
plow pan def

plow pan def - win

[YAVP] MiFi^Chei – 14 runes - Android is dead, long live Android!

So, I managed to get 14 runes playing ASCII version on my Android phone and it was awesome! For the record this was done on a Huawai P30 Pro, so quite large screen but not the biggest.
Usually I play web tiles on my laptop, but due to traveling I only had my phone and played around with the DCSS Online app. The online version does the job, but damn its tedious to always “grab input”, switch keyboard views, all while suffering from enormous input lag.
After a YASD in the lair I decided to give the ASCII version of the app a go. This has just been updated to 0.25 btw. I had previously tried it a couple of times, but totally wrote it off because it just seemed bad. But god damn, I was wrong, it wasn‘t the app it was me.
So here are some tips for you to enjoy the Android ASCII app.
As a bonus you get:

So, a bit about this character. I had not indented to do an almost complete extended run at all. All I wanted was to waste some time while traveling. So therefore, I went with something I could o+tab though the game with. But to my surprise I really enjoyed it and kept playing.
The MiFi is ridiculous strong by itself but combined with Chei its almost like cheating. Thanks to lucky mutations and drops ended up with 50STR, 300HP, ~100 AC+EV+SH and 18 slay bonus, so basically one could plow through anything. I ended up using single handed axe+ shield, not sure if this is what’s common for this kind of build, but I do like the extra def the shield and I never felt that my DPS was lacking. I think Pan was cleared more or less by throwing stones, by this time stones could kill about anything with two or three hits.
Only problem I had was that most of my resistances was bound up to armors, which I lost in Statue form, so I ended up doing many torment/fire/ice heavy branches with only single pip of resistances, which was ok but did create a couple of scary situations.
The first 4 runes and Zot went, more or less, without any big issues. It took me some while to get rPois and enough MR, so I think I cleared out most of Depth‘s before even starting on the runes. Chei‘s abilities was only used a couple of times, notably in Spider.
This run also gave me the opportunity to try out the Torment+lignification+immolation on TRJ. This opened my eyes on how easy that branch can be.
Only part of the normal run that caused any problems was surprise, surprise, being overwhelmed by OOF on Zot:5, but some teleports fixed it and I managed to clear out Zot:5. I think the idea of doing extended, was born around the start of Zot. A bit because I though it could be done and a bit because I really wanted to see how extended looked in ASCII(and god damn I wasn‘t disappointed).
Therefore, I started training Statue Form around Zot:1 and used Zot+crypt to get it online. At this point I wasn‘t sure it even could be brought online with my heavy armors and bad aptitudes, but around end of Crypt I got it and the plan for extended started to take form.
Hell was done in my usual preferred order, Dis, Tar, Coc and Geh. All of it went kind of smooth, thanks to statue form and a large HP pool. Strange enough the biggest issue I had was being blasted by a large pack of hell hogs while having only one pip of rF.
After clearing hell, I decided to put all of my XP in fire in order to get Ignition up before Tomb, as I felt that just axing in Tomb would be too much to handle.
Pan went smoothly, but damn I was mutated. The lack of smite targeted spells caused way to many close encounters with Cacodemon‘s. So the number one mistake I made in this run was not to get any smite target spells up and running. Looking back, I see that I had LRD online, by at the moment the though did not occur to me.
This resulted in a lot of bad mutations, the worst of them blurry vision 3. I quaffed all mutation potion in the game without any luck, which basically excluded a visit to Tombs for me, as my only plan there would be to blink to stairs fight/ignite all I could. I could probably have wandered Pan/Abyss in search for more, by at this moment it was kinda a relief as it gave me an excuse to chicken out on Tomb and take my win.
Some additional highlights:
Overall a fun build and a amazing experience to do it in ASCII on my phone, please give it a go!
submitted by andwaal to dcss [link] [comments]

Samoa Joe WWE Title Reign - Part One: House Is Burning

Samoa Joe is a world-renowned professional wrestler, and, after a decade in TNA and even more time before that in other promotions, he was picked up as the hottest free agent in the world and put on NXT. He became the first ever two time NXT Champion, putting on equal parts clinics and bloodbaths with the likes of Shinsuke Nakamura and Finn Balor. Then, however, Joe moved up to Raw. He was held in high regard, but soon his very deserved spot slipped away from him, and it took two years on the main roster to win any form of gold despite massive crowd support and undeniable talent both in the ring and on the microphone. So... let's see what we can do to change that, starting on the Raw after Wrestlemania 34.

Raw, April 9th, 2018
Roman Reigns is in the ring after a devastating loss to Universal Champion Brock Lesnar in the main event of Wrestlemania, and the crowd are raining boos upon him despite his stature. Roman talks about how it feels to come up short, and about how disappointed in himself he is. He insists that he may have been knocked down, but he'll always fight his way back up, and challenges anyone in the locker room to come out to the ring so he can start that journey at their expense.
The crowd wait with baited breath, until a deep breath is heard over the loudspeakers, signalling only one man's arrival - Finn Balor. The crowd are ecstatic, knowing the history between these two from last year, but... Finn doesn't come out. The tron comes on, showing Finn being absolutely massacred by... OH MY GOD, THAT'S SAMOA JOE! Joe bellows out "ROOOMAAANNNN!!" before kicking Balor in the stomach once more, leaving him to writhe on the ground as Joe's music hits.
Joe steps out onto the stage, greeted with a chorus of "JOE" chants that shake the arena to its core. The Destroyer's got a microphone, and he begins to absolutely lambast Reigns. "At Wrestlemania, Roman, Brock Lesnar EXPOSED you. He proved that you can't beat anybody worth a damn no matter how grand the stage. You've only ever 'beaten the odds' against old part timers, Roman. It's no longer impressive to beat Triple H, or to hit the Undertaker with a chair until he goes to sleep. You've got a roster of very real competitors like Brock Lesnar... and like myself... who you've never been able to beat."
Reigns is seething in the ring but tries to maintain composure, saying that Joe's record against Brock was no better. "He survived me, Roman. His eyes bulged from his head as I choked the last breath from his lungs, while your eyes slowly closed as your skull got beaten in in front of 70,000 people. They all know who you are now, Roman. The illusion's up. You ain't nothing against a real competitor." Roman dares Joe to come down to the ring, assuring he'd prove him wrong, but Joe shakes his head. "Roman, if I'm going to expose you, I'll need a bigger stage than Raw. Roman, I want you at Backlash, so I can put your simple ass to sleep." Before Roman can even muster a retort, Joe smirks and leaves, shaking up the status quo within minutes of his return.

Superstar Shakeup - Smackdown Live, April 17th, 2018
The show opens with the normal opening montage, and then the camera pans the crowd all the way to the stage, where brand leaders Shane and Stephanie McMahon open the show with Smackdown's first draft pick of the evening - Samoa Joe. The Samoan Submission Machine strides out, smirk on his face as he soaks in the equal parts adulation and contempt from the audience. He makes his way to the ring and again verbally deconstructs Roman, all before Jinder Mahal comes out, Singh Brothers in tow.
Joe is visibly confused as the trio make their way into the ring, Sunil explaining that while Jinder has a match later in the evening, he and Samir would love the opportunity to take on Samoa Joe. Mahal smacks Sunil upside the head for being so polite, and tells Joe that the Singhs were there to prove themselves as the best tag team on Smackdown at Joe's expense. Shane, from his podium, tells them that they'll be competing in a tornado tag handicap match, right there, right now.
The Singh Brothers vs Samoa Joe
The bell rings, and both Singhs charge at Joe, only to get hit with a DOUBLE ST-JOE! The Destroyer hurls Sunil over the ropes with a belly to belly suplex, the seemingly weightless Sunil suddenly being brought back to earth ten feet below with a devastating thud. Samir is trying to crawl away, but Joe grabs him by the hair, connecting with a BRUTAL POWERBOMB! LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH, AND SAMIR INSTANTLY TAPS!
Samoa Joe def. The Singh Brothers (1:08)
Joe roars at the crowd, celebrating a ridiculously easy win on the second turnbuckle when FINN BALOR COMES THROUGH THE CROWD, AND HITS A SHOTGUN DROPKICK TO THE BACK OF JOE'S LEGS! Joe tumbles down, and Balor unleashes a flurry of kicks, followed by a CON HILO TO THE OUTSIDE! A taped-up Finn Balor tears off his leather jacket as he gets back in the ring, screaming that he'll see Samoa Joe at the Greatest Royal Rumble. Joe may have moved to Smackdown, but there's still business to be taken care of on Raw.

Greatest Royal Rumble 2018
Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe
In a highly anticipated NXT rematch that could bring a new spark to a feud that spanned nearly a year, Samoa Joe is out first, followed by Finn Balor. The two men lock eyes before the bell chimes, and Balor soars at Joe with an attempted Shotgun Dropkick, only for Joe to sidestep, sending Balor HURTLING INTO THE CORNER! Joe unloads a brutal chain of punches to the taped midsection, Finn still feeling the effects of his Wrestlemania bout and the assault on Raw. Balor's hacking up a lung as Joe smugly bounces around the ring in fighting position, dropping Balor with right hands as he gets back up.
Eventually, it costs him, as Balor counters a right with a ROLLING ARMBAR! Joe hauls Balor up for a powerbomb, but Balor leaps free and connects with a blistering forearm, sending Joe into the corner, where Balor connects with a RUNNING DROPKICK! Joe is dazed as Balor goes up top, but the Samoan Submission Machine rolls out of harm's way to the floor, avoiding a Coup de Grace. Balor turns to the outside, and TAKES TO THE SKIES, ONLY TO GET CAUGHT! FALLAWAY SLAM INTO THE BARRICADE! Joe is on fire, rolling Balor back into the ring and looking for an Uranage, only for Balor to float over into a HELLACIOUS DDT! ONE! TWO! JOE KICKS OUT!
Balor is clutching his ribs but fights to his feet, hitting a roundhouse to the side of Joe's head to keep him down before setting up for a 1916... Joe flips Balor over, but Finn lands on his feet... PELE KICK! Joe is dazed, and BALOR GOES FOR A SHOTGUN DROPKICK, ONLY TO BE HAULED UP FOR A POWERBOMB BY JOE, BUT HE COUNTERS INTO A HURRICANRANA... Joe rolls through, and hits a drop toehold to send Finn face-first into the mat so Joe can SHOOT FOR THE COQUINA CLUTCH! Balor scrambles, but Joe's raw power comes into play, trying to muscle Balor away from the ropes, but Finn hits a back elbow and STACKS JOE UP! ONE! TWO! JOE BREAKS FREE!
Finn pounces on Joe with a flurry of fists and forearms, but Joe catches him and hurls him into the corner, hitting a body splash followed by a TREMENDOUS ENZIGURI! Finn's still finding his footing, but gets SPIKED WITH AN URANAGE! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT BY FINN! Balor's on the back foot, and Joe grins, staring down the hard camera with Balor held by the back of the neck. He sets Balor up on the top turnbuckle, and calls for a Muscle Buster. He heads up to the second rope, slinging Balor into position, and the crowd are deathly silent as Joe hauls Balor up... BUT BALOR COUNTERS INTO A SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!
Joe tumbles out of the ring, and BALOR OUT LIKE A ROCKET WITH A CON HILO, CONNECTING WITH JOE AND HURTLING OVER THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! Balor fights to his feet, still in incredible pain, and somehow rolls Joe back into the ring before going up top... COUP DE GRACE MISSES! JOE HITS A GUTBUSTER! Balor's hardly moving as Joe relishes in his pain, before CINCHING IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! BALOR IS FORCED TO TAP OUT!
Samoa Joe def. Finn Balor (13:21)

Backlash 2018
Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe
With AJ Styles taking on a face Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Title in the main event, Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe go head to head third to last, with the thuggish Joe still getting cheered over Roman despite his massacre of Finn Balor at the Greatest Royal Rumble. Joe enters first, the chants still ringing out after his music cuts out, and he paces around the ring awaiting the arrival of the four time WrestleMania main eventer. As Reigns makes his way to the ring, Commentary lists those incredible accomplishments - three World Titles, four Wrestlemania main events, a Triple Crown and Grand Slam champion, but he's going up against someone he's never beaten in the Destroyer, Samoa Joe. The two don't move their glares, hardly blinking as introductions are made and the bell is rung.
Joe goads Roman to start, taunting the former World Champ as he walks slowly around the squared circle. He's getting under Roman's skin, and REIGNS GOES FOR A SUPERMAN PUNCH EARLY! Joe chuckles and steps out of the way, again telling Roman to bring it on. Roman lunges at Joe and uses his raw power to back his foe up into the corner, throwing a few stiff forearms, followed by a short arm lariat attempt, which Joe ducks, spinning Roman around... COQUINA CLUTCH IS IN! Roman rams Joe into the turnbuckles to break it up and follows it with a BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX ON JOE! Joe rolls to the other side of the ring, smirking at Roman knowing he's made his point - he can wrap him up anywhere at any time, and that could be it.
Roman locks up with Joe in a test of strength, but the two push to a standstill until Joe stomps on Roman's foot, grabbing the back of his head to hit a knee to the jaw, shooting for a nearfall. Joe locks in a chinlock, but Roman quickly wrestles free, connecting with a LARIAT TO FLOOR JOE! Samoa Joe falls onto the apron, and Roman hits a few punches before draping him over the bottom rope and heading to the outside. He rubs his hands and runs the circumference of the ring, connecting with a DRIVE BY ON JOE! Joe falls out of the ring, starting a new count as Roman throws him into the barricade, winding up for A SPEAR THROUGH THE BARRICADE, BUT JOE MOVES! ROMAN IS SENT HURTLING INTO THE TIMEKEEPER'S AREA!
Samoa Joe is laughing at Reigns' misfortune, but he won't let up, stripping down the third of three announce tables and grabbing Roman by the hair to try and put him through it. Roman fights free, and rolls back into the ring to break the count, followed by a DIVE TO THE OUTSIDE, THROWING CAUTION TO THE WIND AGAINST JOE! He throws Joe onto the second announce table before setting himself up on the one furthest to the left, looking to... oh god... he's going to Spear Joe through the end table! Roman winds up with an OOOAAAHHH, and CHARGES AT JOE, WHO SPINS AND HITS A SPINEBUSTER THROUGH THE FINAL ANNOUNCE TABLE! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN! WHAT A CAR CRASH!
Joe is somehow still moving, and he rolls Roman in at eight, followed by himself at nine. He looks to set up the Coquina Clutch, but Roman won't give in, hitting a stiff shot to the bridge of the nose, followed by a SUPERMAN PUNCH! ONE! TWO! JOE KICKS OUT! Joe's in the centre of the ring, Roman up against the ropes in shock at Joe being able to kick out, but calls for a Spear all the same. He goes for it, but JOE LEAPFROGS! ROMAN REBOUNDS OFF THE ROPES AS JOE TURNS, AND ROMAN FINALLY CONNECTS WITH A SPEAR! ONE! TWO! JOE KICKS OUT!
Roman is in awe, and goes to the corner to call for one more. He runs at Joe, who KICKS ROMAN IN THE HEAD AS HE COMES IN! Roman's knocked silly, and Joe CONNECTS WITH A POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! TRANSITIONS INTO A CRAB! Roman's being torn in two, but he crawls... ROMAN BREAKS ON THE ROPES! Joe grabs Roman and hauls him up, going for an URANAGE, BUT ROMAN TAKES THE VERTICAL MOMENTUM AND LEAPS INTO A SUPERMAN PUNCH! JOE IS DOWN! ONE! TWO! JOE KICKS OUT, AND FLIPS ROMAN INTO THE COQUINA CLUTCH! IT'S LOCKED IN! Roman is struggling, gasping for breath, fighting with every fiber, but it's too tight... he's fading... ROMAN REIGNS IS OUT! SAMOA JOE DEFEATS ROMAN REIGNS BY TECHNICAL SUBMISSION AFTER AN ABSOLUTE WAR OF ATTRITION!
Samoa Joe def. Roman Reigns (21:00)

Smackdown Live, May 8th, 2018
Samoa Joe comes out at the top of the show, having officially cleared up his business on Raw with an emphatic victory over one of WWE's top stars. He makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand, and makes his message very clear. "On Sunday, AJ Styles defeated Shinsuke Nakamura, but the night ended with him clutching his manhood. I, on the other hand, choked out Roman Reigns, leaving the WWE golden boy in a lifeless lump on the ground. I had the best night of my career, and now that I'm Smackdown through and through, I want the top prize. So, AJ, Shane, whoever listens to this request, I want the WWE Championship."
The crowd are applauding this statement, until Shane McMahon's music hits. Shane dances out to ringside, and tells Joe that while he may feel he's earned it, AJ Styles has again challenged Shinsuke Nakamura at Money in the Bank after a newly heel Nakamura's turn that week. However, he's happy to offer Joe a place in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Joe shakes his head, chuckling under his breath. "Shane, Shane... Shane. Two nights ago, I defeated, no, I EXPOSED Roman Reigns. I left him gagging on his own vomit in the middle of that ring. The man EVEN YOU didn't have enough money to bring to this brand, I destroyed him. Now, I'm on Smackdown to stay, and I want a match with AJ Styles at Money in the Bank. I don't care if Shinsuke's there too, I don't care how many more people I have to do what I did to Roman to to get what I want, but that's what's going to happen."
Later that night, Shinsuke Nakamura is having his first match as a bad guy, taking on Xavier Woods. He picks up a decisive win over the New Day member, when all of a sudden, Samoa Joe's foreboding music blaring through the speakers. Nakamura is tired after the fight, and Joe mugs him, planting him with an Uranage through the announce table before grabbing a microphone from ringside. "SHANE! AJ! YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT, AND YOU KNOW HOW TO GIVE IT TO ME! I'M COMING FOR ONE OF YOU NEXT, SO BE FOREWARNED! AT MONEY IN THE BANK, I'LL BE CHALLENGING YOU, AJ STYLES, FOR THE WWE TITLE, AND WE CAN DO THAT THE EASY WAY..." says Joe, before switching to his gravely, intimidating tone, "or the hard way."
In the main event, AJ Styles is taking on Big Cass. Cass had a great showing in the Greatest Royal Rumble, but is looking to rebound from a loss at Backlash to Daniel Bryan. In the end, though, AJ seals the deal with a Phenomenal Forearm, before calling out the Samoan Submission Machine. He tells Joe he can come down here with all his bells and whistles and chants, but he's accepting his challenge. At Money in the Bank, he wants AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe. Joe's music hits, and Styles grins, before JOE APPEARS BEHIND HIM AND LOCKS IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! AJ's out like a light, and Joe picks up the microphone and WWE Title. "I accept." Joe raises the title high to close the show, dropping it on Styles' prone body before leaving.

Smackdown Live, May 22nd, 2018
Samoa Joe vs Shelton Benjamin
This one's the main event, because my boy Shelton deserves the spotlight. These two have a good back and forth affair, with Joe mostly controlling the action. Shelton picks up the pace with a flurry of offense, but Joe dumps him onto the apron, only to get hit with a forearm by Benjamin, who goes for a springboard, only for Joe to just walk out of the way, letting Shelton eat dirt. Benjamin is dazed and confused, and gets SPIKED WITH AN URANAGE! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Samoa Joe def. Shelton Benjamin (11:05)
Joe celebrates in the middle of the ring, but the camera slowly pans to the apron, where AJ Styles is calling for a shot. Samoa Joe doesn't see it coming, and as soon as he turns around, AJ STYLES LANDS A PHENOMENAL FOREARM! Joe goes down hard, and AJ gets on top and starts throwing punch after punch until the referees pull him off. Joe gets up to his feet as security separate the two, but AJ holds the WWE Title aloft, screaming "you'll never beat me!"
It's announced that on the June 5th edition of Smackdown, the show will see the contract signing for the triple threat match at Backlash between AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe.

Smackdown Live, June 5th, 2018
AJ Styles comes out first for the proceedings, followed by Nakamura, who are both walled off from one another by referees and Shane McMahon. Finally, Samoa Joe comes out, striding to the ring with the entire arena chanting his name. Arrogant and smug, he enters the ring, grabs the contract and signs it, all without taking his eyes off AJ Styles. Shane presents the contract to Nakamura, who signs it as well. Finally, it makes its way to The Phenomenal One, who signs it, and then BASHES NAKAMURA IN THE HEAD WITH THE CLIPBOARD! He hurls it at Joe, and LEAPS OFF THE TABLE ONTO THE DESTROYER! The two brawl on the outside, while Nakamura just chills inside the ring, and Joe gets the upper hand, rolling AJ in before AGAIN GETTING HIT WITH THE CLIPBOARD! The metal is dented over Joe's skull, and AJ hits a PHENOMENAL FOREARM THROUGH THE CONTRACT TABLE! He yells at Joe, before NAKAMURA HITS AJ WITH THE BELT! AJ crumples to the mat in agony, and Nakamura DELIVERS A KINSHASA! Nakamura holds up the title to close the show, rounding out the momentum ahead of Money in the Bank with each man dominating to close one of the lead-up Smackdowns.

Money in the Bank 2018
AJ Styles (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe for the WWE Title
Joe comes out first, the crowd seeming to be in his corner, until Shinsuke Nakamura hits the scene. Nakamura doesn't end any of his matches with punches to the dick, but instead just opts for a much more aggressive style and the occasional underhanded tactic - all of which is encapsulated in his entrance, the strobe lights flashing behind him like a staccato marionette as he makes his way into the ring, staring down Samoa Joe in a recap of an old Takeover main event. They don't have long to go, though, as the champion is out last, entering the ring and handing over the WWE Championship. Saying five years ago that Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura would all be in WWE, never mind in a bout, for the WWE Championship, would blow anyone's mind, but here - it's reality. The bell rings, and we're off to the races!
AJ Styles has beef with both Nakamura and Joe, so those two start by turning to face the champion. AJ tells them to come on, set to take it like a man, but NAKAMURA BLINDSIDES JOE WITH A KNEE TO THE TEMPLE! Redemption for May 8th, as AJ squares up to Nakamura one on one with Joe on the outside. The two trade strikes, Nakamura connecting with a particularly painful kick to the ribs of Styles that knocks the wind out of the champion before pouncing on him and laying in the stomps until the champ falls out of the ring. Nakamura follows him out, but AJ lands a forearm, followed by a METEORA FROM THE APRON! He picks Nakamura up and throws him into the barricade, landing blow after blow until SAMOA JOE FLIES AT THEM LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN WITH A SUICIDE DIVE!
Joe plows into the two so hard that AJ falls into the front row, leaving Joe the ability to pay back Nakamura with a SNAP SUPLEX ON THE OUTSIDE! Joe rolls Nakamura back in, and turns around into a PHENOMENAL FOREARM OFF THE BARRIER! Joe is dazed as AJ grabs a steel chair, looking to punish his foe, but Joe rips it from his hands before ramming AJ back into the barricade, tearing the padding from the barricade to reveal the steel and DROPPING AJ ONTO IT WITH A BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX! AJ is roaring in pain as Joe pulls him back to ringside, BATTERING STYLES WITH THE CHAIR!
The Destroyer is in total control, but Shinsuke Nakamura hits the scene with a kendo stick, UNLEASHING HELL ON JOE! Shot after shot after shot eventually does in the stick when it breaks in half, a welted Joe taking a breather as Shinsuke uses the exposed steel barrier for some GOOD VIBRATIONS! Shinsuke rolls a rattled AJ back into the ring to go for a Kinshasa, but AJ ducks it and HITS A PELE KICK! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Styles rolls out of the ring to strip down the announce table, but Shinsuke follows him with a brutal forearm and an INVERTED EXPLODER ON THE OUTSIDE! He sets up for a Kinshasa, but JOE SPIKES HIM WITH AN URANAGE OUT OF NOWHERE! Joe grabs AJ and hits a headbutt to send him sprawling back into the ring, and goes onto the apron, only for AJ TO HIT A SLINGSHOT DDT ONTO THE APRON!
AJ rolls Joe back in with all his might, and CONNECTS WITH A 450 SPLASH! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Joe is in the corner, and AJ charges... ST-JOE! JOE WITH A COVER FOR TWO! He goes for the Coquina Clutch, but AJ wriggles free before he can get his grip, hitting a back elbow before stacking Joe up.. ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Joe hurls AJ into the corner for an ENZIGURI! Meanwhile, Shinsuke Nakamura sets up a table on the outside before throwing in several chairs to spice things up. Joe looks at Nakamura and nods, grabbing AJ by the hair to drag him to the apron. He hauls AJ to his feet, and goes for AN URANAGE OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE TABLE, BUT AJ FIGHTS FREE! Nakamura leaps up onto the apron too, kicking Joe in the skull before hitting a REVERSE EXPLODER ONTO THE APRON! Joe falls to the floor, and Nakamura looks to the announce table, setting Joe up upon it and landing several punches to try and keep him down. AJ is in the ring now, and Nakamura beckons him, AJ rolling his eyes and loading up... SPRINGBOARD 450 FROM THE RING TO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE, BURYING JOE IN THE RUBBLE!
Nakamura grins devilishly, both his opponents down, and rolls Joe into the ring, AJ still destroyed by the announce table. Nakamura loads up for a Kinshasa, but JOE TURNS HIM INSIDE OUT WITH A CLOTHESLINE! Joe hauls Nakamura up... URANAGE, BUT NAKAMURA ROLLS THROUGH INTO AN ARMBAR! JOE MIGHT HAVE TO TAP! Shinsuke is wrenching, and Joe is in agony, but he has the wherewithal to grab a steel chair, HAMMERING NAKAMURA'S HANDS WITH THE WEAPON TO BREAK THE HOLD! Nakamura is hurting, and Joe throws him to the apron, following it with an EMPHATIC POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE! The Samoan Submission Machine turns around - AJ STYLES HITS A PHENOMENAL FOREARM! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Styles is horrified Joe is still conscious, but looks to a somehow stirring Nakamura, and sets up for a Phenomenal Forearm to the outside. He's cocked and loaded, and bounces up to the top rope, but JOE PICKS HIM OUT OF THE SKY FROM BEHIND, LOCKING IN A COQUINA CLUTCH! AJ STYLES IS FADING! He raises a hand, trying desperately to fight, doing anything, anything... NAKAMURA PULLS HIM FREE TO THE OUTSIDE! Joe slides out of the ring and obliterates Nakamura with a lariat, rolling him into the ring and CONNECTING WITH A CHIMERA-PLEX ONTO THE STEEL CHAIRS! Nakamura is hardly moving, and JOE LOCKS IN THE COQUINA ON SHINSUKE! Nakamura is a few seconds from going out, but this time it's AJ WHO BREAKS IT UP WITH A 450 ONTO THE PILE OF CHAIRS! He desperately covers Nakamura... ONE! TWO! THREE! AJ STYLES SURVIVES THROUGH MONEY IN THE BANK!
AJ Styles def. Samoa Joe and Shinsuke Nakamura (21:58) to retain the WWE Title

Smackdown Live, June 19th, 2018
AJ Styles opens the show, bandaged up but clearly proud to still be holding the WWE Championship. He grabs a microphone and says he's happy to have beaten Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe at Money in the Bank, and to still be WWE Cha- BANG! SAMOA JOE JUST BLASTED AJ STYLES WITH A LARIAT! Joe screams at AJ, the mic barely picking up the audio as Joe tells AJ "you stupid son of a bitch... you didn't beat me. You lived to see Extreme Rules."
Later in the night, Samoa Joe is seen backstage, when he's confronted by Shane McMahon. Shane tells him that his assault on AJ Styles was completely unacceptable, and that he was going to refuse Samoa Joe a WWE Title match. Joe tells Shane that he Shinsuke was out, and it was down to the referee not being able to do his damn job as for why he wasn't the champion right now. Shane says that that might be the case, but he's still not permitting Samoa Joe to challenge for the title at Extreme Rules, despite his challenge to Styles. Joe storms off, but not before telling Shane that he'll regret that decision.

Smackdown Live, June 26th, 2018
The next week, Samoa Joe comes out at the top of the hour with a man in a comedically overdone doctor's outfit. Joe tells everyone that he's brought a friend along to make his case to Shane McMahon, and he shows a clip from Money in the Bank. Joe has the Coquina Clutch in on Shinsuke Nakamura, and he's clearly out of it. Joe tells the doctor to take it away. The doctor introduces himself as Doctor Nick Ribera, and says that, as an expert on the matter, he can say for certain that Samoa Joe had won this match, as Shinsuke Nakamura was unconscious as a result of the choke applied.
Out comes Shane, and he asks what Joe is doing. Joe explains that Shane said he couldn't challenge for the title, but he has no right - Joe should be champion right now. "Be that as it may, Joe, I can't in good conscience grant you that match. AJ Styles is still on leave this week as a result of your attack, and because of that, I can't give you that..." Joe interrupts Shane mid sentence. "Let me stop you right there, Shane. This is no laughing matter. Look at Shinsuke up there, he's asleep. He's asleep because of ME. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed the life out of him, like breaking a toothpick. That's something a champion can do. That's something I can do."
"If you don't let me at AJ, I'll be sure to keep on doing it. Actually, you know what, you. Yeah, you," he says, pointing to a referee, "get in here." The ref slowly makes his way into the ring, and Joe immediately CINCHES IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! All the while, Joe is yelling into the microphone "THIS IS WHAT I DID TO SHINSUKE, AND THIS IS WHAT I'LL DO TO AJ! TELL ME I'M NOT THE CHAMPION!" He squeezes until the ref quickly fades, security and even Shane himself running down. They all pull Joe away, and Shane tells Joe he's suspended indefinitely. Joe fights his way through some of the security before eventually deciding to go calmly.

Smackdown Live, July 3rd, 2018
AJ Styles is seen backstage, talking to Shane McMahon. "Shane, I want at him. I want to face Samoa Joe at Extreme Rules. I don't have an opponent, and I want him." Shane shakes his head. "AJ, he's suspended indefinitely. He assaulted a referee, and for this, paying a fine wasn't enough. He'll be lucky to ever challenge for a title again." AJ gets in Shane's face. "You think I don't know that? He attacked me, he put me through hell, and I want to face him. I want to face him at Extreme Rules, Shane, and I won't fight until I do." Shane groans. "Fine, but at the end of thirty days, you'll be stripped of that title."
Later that night, AJ Styles cuts a promo saying that he's disgusted by Shane McMahon not even permitting him to fight Samoa Joe, when all of a sudden, a familiar face appears on the Titantron.
"Hello, AJ. I'm here in Gainesville, Georgia, right outside a place you might recognize." He pans to show AJ Styles' home, and Styles goes into a rage in the ring, screaming at Joe to get the hell away from his house. "Now, AJ, I know that you want to fight at Extreme Rules, so I do... well, I actually apologize in advance for this. See, I'm not gonna hear a damn thing out of you, or anyone's, mouth until I hear that I'm facing you for that there WWE Championship." AJ runs up the ramp, telling Shane McMahon to make the match official, but there's nobody to be seen.
Samoa Joe walks up to the front door, and AJ goes from anger to absolute rage. "DADDY'S HOME," yells Joe, knocking at the door. We hear a scream from inside the house, and Joe chuckles. "AJ, you might wanna get convincing..." Finally, Shane McMahon comes out, and AJ screams at him to make the match official, insisting he will quit if Shane doesn't make the match as Joe prepares to kick down the door. Shane finally relents, saying that at Extreme Rules, Samoa Joe will take on AJ Styles in an Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Title - but if he loses, he'll be fired. Joe grins at the camera, and says "that's all I wanted to hear."

Smackdown Live, July 10th, 2018
Samoa Joe comes out just before the main event timeslot, and says that what he did last week wasn't personal. He just knew AJ Styles was far more capable of convincing Shane than he was, and used that to his advantage - no hard feelings. He says that one thing he won't feel bad about, however, is choking AJ Styles out, and leaving him in a puddle of his own bodily fluids as he raises the title high above his head as the NEW WWE Champion. He smiles at the hard cam, and leaves, only for AJ STYLES TO ATTACK HIM FROM BEHIND WITH A STEEL CHAIR! He batters Joe half to death, screaming "stay away from my family, you son of a bitch!" Joe rolls out of the ring, telling AJ that the clock's ticking, flipping AJ the bird off camera to end the segment.

Extreme Rules 2018
AJ Styles (c) vs Samoa Joe in an Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Title
Surprisingly, AJ Styles is out first, with commentary saying that he insisted upon it, despite being the champion. Joe comes out next, and, despite being about evenly divided for the bout, all chant Joe's name as he makes his way to the ring, but it's cut short with AJ STYLES DIVING TO THE OUTSIDE! The bell rings, and AJ Styles goes right after Samoa Joe, raining blows on the challenger before pulling out a kendo stick and whaling away on the Destroyer. Joe is leaned up against the barricade, and AJ winds up for another shot, only for Joe to catch the stick and blast Styles with a lariat.
AJ springs up and hits a knee to the face, and the two begin trading forearms before Joe grabs AJ's hair and slams his face into the barrier before grabbing a steel chair. He nails Styles in the gut and then sets it up against the barrier, throwing AJ down to a seated position before HITTING AN OLE KICK! Styles sprawls to the floor, and Joe is in a trance, hauling out everything he can find from under the ring - a ladder, two tables, several chairs, a baseball bat, a fire extinguisher, a pair of handcuffs, everything he can get his hands on.
Joe rubs his hands together in anticipation as he starts throwing things into the ring, finally rolling Styles in as well and setting him up for a belly to belly suplex onto all of the weaponry, only for AJ TO COUNTER INTO A TORNADO DDT! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! AJ grabs the baseball bat and clubs Joe in the arm, trying to take away his strength, and a bloodied Joe stares at him and throws a massive right hand, followed by a SAMOAN DROP! AJ is down and Joe clutches his arm, trying to work feeling back into it before setting up a table in the corner, and one on the outside by the ramp. He throws the ladder into the ring as well, joining two steel chairs and the baseball bat.
He sets up the two chairs back to back, creating a point in the centre. He smiles deviously before picking AJ up, but AJ HITS A PELE KICK! Joe falls back into the chair, and Styles dashes out to the apron, GOING FOR A PHENOMENAL FOREARM TO A SEATED JOE, BUT JOE CATCHES HIM! BODY TACKLE THROUGH THE TABLE IN THE CORNER! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT BY AJ! Joe hauls Styles up once more, pleasantly surprised by his tenacity, and goes for an Uranage onto the ladder, but AJ wriggles out of the predicament, and UNLEASHES A PHENOMENAL BLITZ!
The Destroyer's down on the ladder, and AJ heads to the apron, CONNECTING WITH A 450 SPLASH ONTO THE LADDER! Joe falls from the ring, propping himself up on the table on the outside, but AJ rolls out, HURLING A CHAIR AT JOE! Joe wildly throws a shot, but AJ hits a spinning backfist, before jumping onto the apron for a STYLIN DDT, BUT HE'S CAUGHT! Joe looks to powerbomb AJ through the table, but Aj drops down and grabs the fire extinguisher, CRACKING JOE IN THE FACE WITH IT! Blood pours down Joe's face, but he's still raring to go until AJ sprays him with it, Joe trying to get the chemicals out of his eyes until AJ cracks him in the back of the neck with the extinguisher once more. AJ heads to the top rope, ten feet above the ground, and looks down on Joe... SPIRAL TAP THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE OUTSIDE!
Chants of "holy shit" ring out through the arena as doctors examine the cut on Joe's face, but AJ fights to his feet to try and get Joe in for a pin. He somehow picks Joe up, but the Samoan Submission Machine regains consciousness, hitting an X PLEX ON THE FLOOR! He rolls Styles in, and hits a running senton, covering for a nearfall. Joe punches the mat in frustration, and AJ gets to his feet, exhausted, before hitting a DROPSAULT ON JOE! Joe is jarred and bounces off the ropes, the Phenomenal One running the ropes before getting CAUGHT IN A SNAP SCOOP POWERSLAM! Joe looks to spike AJ onto the steel point between the two chairs, but AJ somehow gets free, and using the last of his strength, picks JOE UP FOR AN USHIGOROSHI ONTO THE CHAIRS! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Joe is barely moving, and Styles calls for a Phenomenal Forearm, soaring through the air... CAUGHT! POWERBOMB BY JOE! INTO THE BOSTON CRAB! Styles is screaming in pain, absolute agony, and Joe's face, streaked with blood, shows just how much he's putting into the hold, contorted from the effort. AJ crawls, using his fingernails to drag himself to the ropes, but IT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR A BREAK! AJ is wailing, but he somehow reaches down to the floor, grabbing a kendo stick, and BATTERS JOE OFF! The Champ That Runs The Camp drags himself to his feet and charges at Joe, but GETS SPIKED WITH AN URANAGE ONTO THE LADDER! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! AJ STYLES SOMEHOW STAYS IN IT!
Blood staining his furious visage, Joe grabs the last tool in his toolbox - the handcuffs. Styles is completely motionless as Joe picks them up, cuffing one hand, and then rolling him over and dropping the ladder on top of him. Styles gives a pathetic kick attempt as Joe grabs his other arm, pulling both behind the ladder before cuffing them together, effectively strapping AJ to the 8 foot steel frame. Joe stomps on one of the rungs, driving them into Styles' spine, before running his own arms between the rungs, snaking his biceps around AJ's throat and beginning to squeeze. AJ goes purple, and then starts to lose all colour entirely... IT'S OVER! THE REFEREE CALLS IT! JUST! LIKE! THAT! SAMOA JOE IS THE WWE CHAMPION!
Samoa Joe def. AJ Styles (30:32) to win the WWE Title
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