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Gravity's Rainbow and the secret integration.

I've read Gravity's Rainbow four times and thought I understood it pretty well. However, reading Beckett's Molloy/Malone Dies/The Unnameable trilogy and the Beckett biography Damned to Fame, and a lot of Jung, and going through some difficult times made me realise how much within me that I had previously repressed. The slow process of integrating everything I was in denial about has allowed me to find peace that I never thought I would attain, having been clinically depressed and suicidal for around ten years. I started reading GR again with this new understanding of myself and realised that I actually hadn't understood it properly at all. I thought I'd share a few things I realised in case they might be of interest to any of you. I will discuss the book from a psychoanalytical perspective and a political perspective here, but I do not wish to reduce what is such a brilliant novel in its own right to these elements alone; I feel like the literary perspective has been discussed far more than these aspects though, and strongly doubt I would be able to add anything new to that excellent body of existing work. Even though I have realised that the political and psychoanalytical aspects are examined and explored very overtly in GR, I think they are often underexamined because the readers themselves haven't come to terms with their own inner conflicts, and are therefore in denial about certain things in themselves, such as their own possible complicity (through inaction or otherwise) with the System - much like Pokler. Therefore I am only going to be discussing the book within the very narrow frameworks of psychoanalysis and politics, while acknowledging that this comprises only a fraction of what it really is.
The sheer density of GR can make it hard to tell what the hell is going on even just in terms of things like the plot. But maybe this isn't such a surprise, Pynchon's intelligence and education, how long he spent writing it, and and how much research he had to do in the process. It's only after doing a lot of the background reading that he refers to that things started to come together for me. With subjects such as Pavlov's theories of conditioning, statistics, physics, engineering, Pynchon reproduces key concepts within the text. For example:
Pavlov was fascinated with “ideas of the opposite.” Call it a cluster of cells, somewhere on the cortex of the brain. Helping to distinguish pleasure from pain, light from dark, dominance from submission... . But when, somehow—starve them, traumatize, shock, castrate them, send them over into one of the transmarginal phases, past borders of their waking selves, past “equivalent” and “paradoxical” phases —you weaken this idea of the opposite, and here all at once is the paranoid patient who would be master, yet now feels himself a slave... who would be loved, but suffers his world’s indifference, and, “I think,” Pavlov writing to Janet, “it is precisely the ultraparadoxical phase which is the base of the weakening of the idea of the opposite in our patients.” Our madmen, our paranoid, maniac, schizoid, morally imbecile—
However, for much of the history, particular that regarding intelligence agencies (whether that is WWII activity such as the O.S.S. or the S.O.E., or CIA activity in the 60s and 70s around the time that Pynchon was writing GR in a Californian beach house, very near where groups such as the Black Panthers were operating, targets of programs such as COINTELPRO and Operation CHAOS), the books had not even been written yet. I think the first few pages, with the carriage full of evacuees, can be interpreted as moving into the darkest parts of lost or repressed history, e.g.:
and it is poorer the deeper they go... ruinous secret cities of poor, places whose names he has never heard..
These names he has never heard could range from the Herero tribe whose genocide he discovered while writing V. ten years before, to Novi Pazar (with the Adenoid passage), to the all other hidden history in the book. I have also read people remarking on how in The Crying of Lot 49 it seems like Pynchon was somehow aware of MK-Ultra (which Dr Hilarius was involved with) before well the documents were leaked and the program confirmed. However, fortunately, many these history books have since been written. If anyone is interested, a great place to start is The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, published in 2016, which follows Dulles from his time at the Wall Street law firm Sullivan and Cromwell to his time in the O.S.S. in Switzerland, working with Nazis in Operation Paperclip, to his directorship of the CIA through the 50s and 60s. Reading about this Cold War history, and also the writing of Huey Newton (who I strongly believe Enzian is in part based on), made a lot of GR far clearer. It is important to recognise that these histories of intelligence agencies contain irrefutable documented facts that the public at large is collectively in denial about - because they are too dark for them to acknowledge and face. For them to acknowledge these facts requires integrating that darkness into their conscious minds, before anything can be done about it on the political level. I think that, through the incorporation of all the world's darkness, from politics to history to sexual and paedophilic fantasies to etc..., this is the Secret Integration that Pynchon is trying to accomplish, and which concept he wrote a story about, published in Slow Learner. Reading this book causes the beginnings of this process, as all of the darkness is brought into one's mind by reading it.
Another crucial area for me was understanding a bit about Freud and Jung. Particularly Freud's tendency to project his own incredibly powerful repression onto his patients, because of his own compulsion to analyse and differentiate everything, much in the Western tradition, seen in, for example, his five stages of psychosexual development, oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital stages. Some people don't need to delve into the darkest aspects of their unconscious to find peace, but since Freud did, he felt the need to inflict this also on his patients - seen in the many cases where he would tell victims of childhood sexual abuse that it was due to their own subconscious desires to be raped, which could, obviously, do enormous damage to his patients. His compulsion to do this might have stemmed from, alongside his overanalytical compulsions, the truth that anything we are in denial of or repress causes inner conflicts that manifest in our daily lives, and the only way to get rid of them is to integrate them into the conscious mind. Jung's equivalent of this is his statement that “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Jung's thinking on the unconscious, and particularly the notion of the collective unconscious - this idea that all the darkness in humanity is also within ourselves, and vice versa, much as in Daoism, another critical source for GR - is very useful to help understand the book.
An interesting thing to consider is that the old psychoanalytic approach, more directive/authoritarian (going back to Mesmer powerfully dominating his hypnotic subjects), where the analyst would attempt to integrate these repressions into the conscious mind of the patient by force, has fallen out of favour - it is now seen that the permissive style, in which the therapist tries to help the patient realise things themselves without use of force, is a much healthier approach for the average person (though there are still some cases where the directive style can be more effective). The former's effects can be seen in GR when, after many sessions with Freud, Greta's darkest parts of her unconscious mind rise up and she begins murdering children. Pynchon links Freud's repressions to trauma carried down by Jews from life under the Romans, and elsewhere, slavery under the Ancient Egyptians, which is fundamental to their religious texts (linked itself with attitudes and trauma in the black population about the more recent black slavery).
The trouble with Sigmund was the place he happened to be living in, a drafty, crenelated deformity overlooking a cold little lake in the Bavarian Alps. Parts of it must have dated back to the fall of Rome. That was where Sigmund brought her.
She had got the idea somewhere that she was part Jewish. Things in Germany by then, as everyone knows, were very bad. Margherita was terrified of being “found out.” She heard Gestapo in every puff of air that slipped in, among any of a thousand windways of dilapidation. Sigmund spent whole nights trying to talk it away. He was no better at it than Rollo. It was around this time that her symptoms began.
However psychogenic these pains, tics, hives and nauseas, her suffering was real. Acupuncturists came down by Zeppelin from Berlin, showing up in the middle of the night with little velvet cases full of gold needles. Viennese analysts, Indian holy men, Baptists from America trooped in and out of Sigmund’s castle, stage-hypnotists and Colombian curanderos slept on the rug in front of the fireplace. Nothing worked. Sigmund grew alarmed, and before long as ready as Margherita to hallucinate. Probably it was she who suggested Bad Karma. It had a reputation that summer for its mud, hot and greasy mud with traces of radium, jet black, softly bubbling. Ah. Anyone who’s been sick in that way can imagine her hope. That mud would cure anything. Where was anybody that summer before the War? Dreaming. The spas that summer, the summer Ensign Morituri came to Bad Karma, were crowded with sleepwalkers. Nothing for him to do at the Embassy. They suggested a holiday till September. He should have known something was up, but he only went on holiday to Bad Karma—spent the days drinking Pilsener Urquelle in the cafe by the lake in the Pavilion Park. He was a stranger, half the time drunk, silly beer-drunk, and he hardly spoke their language. But what he saw must have been going on all over Germany. A premeditated frenzy.
This is a similar process to what Slothrop goes through in the Abreaction Ward, when under sodium amytal ("truth serum") and the supervision of psychoanalysts, Slothrop explores the parts of his unconscious that he has repressed, including his feelings towards race and homosexuality.
PISCES: We want to talk some more about Boston today, Slothrop. You recall that we were talking last time about the Negroes, in Roxbury. Now we know it’s not all that comfortable for you, but do try, won’t you. Now—where are you, Slothrop? Can you see anything?
Slothrop: Well no, not see exactly...
By the presence of Red (Malcolm X) in the scene where Slothrop flees the black men at the jazz club trying to rape him down the toilet (which leads through a trip not only through Slothrop's own unconscious racism but also through the repressed histories, all the Preterite lost and forgotten.
Either he lets the harp go, his silver chances of song, or he has to follow. Follow? Red, the Negro shoeshine boy, waits by his dusty leather seat. The Negroes all over wasted Roxbury wait. Follow? “Cherokee” comes wailing up from the dance floor below, over the hi-hat, the string bass, the thousand sets of feet where moving rose lights suggest not pale Harvard boys and their dates, but a lotta dolled-up redskins. The song playing is one more lie about white crimes. But more musicians have floundered in the channel to “Cherokee” than have got through from end to end.
Here, among other things, if we consider Slothrop's mouth harp a (Rilke-referencing) metaphor, in part, for Pynchon's own tools of artistry, I feel like these floundering musicians can be seen as other writers who have not come to terms with the darkest parts of history, and thus their own unconscious. And the decision to delve into these things as an artist necessitates exposing one's own unconscious repressions, which causes you to be in a vulnerable position - particularly since They like to use these aspects of people to control them, as with Prentice and the drawing of the Scorpia Mossmoon lookalike he is given to activate the Kryptosam. In Pynchon's case, this means exposing his own racism and homophobia:
If Slothrop follows that harp down the toilet it’ll have to be headfirst, which is not so good, cause it leaves his ass up in the air helpless, and with Negroes around that’s just what a fella doesn’t want, his face down in some fetid unknown darkness and brown fingers, strong and sure, all at once undoing his belt, unbuttoning his fly, strong hands holding his legs apart—and he feels the cold Lysol air on his thighs as down come the boxer shorts too, now, with the colorful bass lures and trout flies on them. He struggles to work himself farther into the toilet hole as dimly, up through the smelly water, comes the sound of a whole dark gang of awful Negroes come yelling happily into the white men’s room, converging on poor wriggling Slothrop, jiving around the way they do singing, “Slip the talcum to me, Malcolm!” [*] And the voice that replies is who but that Red, the shoeshine boy who’s slicked up Slothrop’s black patents a dozen times down on his knees jes poppin’ dat rag to beat the band... now Red the very tall, skinny, extravagantly conked redhead Negro shoeshine boy who’s just been “Red” to all the Harvard fellas—“Say Red, any of those Sheiks in the drawer?” “How ’bout another luck-changin’ phone number there, Red?”—this Negro whose true name now halfway down the toilet comes at last to Slothrop’s hearing—as a thick finger with a gob of very slippery jelly or cream comes sliding down the crack now toward his asshole, chevroning the hairs along like topo lines up a river valley—the true name is Malcolm, and all the black cocks know him, Malcolm, have known him all along—Red Malcolm the Unthinkable Nihilist sez, “Good golly he sure is all asshole ain’t he?” Jeepers Slothrop, what a position for you to be in! Even though he has succeeded in getting far enough down now so that only his legs protrude and his buttocks heave and wallow just under the level of the water like pallid domes of ice. Water splashes, cold as the rain outside, up the walls of the white bowl. “Grab him ’fo’ he gits away!” “Yowzah!” Distant hands clutch after his calves and ankles, snap his garters and tug at the argyle sox Mom knitted for him to go to Harvard in, but these insulate so well, or he has progressed so far down the toilet by now, that he can hardly feel the hands at all...
GR can be seen even as a process of abreaction that Pynchon underwent. If the rumours that he used drugs through writing it are true, then that would mean exposing things in him unconscious even to himself while writing it. Worth at this point also to note Jung's criticisms of Freud's use of abreaction, and thus the possible dangers of doing this.
Though traumata of clearly aetiological significance were occasionally present, the majority of them appeared very improbable. Many traumata were so unimportant, even so normal, that they could be regarded at most as a pretext for the neurosis. But what especially aroused my criticism was the fact that not a few traumata were simply inventions of fantasy and had never happened at all.
However, as Daoism asserts, light and darkness is in everything. For the Pavlovian Pointsman, who views things in binary, this is impossible to accept - the idea that for between every extreme - like black and white - lies a spectrum, a continuous rainbow. As Western humans understand things through this differentiation and analysis, this continuity causes an inherent conflict. Pointsman, the pure cause-and-effect man, the "Antimexico" (since Mexico, the statistician who thinks all can be explained through independent variables and probability distributions, takes the opposite position), says this on Daoist thinking early on.
“Pierre Janet —sometimes the man talked like an Oriental mystic. He had no real grasp of the opposites. ‘The act of injuring and the act of being injured are joined in the behavior of the whole injury.’ Speaker and spoken-of, master and slave, virgin and seducer, each pair most conveniently coupled and inseparable—The last refuge of the incorrigibly lazy, Mexico, is just this sort of yang-yin rubbish.
But by the end of Beyond the Zero, he's having a breakdown, as his unconscious is trying to tell him the truth of the Daoist wisdom he was so quick to reject in his scientific arrogance.
“Talking to myself, here. Little—sort of—eccentricity, heh, heh.”
“Yang and Yin,” whispers the Voice, “Yang and Yin... .”
With all that out of the way, the plot of what GR is actually about can perhaps begin to be discussed. I'm going to make a lot of assumptions here that many of the male characters are based on Pynchon himself. You may disagree with this approach, which is very understandable, given my total lack of evidence. My justification for it is the following passages from Slothrop's trip down the toilet:
Here now is Crutchfield or Crouchfield, the westwardman. Not “archetypical” westwardman, but the only. Understand, there was only one. There was only one Indian who ever fought him. Only one fight, one victory, one loss. And only one president, and one assassin, and one election. True. One of each of everything. You had thought of solipsism, and imagined the structure to be populated—on your level—by only, terribly, one. No count on any other levels. But it proves to be not quite that lonely. Sparse, yes, but a good deal better than solitary. One of each of everything’s not so bad. Half an Ark’s better than none.
Then slightly later on:
Isn’t there supposed to be only one of each?
A. Yes.
Q. Then one Indian girl...
A. One pure Indian. One mestiza. One criolla. [*] Then: one Yaqui. One Navaho. One Apache—
Q. Wait a minute, there was only one Indian to begin with. The one that Crutchfield killed.
A. Yes. Look on it as an optimization problem. The country can best support only one of each.
Q. Then what about all the others? Boston. London. The ones who live in cities. Are those people real, or what?
A. Some are real, and some aren’t.
Q. Well are the real ones necessary? or unnecessary?
A. It depends what you have in mind.
Q. Shit, I don’t have anything in mind.
A. We do.
However, given the extent to which Pynchon has managed to keep his life quiet, I'm aware that this assumption could be projection from me. I think might be by design of the book though:
“Pre cise-ly why,” leaps Rozsavolgyi, “we are now proposing, to give, Slothrop a com plete- ly dif-ferent sort, of test. We are now de sign- ing for him, a so called, ‘projec-tive’ test. The most famil-iar exam- ple of the type, is the Rorschach ink-blot. The ba- sic theory, is that when given an un struc-tured stimulus, some shape-less blob of exper-ience, the subject, will seek to impose, struc- ture on it. How, he goes a -bout struc-turing this blob, will reflect his needs, his hopes—will pro vide, us with clues, to his dreams, fan- tasies , the deepest re-gions of his mind.”
With those disclaimers out the way, here's what I think. I think Mexico is the "cheap nihilist" of Pynchon as a younger man, before he's delved into his own darkness, and still very much without belief in any sort of spiritualism:
“It makes no sense unless we also consider those who’ve passed over to the other side. We do transact with them, don’t we? Through specialists like Eventyr and their controls over there. But all together we form a single subculture, a psychical community, if you will.”
“I won’t,” Mexico says dryly, “but yes I suppose someone ought to be looking into it.”
Pointsman is his analytical side, obsessed with cause-and-effect, which eventually, he comes to realise, necessitates delving in the darkest regions of Slothrop's mind, but still obsessed with control, never losing control:
Sign and symptoms. Was Spectro right? Could Outside and Inside be part of the same field? If only in fairness... in fairness... Pointsman ought to be seeking the answer at the interface... oughtn’t he... on the cortex of Lieutenant Slothrop. The man will suffer—perhaps, in some clinical way, be destroyed—but how many others tonight are suffering in his name? For pity’s sake, every day in Whitehall they’re weighing and taking risks that make his, in this, seem almost trivial. Almost. There’s something here, too transparent and swift to get a hold on—Psi Section might speak of ectoplasms—but he knows that the time has never been better, and that the exact experimental subject is in his hands. He must seize now, or be doomed to the same stone hallways, whose termination he knows. But he must remain open—even to the possibility that the Psi people are right. “We may all be right,” he puts in his journal tonight, “so may be all we have speculated, and more. Whatever we may find, there can be no doubt that he is, physiologically, historically, a monster. We must never lose control. The thought of him lost in the world of men, after the war, fills me with a deep dread I cannot extinguish...”
Prentice, the employee, the seasoned intelligence veteran, strikes me as a maturation from Pynchon's earlier Mexico phase, into a more realistic and experienced person and, by the time he gets into the Counterforce, "activist". This could be projection but given that the book was written from around the mid-60s until 1973, and how much changed in that time, I feel like this could be based on his own experiences with political activism in California around that time. Might be totally wrong about that, but I just got that impression from reading the weird "interview" towards the end of the book with the Wall Street Journal between the interviewer and the "spokesman for the Counterforce". Who knows, read it again and see what you think.
And Slothrop, the experimental subject, is a model of Pynchon himself, rather than a differentiated portion of his own psyche which he turned into a character.
So, what I think is going on:
PISCES is using Slothrop (conditioned by Jamf) to exploit the racism of the Germans in psychological warfare with the whole Schwarzkommando thing. Pointsman is following his own pathological drive to analyse every facet of Slothrop's psyche. This includes Bloat taking photographs of Slothrop's map of girls linked to rockets, which we find out later might partly be falsified, which I interpret perhaps as Pynchon's recognition of his own attempt to impose his sexual interpretation system onto the world at large - interestingly something touched on early on in Bleeding Edge, though I can't find the passage right now, he quietly references the sexual hysterias of youth or something like that.
Prentice is an employee of the Firm, a greater They than either PISCES or Pointsman, using his ability to have other people's fantasies, notionally for Pointsman, but really for some even grander scheme. This is reflected in the discussion of the message which Prentice picks up from the rocket which he and Slothrop see at the beginning of the book. From the Kryptosam message with the Scorpia lookalike:
Slowly then, a revelation through the nacreous film of his seed, in Negro-brown, comes his message: put in a simple Nihilist transposition whose keywords he can almost guess. Most of it he does in his head. There is a time given, a place, a request for help. He burns the message, fallen on him from higher than Earth’s atmosphere, salvaged from Earth’s prime meridian, keeps the picture, hmm, and washes his hands. His prostate is aching. There is more to this than he can see. He has no recourse, no appeal: he has to go over there and bring the operative out again. The message is tantamount to an order from the highest levels.
This "highest orders" thing can be compared with Slothrop seeing the hand of God pointing down at him.
There is in his history, and likely, God help him, in his dossier, a peculiar sensitivity to what is revealed in the sky. (But a hardon?) On the old schist of a tombstone in the Congregational churchyard back home in Mingeborough, Massachusetts, [*] the hand of God emerges from a cloud, the edges of the figure here and there eroded by 200 years of seasons’ fire and ice chisels at work, and the inscription reading:
In Memory of Constant
Slothrop, who died March
ye 4th 1766, in ye 29th
year of his age.
Death is a debt to nature due,
Which I have paid, and so must you.
6:43:16 BDST—in the sky right now here is the same unfolding, just about to break through, his face deepening with its light, everything about to rush away and he to lose himself, just as his countryside has ever proclaimed... slender church steeples poised up and down all these autumn hillsides, white rockets about to fire, only seconds of countdown away, rose windows taking in Sunday light, elevating and washing the faces above the pulpits defining grace, swearing this is how it does happen—yes the great bright hand reaching out of the cloud...
I think Pynchon recognised that with his unique abilities, perception, intelligence, and even privilege, it was his duty to delve into these hidden histories and play his role in bringing about this integration of the darkest levels of the unconscious. But Beyond the Zero is all about systems, and as Pynchon is well aware all systems are inherently limited because there are irrational elements in the world. So after this we have the briefer section in the Casino Hermann Goering, where the role of chance - or fate, depending on your interpretation - is recognised, and systems are examined, particularly language systems, like the drinking game Prince. So after that, with the third part, In the Zone, I think he may have been using drugs and various other techniques to bring out unconscious things in himself, to get past these conscious systems. And then completed with the Tarot reading performed at the end, where it says "here are the cards, exactly as they came up" - I think it's very possible that he did an actual Tarot reading at this point. Maybe I'm wrong about this though, I don't want to make too many assumptions given the lack of information we really have on him. If that thing with the drugs is true, it would explain that infamous quote Jules Seigal attributed to him, "I was so fucked up while I was writing it... that now I go back over some of those sequences and I can't figure out what I could have meant." But it's unclear whether that quote is real or not.
How does this play into politics? I've written far too much already, but I'll just leave things with a couple more quotes and the observation that the final part, the Counterforce, contains some very valid criticisms of the countercultural movement as it manifested in the 60s through 70s. There's this critical passage when Enzian is motorbiking around the Zone, high on Pervitins, and realises that everything has come together for this. There's definitely a sense that Pynchon is acknowledging here the importance of his work, the fact it has done things that no other book had before. But in it too there's also, in it, the mocking of the temptation to view everything as an ordered conspiracy, and not acknowledge the non-rational and non-causal forces also at work, and mocking of his own self-seriousness.
There doesn’t exactly dawn, no but there breaks, as that light you’re afraid will break some night at too deep an hour to explain away—there floods on Enzian what seems to him an extraordinary understanding. This serpentine slagheap he is just about to ride into now, this ex-refinery, Jamf Ölfabriken Werke AG, is not a ruin at all. It is in perfect working order. Only waiting for the right connections to be set up, to be switched on... modified, precisely, deliberately by bombing that was never hostile, but part of a plan both sides—”sides?” —had always agreed on... yes and now what if we—all right, say we are supposed to be the Kabbalists out here, say that’s our real Destiny, to be the scholar-magicians of the Zone, with somewhere in it a Text, to be picked to pieces, annotated, explicated, and masturbated till it’s all squeezed limp of its last drop... well we assumed—natürlich!—that this holy Text had to be the Rocket, orururumo orunene the high, rising, dead, the blazing, the great one (“orunene” is already being modified by the Zone-Herero children to “omunene,” the eldest brother)... our Torah. What else? Its symmetries, its latencies, the cuteness of it enchanted and seduced us while the real Text persisted, somewhere else, in its darkness, our darkness... even this far from Südwest we are not to be spared the ancient tragedy of lost messages, a curse that will never leave us... . But, if I’m riding through it, the Real Text, right now, if this is it... or if I passed it today somewhere in the devastation of Hamburg, breathing the ashdust, missing it completely... if what the IG built on this site were not at all the final shape of it, but only an arrangement of fetishes, come-ons to call down special tools in the form of 8th AF bombers yes the “Allied” planes all would have been, ultimately, IG-built, by way of Director Krupp, through his English interlocks—the bombing was the exact industrial process of conversion, each release of energy placed exactly in space and time, each shock-wave plotted in advance to bring precisely tonight’s wreck into being thus decoding the Text, thus coding, recoding, redecoding the holy Text... If it is in working order, what is it meant to do? The engineers who built it as a refinery never knew there were any further steps to be taken. Their design was “finalized,” and they could forget it. It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted... secretly, it was being dictated instead by the needs of technology... by a conspiracy between human beings and techniques, by something that needed the energy-burst of war, crying, “Money be damned, the very life of [insert name of Nation] is at stake,” but meaning, most likely, dawn is nearly here, I need my night’s blood, my funding, funding, ahh more, more... . The real crises were crises of allocation and priority, not among firms—it was only staged to look that way—but among the different Technologies, Plastics, Electronics, Aircraft, and their needs which are understood only by the ruling elite...
Yes but Technology only responds (how often this argument has been iterated, dogged and humorless as a Gaussian reduction, among the younger Schwarzkommando especially), “All very well to talk about having a monster by the tail, but do you think we’d’ve had the Rocket if someone, some specific somebody with a name and a penis hadn’t wanted to chuck a ton of Amatol 300 miles and blow up a block full of civilians? Go ahead, capitalize the T on technology, deify it if it’ll make you feel less responsible—but it puts you in with the neutered, brother, in with the eunuchs keeping the harem of our stolen Earth for the numb and joyless hardens of human sultans, human elite with no right at all to be where they are—”
We have to look for power sources here, and distribution networks we were never taught, routes of power our teachers never imagined, or were encouraged to avoid... we have to find meters whose scales are unknown in the world, draw our own schematics, getting feedback, making connections, reducing the error, trying to learn the real function... zeroing in on what incalculable plot?
Up here, on the surface, coaltars, hydrogenation, synthesis were always phony, dummy functions to hide the real, the planetary mission yes perhaps centuries in the unrolling... this ruinous plant, waiting for its Kabbalists and new alchemists to discover the Key, teach the mysteries to others...
And if it isn’t exactly Jamf Ölfabriken Werke? what if it’s the Krupp works in Essen, what if it’s Blohm & Voss right here in Hamburg or another make-believe “ruin,” in another city? Another country? YAAAGGGGHHHHH!
Well, this is stimulant talk here, yes Enzian’s been stuffing down Nazi surplus Pervitins these days like popcorn at the movies, and by now the bulk of the refinery—named, incidentally, for the famous discoverer of Oneirine—is behind them, and Enzian is on into some other paranoid terror, talking, talking, though each man’s wind and motor cuts him off from conversation.
Some words of wisdom from the seasoned veteran Prentice:
“You’re a novice paranoid, Roger,” first time Prentice has ever used his Christian name and it touches Roger enough to check his tirade. “Of course a well-developed They-system is necessary—but it’s only half the story. For every They there ought to be a We. In our case there is. Creative paranoia means developing at least as thorough a We-system as a They-system—”
“Wait, wait, first where’s the Haig and Haig, be a gracious host, second what is a ‘They-system,’ I don’t pull Chebychev’s Theorem on you, do I?”
“I mean what They and Their hired psychiatrists call ‘delusional systems.’
Needless to say, ‘delusions’ are always officially defined. We don’t have to worry about questions of real or unreal. They only talk out of expediency. It’s the system that matters. How the data arrange themselves inside it. Some are consistent, others fall apart. Your idea that Pointsman sent Gloaming takes a wrong fork. Without any contrary set of delusions—delusions about ourselves, which I’m calling a We-system—the Gloaming idea might have been all right—”
“Delusions about ourselves?”
“Not real ones.”
“But officially defined.”
“Out of expediency, yes.”
“Well, you’re playing Their game, then.”
“Don’t let it bother you. You’ll find you can operate quite well. Seeing as we haven’t won yet, it isn’t really much of a problem.”
Roger is totally confused.
And finally, amid all this darkness, in a superlatively dark book, some hope at last, to hold onto, that makes life worth living, and why I think that despite what many say, GR is not a nihilistic work at all (Tchitcherine, the born nihilist, is almost a parody of this position). It starts with Slothrop's awakening to nature:
Trees, now—Slothrop’s intensely alert to trees, finally. When he comes in among trees he will spend time touching them, studying them, sitting very quietly near them and understanding that each tree is a creature, carrying on its individual life, aware of what’s happening around it, not just some hunk of wood to be cut down. Slothrop’s family actually made its money killing trees, amputating them from their roots, chopping them up, grinding them to pulp, bleaching that to paper and getting paid for this with more paper. “That’s really insane.” He shakes his head. “There’s insanity in my family.” He looks up. The trees are still. They know he’s there. They probably also know what he’s thinking. “I’m sorry,” he tells them. “I can’t do anything about those people, they’re all out of my reach. What can I do?” A medium-size pine nearby nods its top and suggests, “Next time you come across a logging operation out here, find one of their tractors that isn’t being guarded, and take its oil filter with you. That’s what you can do.”
And then, after Slothrop's harp makes its trip down the toilet, and through all of the darkness of the book until that point, where does it next show up? After he draws a rocket mandala, scrawls Rocketman was here on a wall, after the sequence with the Magician using black magic and a mandrake to multiply money, and a delegate from the Committee on Idiopathic Archetypes shows up to visit:
Crosses, swastikas, Zone-mandalas, how can they not speak to Slothrop? He’s sat in Säure Bummer’s kitchen, the air streaming with kif moires, reading soup recipes and finding in every bone and cabbage leaf paraphrases of himself... news flashes, names of wheelhorses that will pay him off enough for a certain getaway... . He used to pick and shovel at the spring roads of Berkshire, April afternoons he’s lost, “Chapter 81 work,” they called it, following the scraper that clears the winter’s crystal attack-from-within, its white necropolizing... picking up rusted beer cans, rubbers yellow with preterite seed, Kleenex wadded to brain shapes hiding preterite snot, preterite tears, newspapers, broken glass, pieces of automobile, days when in superstition and fright he could make it all fit, seeing clearly in each an entry in a record, a history: his own, his winter’s, his country’s... instructing him, dunce and drifter, in ways deeper than he can explain, have been faces of children out the train windows, two bars of dance music somewhere, in some other street at night, needles and branches of a pine tree shaken clear and luminous against night clouds, one circuit diagram out of hundreds in a smudged yellowing sheaf, laughter out of a cornfield in the early morning as he was walking to school, the idling of a motorcycle at one duskheavy hour of the summer... and now, in the Zone, later in the day he became a crossroad, after a heavy rain he doesn’t recall, Slothrop sees a very thick rainbow here, a stout rainbow cock driven down out of pubic clouds into Earth, green wet valleyed Earth, and his chest fills and he stands crying, not a thing in his head, just feeling natural...
And later:
Slothrop moseys down the trail to a mountain stream where he’s left his harp to soak all night, wedged between a couple of rocks in a quiet pool. ... Through the flowing water, the holes of the old Hohner Slothrop found are warped one by one, squares being bent like notes, a visual blues being played by the clear stream.
There are harpmen and dulcimer players in all the rivers, wherever water moves. Like that Rilke prophesied,
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say: I flow.
To the rushing water speak: I am.
It is still possible, even this far out of it, to find and make audible the spirits of lost harpmen. Whacking the water out of his harmonica, reeds singing against his leg, picking up the single blues at bar 1 of this morning’s segment, Slothrop, just suckin’ on his harp, is closer to being a spiritual medium than he’s been yet, and he doesn’t even know it.
There's hope after all, and I think it's reflected in how much more positive all his later works have been. Thanks so much for reading, I hope it was at least vaguely interesting, not too much of an unstructured ramble. Also, this is such a great subreddit, really I love the community here. My very best to you all!
submitted by pynchon_as_activist to ThomasPynchon [link] [comments]

January Community Day Across the Northeast

December Community Day Across the Northeast Looking for a local meet-up for the January 2020 Community Day? Check out the Silph League Map (( , and join a local server. Here are your local staff that will be distributing the limited time Silph Traveler Badges at each event. Be sure to set up your Traveler Card ( before attending your local meet-up.
>Fusion CUP: Be sure to check out the to find a Fusion Cup near you!
(Listings and meet-up days subject to change. Please reach out to listed Discord Staff for most current info.)
Server Name Town State Location Discord Staff
CT Raids Colchester CT Downtown Colchester skilty226#3252
CT Raids Danbury CT Danbury Mall CarKrash#6977, Vincent Drake#3952
CT Raids Ellington CT Arbor Park @Spark_07#1269
CT Raids Fairfield CT Fairfield Town Hall Bluecat313YT#4272
CT Raids Fairfield CT Fairfield Pequot Library tamrissa#2003
CT Raids Groton CT Wilcox Park, Westerly, RI Firedwarftj #6324, Kickinbeatz #2182, TristaAM(40) #8031, SummerOtaku#694, Firedwarftj #6324
CT Raids Guilford CT Guilford Green Shahailion#2405
CT Raids Hartford CT Bushnell Park NO STAFF
CT Raids Ledyard CT Foxwoods Resort and Casino Mary Rose Julian 💙 40 🔩🚂#0714
Pokemon Go Middletown Middletown CT "Plaque of Honor" 300 Washington Terrace, Middletown, CT dDope#1860, LAURAM00N#128
CT Raids New Britain CT Central Connect State University taytayswifty#1029
CT Raids New Britain CT Walnut Hill Park SinisterReaper#0831, MysticRubyChef#2709
CT Raids Newtown CT Newtown Skate Park Isochrona#2749
CT Raids North Haven CT North Haven Green precisely3#2278
CT Raids Norwalk CT Maritime Center CorgiFluff#6710, nyudiana#7416
CT Raids Old Wethersfield CT Main St. / Broad St. IcyPinkLemonade#9069
CT Raids Simsbury CT Rotary Park eggs06#7718, PokeDVM#6351
Stamford Raid Family Stamford CT Mill River Park Jcoona#3371, Jackrack#3720, raiderkat#3373
CT Raids Storrs CT Student Union Linz#9154, pop2-0#8427, VI#2482
Enfield-Suffield Trainers League Suffield CT Suffield Center LGTTurbo07#0716, jayarr#9832, MSundin40#1793
CT Raids Vernon/Rockville CT Downtown Rockville nikict154#7763, Erin_07#1269
CT Raids West Hartford CT Westfarms Mall ALAN#1455, Donmy#1053, GMuggle#5877, Je6105#5190
Pogo Delmarva Dover DE Dover DougieSD#8604, WMWA#9562
Pogo Delmarva Milford DE Milford BigBlack1969#2541, Fleshknight#8870, Gunarkfc#8038, jp02845#7105, Kato Ryozo#7248, killerduck1967#3256
Pogo Delmarva New Castle DE Battery Park Xenoflame#1194
Pogo Delmarva Seaford DE Seaford deadlyviper457#1849, JenniferT181#2270, Sirleviscott#1929, HollyNIN#9786, bricklife240#4438
Pogo Delmarva Wilmington DE Brandwine Park DrachenFire#9691
Team Instinct Boston, Valor of Boston, Boston Mystics and MARaids Boston MA Boston Public Garden/Commons cizzlee#9256, chickydoll80#0561, Dragonz Rage#7838, ElectroBlade#2469, GL#7719, manupr☃g⚡#3978, Drew#7383, Giveittome95#3330, mxawng#8480 , Orez#3131, Pokebobbita#6698, Ralphnadersmom#9984, rehny21#0807, RevenantOmega#8006, Shinigo425#6298Shinigo425#6298, VanityDestroyer#4629
Pokemon GO Raids Middlesex Burlington MA Burlington Common GyradosRage#6904
Watertown EX Raids & Team Instinct Boston Waltham MA Waltham Common Bubbawashere#6128
Worcester POGo Worcester MA Worcester Common ProfessorTurquoise#2259, SPLlCING#1685, Transwrap9
Baltimore PoGo Raid Radio Baltimore MD Patterson Park Tsauced#5492, BrawlingBouse#8915
SWBMORECOPOGO Catonsville MD UMBC Mbvanek#1883
Howard County PoGo Columbia MD Ellicott City - Lot D WynautWobb - HoCo#6969 , Jemel2#5787, JVBnumber8#0376
MoCo Pokémon Go Gaithersburg MD RIO Lakefront LittleWorrier, Dragonmyst777
Hub City PoGo Hagerstown MD Hagerstown City Park tsegnartseht, brendankcarter, Sober
PG County PoGo Prince George's County MD Old Greenbelt Rubekin#6724, silentSilence6#9918, maianaise#9997
MoCo Pokémon Go Rockville MD Rockville Town Center (RTC) PhoenixCrystal7 Roadlesstaken/Alex
PoGO MD Eastern Shore Salisbury MD Salisbury University Shunned, ShadowBrady, NiceSpice
The Flip Side Savage MD Savage Mill FlipsAndGrips#4530
The Collective Westminster, Sykesville, Eldersburg MD Northeast Pdy969 Beryllium, Asrrin, Almondmoose
Augusta, ME POGO Augusta ME Augusta Center @robertowtvl \ Lvl 40#5256, COL3M1NOR
Pokemon Go 207 Bath ME Waterfront Waterfront
biddeford/Saco pokemon go Biddeford ME Biddeford Town Center chenzillah, eternalwyrm, WyomingBound, ylnosnac
Pokemon Go 207 Brunswick ME Bowdoin College mskeezix, GolBatman69
Pokemon Go 207 Farmington ME Farmington USM Campus austoner420, CaptianMystinct, Zionaesthetic
Pokemon Go L/A Lewiston/Auburn ME Bates College bosoxguy7, rockyrd5, StinkaStina, TheDee2530
Pokemon Go 207 Norway ME Norway Town Center ariesboy97, jekim1990, MDCCLXXV, payneareo, tangimr
Pokemon Go 207 Portland ME Monument Square CPASteve, OGStatus23, winfin17, RevisionTwelve, Rebel7284, OGstatus23, LumpusRex, traumsturm
Pokemon Go 207 Portland ME Post Office Park CPASteve, OGStatus23, winfin17, RevisionTwelve, Rebel7284, OGstatus23, LumpusRex, traumsturm, lilyofspurwink (Nancy)
Pokemon Go 207 Topsham ME GameStop GGKayPiccolo
Pokemon Go 207Waterville Waterville ME Colby College Campus KristinHolly, Chrispychris27 #4810
Pokemon Go NH and Southern Nashua Pokemon Go Hudson NH Benson's Farm TAnҜmⱥsterzero#8915, CharizardsRage(NH)#1728,Blazezing#0128, ElectroBlade#2469, frexxy#1030, acobuns, hoxau
Raiders of the Lost Hamps Littleton NH Main Street Nettle#2222
East Brunswick Pokemon Raid Club Collective East Brunswick NJ Great Oak Park Tiki#7073, Topbaconboyz#8887
Budd Lake Bot Hackettstown NJ First Presbyterian Church 298 Main St, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 oneofuspooped#8335
North Wilmington/ Claymont Raids Jackson NJ Six Flags Great Adventure DrachenFire#9691
Rutgers Pokemon Club New Brunswick/Piscataway NJ Johnson Park/Busch Campus nickorama23#5141
Pokemon Go Cape May/Wildwood Raids North Wildwood NJ 200A John F Kennedy Beach Dr, North Wildwood, NJ 08260 Gingerbeard609#2046
League of Legendary Raiders Passaic NJ Third Ward Park. Passaic Ave & Van Houten Ave, Passaic, NJ 07055 aipnai#2634
Bergen County PoGo Saddle Brook NJ Saddle River County Park Jeykid#5761, xeyroc13#9843
Secaucus NJ PokemonGo Secaucus NJ Albert P. Buchmuller Park domini212#3387
Somerset County Pokemon Go Somerville NJ Somerset County Court House Green Rebelpilot#2093
Raritan NJ Downtown Raritan - 53 W Somerset. Raritan, NJ 08869 Rebelpilot#2093
Hillsborough NJ Motgomery Veterans Park and Arboretum - Harlingen Rd, Belle Mead, NJ 08502 Rebelpilot#2093
Somerset NJ Somerset/Franklin Municipal Building - 475 Demott Ln, Somerset, NJ 08873 Rebelpilot#2093
Bound Brook NJ Billian Legion Park - 548 E Main St. Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Rebelpilot#2093
UticaAreaGo! New Hartford NY Sherill Brook Park crayfish#3378
607 Pokemon Go (Horsehead/Elmira) Elmira NY Eldridge Park ArmoredCookie (Ian M), ShinNinth (Jeff B) ㉝, ThePoptarticus1 (Jason K), KayNay1 , thatkidkozak(brentkozak)
Pokemon Raiders - Harlem New York NY Central Park South aka Grand Army Plaza area - 59th and 5th HeirofSlytherin#9747, Sm0keyKat#6704
Memelord and Gamers Hangout New York NY Fort Tryon Park Artist_Johnny26#6332
Pokemon Go NYC Community New York NY 5th Ave E 60 St, New York, NY, United States 10019 jcai63#9405, GMoneyJie#5160, Saoirse#7138
Pokemon Go New York New York NY Bryant Park BELUUU#6948, Sean3116#4601, RAINBOW GHASTLY#3675, Eevee Reborn#7436
Ithaca Pokemon Masters Ithaca NY Ithaca Commons dragoplateau#5430, PyrogenaseBarry#1041
Ken - Ton/CoT Pokemon Go Buffalo NY University of Buffalo North Campus at the Putnam Loop LadyLightning98#0202, Sugimori#3868, FinalAzure#8461
Co-Op City PoGo Raiders Bronx NY Rombouts Ave & Co-Op City Blvd labrava03#5018
NYC Instinct Squad [PoGO] Brooklyn NY Brooklyn Grand Army Plaza FireTheGoddess#2756,Kandy#1779, Leo#5498, Entaprize#4017, SweeezyCheeese#1927
PokemonHuntersUnited Albany NY NY Empire State Plaza efindl#9611
Syracuse PoGo Syracuse NY Onondaga Lake Park withasparkle#7756, SirenDT#8892
Oneonta NY Neahwa Park zzmmrmn#8929
LivCoPoGo Livonia NY Vitale Park at Conesus Lake Copyklown Greater
Binghamton Area Pokemon Go Binghamton NY Recreation Park OneSweetShannon#8072, JackHannah#4630
Pokemon Go Upstate NY Saratoga Springs NY Congress Park NinjaRage83#1898
Valley Pokemon Go Sayre PA Elmer Park Archer290#9112, dadalex16 (PA)#1339, MagicSword89#1376, Rayna (RaynaMikaelson)#1997, T-Brock09#7124, VoltageGP#2021
MontCo/ChesCo Regional PoGo! Audubon, Chesterbrook, Collegeville, Limerick, Oaks, Phoenixville, Royersford, Sayre, Trappe PA Water Works Park OrionNCody(Thau)#9023, scubafanatic(Maureen)[40/38]#1023
Valley Forge / N. Chester County Pokemon Go Chesterbrook PA Wilson Farm Park KayTV#8423, Eolian#0673, BluebellDad (Evan,40)#6653, MegaSPAM#6928
Pokemon Go Tioga Town Wellsboro State PA Wellsboro Park (The Green) VoltageGP#2021 WolvezRoze#2070
Pokemon Go Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA Market Square AJ_02#8826,Airalyn#8634,kasra#5035,melgood711#8588,ShiggihS#4724, StormFreak#4670
Pokemon Go Pittsburgh Moon PA Moon Park AllyTheKiller#8599, Exo#8840
Team: Firestorm PGH Monroeville PA Monroeville Park u/DelanaKatrella#6912, RhinoCity#6591
Pokemon Go Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA South Park Fitness Trail NOVAxDRAGON#4793
State College Pokemon Go State College PA Penn State University - Berkey Creamery Daisy#1432,Ocelot#3963,Audrey#6875, Madots115 -Dani-#2476, FearMeIAmLag#9953, izzygoat#9870, Guide TechiesGoBoom#9480
PokemonGoPhilly Philadelphia PA Washington Square & Independence Park (6th and Walnut Streets, 19106) ickyitis#8156, WangZorro#0079
Pokemon Go Berks, PA Redding PA Reading Public Museum humpstyles#5581, Professor Wynn#1176, Gonzumel#9429
Pokémon Go - Altoona, PA Altoona PA Penn State Altoona campus NHoover629#7531, chrissxe#9133, Gammacrushh#4242, RileyLynx#1166, Rob (Pokemonfan108)#5918
Pokémon Go - Altoona, PA Altoona PA Downtown Altoona near Silver Chief gym courtmundson#1603, slong5255#1967, BonnieWaltz623#9747, kamikazirunner#9449, Len (pseudogenius - 40)#8292
TSR RI Burriville RI Burriville town square Gazebo Debbie K.#4466
TSR Rhode Island East Greenwich RI Academy Field paradoxmuse
TSR Rhode Island Newport RI Queen Anne Square Baldguy, Liz Lemon#7082
TSR Rhode Island Pawtucket RI Slater Park V1073nc3#2641, cuttywow, GoRaichel, BHAZ401, GoldenSimurgh, Draist, NSmalley
TSR Rhode Island Providence RI Roger Williams Park MarcBerm
TSR RI Riverside RI 783 Bullocks Point Ave Mrspinkfl0yd#5926
Rhode Island Pokemon Go Westerly RI Wilcox Park SummerOtaku#6945
Pokemon Go VT Burlington VT Battery Park Aayrl#1888, Avocet#1761,CJ#0142,Reznora#5639, Bastinado#2233, donlaub#7504, Mindzeye82#2254, PkmnArchivist#2000
Pokemon Go VT Montpelier VT State Capital Building Green XplosiveR#0191
Pokemon Go VT Rutland VT Rutland Free Library Clammy#1983, Crabby#9915, Lobster_Classic#5058, Fritzeee#4358
PoGO D.U.A.L.S. Washington D.C. Smithsonian's National Zoo / Mall SarcasmSaves7#3840, Cass#5368, Chaz (asteadydecline) #8384
submitted by Kaiisen16 to SilphRoadNortheast [link] [comments]

December Community Day Across the Northeast

December Community Day Across the Northeast Looking for a local meet-up for the December 2019 Community Day? Check out the Silph League Map (( , and join a local server. Here are your local staff that will be distributing the limited time Silph Traveler Badges at each event. Be sure to set up your Traveler Card ( before attending your local meet-up.
>TIMELESS CUP: Be sure to check out the to find a Timeless Cup near you!
(Listings and meet-up days subject to change. Please reach out to listed Discord Staff for most current info.)
Server Name Town State Location Discord Staff
CT Raids Colchester CT Downtown Colchester skilty226#3252
CT Raids Ellington CT Arbor Park @Spark_07#1269
CT Raids Fairfield CT Fairfield Town Hall Bluecat313YT#4272
CT Raids Fairfield CT Fairfield Pequot Library tamrissa#2003
CT Raids Groton CT Wilcox Park, Westerly, RI Firedwarftj #6324, Kickinbeatz #2182, TristaAM(40) #8031, SummerOtaku#694, Firedwarftj #6324
CT Raids Guilford CT Guilford Green Shahailion#2405
CT Raids Hartford CT Bushnell Park NO STAFF
CT Raids Ledyard CT Foxwoods Resort and Casino (SATURDAY ONLY) ALAN#1455, IcyPinkLemonade#9069, Linz#9154, Mary Rose Julian 💙 40 🔩🚂#0714, YoungsterTrainer#6547
Pokemon Go Middletown Middletown CT "Plaque of Honor" 300 Washington Terrace, Middletown, CT dDope#1860, LAURAM00N#128
CT Raids New Britain CT Central Connect State University taytayswifty#1029
CT Raids New Britain CT Walnut Hill Park SinisterReaper#0831, MysticRubyChef#2709
CT Raids Newtown CT Newtown Skate Park Isochrona#2749
CT Raids North Haven CT North Haven Green precisely3#2278
CT Raids Norwalk CT Maritime Center CorgiFluff#6710, ❄ Konstantinos ❄#8888, nyudiana#7416, valkyreya#6399, Vincent Drake#3952
CT Raids Old Wethersfield CT Main St. / Broad St. IcyPinkLemonade#9069 (SUNDAY ONLY)
CT Raids Simsbury CT Rotary Park eggs06#7718, je6105#5190, PokeDVM#6351
Stamford Raid Family Stamford CT Mill River Park Jcoona#3371, Jackrack#3720, raiderkat#3373
CT Raids Storrs CT Student Union Linz#9154 (SUNDAY ONLY), pop2-0#8427, VI#2482
Enfield-Suffield Trainers League Suffield CT Suffield Center LGTTurbo07#0716, jayarr#9832, MSundin40#1793
CT Raids Vernon/Rockville CT Downtown Rockville nikict154#7763, Erin_07#1269
CT Raids West Hartford CT Westfarms Mall GMuggle#5877
Pogo Delmarva Dover DE Dover DougieSD#8604, WMWA#9562
Pogo Delmarva Milford DE Milford BigBlack1969#2541, Fleshknight#8870, Gunarkfc#8038, jp02845#7105, Kato Ryozo#7248, killerduck1967#3256
Pogo Delmarva New Castle DE Battery Park Xenoflame#1194
Pogo Delmarva Seaford DE Seaford deadlyviper457#1849, JenniferT181#2270, Sirleviscott#1929, HollyNIN#9786, bricklife240#4438
Pogo Delmarva Wilmington DE Brandwine Park DrachenFire#9691
Team Instinct Boston, Valor of Boston, Boston Mystics and MARaids Boston MA Boston Public Garden/Commons cizzlee#9256, chickydoll80#0561, Dragonz Rage#7838, ElectroBlade#2469, GL#7719, manupr☃g⚡#3978, Drew#7383, Giveittome95#3330, mxawng#8480 , Orez#3131, Pokebobbita#6698, Ralphnadersmom#9984, rehny21#0807, RevenantOmega#8006, Shinigo425#6298Shinigo425#6298, VanityDestroyer#4629
Pokemon GO Raids Middlesex Burlington MA Burlington Common GyradosRage#6904
Watertown EX Raids & Team Instinct Boston Waltham MA Waltham Common Bubbawashere#6128
Worcester POGo Worcester MA Worcester Common ProfessorTurquoise#2259, SPLlCING#1685, Transwrap9
Baltimore PoGo Raid Radio Baltimore MD Patterson Park Tsauced#5492, BrawlingBouse#8915
SWBMORECOPOGO Catonsville MD UMBC Mbvanek#1883
Howard County PoGo Columbia MD Ellicott City - Lot D WynautWobb - HoCo#6969 , Jemel2#5787, JVBnumber8#0376
MoCo Pokémon Go Gaithersburg MD RIO Lakefront LittleWorrier, Dragonmyst777
Hub City PoGo Hagerstown MD Hagerstown City Park tsegnartseht, brendankcarter, Sober
PG County PoGo Prince George's County MD Old Greenbelt Rubekin#6724, silentSilence6#9918, maianaise#9997
MoCo Pokémon Go Rockville MD Rockville Town Center (RTC) PhoenixCrystal7 Roadlesstaken/Alex
PoGO MD Eastern Shore Salisbury MD Salisbury University Shunned, ShadowBrady, NiceSpice
The Flip Side Savage MD Savage Mill FlipsAndGrips#4530
The Collective Westminster, Sykesville, Eldersburg MD Northeast Pdy969 Beryllium, Asrrin, Almondmoose
Augusta, ME POGO Augusta ME Augusta Center @robertowtvl \ Lvl 40#5256, COL3M1NOR
Pokemon Go 207 Bath ME Waterfront Waterfront
biddeford/Saco pokemon go Biddeford ME Biddeford Town Center chenzillah, eternalwyrm, WyomingBound, ylnosnac
Pokemon Go 207 Brunswick ME Bowdoin College mskeezix, GolBatman69
Pokemon Go 207 Farmington ME Farmington USM Campus austoner420, CaptianMystinct, Zionaesthetic
Pokemon Go L/A Lewiston/Auburn ME Bates College bosoxguy7, rockyrd5, StinkaStina, TheDee2530
Pokemon Go 207 Norway ME Norway Town Center ariesboy97, jekim1990, MDCCLXXV, payneareo, tangimr
Pokemon Go 207 Portland ME Monument Square CPASteve, OGStatus23, winfin17, RevisionTwelve, Rebel7284, OGstatus23, LumpusRex, traumsturm
Pokemon Go 207 Portland ME Post Office Park CPASteve, OGStatus23, winfin17, RevisionTwelve, Rebel7284, OGstatus23, LumpusRex, traumsturm, lilyofspurwink (Nancy)
Pokemon Go 207 Topsham ME GameStop GGKayPiccolo
Pokemon Go 207Waterville Waterville ME Colby College Campus KristinHolly, Chrispychris27 #4810
Pokemon Go NH and Southern Nashua Pokemon Go Hudson NH Benson's Farm TAnҜmⱥsterzero#8915, CharizardsRage(NH)#1728,Blazezing#0128, ElectroBlade#2469, frexxy#1030, acobuns, hoxau
Raiders of the Lost Hamps Littleton NH Main Street Nettle#2222
East Brunswick Pokemon Raid Club Collective East Brunswick NJ Great Oak Park Tiki#7073, Topbaconboyz#8887
Budd Lake Bot Hackettstown NJ First Presbyterian Church 298 Main St, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 oneofuspooped#8335
North Wilmington/ Claymont Raids Jackson NJ Six Flags Great Adventure DrachenFire#9691
Rutgers Pokemon Club New Brunswick/Piscataway NJ Johnson Park/Busch Campus nickorama23#5141
Pokemon Go Cape May/Wildwood Raids North Wildwood NJ 200A John F Kennedy Beach Dr, North Wildwood, NJ 08260 Gingerbeard609#2046
League of Legendary Raiders Passaic NJ Third Ward Park. Passaic Ave & Van Houten Ave, Passaic, NJ 07055 aipnai#2634
Bergen County PoGo Saddle Brook NJ Saddle River County Park Jeykid#5761, xeyroc13#9843
Secaucus NJ PokemonGo Secaucus NJ Albert P. Buchmuller Park domini212#3387
Somerset County Pokemon Go Somerville NJ Somerset County Court House Green Rebelpilot#2093
Raritan NJ Downtown Raritan - 53 W Somerset. Raritan, NJ 08869 Rebelpilot#2093
Hillsborough NJ Motgomery Veterans Park and Arboretum - Harlingen Rd, Belle Mead, NJ 08502 Rebelpilot#2093
Somerset NJ Somerset/Franklin Municipal Building - 475 Demott Ln, Somerset, NJ 08873 Rebelpilot#2093
Bound Brook NJ Billian Legion Park - 548 E Main St. Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Rebelpilot#2093
UticaAreaGo! New Hartford NY Sherill Brook Park crayfish#3378
607 Pokemon Go (Horsehead/Elmira) Elmira NY Eldridge Park ArmoredCookie (Ian M), ShinNinth (Jeff B) ㉝, ThePoptarticus1 (Jason K), KayNay1 , thatkidkozak(brentkozak)
Pokemon Raiders - Harlem New York NY Central Park South aka Grand Army Plaza area - 59th and 5th HeirofSlytherin#9747, Sm0keyKat#6704
Memelord and Gamers Hangout New York NY Fort Tryon Park Artist_Johnny26#6332
Pokemon Go NYC Community New York NY 5th Ave E 60 St, New York, NY, United States 10019 jcai63#9405, GMoneyJie#5160, Saoirse#7138
Pokemon Go New York New York NY Bryant Park BELUUU#6948, Sean3116#4601, RAINBOW GHASTLY#3675, Eevee Reborn#7436
Ithaca Pokemon Masters Ithaca NY Ithaca Commons dragoplateau#5430, PyrogenaseBarry#1041
Ken - Ton/CoT Pokemon Go Buffalo NY University of Buffalo North Campus at the Putnam Loop LadyLightning98#0202, Sugimori#3868, FinalAzure#8461
Co-Op City PoGo Raiders Bronx NY Rombouts Ave & Co-Op City Blvd labrava03#5018
NYC Instinct Squad [PoGO] Brooklyn NY Brooklyn Grand Army Plaza FireTheGoddess#2756,Kandy#1779, Leo#5498, Entaprize#4017, SweeezyCheeese#1927
PokemonHuntersUnited Albany NY NY Empire State Plaza efindl#9611
Syracuse PoGo Syracuse NY Onondaga Lake Park withasparkle#7756, SirenDT#8892
Oneonta NY Neahwa Park zzmmrmn#8929
LivCoPoGo Livonia NY Vitale Park at Conesus Lake Copyklown Greater
Binghamton Area Pokemon Go Binghamton NY Recreation Park OneSweetShannon#8072, JackHannah#4630
Pokemon Go Upstate NY Saratoga Springs NY Congress Park NinjaRage83#1898
Valley Pokemon Go Sayre PA Elmer Park Archer290#9112, dadalex16 (PA)#1339, MagicSword89#1376, Rayna (RaynaMikaelson)#1997, T-Brock09#7124, VoltageGP#2021
MontCo/ChesCo Regional PoGo! Audubon, Chesterbrook, Collegeville, Limerick, Oaks, Phoenixville, Royersford, Sayre, Trappe PA Water Works Park OrionNCody(Thau)#9023, scubafanatic(Maureen)[40/38]#1023
Valley Forge / N. Chester County Pokemon Go Chesterbrook PA Wilson Farm Park KayTV#8423, Eolian#0673, BluebellDad (Evan,40)#6653, MegaSPAM#6928
Pokemon Go Tioga Town Wellsboro State PA Wellsboro Park (The Green) VoltageGP#2021 WolvezRoze#2070
Pokemon Go Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA Market Square AJ_02#8826,Airalyn#8634,kasra#5035,melgood711#8588,ShiggihS#4724, StormFreak#4670
Pokemon Go Pittsburgh Moon PA Moon Park AllyTheKiller#8599, Exo#8840
Team: Firestorm PGH Monroeville PA Monroeville Park u/DelanaKatrella#6912, RhinoCity#6591
Pokemon Go Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA South Park Fitness Trail NOVAxDRAGON#4793
State College Pokemon Go State College PA Penn State University - Berkey Creamery Daisy#1432,Ocelot#3963,Audrey#6875, Madots115 -Dani-#2476, FearMeIAmLag#9953, izzygoat#9870, Guide TechiesGoBoom#9480
PokemonGoPhilly Philadelphia PA Washington Square & Independence Park (6th and Walnut Streets, 19106) ickyitis#8156, WangZorro#0079
Pokemon Go Berks, PA Redding PA Reading Public Museum humpstyles#5581, Professor Wynn#1176, Gonzumel#9429
Pokémon Go - Altoona, PA Altoona PA Penn State Altoona campus NHoover629#7531, chrissxe#9133, Gammacrushh#4242, RileyLynx#1166, Rob (Pokemonfan108)#5918
Pokémon Go - Altoona, PA Altoona PA Downtown Altoona near Silver Chief gym courtmundson#1603, slong5255#1967, BonnieWaltz623#9747, kamikazirunner#9449, Len (pseudogenius - 40)#8292
TSR RI Burriville RI Burriville town square Gazebo Debbie K.#4466
TSR Rhode Island East Greenwich RI Academy Field paradoxmuse
TSR Rhode Island Newport RI Queen Anne Square Baldguy, Liz Lemon#7082
TSR Rhode Island Pawtucket RI Slater Park V1073nc3#2641, cuttywow, GoRaichel, BHAZ401, GoldenSimurgh, Draist, NSmalley
TSR Rhode Island Providence RI Roger Williams Park MarcBerm
TSR RI Riverside RI 783 Bullocks Point Ave Mrspinkfl0yd#5926
Rhode Island Pokemon Go Westerly RI Wilcox Park SummerOtaku#6945
Pokemon Go VT Burlington VT Battery Park Aayrl#1888, Avocet#1761,CJ#0142,Reznora#5639, Bastinado#2233, donlaub#7504, Mindzeye82#2254, PkmnArchivist#2000
Pokemon Go VT Montpelier VT State Capital Building Green XplosiveR#0191
Pokemon Go VT Rutland VT Rutland Free Library Clammy#1983, Crabby#9915, Lobster_Classic#5058, Fritzeee#4358
PoGO D.U.A.L.S. Washington D.C. Smithsonian's National Zoo / Mall SarcasmSaves7#3840, Cass#5368, Chaz (asteadydecline) #8384
submitted by Kaiisen16 to SilphRoadNortheast [link] [comments]

What Do You Think Happened to MN's Martise Windom in 2015?

Long-time reader of this thread, first time poster, so sorry that I'm unsure how to hyperlink news articles, etc.
Martise Windom went missing on November 7, 2015 after leaving his home in Savage, Minnesota (presumably on foot to go for an afternoon run). I live nearby, and Savage is an incredibly safe community overall. It's an affluent, populated suburb of Minneapolis with great schools, lots of neighborhoods, and popular nearby activities/locations like Valley Fair Amusement Park and the Mystic Lake Casino. The only "bad" thing that's happened in Savage in recent memory is one case of a Craigslist killer (the murder of Katherine Ann Olson), which shook the community due to its randomness. Despite the safety and general business of Savage, nobody ever heard from or saw Martise again.
Four months later, Martise Windom's body was found in a pond behind the local Target store. Even at that time, news rarely touched on his case, which is odd considering its location, the strange and seemingly safe circumstances, and his job as a youth sports coach/his two young sons. The medical examiner determined Martise Windom died of drowning, and nothing else was really ever said. For me, that's where the mystery deepens. How did Martise end up in a pond less than one mile from his home, behind a popular store and near residential streets, and yet nobody saw him struggling? Did someone else contribute to his death? Was it a strange accident? What do you think?
submitted by _KaseyRae_ to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

[Lets Build] Gods and Goddesses

Welcome to the 22nd [Lets Build!]
TOPIC: Gods and Goddesses Requested by: u/MysticMeow and u/SheogorathGaming
Die Roll Result
1 The Allfather - Ruler of the gods and creator of humans and other races.
2 Război - One of two gods of war. Although often seen as bloodthirsty, he actually hates war. He encourages brutality so that people will fear war and try to avoid it.
3 Erou - One of two gods of war. Generally the more worshipped of the two, being seen as the goddess of honorable war. Loves the thrill of battle and she appreciates it most when her worshippers fight battles in her name.
4 Nälij - Goddess of knowledge. Legend says she lives in an eternal archive with the knowledge of all that does, has, or will exist.
5 Rymat Samiar - Demigod of bridges, ferryboats, and fjords. Samiar was born a mortal who later achieved great renown for his swordplay, trickery, and legendary ability to escape from the most secure prisons in the multiverse. His most famous exploit was escaping from the afterlife by transforming into a frog and swimming back across the Stream of Life. He tricked the Servitor of Death sent to retrieve him to make a bargain that he would protect others from mishaps when fording the Stream if he could remain free. Now he is invoked by those wishing a safe crossing across rivers and streams. He usually appears as a rapier-wielding bipedal frog.
6 Ismaros - God of stalking. The hooded figure looks a bit like the grim reaper, but without being a skeleton. He is not very popular, but he is always there, always watching everyone and everything. If you wish to make a deal with him for information, it will come at a great price.
7 Edrun-Of-Far-Places - God of the unknown and the wanderer, dressed in a traveler's cloak patterned with stars. He has no realm in the Astral Plane and instead is believed to wander the mortal realm.
8 Talichtoli - God of Murder, justified or unjustified. Talichtoli's symbol is a simple bone knife, and they gives their aid to any who truly wants someone dead.
9 Pocaba, Lady of Islands - Goddess of sailors, fishermen and any who lives away from the mainland.
10 Hornfels - Dwarven god of home and hearth. It is common for members of any faith to keep a statue of Hornfels on the mantle. This god demands no worship, no tradition. Warming yourself by his protected hearth or eating food cooked at his hearth offers a kind of boon over the years. A request for home and safety can be made. Locate an outcrop of rock and, using soot from a campfire, draw a door-frame on the stone or boulder. The door-handle is drawn with a special rune. If done correctly and by the right person the door will materialize and a hearth and bed will be waiting inside the stone.
11 Fýsi - Goddess of the reclaiming wilds. When disaster strikes a town and buildings or lives are lost, that is the work of Fýsi, she takes back the man-made. Followers of Fýsi are nomadic and travel between villages on the outskirts of the wilds. Followers of Fýsi are not so much protected by her, or sent by her for specific bidding, but rather understand that Fýsi will act and it is a question of disaster, or a safe offering. They understand that Fýsi acts to protect nature and her disasters are akin to the lashing out of a scared animal, when her home is encroached by mankind. Followers are often offered respite in abandoned buildings in the village. Often, disaster can be warded off when followers arrive at the village and suggest safe homes and objects to offer to nature, so that disaster can be averted. Rangers and hunters will seek out these followers for blessing to avoid animal attacks and other dangers of the wild. A common ward is a packet of seeds kept in a cloth pouch with dry earth from their village. As long as the traveler keeps the soil dry, they will be safe.
12 Calais - God of vigilance and domesticity. Domain: Life/Light Calais is not the most powerful or well-known god, but among the pantheons he is the most well-loved. Keeper of homesteads and of vigils he comforts the wives whose husbands have gone off to war and keeps hope alive in the hearts of men who are in far off and possibly dark places. Although his representation among clergy has diminished over time, he keeps the hearth alive and warm for all mankind.
13 Noklaji - The Construction god, representing the expansion of cities and towns. This gnomish god is a deep gray all over and always carries a wooden plank with a nail in it as his weapon. Protects buildings and the people inside.
14 Vigo - Faceless Prince, Master of Lies, Patron God of Actors and Charlatans. Shapeshifter, Facechanger, the Great Mimic. Has no temples but a yearly festival where a parade of masked worshippers marches through cities. His holy symbol is a plain gold coin with two eyeholes, but any mask can be used to depict him.
15 The Crone - Goddess of Mists, Magic and Prophecy. Worshipped primarily by the river halfling nomads, she is a little known deity and very mysterious. It is said these Halflings read the cards each morning to determine her will for them, and that her chosen on this earth (often an elderly female seer), is imparted with some of her divine manifestation.
16 Samuqan - God of the Desert, Sun and Stars. He is known as a god of little mercy because of what he did to the land, but also as a guide for people, using the stars to help travellers find their way and tell their history.
17 Sangasu - God of Storms, known as a destructive force of nature, but necessary for renewal. It is believed he kidnapped [Goddess] and forced her to help him make monsters.
18 Naphistim - God of the Sea and Sand, people worship him when they need to travel through harsh and unforgiving places. They often give thanks to him by way of sacrifice as a reminder of their mortality, but also their strength.
19 Mezizi - God of Time and Death. All things turn to dust and sand, many are burnt in funeral pyres to honour him as it is he who allows life even in the harsh climes of the deserts and wastes.
20 Lugalme - Goddess of War and Fire. This goddess is the heat of passion and bloodlust, embodied literally as fire, she is prayed to in times of tragedy but also renewal, consummation and of course, before war.
21 Amarazen - God of Protection and Life, she is said to be the one that guided [city’s founder] to the oasis that made [Desert city] possible. Those who anger her are given visions of water that isn't real. Most claim her essence rests in the oasis and so the largest temple belongs to to her as she allowed them to live at the oasis’ side. Thus all who wish to take from the waters must pay tithes to the temple. She is secretly the goddess of secrets and sacred knowledge.
22 Elutil - Goddess of Monsters, Madness and Evil. Often depicted as an elderly woman, Elutil is cursed and hated by the people as the mother of Hags. Thought to have created most of the monsters in the world, it is hate and fear that strengthens her.
23 Delondra - Goddess of Woe and False hope, but at the centre of her machinations is the promise of something greater. She is a fickle Goddess, known to test mortals, sometimes out of sadistic humor and sometimes from a desire to help. She is also a Goddess of Hope and Risk.
24 Toitel - God of Travel, Wandering and Beasts. It is said he walks the world and has no domain other than where he stops to rest each night. He carries a shell on his back that looks like a rock to hide from people. Those who find him, he blesses with luck.
25 Caileon Le Corre - God of Protection, Music and Joy. He was sad to be a human who saved thousands from disaster and so was worshipped by them. He is depicted with a ring of swords and a lute. In times of revelry, some say they can hear his voice, keeping the party alive.
26 Prophet of Harvest - All who wish for a plenty to befall them pray. A god of Hunting, Harvest, Wellness, Livestock and Famine A skeleton god, with a complete digestive system, the ribcage being filled by a beehive. Offerings are made with fresh meat, honey and pommegranites.
27 Michizane - patron god of learning. Often students will pray or provide offering ahead of a major exam. He is known to be fond of poetry, plums and oxen. Legend tells of the time a nobleman closed down a library, to expand his palace. Misfortune had befallen the nobleman and his family, until they reopened the library and built a shrine in his honor. His holy symbol resembles a plum tree.
28 Molac - God of Flame, Red Dawn, Flame Tyrant. The god of the primal wild nature of fire. He represents chaos, and that is passionate (love, art, war. etc...). He appears as a being made from flame bearing a mask made of blackened wood. He represents things that are all consuming and destructive.
29 Tempsdule: God of time - Born out of the fragmentation of Relatitus, former Deity of The Singularity, Temspdule lives in a temple on the Moon, guarding and manipulating the Universal Hourglass, that controls all time in the Multiverse.
30 Metria - Goddess of space - Also born from Relatitus, Metria dwells on a mile-high tower on the Sun, which she moves and protects, using it to coordinate the movement of the planes.
31 Decepscher - God of illusion - Worshipped by illusion mages, Decepscher is often depicted as an artist, using a canvas and paint to shape the perception of reality. It's said he lives in a personal semi-plane, where all normal concepts of space and time are irrelevant.
32 Aveli - Deity of birds - Once a majestic winged creature that soared through the skies of the old world, it created all the bird species, and sacrificed it's own flying abilities in favor of it's creation. Penguins and emus are a question Aveli refuses to answer it's followers.
33 Falkorta - Goddess of luck - Ironically, she's worshipped by strategists and leaders, who believe chance plays a huge role in any important event. She decides who to give her blessings, and does so to anyone, just to make it look like she's neutral, even though she prefers to bring luck to those who never give up. Usually takes the form of a small pink dragon.
34 Icholese - The Lady of the Lake, the Teal Stream. Godess of lakes, rivers, and all inland waters. She protects the health of her people by granting them pure water and healings. She can take the form of a great predatory fish or a willow. Her fidels often throw offerings in ponds and ritualistically drown sacrifices
35 Doran - The God of the Forge. He is a Dwarf with a mighty hammer in hand and towers even Orcs in size. It is said that the unique weapons that Dwarves use come from Doran telling them how to make it when they sleep. These same legends say the weapons are to have a greater purpose in the future against an unknown enemy.
36 Bob - God of the mundane.
37 Peolai - Goddess of luck. Big on irony, she tends to make life chaotic for those people most staunchly committed to our ability to control our own destiny. On the other hand, for those who rely upon luck and appease her, their good fortune becomes almost predictable.
38 Lelia - One of the twin druid gods, Lelia is the opposite of Vadaszat. Called the Mother of Nature, the owl-headed goddess represents life and balance in nature. She and Vadaszat select a shared mortal champion from among their druids, called the Skinwalker.
39 Vadaszat - The second of the twin druid gods, Vadaszat the Huntmaster is the brutality and ruthlessness of nature made manifest. Appearing as a man with a deer head, he stalks the world's forests at night hunting prey for sport.
40 Aussiria - Goddess to Kobolds, Dragonborn, and other races with draconic heritage. It is said she was born a pure white color, and emanated a powerful good aura unlike her brothers and sisters. Unlike other chromatic dragons, she values kindness and well being over power and hatred. Draconic societies that worship her are therefore very welcoming with their hospitality to outsiders, though they are not against using claw and breath to maintain the sanctity of their homes.
41 God of the Forgotten - you know how sometimes you wash your laundry and sometimes you end up missing a few socks? They're his now. Orphanages hold a special place in his heart, and any legends, stories, or prophecies lost to time are his to know.
42 God of Belief - If an "AllFather" or "God of Creation", or "King of Gods" had an origin story, it would be because of this god. Following through on superstitions (like knocking on wood, or throwing salt over your left shoulder) is worship to him, and as this God is of Belief, he is able to create new Gods--which may or may not be properly thankful for their creation (e.g. "Oh hero, it is because of your belief that I am alive! Here is a boon."). His true form cannot be seen by anyone, as anyone who sees him sees what they believe he looks like.
43 Goddess of Choices - Much like her sister the Goddess of Luck, this goddess is more on the "cosmic" scale of things. Able to see other outcomes for different choices--and depending on the outcome of the choice and whether or not you are in her favor, she may let you choose the more fortunate path. Alternatively, if you piss her off, she may send you down the more destructive path--even if it seemingly looks like the best path, at the moment. She is fond of games that require logic or math.
44 Goddess of Elements - not just of water, nor solely of fire, air, or earth--and certainly not "mother nature". "Element" golems worship her, as it is she who grants them life. She has a particular fondness of fire and lava--or, really, any of the "heated" elements. Being a high priest in her temple means remaining virginal--she rewards loyalty with immunities.
45 The Gray God - A solitary genderless god, half pure evil and half pure good, both sides are eternally in pain from the others' existence. Worship at their feet means relief of pain from it's existence, and with relief brings information that Good can use against Evil--as well as information Evil can use against good (both pieces of information are given at the same time to the one worshiping). Also could be considered a god of wealth, the Gray God also finds pain relief in donations of silver coins (melted in sacrifice). The larger the donation, the more your alignment slides towards True Neutral.
46 Goddess of the Gift - any time something is given selflessly, or out of good will to another is worship to her. Fun fact: any version of "Santa Claus" on any version of reality is her champion. Usually "appears" to those who have great potential but are in dire straits--she isn't ever actually seen, mind you, but something draws her target to whatever gift she's left behind. Typically, her gift is contextual in nature.
47 The Write/ReWrite God - authors/bards pray to him, their worship is books/songs, his temples are libraries/music halls. This god looks like... well, like a shut-in middle-aged male with a pencil on his ear, glasses down his nose, and rumpled up dark-brown hair with silver streaks on either side. If your adventure, your quest, whatever mission you're on, is not going well... you pray to this god, and hope he doesn't find your story exciting. If your downturn of events makes for a good book, he will ignore you, and may even possibly send more challenges your way; but if you seem unjustly getting the wrong end of the stick (so to speak), he will erase what's happened, and re-write it so you come out better.
48 Spencer - God of storytelling and beards.
49 Vance - the god of deceit, mischief, and insanity. Represented by a smiling gray mask. He blesses those who worship him with insanity and power. On the occasion that he comes to the material world, or a follower gains his spirit, he tends to go to casinos and bet everything he has on him. When losing, he burns the place to the ground. He is known to take any bet, whatever the chances.
50 Judrod - Goddess of lost causes. Taking the form of a brief spark of light, this goddess is known to appear when all seems lost. A flash in the eyes of a sickly child just before a miraculous recovery, a glint off a rock that momentarily blinds an executioner, a meteor in the sky that leads a starving man out of the forest: all these are manifestations of her brief favor. Impossible to prove from mere coincidence, her boons are nonetheless real.
51 Paxe - the god of peaceful passings. Taking the form of a kindly stranger, this god will appear at the side of those dying in pain or in fear and will comfort them until they claimed by Death. Paxe will grant blessings on those that nurse the sick or comfort the troubled. Necromancers and torturers earn the god's wrath, as Paxe will reveal in harsh detail to them how they will die.
52 Fortuna - goddess of luck and gambling that celebrates fair play. She will never alter the outcome of a game of chance, but will often grant boons to those that willingly risk everything. Appearing as a smiling beauty with fire red hair, she might gift a gracious loser at a casino with a priceless ruby or a winner at a card game with a passionate kiss. Those that cheat at games of chance, though, earn her wrath and instead see her moments before meeting a grusome end in a random accident.
53 Azuiar - Secret god of preservation. On the surface, Azuiar is a god of evil, the proverbial devil on your shoulder convincing you to do bad things. In reality he chose to adopt the mantle of the evil god out of fear that the world was changing too drastically toward good. Azuiar is the god of all who wish to corrupt and do evil for its own sake.
54 Entaros - God of the Soil- A massive giant ridden with dirt, grass, and plant life. Many say he is made of stone himself, with a heart of diamond. Legend has it, the most rich soil is that which clings to his back, and that those who worship him will be granted with the ability to grow all plants in any location. He rests in the earth, appearing to be a huge overgrown mountain. Many druids and those who respect nature are his followers.
55 **Knaben: God of archeologists and ruins, he guides those who seek lost knowledge. Mostly invoked to protect graves and monuments from grave robbers, buildings blessed by him are immune to the wear of the elements, at least until someone recovers their secrets.
56 Ub'took - God of Aliens: A disliked loner of a god that has taken an interest in mindflayers, beholders, and other aberrant creatures. Most aberrations stick don't worship him or even acknowledge his existence but Ub'took does have a small following. He is also a patron of all mortals who study alien lore and magic.
57 Nurggle - God of the unclean. Nurggle thrives on the rot and decay of all things as he and his followers see it being the common denominator of everything. Nurggles avatar is the form of a Giant/Orc hybrid with the broken antlers of an elk. He wishes for the decay of not just physical entities but also society, love/purity in relationships, and advancement. His followers often douse townsfolk with their chamberpots and exhume corpses in the name of Nurggle. Nurggle only appears to mortals when they have destroyed or desecrated something of great sentimental worth, when he reveals himself he will complete one task for a mortal so long as it is vile and distasteful. No Lawful or good alignments would worship this deity.
58 Mamcho - Humanoid woman, solid gold eyes, long curly hair, light brown skin, radiates a warm light. Dressed in white robes. Goddess of hospitals, harvests, the home, and family. Patron goddess of parents, doctors, and patrolmen. Described as being very warm and friendly. Symbol: The shield, can be found carved into the cornerstones of fortresses and above the entrances of homes.
59 Masnach - Humanoid man, jet black skin with piercing blue eyes. Dressed in rags and carrying a shepherd's staff. God of travel, shipping, and trade. Ship launchings involve a prayer to Masnach. Patron god of sailors, pilgrims, and the lost. Associated with lambs and sheep. Most likely to visit mortals. Described as kind, quiet. Symbol: The face of a lamb, can be found on all coins.
60 Nador - A very large black owl with eyes like spotlights. God of dreams, science, investigation, research, and above all else: the truth. Patron god of wizards, teachers, detectives, and fortune tellers. Associated with books and learning. Often appears in dreams. Never speaks. Symbol: The eye, can be found at most libraries. “None can hide from the eye of Nador”
61 Rhyfedel - A giant skeleton covered in black resin, the skull above the mouth and jaw is a large brain. God of madness, manipulation, and torment. Patron god of none. Very rarely seen, supposedly he never stops screaming. Symbol: His own face.
62 Yunni - Genderless humanoid, described as a bald monk dressed in orange robes with 8 arms. Its body appears to be made of pure white light and it speaks in thousands of voices at once. God of balance, control, and grace. Patron god of martial artists, sculptors, and dancers. Associated with fire and lightning. Appears only to those who reach true inner harmony, tends to be very direct but patient. Symbol: The scales.
63 Gwallus - Has never been seen or heard. God of lies, conspiracy, and secrets. Patron god of spies and saboteurs. Natural enemy of Nador. Symbol: A circle with three dots in the middle.
64 Perthor - A semi-humanoid man in ragged clothes and a wide-brimmed hat. 17 feet tall and extremely thin, his body appears to be made of very old wood and he is covered in moss and other plant life. His head is a ball of shadows with two glowing yellow eyes. God of life, death and the natural order, patron to all druids and enemy of all necromancers. He is totally unwavering and infalible, acting as gatekeeper to the underworld and as a symbol of the inevitability and finality of death. He has appeared exactly 3 times, each time rising from the ground, grabbing a mighty necromancer by the throat and dragging them to the underworld. Symbol: A metal gate. “None shall pass.”
65 Yera - A giant white stag, may sometimes take the form of a human. God of change, the seasons, and time. Patron god of farmers and animals. Rarely seen. Symbol: The stag.
66 Pydros - the patron god of oaths and of friendship - Pydros is often thought to be the defining link between the gods and mortals for the basis of worship of any gods. Pydros is prayed to before every legal hearing in the land, and between those who share a close bond friendship and honor.
67 Araknev - scorpion god of darkness, trickery and deceit. Araknev is an ageless alien entity drawn by great shifts in power or promising evil presences in the multiverse. He is charismatic and manipulative, and seeks to shape all reality in his fiendish, twisted image. His followers turn on their former allied overnight, betraying their way to power and wealth.
68 Israfiel - God of Angels. A former Solar, Israfiel generated enough of a following on his own to be revered as a god among angels. While not particularly well-known on the material plane, Israfiel's domains include the upper planes and ascension, making him the patron of those who wish to serve in the heavens when they die. He is a paragon of lawful good to such an extent that he's seen by those that know him as a metaphysical constant that helps define what it means to be 'good'.
69 Jack - God of Deals. 'Jack' goes by many names to many different people but most often introduces himself as 'Jack' to people meeting him for the first time. While he is a devil god of immense power, Jack is bound by only being able to effect what others allow him to. He authors and abides by countless deals and contracts with mortals in order to spread his influence and power and open up more avenues to actually exert his strength. For a devil, he is surprisingly open about his motives and speaks plainly about what he offers to others and why. He appears to mortals as an unassuming-looking human or elven man wearing impeccable clothing and is courteous, often greeting people with the line, "Pleased to meet you," and describing himself as, "A man of wealth and taste." Lawful evil.
70 Myshta - God of X Forest. A lesser god, not even truly considered one by some scholars, Myshta is a god whose domain is local to and entirely contained within a single forest. Within her forest, she is an intellectus (localized omniscience) and can see, hear and understand that state of anything that calls her forest home. She wills her forest to grow and spread and doesn't take issue with creatures living within her forest but can be aggressive and vengeful towards those who threaten the lives of the plants and creatures that make up her domain. True neutral.
71 Sedyne - God of Brawlers. An ascended mortal of ages past, Sedyne was well-known for being a remarkable fighter long before her ascension to godhood. Now she encourages aggression, violence and combativeness among her followers. She is that patron that pit fighters and brawlers will pray to for the stamina to go one more round or the strength to deliver a debilitating blow. Chaotic, impartial to good/evil.
72 Audalma - The Coming Dusk: Goddess of the Setting Sun - Audalma is the third aspect of the Cycle of Night and Day. Garbed in thick cloaks made from the subtle colors of sunset, she embodies the spirit of closure and change; a belief that something's end is what gives it meaning, and that with every end there is a new beginning. As the The Coming Dusk, Auphaela has a silver-gray bun that glimmers with various reds, pinks, and oranges, and a quiet smile perpetually on her elderly face. She is comforting and accepting while also being nostalgic and wistful, always advising due consideration and reflection in nearly all situations, which can make her seem indifferently removed when dealing with other gods or even mortals. Followers of The Coming Dusk are much like the aspect herself in their contemplative attitude and behavior, and often Seek fulfillment through change and repeated meditation. The Coming Dusk is prayed to whenever someone is going through a change or reaching a conclusion to something meaningful, whether it is a way of life, a relationship, or something else that is comparably meaningful. Those who worship this aspect find themselves more tranquil and clear minded when going through tough transitions or experiences, and those that dedicate themselves entirely to it have the possibility of being able to channel her divine powers of finality and change.
73 Augelva, The Hidden Pinnacle - Goddess of the Midnight Sun - Augelva is the fourth and final aspect of the Cycle of Night and Day. Garbed in a veils made from the velevet inky darkness of midnight, she embodies the spirit of improvement and drive; a belief that there is always room to improve, no matter the presence or absence of adversity. As the The Hidden Pinnacle, Augelva has brilliant white braids specked with blonde spots resembling stars, and a determined smirk perpetually on her mature face. She is persistent, focused, and motivating, always advocating for improvement and the chance to better oneself in nearly any situation, which can lead to her appearing unrelentingly single minded when dealing with other gods or even mortals. Followers of The Hidden Pinnacle are much like the aspect herself in their ambitious attitude and behavior, and consistently seek to make a name for themselves in whatever they decide to do. The Hidden Pinnacle is prayed to whenever someone is attempting to improve themself or pursue a goal that requires dedication, whether it is a work project, trying to learn a skill, or another form of concentrated pursuit. Those who worship this aspect find themselves improving at a faster rate when dedicating themselves to something, and those that dedicate themselves entirely to it have the possibility of being able to channel her divine powers of growth and improvement.
74 Auphaela, The Breaking Dawn - Goddess of the Rising Sun - Auphaela is the first aspect of the Cycle of Night and Day. Garbed in robes made from the soft golden glow of dawn, she embodies the spirit of renewal and rebirth; a belief that something beautiful will always come, no matter the bleakness of what comes before. As the The Breaking Dawn, Auphaela has pale golden locks that are almost white, and an inspiring grin perpetually on her youthful face. She is gentle, warm, and encouraging, always advocating for forgiveness and the chance to repent in nearly every circumstance, which can lead to her appearing naively optimistic when dealing with other gods or even mortals. Followers of The Breaking Dawn are much like the aspect herself in their welcoming attitude and behavior, and often participate in charity of all sorts in order to help others out of their misfortune. The Breaking Dawn is prayed to whenever someone is about to embark on something new, whether it is an experience, a friendship, or a similarly momentous occasion. Those who worship this aspect find themselves more fortunate when starting something, and those that dedicate themselves entirely to it have the possibility of being able to channel her divine powers of rejuvination.
75 Auchelda, The Brilliant Zenith - Goddess of the Peaking Sun - Auchelda is the second aspect of the Cycle of Night and Day. Garbed in a gown made from the harsh yellow glare of midday, she embodies the spirit of potential, ability and triumph; a belief that through there is no better time than now, and that those who strive harder can always achieve victory. As the The Brilliant Zenith, Auchelda has luscious blonde locks that shine powerfully with a light of their own, and a confident look of amusement and confidence on her mature face. She is proud and stern, yet pleasant, always standing by deserved achievement and making the most of what there is, which inevitably leads to her appearing dominant and proud to an almost overbearing degree when dealing with other gods or even mortals. Followers of The Brilliant Zenith are much like the aspect herself in their motivated attitude and behavior, and often engage in competitions of all kinds to prove their competence when they aren't training for perfection. The Brilliant Zenith is prayed to whenever someone is faced with or completes a challenge of some sort, whether it is a fight, a flash of inspiration, a moment of temporary genius, or a similarly important appearance of success. Those who worship this aspect find themselves with increased prosperity when reaching to go farther, and those that dedicate themselves entirely to it have the possibility of being able to channel her divine powers of strength and superiority.
76 Issha, who stands against the storm - Despite being a storm deity, Issha does not control the storm. The force of weather is a force too massive and too chaotic to be controlled. Rather, it is Issha’s job to fight and hold back the destructive power of the storm, because left unchecked, it would render the world barren and uninhabitable. Issha is a lawful good tempest deity. Followers of Issha understand the power of the storm, and work to ensure that it doesn’t wreck chaos. They can be found rebuilding towns ravaged by tornadoes or hurricanes, or designing storm proof shelters or walls for cities.
77 Callatti - Goddess of rebirth and forgiveness. Prayed to by those who wish to repent their transgressions and seek a path to redemption.
78 Illuri - Goddess of fertility. Infertile couples place the first sprouts of the harvest at her altar.
79 Matala and Nasheth - Maker of the world/God of Decay. Brought from far travelers that came from the south, Matala is the goddess who shaped the world from nothingness and imbued it with life. The barren places of the world are said to be the work of Nasheth who, in his jealousy for what Matala created, seeks to add blight to her creation out of spite. Nasheth is worshiped by necromancers and those who use magic to spread death and decay.
80 Ignotus - God of the unknown. Everything about him is unknown, he has no face and appears with a straw hat.
81 Yehven - Goddess of four petal flowers. She has the ability to control and create four petalled flowers.
82 Salandros - God of debauchery and drunkenness. Worshipped by brewers, brothel workers, and lovers. Salandros is genderless, appearing as male, female, or androgynous at their whim, but always devastatingly beautiful. People pray to them for good wine, a fun night, and pleasurable company. Essentially Tyrion Lannister's God of Tits and Wine.
83 Gaelin - God of Idiocy and Eccentricity. He's known to wander the Earth making non-sense jokes and preforming acts befitting his title. He has the ability to cause even the stupidest course of action to end successfully.
84 Nais - Goddess of trickery and epic poetry. She is the weaver of stories and the main reason why the mythologies surrounding other gods can be so confusing, as she makes up stories about other deities a lot. She plays pranks on other deities a lot and inspires her clerics to do likewise. She is seen as a patron of chance encounters--which always make for a good story.
85 Palakis - God of magic. Actually a warlock who used a powerful spell to take control of his patron.
86 Lord Tenticonia - One of many insane gods invented by the kuo-toa. Unfortunately, it’s just a mind flayer.
87 The Traveler - Patron diety of wanderers, nomads, and sailors. Depicted as a faceless figure in a hooded traveling cloak with a walking stick. Praying to the Traveler helps guide people to their destination, be it a physical place or a goal. The Traveler's holy symbol is a compass, but instead north, south, east, and west, the cardinal points are the Hearth (for those traveling home), the Throne (for those traveling for a goal/ambition), the Heart (for those traveling for love), and the Unknown (for those traveling for discovery or adventure).
88 Lairon - God of Rest. Worshiped equally by those in leisure and those collapsing after a day of work, people pray to them for the ability to better appreciate their rest. Prayers are long, repetitive, and thought, not spoken.
89 Regaia - goddess of Enchantment. A wizard who destroyed her body and chose to live on in the minds of mortals. As long as someone somewhere knows she exists or believes in her, she'll live. What better way to make people know about you than convincing them you are a god? Able to take control of her high priests to speak with her worshippers.
90 Viel - the god of Trickery and betrayal, represented by a green dragon coiling around a dagger.
91 The Tainted One - Child of unknown parents, supposed to have been born from an 'unholy union', whatever that might entail in the different societies. They are a symbol of fighting and winning against all odds; a disgrace to their family and marked as one who should not be, they still rose to godhood - although they aren't exactly held in high esteem. Patron of bastards, half-bloods and children of criminals or likewise.
92 Remira - the God of Light burns all unworthy to his eye with his magnificent gaze. Those worthy of his regard are heroes of virtue, beings of honour and glory. The worthiest are his Paladins and those giving their life to protect the innocent, the righteous and honorable!
93 Olkath and Althok - the Twins of Life and Death; one wrapped in blooming vines and accompanied by merry laughter, the other always halfway hidden in shadows and killing everything he touches. The brothers are as contrary as fire and water, black and white, light and dark; their clergies split as well, although Life is meaningless without Death and Death is not without Life.
94 Kinfal - Daughter of Smoke, Mistress of Flame, Goddess of Fire. She is chaotic and merciless, gives and takes life in equal measure. She is said to favour smiths even above her own clergy and sailors use her name when cursing enemy ships and crews.
95 Plera - the Black Elk: Goddess of the Forest, gracious to those who respect her domains and creations, patron of hunters, druids and rangers. Might bless one by appearing in the form of a black moose on a forest clearing; one will be granted safe passage through her domain without needing to worry for food and water.
96 Natuno - God of Mistakes. Her goal is to keep everyone just out of reach of their full potential. For every missed note a bard plays, every hunt a ranger loses track of, and every botched experiment a wizard creates, Natuno is there watching and guiding them away from success.
97 Zobober - god of spirits and spirits. An orc who ascended to godhood, the priesthood's practices and philosophies include a lot of communion with nature spirits, self-improvement, and regular intoxication through rigorous alcohol consumption.
98 Bleigusblonde - a vampire god of nurturing. He grants strength and wisdom to vampire children who worship him by carrying a beige string and a small pebble in their pockets
99 Toam'aron - God of tactics and battlefield strategy. He helps his followers see into the tactics of their enemy and place themselves to fight the easier battle. Encourages laziness and letting the enemy overwork themselves to fight you rather than go to fight the enemy, making the fight more unfair.
100 Seva - goddess of the sands. She takes the form of a large serpent, spends her days sleeping under the sand dunes and the nights rearranging her expansive deserts.
Special thanks to u/ParameciaAntic, u/5lender, u/Silverdragon701, u/layoxx, u/Dobbsy95, u/KindlyGiant, u/deathsirwow, u/occultbleed, u/NosiTheBard, u/SunaSoldier, u/ken_NT, u/UrsusKnight, u/Gabrielckc, u/Arragousset, u/Woomy_Goomy, u/bobniborg1, u/AnGabhaDubh, u/Hexastisch, u/RecycledEternity, u/MysticMeow, u/bardicmadness, u/KNHaw, u/Kongo204, u/Brizzel_The_Lizard, u/DapperCuttlefish, u/Patergia, u/CDG-chemboi, u/FTLOG_IAMDAVE, u/OptimumTurner, u/Doct4vius, u/strongbelieves, u/ThePragmaticPimp, u/Jacknerik, u/KatanaKamikaze, u/DirkRight, u/buddychrist627, u/jacketsloth, u/allenme, u/Retiopot, u/cal-n-cas, u/ChemicalExperiment, u/42FireHawk
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