyes. Louis fled south to Empire Bay when the feds started cracking down on his old family and put his boss in prison, and he ended up finding a new home with the Scaletta crime family. The first few missions playing as Louis DeSimone involve shooting your away out of an arrest by a Toronto Police Service SWAT team in Toronto in December 1974, seeing the rest of the members of your old crime family either get arrested or shot in front of you as you make your escape. You spend the next two missions fleeing Ontario through Quebec and upstate New York, before finally arriving in Empire Bay in early 1975, late January to be exact. Winter is in full force with snow everywhere, Louis' arrival to Empire Bay for the first time in his life mirroring Vito's return to Empire Bay in 1945 30 years earlier, except under far different much more dire circumstances. Louis' older brother and his father, both capos in his old crime family in Toronto, are shown to be arrested by the TPS SWAT team in his first mission, the same one that attempted to gun him down when he resisted arrested. Louis knows someone had to have ratted out his old crime family, and he wants to find out who someday. The thing is though, he doesn't just want to kill them. He wants to get out of them why they did it before he kills them. More than anything else, he just wants to find out why his crime family was betrayed and served up to the feds on a silver platter, having most of his biological family sent to prison in the process. He’s out to uncover the mystery of why his family fell apart, and he’s more than willing to help people like Don Vito Scaletta and his underboss Joe Barbaro to eventually get the answers he seeks. In the end, he’s not even after revenge primarily, more than that, he wants answers and information regarding the fare of his old crime family, and wants to know why his family fell apart. I came up with the idea for this character because I figured that playing as a fugitive from the law made sense for the mob life, and I'm surprised we haven't had a fugitive protagonist in the Mafia series yet.
In the 1975 chapters while playing as Louis, the Watergate scandal, President Richard Nixon’s resignation, and the official end to the Vietnam War are all discussed on the in-game radio during news segments. In the last 1979 chapter, the beginning of the Soviet-Afghan War is also the subject of a news segment on the radio.
The story eventually transitions into the 1980's as years pass, with the scenery, cars, and music changing accordingly, and historical events of the time discussed in the game. In the 1989 section of the game, the murder of the infamous former Sinclair Parish Sheriff Walter “Slim” Beaumont is mentioned on the in-game radio, as just over 21 years ago Slim and his corruption ring were the top headline of national news. the time the game ends, it's 1992, and significant historical events from the past few years at the time that are covered on the radio in-game include anything from the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, to the 1992 L.A. riots. The rise of the internet and home computers are briefly touched upon during news segments on the in-game radio during the early 1990's section of the story, but not greatly delved into given their relative infancy in that time period. During this entire 1975-1992 stretch of the story, Vito is no longer playable, and Don Scaletta takes a backseat in the story as a main supporting character, similar to Don Salieri throughout Mafia: Definitive Edition. You now play as the Italian-Canadian Scaletta family soldato Louis DeSimone, who is later promoted to being a capo in 1985. At the end of the game in 1992, Louis is promoted to Consigliere of the Scaletta crime family, and it’s revealed in the epilogue that he became the don of the family in 2006 at the age of 54, and his now released from prison older brother serving as his underboss, and and Enzo Conti’s grandson Giovanni Conti serving as consigliere, taking over from Louis’ previous position which before that belonged to his father and Enzo’s only son, Lorenzo Conti from 1973-1992. It is worth noting that unlike Don Salieri, Don Scaletta has much more integrity, and has more genuine loyalty for his men and his associates. If you've beaten Mafia 1 or Mafia: Definitive Edition, you'll know this is something Salieri lacked in the end. Over time, Louis also goes from having a strictly business relationship with Vito and Joe, to bonding with them and becoming a genuinely close friend and trusted member of the family, seeing Vito as something of a second father, and coming to see Joe as the fun uncle he never had. Another major character development theme is Louis DeSimone adapting and assimilating into Italian-American culture in his new home in the Northeastern US, it seeming like something new mixed with the familiar Italian-Canadian culture he was raised in back in Ontario just north of the border.
The game will include a number of hit music from the 70’s that played on the radio back then, such as Bobby Womack’s Across 110th Street and Tony Christie’s (Is This the Way to) Amarillo, The Grateful Dead's Casey Jones and at least a few songs by the then new American rock band Cheap Trick, as well as popular songs from the 1960’s people still listened to at the time, such as Sam the Sham and the PharaohsWooly Bully, King Crimson’s 21st Century Schizoid Man, Zager and Evans' In the Year 2525, The Zombies' Time of the Season, and Nancy Sinatra’s These Boots Are Made for Walkin'. When you progress through the game, especially after you switch to playing as Louis DeAngelo for the rest of the story, years change, and the music changes. Different songs start playing on the radio, such as Sylvester's You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real), Randy Crawford's Street Life, and The Village People's Y.M.C.A., Cheryl Lynn's Got to Be Real, Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive, and the Bee Gees' Stayin' Alive start playing in the 1979 portion of the game. After you've completed the 1975 section of the game, Foghat's Slow Ride starts playing on the radio. Starting in the 1977 section of the game, Cheap Trick's I Want You to Want Me and Heart's Barracuda start playing on the radio. In the 1980's portion of the game, Thomas Dolby's songs Hyperactive! and She Blinded Me with Science, in addition to Night Ranger's Sister Christian also start playing on the radio. If Hangar 13 can afford the licenses, I also think a few Michael Jackson and Madonna songs should definitely be on the radio during the 1980's portion of the story, given the immense popularity and regular radio airtime those two had in that decade. If this ended up being possible, I imagine that Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Bad, and Billie Jean being on the radio in the 80's sections would be a must, Smooth Criminal especially because of how well it suits the series. Madonna's Lucky Star, Burning Up, Like a Virgin, and Borderline would also be perfect for the 80's portion of the game to me. Also mentioned by NPCs and civilians in the game are topical events of the time period, such as the release of the groundbreaking 1973 horror film The Exorcist at the end of Vito's playable portion of the game.
Other music of the 1980's segment when playing as Louis DeAngelo for the remainder of the game includes hits of the era such as Joe Jackson's Steppin' Out, The Buggles' Video Killed The Radio Star, Corey Hart's Sunglasses at Night, Laura Branigan's Self Control and Gloria, The Weather Girls' It's Raining Men, A-ha’s Take On Me, Men at Work's Down Under, Kim Wilde's Kids in America, The Gap Band's You Dropped a Bomb on Me, Culture Club’s Karma Chameleon, Michael Sembello’s Maniac, Twisted Sister's I Wanna Rock and We're Not Gonna Take It, Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive and Bad Medicine, Soft Cell’s Tainted Love, Robert Palmer’s Simply Irresistible, Rick Astley’s Together Forever, Whenever You Need Somebody, and Never Gonna Give You Up, Cutting Crew’s [I Just] Died In Your Arms, Loverboy's Working for the Weekend, Dead or Alive's You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) and That's the Way (I Like It), Tiffany’s I Think We’re Alone Now, Daryl Hall & John Oates' Maneater, Aneka's Japanese Boy, Mötley Crüe's Dr. Feelgood, Girls, Girls, Girls and Kickstart My Heart, Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, Huey Lewis And The News' Hip To Be Square, Bill Medley's (I've Had) The Time of My Life, The Police's Every Breath You Take, Whodini's Magic's Wand, Guns ‘N RosesWelcome to the Jungle and Paradise City, Tears For Fears' Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me, Regina's Baby Love, Nena's 99 Red Balloons, Earth, Wind, and Fire's Let's Groove and September, Billy Idol's Eyes Without a Face and White Wedding, Rick JamesGive It To Me Baby, Olivia Newton-John’s Physical, The S.O.S. Band’s Take Your Time (Do It Right), Kenny LogginsHighway to the Danger Zone, Wham!’s Everything She Wants, George Michael's Careless Whisper, Toto's Hold the Line and Africa, Blondie's Heart of Glass and Atomic, and Mai Tai's History.
**Note that not every single year and moment of the 17 year 1975-1992 section playing as Louis DeAngelo is playable or chronicled. My idea is it would be handled similarly to how the time skips in Mafia 1/Mafia: Definitive Edition were handled. Time skips of two or more years, or in this case, even longer such as 4 years sometimes, the game skipping from 1979 to 1983. This is to keep the game and story length ideal, and not risk it getting boring or repetitive, or going on for too long. Repetition was a big problem in Mafia III even if I still thought it was a superb game, so I think it'd be best to learn from that for the next big entry. The games story will skip ahead and show onscreen only what's significant, similar to the first Mafia game and it's remake, as well as certain aspects of Mafia II. Louis starts his section as a 22 year old fugitive soldato who got picked up by another crew south of the Canadian border, and in the epilogue of the game in 1992, is promoted to the consigliere of the Scaletta crime family at the age of 40, being set to take over the family once Vito and Joe become too old to run the day to day on a regular basis. Louis DeSimone is promoted to don of the Scaletta crime family following Vito and Joe being officially retired as of 2006. They’re both still involved and paid huge amounts of money by Louis out of respect, but keep a much lower profile by then since they have handpicked successors and aren’t worried about where the business is going.
The years chronicled in the main gameplay segments are as follows:
Much more of the rural areas and countryside outside of Empire Bay are included than what was available in Mafia II. The way rural environments are handled for this hypothetical Mafia IV is akin to how Mafia: Definitive Edition and Mafia III handled their rural environments outside the main cities, except much larger in scale, given the increased power of the current new consoles such as the PS5 and Xbox Series X. This region is based off of upstate New York and the surrounding areas across multiple states in the Northeastern US, and includes forests, fields, mountains, rivers, lakes, beaches, and small towns. Also included are other cities and towns, based off of other large cities in New York like Syracuse, Buffalo, and Rochester, where other story missions, business activities, and side missions take place, along with smaller notable places like Ithaca, Binghamton, and Utica. The entire states of New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Delaware, Maryland, and Ohio are also included, including places based off of all of their major cities and most of their notable towns in between. Large portions of Pennsylvania are included as well, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Scranton. All of the province of Nova Scotia including the city of Halifax, and Large portions of the eastern half of the Canadian province of Ontario are included as well, including cities based off of Toronto, Ottawa, and Niagara Falls. There's even a small portion of Quebec included, including Montreal and the surrounding countryside of the province outside that city, including a few small towns in southern Quebec. The player must pass a quick border patrol check when crossing the US-Canada border in a car or other ground vehicle.
Wildlife is present in the game, mostly to add to the background, scenery, and immersion in rural environments on the map. These are all animals native to the Northeastern US, ranging from white tailed deer, coyotes, bobcats, Canada lynxes, rabbits, hares, groundhogs, gophers, beavers, raccoons, opossums, bats, chipmunks, red and gray squirrels, mice, and rats to more formidable and potentially dangerous animals that may sometimes attack the player, such as grey wolves, black bears, mountain lions, and moose. These last four animals are known to spawn in the mountainous regions, especially in New York, Ohio, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Ontario, including the rural regions based off of the Catskills and the Adirondack mountains. Dogs are present in the cities, towns, and settlements where humans live and keep them as pets, being walked and sometimes found in people's yards. Some are used as guard dogs by enemies and are aggressive towards the player on sight. Domestic cats are also present in the background of residential areas, and both Louis and Vito own them as pets throughout the game in their safe houses, as well as other onscreen characters we see the homes of throughout the game.
Aircraft make their first usable appearance in the Mafia series too, from airplanes to helicopters. Vito cannot use planes or helicopters in his playable 1973 portion of the game, as he does not know how to pilot, being a paratrooper in World War II who never actually flew any of the planes himself. Aircraft are unlocked to use when Louis DeSimone gets his pilot’s certificate offscreen in 1977, and at the end of a chapter set that year, Louis has to fly Vito in a helicopter to a penthouse in Downtown Empire Bay acting as a family safe house, equipped with a helipad. Louis frequently serves as a personal driver and pilot for both Vito and Joe afterwards, having done a lot in his time serving the family to earn their trust and respect.
Melee weapons also make a return from Mafia: Definitive Edition, with even more variety this time. In their respective sections of the game, Vito and Louis may use anything from baseball bats, pipes, shovels, brass knuckles, golf clubs, police batons, switchblades, kitchen knives, bowie knives, ice picks, 2x4s, claw hammers, crowbars, tire irons, chain links, machetes, meat cleavers, pickaxes, hatchets, sledgehammers, to fire axes. This amount of melee weapons is so no matter what environment the player finds themselves in during a mission or any other game activity, there is usually a weapon of some sort nearby. If the player has obtained piano wire, you may also strangle an enemy to death with it from behind as a stealth kill, this being a classic assassination method infamous for being used by the Italian Mafia. Rope can also be found and used for similar strangulation stealth kills, appearing in the gameplay environments where piano wire can’t be found. There is a wide variety of new guns and explosives to use in this concept for Mafia IV, going with the new weapons of the time the game takes place that criminals quickly got their hands on. This includes the SPAS-12 combat shotgun, the Beretta 92 pistol, the AK-74 assault rifle, the mini uzi, the MAC-10 submachine gun, both suppressed and unsuppressed variants, the Beretta 92 pistol, the Taurus raging bull revolver, Glock handguns, the TEC-9 machine pistol, illegally modified to be full auto, the Ruger Mini-14 full auto variant, and even Vietnam war era flamethrowers, which I think is only natural given that as of Mafia III, we already have RPGs and grenade launchers. Late in the game from the 1989 section and onwards, the Benelli M3 combat shotgun becomes available. The Milkor MGL grenade launcher becomes available beginning in the 1983 portion of the game. Attached grenade launchers are also available for the AK-47, AK-74, and M16 assault rifles. More advanced rocket launchers of the 1970’s and 1980’s are naturally included as well.
Free ride makes a return in Mafia IV, with the player having the options to change the weather, time period, and an option to play as Louis, Vito, Joe, Lincoln, or John Donovan. Naturally, a multitude of new free ride missions are available as well.
I previously posted a much earlier and less detailed draft of this on the old Mafia3 subreddit 3 years ago back in 2017 as an idea for a hypothetical Mafia 3 expansion where you play as Vito, but have since updated and revamped it to a possible Mafia IV plot, and fixed any plot holes I noticed and made it much more fleshed out and in depth, and focus on more than just Vito in the end. You may view my original here if you so desire, to compare.
Feel free to give me constructive criticism on this, as I encourage this discourse and believe it is integral to growing and improving, to build upon or improve these ideas I've come up with, or say whether or not you think something like this should happen in the future. Thank you for reading!
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yakuza 0 how long is each chapter video

Yakuza Kiwami is an action-adventure game with role-playing elements set in an open world environment and played from a third-person perspective. It is developed by Sega and is planned to be released for Microsoft Windows worldwide on Steam on February 19, 2019. You may wonder how many chapters are in Yakuza Kiwami, here UpChapters will guide you the answers and details. Save File Request (Yakuza 0) Okay, so I'm not sure what happened, but I launched my game and all I see is a save file at the top from late september from chapter 4, and a save file from today with the same progress from chapter 4. I don't know if this is fixable, or what actually happened, but worst-case-scenario, I hope I can get a save file from the beginning of chapter 9. Thank you. 18 Setting. Yakuza 0 is set in Japan's bubble era, a period of extremely high property prices in Japan during the second half of the 1980s.The game's two principal locations are Kamurocho, Tokyo, and Sotenbori, Osaka.Based in these two districts are the two protagonists Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima respectively.. Story Summary Ch. 1 - Bound by Oath I'm up to Chapter 8 of Yakuza 0. When I first started playing it I loved this game, I still do really. I feel like the game should be nearing it's conclusion by now though, and yet new strands of the story continue to develop. It feels like it's starting to drag on a bit. Roughly how far am I from the end of the narrative? If it's still a long Yakuza 0 — Guide and As you go through the story in Chapter 11, you'll be introduced to the "Bed of Styx", an illegal bloodsport arena that pits criminals that the law couldn't prosecute against each other in the hopes of commuting their crimes. Majima takes a look at this den of horror and says "me too", so after your initial story-based three-round fight, you'll be able to return at Yakuza 0 has a brooding storyline concerning rival factions locked in a brutal power struggle and is told from two perspectives, long-running protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and wild card cabaret club Just recently got Yakuza 0 on PC. Played for some 40 hours and immediately remembered why I get burnt out so quickly when playing Japanese games.When it comes down to Japanese games in general, it Yakuza 0, like the rest of the series, is a third-person action-adventure title, employing the same open-world gameplay the series helped to pioneer. Players can explore the many attractions of Kamurocho and Sotenbori, which are fictionalized versions of real-life Japanese cities Kabukicho and Dotonbori. While traversing the cities to solve the mystery guiding the game's intricate plot There are 17 chapters in Yakuza 0 in total, with you switching between the game’s two main characters after every two chapters. The length of each chapter varies, but you can expect them to be at... For Yakuza 0 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How long is this game?".

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